Settlement: Aragon

Pathfinder Online

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Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf wrote:

Settlement Name: Aragon

Settlement Philosophies: The River Freedoms
Government Type: Oligarchy (Council)
Alignment of Settlement Managers: CN
Alignment of Citizens: CG, CN, CE and N
Alignment of Visitors: ALL

Motto: "In Chaos we are bound only by our Love for Freedom"

If it hasn't been mentioned before, the "Night a Life" in Aragon will be second to none!

* Social Events from simple gatherings to larger celebrations
* Tavern Brawls to Drinking Games!
* Gambling
* And much, much more...

Three Planned Holidays: Founding Day; Day of Lost Coins; Green Hat Tuesdays

If you are looking for a fun, social and never dull place to live.... Make Aragon your home, vote now!

Join Settlement: Aragon (CN)

Goblin Squad Member

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Aragorn, we see you

Goblin Squad Member

-Aet- Charlie wrote:
Aragorn, we see you

We see you back, friend! *highfive*

Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

Once again, Aragon will cause chaos throughout the land!!

Goblin Squad Member

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Xeen wrote:
Where we steal your cookies!!!

This quote brought to you by Warstein Ale! Have cookies made your tongue dry? Is cotton mouth interfering with your ability to "Stand and Deliver"? We have a solution for you! With every keg of Warstein Ale, receive a free waterskin with the Warstein Crest! This waterskin is enchanted by the powerful crafters of the Trade City Callambea to always keep your ale cold and refreshing, perfect with cookies of any flavor!

Order a shipment Today!

Goblin Squad Member

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On my way!!!

I will take 50 barrels, we have a lot of raging barbarians to calm.

Goblin Squad Member

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Aragon has just been joined by the Grim Maw Clan!!!

Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf wrote:

Aragon has just been joined by the Grim Maw Clan!!!


It is with high hopes we have joined the Grim Maw Clan("Company") into Aragon along side The UnNamed Company, The Vigilant, and The Exalted Bastards. May our partnership be fruitful.

Goblin Squad Member

Welcome Grim Maw Clan!!!

Goblin Squad Member

Congratulations to this fruitful and terrifying union.

May your coins clink merrily, off the skulls of thine enemies.

Goblin Squad Member

I think I will say congrats and then go buy myself a few more deadbolts for the door.

Goblin Squad Member

FMS Quietus wrote:

I think I will say congrats and then go buy myself a few more deadbolts for the door.

Just treat us like santa. But instead of milk and cookies, leave us your wealth. And your milk and cookies.

Goblin Squad Member

Congratulations to both of you!

Goblin Squad Member

Congrats UNC! Moving up the leader board well. Putting Aragon on the Map!

Goblin Squad Member

FMS Quietus wrote:

I think I will say congrats and then go buy myself a few more deadbolts for the door.

All deadbolt locks and doors will be made by the Grim Maw Clan, the exclusive crafters of Aragon.

By joining Aragon, the Grim Maw Clan has been granted:

1. Protection from UNC predation, anywhere within the River Kingdoms.
2. First dibs on resources taken by our raiding parties.
3. Invitations to accompany UNC raids, so that even our non-PVP focused citizens can get PVP experience if they choose.

Goblin Squad Member

T7V Wexel Daventry wrote:
Congrats UNC! Moving up the leader board well. Putting Aragon on the Map!

Yes, we will be experiencing a growth spirt, as the Grim Maw Clan add their numbers to our settlement. We also have more joining in from independent sources, and from our pool of friends in other games.

Aragon (CN) will in all likelihood have a spot in the top 30. It is our hope that at least one other Chaotic based settlement also makes it into the top 30. But, if they do not, they have an open invitation to train in Aragon.

Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

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Not to mention they will have reserved seating at Aragon parties. No one parties like a CN settlement parties.

Goblin Squad Member

wills4223 wrote:
Not to mention they will have reserved seating at Aragon parties. No one parties like a CN settlement parties.


Goblin Squad Member

It will be held at the Lamenting Woman Tavern. If you find yourself without a seat, you will be shown to the Aragon Brawl Room.

Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

Just remember the skulls of your victims don't make very good drinking cups unless you seal up the eye holes.

Goblin Squad Member

wills4223 wrote:
Just remember the skulls of your victims don't make very good drinking cups unless you seal up the eye holes.

Shoud we use intestines for that?

Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

I recommend using collagen from the skin, bones, and tendons of the rest of the body.

Goblin Squad Member

wills4223 wrote:
I recommend using collagen from the skin, bones, and tendons of the rest of the body.

Necromancer's School cafeteria, Executive Chef?

Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

The art, and shop classes at Necromancer school is a most interesting and educational place.

Goblin Squad Member

While we have acquired some crafters to our humble band of outcasts, there is still room for more. Our crafting halls have only began to fill, seats still available at all UNC parties, and the Lamenting Woman can fit many more customers.

Come one, come ALL to Aragon!!

Join Aragon

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

If you are interested What happened before

Theodum was shoved uncerimoniously into the not yet finished tavern of the new settlement of Aragon. Two brutes to either site of him - his frail looking body (Strenght 7) just so out of place here.
In his hands he still carried a crumbled piece of paper.
In large rude looking letters it stated - Bard and Chronicler wanted for the settlement of Aragon to write songs about the heroes - signed Notmyrealname.
Damn - that was stupid. His scrying attempt had failed and instead of waiting another day he just thought - what could be the worst what would happen. So he had been traveling to Aragon to have a look himself.
Around him laughter erupted. Well - maybe best is to play dumb. After all - he had learnd from the best himself - Drandle Dreng has send him once too often on a wild goose chase - seemingly looking befuddled.
So he smiled to the barbarians. "Aehem, hello - is this the right place to look for Notmyrealname and his offer to give me a job as chronicler. You know - look at all my nice quills - and ink - in all colours. You got yourself a real master chronicler. But please just let me down for a moment that I can show you what I'm capable off"
He was glad that the manhandling stopped for a moment. He held on to his staff - a fine piece of work with many carvings of fire around it - but any aggressive move here would be his last.
So he smiled - mumbled a few in-cohesive words
and disappeared.

Not very far - the Dimension Door only brought him to the outer area of the village. But it gave him enough time to follow it up by an emergency teleport. North - just a few miles North.

If you are interested in what happened after
Good luck with Aragon - but I doubt my character fits in. Still thanks to the invitation by Notmyrealname to become your chronicler - I surely will chronicle your exploits.

Goblin Squad Member

Theodum wrote:

Good luck with Aragon - but I doubt my character fits in. Still thanks to the invitation by Notmyrealname to become your chronicler - I surely will chronicle your exploits.

Thank you for the kind wishes. I wish you the best of luck also. I personally love reading your in character posts. Rest assured, that when we eventually get our hands on you and all of your wealth and your fiddly magic bits... it's nothing personal.

Bluddwolf wrote:
T7V Wexel Daventry wrote:
Congrats UNC! Moving up the leader board well. Putting Aragon on the Map!

Yes, we will be experiencing a growth spirt, as the Grim Maw Clan add their numbers to our settlement. We also have more joining in from independent sources, and from our pool of friends in other games.

Aragon (CN) will in all likelihood have a spot in the top 30. It is our hope that at least one other Chaotic based settlement also makes it into the top 30. But, if they do not, they have an open invitation to train in Aragon.

Am I missing something, or is this a statement of the obvious? I mean, you guys are #9 right now.

For the record, Freevale, The Golden Flask and the damn elves are all in the Top 20. Freevale is CN, and Golden Flask/damn elves are CG. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Bluddwolf wrote:
T7V Wexel Daventry wrote:
Congrats UNC! Moving up the leader board well. Putting Aragon on the Map!

Yes, we will be experiencing a growth spirt, as the Grim Maw Clan add their numbers to our settlement. We also have more joining in from independent sources, and from our pool of friends in other games.

Aragon (CN) will in all likelihood have a spot in the top 30. It is our hope that at least one other Chaotic based settlement also makes it into the top 30. But, if they do not, they have an open invitation to train in Aragon.

Am I missing something, or is this a statement of the obvious? I mean, you guys are #9 right now.

For the record, Freevale, The Golden Flask and the damn elves are all in the Top 20. Freevale is CN, and Golden Flask/damn elves are CG. :)

10 weeks is a long time, and who knows what will happen by the end of it all. Hopefully some of those lower ranked Chaotic types will come and revel in the fun that Aragon will be come.

PS: Kobolds are always welcome
PSS: I hear kobolds taste like chicken. Confirmy/deny.

Goblin Squad Member

Where do you think everyone could end up if the full 8000 Ryan says can vote did vote?

We all may find ourselves in trouble, or maybe not.

Psh. How bad could it possibly get?

Goblin Squad Member

Doggan wrote:
PSS: I hear kobolds taste like chicken. Confirmy/deny.

I hear kobolds taste like pork but smell like rotten eggs when you boil them.

Goblin Squad Member

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Psh. How bad could it possibly get?

The words stand starkly on the tombstone of the beloved Kobold.

It's in the Kobolds of Golarion book. We actually taste quite terrible.

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Ravenlute wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Psh. How bad could it possibly get?
The words stand starkly on the tombstone of the beloved Kobold.

Phew! Glad I'm not that sucker!

Goblin Squad Member

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
How bad could it possibly get?

Exactly. No one invested more than they can afford to walk away from, right?



Goblin Squad Member

Theodum wrote:

If you are interested in what happened after

Good luck with Aragon - but I doubt my character fits in. Still thanks to the invitation by Notmyrealname to become your...

I don't understand why you feel you would not fit in? Aragon is a Chaotic Neutral settlement, so just about anyone can "fit in".

And who couldn't use a Bard or a crazy, story telling wizard, in their tavern?

Goblin Squad Member

Aragon's founding company has now formed its three divisions, one of each part of the Chaotic Alliance (CN, CG, and CE). Now her gates are open, her recruitment hall is prepared to receive all who would be free or cherish the protecting the freedoms of others.

The UnNamed Company will free you of the coin you can not hold for themselves.

The Vigilant will free the slaves of their bonds, and free the lands of those that would exploit them abusively.

The Exalted Bastards will free Aragon's enemies of their heads, without mercy and not until not until retribution has been met.

Grim Maw Clan will be Aragon's exclusive crafters, and they too are looking to fill their ranks.

Aragon is looking for individual citizens or whole companies looking to fill these roles, as well as the other support roles needed to build and maintain the center of Chaotic training in all of the River Kingdoms.

Join Settlement: Aragon (CN)

Goblin Squad Member

So, I feel I should add a personal touch this thread. Many people see the member's of Aragon (namely the UNC members) as these vicious, angry people who want nothing more than to argue or kill. But that's not the case.

So, 6 months back I took a leave from... pretty much everything. Personal junk going on. I parted with barely an explanation, and didn't show my face for quite a while. After this time, I came back not knowing what to expect. I figured maybe everyone would wonder who I was, and wondered if I would even be welcomed back after such a long absence with no updates during that time.

Turns out, I didn't have a single thing to worry about. I was welcomed back with open arms. Not a single awkward moment or complaint about my leave. Just a good group of people asking me how I was doing. And then things continued on as if I hadn't ever left. There was no need to really welcome me back, because I was always welcomed. No questions asked. Once these guys take you into their community, you are a PART of them. I don't think there's been a single night since I've gotten back into the swing of things where I haven't spoken to at least 2 or 3 of them on Teamspeak.

The people who make up Aragon are some of the best people I've gotten to know, and have created a fantastic community. Become a part of it with us. A part of this brotherhood.

Join Settlement: Aragon (CN)

Goblin Squad Member

Doggan wrote:

So, I feel I should add a personal touch this thread. Many people see the member's of Aragon (namely the UNC members) as these vicious, angry people who want nothing more than to argue or kill. But that's not the case.

So, 6 months back I took a leave from... pretty much everything. Personal junk going on. I parted with barely an explanation, and didn't show my face for quite a while. After this time, I came back not knowing what to expect. I figured maybe everyone would wonder who I was, and wondered if I would even be welcomed back after such a long absence with no updates during that time.

Turns out, I didn't have a single thing to worry about. I was welcomed back with open arms. Not a single awkward moment or complaint about my leave. Just a good group of people asking me how I was doing. And then things continued on as if I hadn't ever left. There was no need to really welcome me back, because I was always welcomed. No questions asked. Once these guys take you into their community, you are a PART of them. I don't think there's been a single night since I've gotten back into the swing of things where I haven't spoken to at least 2 or 3 of them on Teamspeak.

The people who make up Aragon are some of the best people I've gotten to know, and have created a fantastic community. Become a part of it with us. A part of this brotherhood.

Join Settlement: Aragon (CN)

That's a good selling point. You guys should stick with that.

Goblin Squad Member

Good testimonial, Doggan. Groups are about the people in them, and it sounds like you've got a solid group.

Goblin Squad Member

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@Urman and Alexander,

You might also wish to speak with Wexel of T7V, the recently appointed Ambassador to Aragon / UNC, and ask him of his welcome.

As a matter of fact, we have not seen the Ambassador of TEO in many months. I'm hopefully he may return or you may appoint a new one.

Curiously, we do not even have an Ambassador from Pax Aeternum, Golgotha or any of the neutrals. The only ones we have are from our perceived "rivals". Note I do not use "enemies", we do not have any.

Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

I for one can attest that Aragon has been very welcoming to me, and I was a complete stranger to them.

Eragon, Aragog, Aragon...seriously, what's up with the Aragorn ripoffs?


Goblin Squad Member

Kobold Cleaver wrote:

Eragon, Aragog, Aragon...seriously, what's up with the Aragorn ripoffs?


Aragon is not a rip off from fantasy fiction. It is from the U.S. Army Ranger Training Guide. Specialized training in ambush and counter ambush, and the Aragon Liberation Front was a fictitious Opposition Force (OPFOR) for that training.

Goblin Squad Member

I keep reading it as Argon

Goblin Squad Member

...or perhaps Argonne, and they're developing nuclear reactors in there.

Gees, Rangers, way to rip off Tolkien.

Goblin Squad Member

Since Wex hasn't responded himself, I can say that he reported back that he had a very warm welcome on UNC TS. What with all the vitriol flying about in all directions on these boards at the moment, I for one am pleased to see that UNC are capable of making a distinction between the player and the role.

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