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427 posts. Alias of JDNYC.


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Goblin Squad Member

Considering that Darkness Falls is probably the most talked about and wished for experience in any MMORPG. I am really surprised that Goblinworks throws up their hands and says it's too hard and takes too much time. Having open dungeons with big risk and rewards for PVP and PVE seems like a natural fit for the IP. Not having it and having no plans for it in the near future just seems so odd and unfortunately a missed opportunity.

Goblin Squad Member

Neadenil Edam wrote:

It could feasibly also be potentially exploited to make a company look bigger and more attractive to potential new members.

Well there are quite a few players that have many characters that make their settlements look bigger anyways. I think Thod's statistics; while full of good intentions, didn't accurate represent the player base anyways.

Goblin Squad Member

Al Smithy wrote:

You have chosen to label yourselves as Lawful Good,

Ozem's Vigil is one of the only settlement's to label themselves Lawful Good. The only other settlement in the game that I know of is Blackfeather Keep that is LG.

Goblin Squad Member

There are some blowfish settlements.
Also, most settlements have large numbers of multiple characters per player due to Destiny's Twin.

Goblin Squad Member

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Agreed. I would like more of them together as a cluster or outcropping.

Goblin Squad Member

Tyncale wrote:

I am surprised Shroud of the Avatar is not on there.

I pledged that one, but only have limited time. So PFO is where I'm at for now.

Goblin Squad Member

I think it's funny to see Crowfall promote itself as Game Of Thrones, when I see GoT right here with this game. What's going unnoticed is the player interaction. Perhaps when more systems get online, this will be brought to the fore.

Goblin Squad Member

Neadenil Edam wrote:
Mourn Blackhand wrote:

That's why I sold the account to the person I did. I was selective in choosing who got the account.

Indeed your personal actions in game with Keepers have always been honorable and there was never any doubt about your intentions when selling it.

My comments have been more directed towards future "whatif" scenarios.

For example I personally would think someone infiltrating a settlement for several years, getting elected as leader and then booting everyone and handing the settlement over to the enemy as fair enough and clever gameplay but buying an enemy settlement for cash is not :D

We are supposed to be able to have more than one leader in a settlement soon.

Goblin Squad Member

Apologies Tigari -
Meant to edit my post and decided to delete it.

I was asking for a clarification of whether or not there was an actual declaration of war and then thought I might be contributing to the flames, so I deleted it.

Goblin Squad Member

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Gol Tink wrote:
Can I be Mao?

I would of thought you would of wanted to be Octavian. :)

Goblin Squad Member

I really wish you would reconsider this course of action. No one wants to see you guys leave the game like this.

Goblin Squad Member

Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?

Goblin Squad Member

We (Ozem's Vigil) did not have any members drop from last week with the exception of Wilderness Wonderers continued his vagabond ways and moved on to Phaeros. I forget how many characters he had in that company. We also gained 3 new members last week.

Goblin Squad Member

Hmmm. I'll have to look into this as well. Thanks for the info.

Goblin Squad Member

Giorgo wrote:
Lisa Stevens wrote:

Looking forward to seeing everyone tonight to kick off the Pathfinder University in Thornkeep! Hopefully the Thorn Guards don't kill me on sight! :)


Lisa, I am unable to attend, but I would like to bring to your attention that we (settlement leadership) have no way to connect with people who voted for settlements during the land rush. If they can be reached by GW directly, it will help all settlements recruit people who showed interest back then, but who haven't been seen since.

If anyone attending can pass the above message to Lisa, I would appreciate it. :)

Yes! This would be great.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Alderwag should be showing an increase in membership as well.

Goblin Squad Member

Hey all-
I was wondering if any of you would mind reading my post on the Goblin Works forum and share what you think.

Thanks so much.

My suggestion to encourage more PVP is to have more PVE

Goblin Squad Member

ah. Had a feeling it was around that area. ;)

Goblin Squad Member

Where did this go down?

Goblin Squad Member

I went and read the blog again and I see what you're getting at. I do hope that's the case because feeling forced to continue a sub or lose DT was something I was pretty unhappy about. Good to know that might not be the case afterall.

Goblin Squad Member

Both of you- I would check with Goblinworks on that. Whether you like it or not they said that ANY change to your sub status will break your DT. If that is not the case, I would be incredibly happy as well. From what I was led to believe based on their blog and further discussion, your sub must be continuous for you to keep your DT.

Goblin Squad Member

FYI - If I understand it correctly - If you suspend your account, you will break your DT and will no longer have it.

Goblin Squad Member

Tyncale wrote:

As I read this blog there will be no Shared Vault for the Smallholding for the party or the Company that the owner belongs too?

If you just use the Settlements Vault per individual(when your Smallhold is deployed near a settlement) and can regen power in the tavern there too, what is the advantage of this 200 dollar item?

I hope shared storage for Companies is planned, that's when I will buy one. I realize this requires extra tech, especially if you want the owner to be able to set priviliges for access and such. I am sure many (crafting) Companies would want this, so they can more easily share the goodies between them.

Crowdforge +1 from me!

I agree with Tyncale. What is the value of having a smallhold at the settlement? I'm really not seeing it.

Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Can already see it now. Camp envy. "My camp is bigger than yours."

Goblin Squad Member

Ravenlute wrote:
The amount restored varies according to the type and plus of the Campfire, with lower level Campfires just restoring a few score Power, while the highest level ones can restore upwards of a thousand.
The way this is worded leads me to believe that a Campfire has a pool of Power points that the players can draw from until it is emptied. Is that how it works? Or can twenty characters all restore their Power at a Simple Camp but only a small amount each (since it's a low level type of camp)?

Reading the blog led me to believe that you click it once and get a certain amount of power. Then a cool down timer of two hours goes on you where you can't regain power in this way again.

Goblin Squad Member

Mbando wrote:
Dude it is insanely funny that your for grass succeeded. Follow your dreams!

This is what I'll be doing when it gets implemented.

Goblin Squad Member

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Gol Guurzak wrote:

Sometimes it's more "Those FOOLS! I'll show them.... I'll show them all."

But that always ends up with heroes wrecking your skull shaped mountain. And those things are expensive, too.

If Golgotha wants to petition to crowd forge a skull shape mountain, I will support it. That just sounds too cool not to have in game. ;)

Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I think TEO (like other gaming communities) deserve their success in this game so far. They've grown and organized when many discounted them before. I've seen numerous comments about how they'll suck at PVP when the game starts, despite their numbers. How funny is that?

I drink to TEO's health and their numbers.

Goblin Squad Member

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Bringslite wrote:

You reap what you sow.

I'm expecting rainbows and lollipops.


Goblin Squad Member

We are doing really great, as more people are starting to check the game out. If you or your gaming group might be interested in what we have to offer, definitely give us a look.

We are into Tier 2 and excited to be working with some other really great communities.

Goblin Squad Member

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Curious as to why you just didn't contact TEO directly on this matter. Oh and Buni check your PMs. We would like a response from you about another matter.

Goblin Squad Member

And so it begins... Very exciting times ahead.

Goblin Squad Member

Atheory wrote:
Hiding? excuse me, I was AFK watching the movie "Fury" on demand. :)

LOL! Was it any good?

Goblin Squad Member

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teribithia9 wrote:
Atheory wrote:
Can I have access to this database list of members?
I'm not sure who you are or why you'd need it?

This would be one of those times where you avoid eye contact with him and just keep walking. ;)

Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Bluddwolf wrote:
InVigil did not capture a single tower that was defended.

Actually we did capture a tower every night we went for one [editors note- actually we missed one by under 60 pts and the timer ran out. :(]

Not sure where you got that information from, but it's wrong. The fact that GPunk and the gang couldn't take them back is why you dropped the NAP in the first place. If he was face rolling us, I seriously doubt there would of even been an incentive to go for our core 6. [editors note - removed the comment about Bludd. I know he's not a child because I met him. Irregardless of what I think of his recent posts. lol ;) ]

But Ozem's Vigil has never been about PVP with some PVP and a cup of PVP to dump our PVP in. What we have been about is trying to be honest, friendly and enjoy this game the best way we can. That friendship paid off last night. And I assure you it will be reciprocated ten fold. That's how we roll.

Goblin Squad Member

Atheory wrote:

I won't speak for Aragon and Freevale leadership, but as leader of Allegiant Gemstone Company I will flatly say, without reservation or agenda, that I love this reaction.

This was the sort of reaction I was anticipating to see in response to a certain groups desire to hit Ozem's towers. And speaks volumes to the entanglements, be it negative or positive, where the actions of a few can potentially impact the many.

From AGC perspective, we have very little interests in towers, be it attacking or defending them. Sure, we'll participate in pvp fights that may include actions in and around towers from time to time, but it will be a rarity to see it.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled program.

See this I'm not understanding, so maybe you can explain this to me. I keep reading that you guys attacked our core 6 to generate more PVP. What's odd about that is plenty of PVP was heating up already. We've been fighting with you guys and GPunk almost every night over the border towers to the east. What did the core 6 attack do other than give the same result?

side note- a random company took the border towers last night while we were away. So there's that mystery to solve I guess.

Goblin Squad Member

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Doc || Allegiant Gemstone Co. wrote:

Purty please, can you be more specific which settlements participated?

You'll have plenty of time to see when you're recapturing your towers.

Goblin Squad Member

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Forgeholm and the Everbloom Alliance have my sword any time they need when I'm online.

Long Live Ozem's Vigil!
Long Live Forgeholm!
Long Live the Everbloom Alliance!

Goblin Squad Member

TEO Cheatle wrote:
my entire bar grayed out as if I wasn't in combat. I know Phyllain had the same latter issue, just everything grayed out and not able to do anything at all.

We've run into the same problem as well.

Sounds like you all still had a lot of fun. ;)

Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf wrote:
FMS Quietus wrote:
Bluddwolf wrote:

@ Thod,

We now have two more "activities" that we want to fully explore. The primary is the mercenary work.

What's the other activity? ;)
If I tell you... well you know how that sentence ends.

LOL <3

Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf wrote:

@ Thod,

We now have two more "activities" that we want to fully explore. The primary is the mercenary work.

What's the other activity? ;)

Goblin Squad Member

Cal- It was your choice to make this public. I respect that. I won't comment any further, except to say that I have no ill feelings towards you personally and wish you the very best in the game. I look forward to buying your wares in the future, wherever you may end up.

Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf wrote:

Edit: PS -- I would have favorited the OP if it weren't for the unnecessary trash talk in the thread title and OP.

Considering the point of trying to take the core 6 was to embarrass us, I think you can forgive MBando for a little trash talk.

Trash talk has happened a bit lately. I hope most can look past the bluster and not take things personally. I don't think that's the intention. At least I hope not.

Goblin Squad Member

This was a great time time and great write up MBando. Your account was spot on. Kind of expected you guys would move on to try and hit another settlement's core 6. When you showed up with 9, I thought that could be it.

As for the mechanics of the game, I completely agree with Doc. "Highlights how fun the game can be, despite it tripping over its feet with clunky UI and mechanics" perfectly describes my experience as well.

Goblin Squad Member

Gol Guurzak wrote:
How do orcs roll?

You can jam to this while you hang out inside.

Goblin Squad Member

Ravenlute wrote:
Gol Tink wrote:
I'm not sure if this is the plan, but is there any chance that you could add an NPC into those hexes that regularly shouts in /hex about this ruling? I don't want to see people that don't read the forums caught in any crossfire.
Emails have also been sent out about this.

Maybe a login message if possible? Like "Welcome To Pathfinder Online: Note - It is against policy to attack players while in an NPC settlement/hex. Please don't do it. Reported violations will be looked into and dealt with accordingly."

Goblin Squad Member

I can confirm. Yes. They still affect you, if you self buff.

Example Master of Opportunity reactives.

Goblin Squad Member

Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
Ravenlute wrote:

It was all in good fun. I'm glad to hear that Bringslite and Alkaid talked.

My reference to Terra Firma's Towers was their core six, not their ownership of them but that wasn't clear. It's natural that Talonguard would go after some of those since they are neighbors of the inactive settlement. There wasn't a conflict until the characters attempting to take the tower were assualted by another party. Being an acceptable target for all settlements involved we opted to jump in and help our overwhelmed ally finish claiming it.

I wonder if anyone from Tavernhold considered that by helping their ally Talonguard take a tower from their ally Ozem's Vigil, they technically violated the Free Highlander's agreement they are part of, which precludes action against another Highlander that has already taken a tower?

It is my understanding that the Highlander agreement has been dissolved as many within the agreement found the general NAP to be sufficient.

As for the taking of the other towers, Talonguard is well within their rights to secure whatever towers they want to increase their holdings and their settlement.

Tavernhold assisting them is their choice. If members of Ozem's Vigil has a problem with that, that is their problem.

In my opinion we should evaluate all settlements in the area, as a few are focused on crafting. Callambea and Alderwag included.

Seeing all of these settlements grow is in everyone's best interest at the moment. In the coming months this situation might become a little more tricky to navigate, but hopefully we can come to a relatively peaceful solution instead of some all out war filled with bluster posts in the forums. I'm not saying that this is what is happening right now, just addressing an issue that might rise in the future.

Border/Skirmish conflicts I expect to happen even among relatively peaceful neighbors.

For myself I have no ill-will for Talonguard or Tavernhold for what they did and understand why they did it.

Goblin Squad Member

Okay I was avoiding this thread because I had already said my peace on the matter before. But since Ryan weighed in on it in this thread, I feel I need to clarify something.

I am not the OP that created this thread. I don't know for sure because I'm not him, but I would bet my account that the OP is not MBando either. I would also like to think that any member of Ozem's Vigil that would post this thread would have the courage to use their real account name.

I did not like it when an anonymous poster created a thread about Golgotha and I certainly don't like it here either.

To my feelings on the OP concerns I didn't really have the same. I didn't even really think of it. But thinking on it now, I feel that the community would police that and GW would be able to verify the griefing and resolve the matter pretty easy. Also I thought I read that some of the guards were being moved around this patch. So that might help alleviate continual abuse from said players.

My concerns on this matter was something entirely different.
I emailed Ryan back on these concerns and considered the matter dead for me. They know the numbers and they are able to make a better decision than I. All I can do is raise the concern, then they look at their stats and decide how big of a deal it is.

I will say that I am glad that Ryan did clarify the thread lock again. Communication is key in crowd forging in my opinion and it's nice to get further explanation on the matter (I did see Bonny's post too, which I appreciated as well.)

Goblin Squad Member

Thod wrote:

@Bluddwolf - I will take all of the information into account - including similar infractions by other groups. This thread has developed in interesting ways.

I still like to get Caldeathe and whoever else together to discuss this. So please could you nominate a group representing you.
I will also sending some PMs to Phaeros and Callambea to give me a little bit more background what happened there and what actions (if any) where taken.
I'm also fully aware that we now are in the second phase where it is allowed to take towers not claimed.

The main reason to want to progress this is two-fold

Going through the motions to ensure we learn for next time
Drawing a conclusion under all of this


Ozem's Vigil still has not discussed if we even want to be involved in any of this.