Update Scheduled for 2-27-2018

Website Feedback

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Web Production Manager

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Hey all!

Tomorrow morning we have a new code roll planned that will involve changing some significant portions of our underlying sitemap, as well as some bug fixes. This roll is a bit special because of the areas of the site it involves and because it will impact all of our visitors. We wanted to give you this heads up because this change is significant and because it will mean the site will be turned off for approximately 2 hours, starting at 9:00 AM Pacific time.

Tomorrow will be pretty exciting, and we appreciate your patience as we continue to make improvements to Should you encounter anything after our code roll that seems off, please go ahead and post here.

Shadow Lodge

Your header says otherwise.

It says, " will be down for scheduled maintenance on Tuesday, February 27 starting at 2:00 PM Pacific time. We expect the downtime to last approximately 2 hours."

So is it 9am, or 2pm? Or both?

Thanks for the heads up either way! I hope the upgrade goes smoothy for you.

Web Production Manager

Euan wrote:
So is it 9am, or 2pm? Or both?

D'oh. That notice should now be reflecting 9:00 AM.

Shadow Lodge

Looks good - thanks for the fix! :)

Hope it all goes well!!

Hey Chris,

Any chance you'd have a few minutes to chat via PMs sometime before the maintenance about changes in this deploy that might impact my extension?

Liberty's Edge

Sounds exciting!
Hopefully this will include better spam prevention ...

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Marc Radle wrote:

Sounds exciting!

Hopefully this will include better spam prevention ...

I can personally guarantee approximately two hours of complete spam prevention.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Will the sacrifice of another goat be needed?

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We're fresh out of goats. Gonna trying using a dozen kobolds instead.

The Concordance

Best wishes for an event-free release!

casts guidance and confers bit of luck

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Good luck!

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Dark mode? Mobile mode? XXI Century mode? SO EXCITING!!!! :)

Paizo Employee Software Test Engineer

We're doing a bit of poking around behind the scenes at the moment. If you see a bit of odd behavior on the website leading up to us taking it down it's just us doing some preemptive adjustments for things to come.

Thanks for the heads-up. I'll post in all the threads I frequent.

Paizo Employee Software Test Engineer

Update: We're doing one final improvement to something. We should be starting soon however!

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*stretches and cracks knuckles*

OK, am ready for whatever gets thrown at me!


Shadow Lodge

Ok, 2 hours past 9. All done?

CrystalSeas wrote:

Please be excited.™

Sovereign Court

Alledisil wrote:
CrystalSeas wrote:
Please be excited.™

Please understand.™

Shadow Lodge

Probably not even started. :P

Erm, where's the earth-shaking kaboom? Maintenance was supposed to have started nearly two hours ago.

Maybe the installation of the new components went more smoothly than expected.

Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

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We've just heard from the tech team that the website downtime should be starting in about 15 minutes. Sorry for the delays and confusion, everybody!

The Concordance

John Napier 698 wrote:
Maybe the installation of the new components went more smoothly than expected.

I like your positive thinking!

That being said, I think they may have found something that prompted them to do some more testing. If that is indeed the case I hope it's nothing too stressful for the team.

The Concordance

Katina Davis wrote:
We've just heard from the tech team that the website downtime should be starting in about 15 minutes. Sorry for the delays and confusion, everybody!

No worries at all and thanks for the update! See you on the other side :-D

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

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This delay is all because of not having a proper goat to sacrifice.

Paizo Employee Software Test Engineer

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Erik Keith wrote:

But whose goat did you get?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Holy Crap what website did i just walk into?

I need to spend a half hour just to figure out the new orientation.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

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Okay yeah, this is a MAJOR change. LOL

So my first question (as a play-by-post gamer who is running several tables of play-by-post games starting next Monday) is: Where on Earth did my "My Campaigns" tab go???

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Where are video games?

Shadow Lodge

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I ike the new look, and it seems faster (though that just might be people not logged in yet), but I gotta agree with cartmanbeck.

Where is the campaigns tab located? I hope it hasn't gone away with the update. I lived on that page...

A good step in the right direction though. :)

Oh, also, is there a way to see the whole message board like before with the Messageboard link? That was a handy way to scan to see if there are interesting topics in the various categories. Same sort of thing as the Campaign tab I think.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Wooo... fancy new digs.

Web Production Manager

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So, you may have figured out by now that we've made some pretty decently sized changes around these parts ;) has just had it's first stage of visual redesign pushed as of this afternoon. We have a secondary roll scheduled planned to encompass some weirdness folks come across (including some styling issues related to links, which I know are going to trip folks up). Things we know about:

- My Campaigns Tab seems to be MIA, we're missing a top-level link to forums
- Some landing pages have empty content
- Some behaviors on the Paizo blog are slightly off (and don't worry, we have a plan to make newer posts visible on's landing page, but it needs a bit more time to cook and should be in by our next roll)
- Some navigation menus have off links (this is something I'm still actively resolving, as it takes quite some time to iron out changes in a site as extensive as
- Some navigations look off (this is something that should be resolved by our next roll)

Again, thank you so much for your patience as we get this ball rolling. We are taking an iterative approach to this redesign project, so it's going to take time to update all the various pieces of the site with new design elements. If you notice something that seems off, please post to this thread so myself and the team can track it.

For this evening... I'm gonna sleep and come in to tackle issues with rested eyes in the morning.

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So can we not see all the messageboards on one page anymore? I have to click separately for forums for Paizo, Pathfinder, Starfinder, etc.?

EDIT: Oh, no, there it is. You have to click on "Forums" in "Community/Forums/Paizo/Website Feedback" at the top left.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

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Just ok the new site for the first time in my phone but I’m seeing the opposite problem as others. My bookmarks are set to my campaigns but I see no quick way to go straight from there to the overall message boards. I hope that quick link is restored.

ETA: looks like I was ninja’d By Chris. Glad that it sounds like those quick links will be restored.

Shadow Lodge

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Thanks Chris! Sleep well... see you tomorrow!

We'll continue to chat and babble I'm sure. But you've done a days work it looks like. :) (well lots of days I'm guessing)

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Joana wrote:
So can we not see all the messageboards on one page anymore? I have to click separately for forums for Paizo, Pathfinder, Starfinder, etc.?

You can get there, but there doesn't seem to be a convenient link.

Go to any subpage, there should be a line at the top of the form"
Community / Forums / Paizo / Website Feedback

Each of those is a link. Clicking on Forums gets you to the top level page.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Liking the new website aesthetic so far. :)

My only real issue is the lack of sidebars indicating recent posts in the forum threads. I kinda relied on those to stay up-to-date on the threads I've checked out.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Yeah, the product pages are mostly gone. Can't get to any of the APs, for example.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm not able to pull up the Community Use Approved Product List since the change.

Shadow Lodge

8 people marked this as a favorite.

It's different so I don't like it! :)

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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Removed a post and reply. This is the first major visual redesign in many, many years for We welcome feedback and questions, however, remember that you are communicating in this thread directly with the folks who have put in a tremendous amount of time, energy, talent and heart into our website. Keep your commentary and critiques polite, just like you would if you were sitting face to face with someone.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Woah.... redesign!

It's different, that's for sure, and will take a bit of getting used to (and you can actually see that I cheated with the 'a's in my name now). Is there going to be an official thread for feedback, or should I start one myself?

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Links are really hard to see. Right now, they're the same color as normal text; they underline when you mouse over, but they're invisible otherwise.

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Community / Forums / Paizo / Website Feedback / Update Scheduled for 2-27-2018 All Messageboards