(1) Atalantia - Scourge of Magic

Game Master mdt


'Ship' . . . 'House' . . . Connor's Log


Anrive | The Whole Dang World | Vellandrus

Prison of the Elements

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Selvan Kilvani 'tel Mintakia wrote:

What's interesting for me is that, other than the psion and psionics in general I have no idea how these classes work.

I rahter look forward to playing with this tactician.


Good for me too, I have only passing experience with psionics in 3.5 and PF, so this is going to be a good learning experience.

If you don't mind, please copy your background into your character profile for future easy reference? Thanks!

The Exchange

Tacticians and Vitalists can both be really potent, the Vitalist as a super efficient healer, especially later, and the Tactician as a force multiplier. I've played a Vitalist or two to great effect, but haven't played with the tactician at all yet.

I've messed around with psionics in 3.5, but never played, and had a few experiences with psionics as far as PF is concerned, but for the most part, it's not part of the campaigns I'm involved with.

I'm just looking over my stat block and such before I make an alias, and once I've confirmed all of that, I'll get it up on one and post in here. My background isn't really coherent enough for me to really type it up, yet, but that'll go up as soon as I've got it.

i played a tiny bit of 3.5 psionics. after having played the DSP stuff, i had the opportunity to make a psionic character in a 3.5 game IRL and looking at the rules again i just couldnt do it. too many cool things i could think of in PF that i couldnt figure out how to do in 3.5.

having read up on the cryptic class description and archetypes, i am pretty excited to play this one.

Alright, profile is up and running. Introducing Alister of McIntyre of McRauth, a Raging Beast Barbarian.

Oh good, someone with lots of hp and no armor. Those are always fun to beat on for a GM. No feeling guilty. :) :) :)

Do you mind if I, if selected for the party, potentially change one of the feats I've got, based on party make-up? The change would be Bludgeoner in exchange for Rapid Metabolism, for what it's worth.

Not that this was based on your previous comment. I was having trouble deciding between the two, anyway. :P

Yeah, no problems. Characters aren't finalized until the first post.

Even then, I will probably allow minor changes until 2nd level.

So far we have :

Whack-a-Rogue : 'Crow' von Resalia - NN Male Halvavian Dread
JHPace1 : Connor of McIntyre - CG Male Humavian Psion (Shaper)
TarkXT : Selvan Kilvani 'tel Mintakia - NN Male Elfavian Tactician
Tenro : Reaghar of Donough - LN Male Humavion Cryptic (Brutal Disruptor)
Ptolmaeus Arvenus : Sammark Bellefont - CN Male Half-elf Psychic Warrior (Martial Kineticist)
Edgar Lamoureux : Alister of McIntyre of McRauth - CG Male Humavion Barbarian (Raging Beast)

So, six completed and submitted character's so far.

Currently, the odds of your character being accepted into the game are 100%. These odds will of course vary as more character submissions are finalized, with the final odds determined based on the number of submissions. Submissions will be cut off on Midnight November 1st, with final decisions due by Midnight November 2nd, and the game starting before Midnight November 3rd.

Any characters not selected will give their owners a 'first shot' at any openings in the game at future dates. Since the makeup of the group may change over time, the unselected character may not be appropriate, but the submitter will be given an opportunity to submit a new character.

If a character dies in game, the controller of that character will be allowed to make a replacement character. If they choose not to, then a previously rejected submitter will be offered their place in the game.

mdt wrote:
1: Morrigu is a decent sounding deity, but, not part of the world. It's no big deal as the islanders have only the vaguest of concepts as to who and what the real gods of the world are (given that no cleric can live on the island for long and cast spells), so invented gods are fine. If you're interested in the actual gods, I'm perfectly happy to put them up in Campaign info as well though. The only difference it'd make is if you ever leave the island in game, and decide to multiclass into a divine caster class.

Morrigu was pretty much a placeholder for whatever death deity you have in the canon. I liked the name so decided to flesh it out a little to see if it would stick.

mdt wrote:
2: I'm fine with feats from DSP's books, even if I don't have them. However, I reserve the right to request they be changed if they end up being a problem in game (this mostly applies to everyone, so it's not you being singled out). I'll probably pick up the book at some point during the game, and PFSRD should have it too, so it's not that big a deal. But do put the info in your character sheet for now.

The feat in question is Deep Focus, requiring Psionic Body and 4 ranks in Autohypnosis. It essentially lets you gain Psionic Focus twice. You cannot use this feat and Psicrystal containment at the same time since they are pretty much the same effect.

mdt wrote:
3: Let me know which two clans he was originally from in his background please. If they are minor clans (likely given he's a half-elf) then just make up the clan names/alignments/alliances and that works fine. I'm assuming he's only using given and family name (elven family name given humans don't have any) without clan tags at this time.

I'll come up with some convincing clan names for him. I recycled the alias from a game that collapsed so the name is stuck. Sam is not exactly the type to honor said clans either.

Hey the more offensively minded characters better. Though at this point we are at the limit of everyone that can be added to the collective.

Well, we're at 6 so far, and that's the max I'm taking. Can't overload my brain on my first PBP in about 5 years. :)

So you don't have to worry about overloading your network (assuming you are in the cut).

Morrigu can stick as a non-existent but still worshipped diety.

If you want actual dieties from the world, let me know, I'll post them up.

Clan Macholm (NN): Mostly farmers and a few merchants, the clan primarily consists of Humavians with a few members of other races marrying into the clan. Due to their agrarian ways, the Macholms are slightly more accepting of land-bound. However, at best they do so out of a misguided sense of charity and at worst they keep a few as slaves.

As far as deities go I guess I need to know what Clan McIntyre has for household gods. Connor is CG but no reason to think he's not devout.

Is there that much difference between divine and arcane magic volatility, mdt? Or do both have an equal 99% chance of going -BOOM- at any moment?

Ok, Clan Macholm would probably be in the North East of the Big Island, with McIntyre proper, basically holding land for McIntyre.

Most of the island doesn't worship deities, at least, not devoutly. I'll get the actual deities up. Divine magic is just as unstable as arcane unfortunately. It's the magical field around the island. A deity's avatar coming within range would probably detonate hard enough to blow an island or two apart from it's mere presence, and the amount of damage that would do to the avatar's god is inconceivable. So the gods stay away.

Selvan Kilvani 'tel Mintakia wrote:
Hey the more offensively minded characters better. Though at this point we are at the limit of everyone that can be added to the collective.

not sure if you have already taken it, but there is a feat to increase the number you can add to your collective.

Ok, the gods are up. I started to put them directly into the campaign page, and realized I was running out of room. :) So they are in a pdf at the link.

mdt wrote:

Ok, Clan Macholm would probably be in the North East of the Big Island, with McIntyre proper, basically holding land for McIntyre.

Most of the island doesn't worship deities, at least, not devoutly. I'll get the actual deities up. Divine magic is just as unstable as arcane unfortunately. It's the magical field around the island. A deity's avatar coming within range would probably detonate hard enough to blow an island or two apart from it's mere presence, and the amount of damage that would do to the avatar's god is inconceivable. So the gods stay away.

On tends to think that spiritual philosophies would rise as a result without much deific influence. Think taosim, buddhism and the like.

Would anything with spell like abilities face threat of detonation if they entered the wild magic zones?

Yep, but only spell-like. Supernatural tends to switch over into Psionic wavelengths after a creature has lived there for a bit. It's harder to get an (SU) to detonate (not impossible, but very hard). Basically , 3 20's in a row detonate a (SU) ability. But after living there a generation, the wild magic tends to mutate things into psionic abilities.

It's assumed that any Class (Su) abilities are taught as psionic versions. And none of the native races have sp abilities.

I agree about the taoism, buddhism and such. Only the fact that those who leave the island bring back tales of the gods actually doing things keeps them alive on the island at all.

Just a note, we had 10 people show interest, but only 6 people have submitted characters and posted steadily.

If we don't get new interest before Wednesday midnight, I'll move the start up. No need to wait until the weekend if no new interest is being shown.

This means if you're wanting in on this, and you haven't posted more than the 'dot' post to keep an eye on it, you should at least post that you need the extra time to complete a character. I don't mind holding off till Friday if someone needs time. But no reason to make players wait if all the interest is in.

Sounds fair to me.

I'm certainly unopposed to that plan.

I've got a "working weekend" this weekend anyway, so if we get started earlier, then I can post easier.

I have a dentist appointment in 3 hours, may end up going in for oral surgery. So I may not get things started exactly on time even if we start early, but we'll see how it goes.

I can get a PC up tonite

Ok, thanks MG

Alright, since there hasn't been any other posts since mine, I can bow out, since six is your max, and this way one of the earlier completed characters doesn't get left out.

I ended up hanging out with this girl I haven't seen since April tonite, and am too tired to make a PC.

Ok MG, good luck with the girl. :)

I'll put you on the top of the backup list if you like, in case someone bows out.

Sure, that'll be cool. Just PM me or have Tenro do so if a spot opens up.

Ok, so it's 15 minutes to Midnight, I'll assume nobody is going to show up and post a character after several days without posting. So we'll go with the six we have.

Characters :

Whack-a-Rogue : 'Crow' von Resalia - NN Male Halvavian Dread
JHPace1 : Connor of McIntyre - CG Male Humavian Psion (Shaper)
TarkXT : Selvan Kilvani 'tel Mintakia - NN Male Elfavian Tactician
Tenro : Reaghar of Donough - LN Male Humavion Cryptic (Brutal Disruptor)
Ptolmaeus Arvenus : Sammark Bellefont - CN Male Half-elf Psychic Warrior (Martial Kineticist)
Edgar Lamoureux : Alister of McIntyre of McRauth - CG Male Humavion Barbarian (Raging Beast)

Next step :

I'll post an intro for each character. Some of you may end up getting recruited together, some separately. It may be awhile before you end up working together as a group.

Please put any discussions amongst yourselves OOC in the Discussion thread, as well as any in game questions to me as the GM.

When posting, make any rolls you deem necessary. If you miss something, I'll post a roll for you. You probably won't like what I roll, as I am notorious for rolling the worst possible result be it electronically or with real dice, so unless you like a bunch of ones showing up, I suggest remembering to do your own rolls when you post. :)

Please use OOC tags for OOC commentary on your posts. Quick little questions or comments in OOC tags are fine. If you have a bigger question or want to ask multiple people something, please put it in the Discussion forum, as I said earlier.

Thanks and congrats to everyone.

Those with first shot at an opening :

Monkeygod (MG, you can submit a character if you like so you're ready to roll if something frees up).

Monkeygod wrote:
Sure, that'll be cool. Just PM me or have Tenro do so if a spot opens up.

Actually, I think what I'll do is let any of the original 10 who expressed interest join whenever they like.

Go ahead and get me a character. I just realized I had enough for two plots, so I can handle 3 to 5 per group and just run two groups in the same area simultaneously. Two smaller groups would actually be easier than a 6 person group anyway.

Here's what i've got so far. Still not one hundred percent convinced if i go two-handed. I would want to try TWF, but the penalties coming with that are discouraging. I'll look into the feat tree, by the end of the day i might have made a decision.

Gear and fluff are in the work.

Looks good so far Alys, remember to give me a reason you're on the outs with your clan. You may get rolled into McIntyre or Mintakia plots, or you may get your own intro plot. I'll also wait a day or two and see if any of the others show up.

It's looking like the Assassins's Guild plot may be dead.

Just a note, with your dex, it might be worth it to pick up Finesse if you go the TWF route, you could use your dex to attack and str to damage. You'd lose +1 to hit but gain more potential damage if you did hit. Mostly depends on your style.

The armored kilt really is designed to be worn with other armor, just so you know. You can keep it by itself, but adding it to light armor makes medium armor, and adding it to medium makes heavy armor. Adding it to none is light, obviously.

I just finished the back story and fluff elements. It has a very good reason to be at odd with the clan. She attacked and severly injured her father in a "domestic dispute", wether that killed her father i will leave up to you, but it definitely caused problems.

I went for the armored kilt because it fit my style best, and i think i will soon enough have so much dexterity that more armor won't be necessary.

I think I will stick with two-handed, I started to like it this way as i wrote the story.

I will write down the ability descriptions when i get home.

Background looks good, and you can always change the manifestation and retrain feats later if you decide to change.

As I said, I'll give a day or two to see if anyone else makes a character, and then we'll see if you end up getting merged into an existing plot thread or start your own.

Great! Can't wait. :)

A suggestion, if I may? You may want to go with a Haramaki for armor. +1 to AC and no max dex.

I wasnt sure if eastern equipment would be setting appropriate, thats why i didn't go with it, but if it's okay with mdt, i'd take the haramaki instead.

Atalantia's about the only place in my world where any equipment can be used. They trade with everyone heavily, and so it's fine to mix eastern/western.

Ok, if I don't hear back from the Big Bad but Not big bad today, I'll start Alys off tomorrow. I think I might use her for the aborted Assassin's Guild plot that Whack-A-Rogue was going to go through but isn't now.

Alys, any objections to your character getting dragged into the dark and dangerous underworld that is the Assassin's Guild? It'll be a lot more dangerous than the other 2 plots, but you'll get some unique experiences and opportunities. Alignment isn't an issue for this, as you're mostly getting dragged along against your preferences.

Sure, let's do this!

Alys, your intro post has been up for a day or so now, perhaps you were unaware?

Yes I was, sorry.

No problem. Good luck!

Hey, is there still a spot for me? This last week has been hella crazy, but I now have four days off from work, my last lil vacation before the holiday insanity.

Yep, I said I'd accept anyone who originally applied MG, so you can work up a character, I'll intro them in as able.

Needs formating, and some backstory, but the stats are finished, other than traits.

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