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513 posts. Alias of Milo Goodfellow.


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Goblin Squad Member

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While I appreciate everyone's comments and the support to the OP's changes presented to the community, I think there is some off-topic bickering creeping in and to be honest, I am over all that form of "PVP Behavior." I am simply asking the collective "you" to take it elsewhere. This thread was created more as an informative post to alert the community to the changes happening in Aragon with the hopes that there could be some renewed recruitment and interest in joining Aragon.

Again, while I welcome comments and such directed at the OP, I ask that other posts unrelated to the OP be posted elsewhere. Thank you.

Tharak Venethorn wrote:
I think those remaining are at a comfortable place in their life where they can be at peace with throwing 15$ a month at something that will probably never pan out while others of us have things like weddings and first homes to plan for and don't want to invest in games that don't have a reasonable chance of success.

To this, I just wanted to say that we each have our reasons for staying and sticking it out, but I don't think any of us are currently putting in more money than what has already been prepaid. I, for one, am a bit upset at the fact that there is so much that I thought would be included in the MVP product that wasn't. Yet, I have been required to begin using my prepaid time if I wish to be one of the "original" characters ever to enter PFO. Mind you, this was a very important selling point to me and as such, warranted the investment I made and explains the feeling of being "forced" to activate my prepaid time even though I would rather wait.

I speak only for myself when I say that I will stick it out and follow the game and enjoy what I can from it for these next 2 years before I put any more money into it. I do still hope for its success and wish GW well with it, but I am not happy with it's current state. I am hoping that this feeling is a short lived one. I am trying to keep my faith in GW that they will still deliver the game they blogged about 2-3 years ago. That is the game I invested in and That is what I am still waiting for.

Goblin Squad Member

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By Order of the Aragonian Council:

The settlement known as Aragon is undergoing several major changes. This being due to the evolution of PFO into it's current state of existence. Here are some of those changes:

Banditry isn't a viable method of advancement within the world of PFO. This is likely to change and when it is viable, Bandit activity may resume in Aragon. Those joining Aragon need not be bandits but should not be opposed to it. Aragon is changing to a more PVE/Escalation/Crafting focused community. While these activities have always been active within Aragon's walls, they will be getting more attention and focus then before.

Until the current membership size of Aragon increases, we will be operating as a single company "The Aragonian Council." This will simplify communication, banking, and other settlement activities. This in no way implies that companies are restricted or otherwise unwelcome within Aragon. Quite the opposite. We want and desire companies to call Aragon home. We are making these changes with the hopes that everyone will see Aragon as a viable settlement and a desirable place to call home.

Aragon will begin actively recruiting both individuals and companies to join our ranks. It is our goal to grow our community into a strong and vibrant entity within the world of PFO. We hope to one day have the membership that the larger settlements have, and even surpass them.

A few reasons to pick Aragon over other settlements:

Aragon has prime real estate in terms of location. We have access to 2 different mountain ranges, each sporting different ores and resources. We are in a forest which provides wood and herbs aplenty. The highlands are not far, including 1 hex immediately adjacent to the settlement. This provides coal and silver in large quantities.

We are near to Thornkeep, and Marchmont, (which is currently the starting location of new players.) Because of close proximity to NPC and starter settlements, the potential for new players is high. Companies that reside in Aragon should have an easier time with recruiting.

Defensively, we don't have any escalation hexes near enough to threaten the settlement proper. This means it is very unlikely that we will have an overpowering presence outside our walls.

If you and/or your company would like to join our settlement, or have further questions, feel free to message myself or Bluddwolf.

Goblin Squad Member

I think the idea that Tyncale is talking about as far as being limited in switching roles is DURING Combat. the only thing you can switch during combat is your weapon and implement. Your armor, armor feat, and feature feat remains the same. So to be a travel domain bowman, when you switch to cleric, you become a travel domain cleric. The only thing that changes is you put the longbow down in exchange for a melee weapon and swap out the implement to a divine focus. If you do a full feat/equipment swap before engaging in combat, that is different that in combat switching.

As far as lugging gear around with you, anything in your inventory (not equipped) runs a 25% chance to be destroyed outright when you die.

Goblin Squad Member

Is there any way to do the code something like [XPAvailable=(LinkedCharacterTotalXPEarned)-SpentXP] That way, as long as we don't change either character that earns xp, which will disable DT anyway, then it should be correct and be the same as the main.

Side note: @Swiss Mercenary, I was technically the one that pointed it out, you just specified where exactly it was. I am willing to share credit of the "Awesome" in a 75/25 split, me/you. :-)

Goblin Squad Member

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ok so just to be clear, if we created our DT characters prior to the fix, we are SOL, at least for the time being? But it is fixed for others? I know my characters are approximately 800 xp off, so about 8 hours apart exp wise. I would like to have that fixed if at all possible. 800 exp is alot, especially at the start.

Anyway, just checking on this and voicing my opinion.

Goblin Squad Member

Lets be honest, most people are saying that they are not overly concerned about a few hundred exp difference, but wait until they are a few hundred exp short from a skill and don't want to wait.... LOL

I was just about to download the installer and get in game and noticed it still says "Game is currently in Alpha testing." so I wanted to make sure it is truly in EE now. From everyone else's responses, I will say yes. Off to download and get in.

Goblin Squad Member

well, once the AH gets in and the bugs worked out, we can begin to get a sense of how the economy will work. Currently, the only sort of economy in place is a barter system. Using general chat to WTT type of thing. AH should fix this. The full system the devs have said is likely to be local markets to promote trading one settlement to another. So the economy will change as the game evolves. Keep reading the blogs, watch the forums and you should be fine.

Side note: If you have purchased ANY sort of account with GW, even an OE one, they said they will be doing the stress test here soon so you can get in and see for yourself.

Goblin Squad Member

the power curve is very gentle, compared to other games such as wow. You can hurt people as a low level, though it take a while and 1v1 you are very likely to lose. Remember though that it isn't the same leveling as you would in a normal "Themepark" MMO, there is no leveling 1-60. You level based on which skills and feats you CHOOSE to learn and the order you CHOOSE to do so. There are role levels to show your increasing your skills pertaining to a particular role, similar to leveling in the TT version, but not 100% the same. It would be more likely to compare characters similar to Eve where skill points determines your characters' strength, but even then, your focus is another thing all together. If you level predominately crafter, even at "max level" in 2.5 real like years, vs someone whole leveled PVP for say 1 year, it is very likely the PVP character will destroy the crafter in a 1v1 fight. Since his skills and feats are focused around combat and PVP whereas the crafter isn't, that makes a different.

I hope this clears up the question about the power curve.

The WoT is currently being described as FFA within a tower that is unclaimed, or during the owner's PVP window, meaning ALL KILLS ARE REP FREE. Once the tower is claimed by 1 company, it can be dedicated to a settlement and shares that settlement's PVP window. If the window is closed, then it is a normal hex in terms of rep loss for pvp.

Factions might take a while to be in game, and I believe they are intended to be NPC groups we join for various perks while opening up to PVP at high ranks within the faction. Think of it like joining a fraternity. As a low ranked member, you get some perks and that's it. As you rank up within the faction, you gain more benefits, but you also open up to PVP from opposing factions.

I think you might be confusing factions with companies? (because you use faction a few times in you questions.) Companies are similar to guilds in other games. It is a group of players that band together over common interests and goals. Several companies make up a settlement, which is a fixed place in the world that houses training facilities and crafting/AH/ect buildings. Companies and Settlements (save 3 NPC settlements) are all 100% PC owned/created. The first 33 settlements will be in for EE very early and will be done by template, so will be similar to one another. As the game progresses, into and beyond OE, the intent is to add more customization to these settlements, in addition to allowing wars to destroy them and allow for new ones to rise.

I hope this answers your questions. Sorry for the wall of text.

Goblin Squad Member

I also wonder this. maybe add "common/uncommon" to the tooltip or something? Maybe sort by?

Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf wrote:

Aragon = Fighter / Rogue

Freevale = Cleric / Wizard

Nation of Kathalphas = All four core "classes" covered.

As far as trade is concerned, I guess the lack of an auction house will force us to rely on a less organized, but more direct, player-to-player trade system. I actually like the feel of that, it just seems more chaotic.

If PAX stays with their "trade hub" idea, then we can just trade there as it is near to both our settlements. :-)

Goblin Squad Member

Welcome aboard guys. I still have a few alpha invites if you message me here, with your email, or the email of those you want to be in, I will send them out.

Also, I have been trying to learn the crafting system for a few weeks now and am willing to discuss my current findings once you are able to get into ts.

Message me for alpha invites, and welcome again.

Goblin Squad Member

I am not really sure, I have almost the first 2 years paid up so its never been a concern of mine :-)

But that would make sense and I think would be best IMHO. Require paid accounts for EE to ensure 1) GW continues to get funding to keep moving forward to OE, and 2) ensures we don't have people making "dummy" accounts for 1 month and then just gathering or what not.

Goblin Squad Member

Welcome DJ, may I call you DJ? :-)

You seem to be well informed. if you have other questions, these boards are much better then others so you should be able to get a good and quick response. The Devs are also quite helpful and free giving in information they feel comfortable giving out that isn't subject to change much.

As other said, I wouldn't suggest the $1k investment simply because alpha is nearing it's end and you would be very limited to get your money's worth (IMHO). Instead look at the $100 and $50 packages. They get you in game for the EE "launch" and give you some prepaid play time.

Just a heads up if you do get into alpha, make sure to read the most recent blog for an update as to what is going on in alpha. exp is currently being earned at 50x the normal rate, so don't get used to it LOL. Achievement points are handed out so no need to get them currently, but in EE you will need to go kill stuff and whatnot. Also, there are several bugs and issues that are being addressed and worked on. Things like recipes that are bugged and can't be learned, as well as drop rates for some items not working correctly.

Basically....it is alpha. I know some people get frustrated with it because they forget it is alpha and things aren't finished and I didn't want that to happen to you.

Last piece of advice: join a settlement. Once you have an idea of the type of character you want to play and what alignment you wish to emulate, you can look at the land rush, as well as the various recruitment threads here to find a home. You will want to join a company and a settlement to best support yourself. Besides, this is an MMO, go make friends. :-)

Goblin Squad Member

I didn't see it answered before so I will answer it here.

It was asked above "what happens after those 3 months? do you start paying or what?

Answer: yes, after those 3 months, you will need to begin paying to continue to earn exp. I am not 100% but I think you can still play with an inactivated account (meaning after those 3 months without paying) but you won't be able to advance. If Ryan or someone could confirm please that would be great.

Goblin Squad Member

I was going to mention this as well, the fact that at a rate of 5k exp per hour, you could almost stand there and lvl every few mins, atleast until the higher levels.

I will make 2 characters so they both gain exp. 1 for PVP, and 1 pure crafting/gathering again. Will bring the gatherer to this.

Goblin Squad Member

Everyone already said it but I will say it again, there will be activites for the "casual gamer" who wants to craft and such. Curretly the crafting is similar to Eve, where once you have the materials (gathered yourself, given by friends/company, or bought off the AH) you click the recipe to craft and sit back while it crafts. It isn't like WOW, or other theme parks where you sit there hammering a anvil (though it could change possibly, im and just saying currently in Alpha) but you set it to craft and then can run off to gather or whatnot. Once it is done, it goes to storage (currently goes to your inventory) and your all set.

Avoiding PVP will be difficult, but not impossible, as others have said. And remember the core of the game is sandbox, meaning we (the players) make the game. They give us the tools, and we build whatever we choose to. If you want to PVP, you can raid caravans and outposts, you want to craft, 99% (or something like that) of all gear and items used in PFO will be player crafted, and you want to PVE, there are esculations that need kept in check or they overrun hexes preventing harvesting and trade, and the Emerald Spire is in the works as well, as a more traditional dungeon event.

Moral of the story, you can (For the most part) do whatever you want, with what ever time you have to play. Find a role to fill and have fun.

Goblin Squad Member

I wanted to ensure I have the correct understanding and am telling people the correct thing. In PFO, the NPC classes, such as expert, is simply another name for a crafter or management focused character? If this is not correct, then what role does the expert and such fill? Everyone knows the PC classes, fighter rogue wizard ect, but the NPC ones are alittle bit confusing. I don't want to be giving out bad info.

Goblin Squad Member

This figures, I went to the site to download the new installer for this week's alpha build....and it is the same. Awesome, except I already uninstalled the "old" one. Oh well. at least I don't have to wait to download it.

Goblin Squad Member

thanx for the update. Sorry to keep bugging ya but I wanna make sure it doesn't slip in the cracks. You guys are doing awesome. Keep it up.

Goblin Squad Member

ok that is what I thought, so if my brother goes ahead and buys the $100 pack now to ensure he gets in for day 1 EE, then he won't have DT. But if he waits till GW figures out the add on account give away thing, then he gets in when they are done but has DT?

I wish I knew programming to try and help, at least with this. I would think it is an easy thing, but that is simply the concept (an option on the site to give/donate/otherwise release ownership of the extra account to another email address or goblinworks.com account.) and I know getting it to do that is much more complicated.

Thanx for the link jazz, I had misplaced it LOL.

Goblin Squad Member

Instead of resurrecting the old ETA thread, (I don't have levels in cleric anyway) I figured I would start new one.

The question: Where are we on getting the $35 addon to where we can give it to those who bought it so that they can upgrade it to be in EE?

The main reason I am asking is because my brother is considering the $100 package so that he can get in day 1 of EE. However, he noticed there is no Destiny's twin, which I completely understand and am happy to see. However, correct me if I am wrong, but since I bought the $35 addon with my kickstarter account, that addon account will have a destiny's twin correct?

I can't see my kickstarter rewards anymore to reread it again, but I thought it did. Any info on this would be great.

Goblin Squad Member

"The Goodfellow" wrote:

The UnSeen are still looking for those who embrace the shadow and who wish to strike fear into the hearts of their prey.

Are there any assassins out there that seek a home, a place to practice their craft without the prying eyes or the excessive laws that govern other settlements?

Aragon will be your home. The Shadows welcome you.

Apply here for membership and Vote here for the land rush.

Goblin Squad Member

While I understand GW is busy and have a lot to do, I also think this is important. They didn't make the landrush, but I have a few that would love to give more money and get in on sept 15th. Could we get an update where we stand and what the ETA on this is? At least a before/after sept 15th?

Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf wrote:
"The Goodfellow" wrote:
Side note: @bludd I was gonna give you back settlement control once in game since UNC and Aragon was your idea first, but F that, I am in ALPHA!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Nope you deserve it. If it weren't for you, I'd have no idea PFO existed.

You do owe me in that I warped and twisted your soul, prying you away from being a Paladin... And now look at you, all grown up and an Assassin!

I expect that you will stab someone in the face, as quickly quickly as possible, in the name of the UNC.

Speaking of which, I already attacked Gpunk, but stopped as I was just saying hi, and then I killed random player. Didn't catch the name.

Anyway, I have a game to learn.

Goblin Squad Member

That is awesome, I got the email and jumped out of chair yelling LOL. totally defeated the purpose of getting my 2 year old to take a nap but will totally be worth it.

So next question, when/how do I download the client and log in?? Yes I got the 2nd email linking my account on GW.com What next? I don't think I have ever been this excited.

Side note: @bludd I was gonna give you back settlement control once in game since UNC and Aragon was your idea first, but F that, I am in ALPHA!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Goblin Squad Member

So is it real then? Any idea when it will happen? I am hoping I am just being overly eager and "beat them to it" but ya never know these days LOL.

Goblin Squad Member

I just wanted to check if I was the only one that got one, and if it is legit. I don't want to get excited If it is somehow a fake or something.

Also, if one of the devs could just chime in and say "yes it is real" and then answer when, because I checked and it isn't active yet. Unless I am doing something wrong.

I wasn't sure if it is "public knowledge" yet which is why I am being non-descript. Those who got it know what I am referring to.

Goblin Squad Member

I think so, but I am not 100%. I just know that once it is earning EXP, it banks it until used. So there is no waste.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The UnSeen are still looking for those who embrace the shadow and who wish to strike fear into the hearts of their prey.

Are there any assassins out there that seek a home, a place to practice their craft without the prying eyes or the excessive laws that govern other settlements?

Aragon will be your home. The Shadows welcome you.

Apply here for membership and Vote here for the land rush.

Goblin Squad Member

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I think I can make this one. I work for a bank and I get out at 530, then an hour drive home puts me at almost 7 pm est, then get kids fed and in bed means I missed the whole thing. Starting later means I can watch!!! woot.

Goblin Squad Member

One thing I just want to point out, since there is no "losing" the exp gained, there really is no down side for having it active day 1, even if you can't play. When you are able to play, you would have a nice pool of exp to start with, where the rest of us will be playing with 0 to start and building over time. You will still have the same exp as someone who plays everyday, you will just need to go get any achievements that are needed to level.

Not saying you HAVE to do it that way, just saying it is an option as well. This isn't Eve where no skill queued = lost training time. You bank the exp earned until you use it.

Goblin Squad Member

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Im sorry, my soul was...traded, a long time ago. If that is required, than I must admit I can not join as I cannot pay the fee. Though if I am able to supply another soul in my place, than you need only pick the one you wish me to acquire.

Goblin Squad Member

With the Land Rush 2 over and done with, Aragon has secured itself a settlement location close to the expected chaotic starting location. This means that anyone starting a character of any chaotic alignment will be very close to Aragon and will not need to travel far to find a place to call home.

We want to offer companies that can respect the river freedoms, and who share the TN or Chaotic alignment, to come find your place within our walls. You can merge with one of our already established companies, or retain your own. If you don't have a company at all, and are wishing to play the chaotic alignment, then your welcome to join one of ours as well.

Any questions or comments can be directed here or to our forums.

Goblin Squad Member

Now that the land rush is over, The UnSeen would like to offer acceptance to any assassins that have no home. You can be sure your skills will be available for you to train, and you will always have a safe place to rest your head and sharpen your bloody instrument of death in Aragon. Come join me and my UnSeen.

Goblin Squad Member

Kabal, you want X? Take it, you got the votes. We are considering our 2nd choice anyway...... <evil grin>

Goblin Squad Member

What the above said, except we only have 27 hours!!!! Anyone interested to see what Monday morning brings???

Also, the UnSeen are still looking for more assassins. You know you wanna join and be a badda$$!!!!!

Goblin Squad Member

We are down to the last moments of the Land rush. The UnSeen are still recruiting, and will continue to do so after the polls close. That being said, we still seek your vote. Help to solidify Aragon's spot in the land rush.

Come join the ranks of an assassin guild that will be feared throughout the River Kingdoms and beyond. You can help that dream become realized. Come make a home in a settlement that will cater to your freedoms, and to your training needs.

Goblin Squad Member

looks like some exciting things are happening in the world of PFO alpha. I like it. <Thumbs up>

Side note: Why is it I am posting 2.5 hours after Ryan and I am the first Non-Ryan post?? WHERE IS EVERYONE!!!????!?!?!?!!

Goblin Squad Member

Urman wrote:

The land rush is almost over. There are a lot of you that haven't joined a company yet. There's still time, of course.

Here's a likely scenario: You and your friends are in the starter NPC town a week into the game. War of the Towers is starting, so you know there will be PvP going on. You've either already bumped into the level limit, or you can see that you'll hit it shortly. Frankly, you know you'll need to join some settlement to keep advancing your skills.

A week into the game, you might not be willing to commit to any settlement for the rest of your character's life in Pathfinder Online. That's pretty reasonable.

So our offer, we think, is also reasonable. Join Brighthaven during EE, hold a tower for us, get some PvP experience and achievements. At the end of the War of the Towers, you can make your decision - do you stay, or do you move on to another chapter of your character's story. You'll have a place to bank your loot until then. You'll be away from the starter town, so won't be competing for mobs and nodes with a thousand people.

We're going to be focused on fighter training. We'll see how heavily armed and armored fighters, with more hit points and damage resistance than the average bear, end up working. We're hoping that in the close quarters of the tower "claim area", that fighters' survivability outweighs any reduction in mobility. And if you (or some of your buddies) are looking to run wizards or rogues or crafters, we have allies close by that will be training those skills.

Contact Lifedragn for more information or to join us.

@The bold part, This struck me while I am reading this. It is funny for a few reasons. 1) Training can be given to ANYONE that the settlement allows into their towns, weather they are a member of that settlement or not. and 2) It is said somewhere <Cast summon Nihimon> that one can freely switch settlements as long as they are accepted into the new one, or something like that. Point is that your not "bound for the rest of your PFO life" once you join a settlement.

With the above 2 points, I am confused as to what you are saying and offering. I understand your trying to get more people to join for WoT and all, but don't like or install un-needed fear to get those recruits.

Side note: Aragon will allow training to anyone we are not currently in a feud with. Just bring your coin and stand in line, or move up in the line by stabbing the guy in front of you, what ever floats your boat.

Goblin Squad Member

The UnSeen are still looking for those who embrace the shadow and who wish to strike fear into the hearts of their prey.

Are there any assassins out there that seek a home, a place to practice their craft without the prying eyes or the excessive laws that govern other settlements?

Aragon will be your home. The Shadows welcome you.

Apply here for membership and Vote here for the land rush.

Goblin Squad Member

I just finished listening to the Gobbocast from 7/23/14 with Tork Shaw and had a question.

You were talking about settlements have large, medium, and small building slots. What else is expected to fit into the large slots besides "class" training buildings? Will it be other settlement structures, like markets and crafting centers (blacksmith, tailor, ect?) or what?

I am asking so that planning can begin and discussions can be had over the "optimum" settlement builds.

Also, if those 3 slots are expected to only be class training, then it can be assumed that we can have 3 of the 4 classes covered for training in each settlement? Is this correct?

Goblin Squad Member

That would be amazing and I welcome the challenge. I have already started training my Shadow Slayers. <Fades back into the shadows>

Goblin Squad Member

I think there will be plenty to "log in and work on" with your character. You got achievements that need done, escalations to crush, trade routes to establish and run, crafting to start, items to sell, settlement/POIs to defend, ect. There just won't be "log on and grind kills/exp to level and get stronger" type of accomplishments.

Goblin Squad Member

KoTC Edam Neadenil wrote:
"The Goodfellow" wrote:

Concerning the power curve, I would assum it would be similar to Eve, in that each "role" has strengths and weaknesses. We know that the armor you wear will effect damage in different ways, light armor suchs vs physical weapons and armor, but strong vs magic, and vs versa for heavy. So fighter in heavy armor is good vs another fighter, or a melee rogue type, but weak vs a mage. And vs versa.

Also some of your skills will be useless without the right equipment. For example if your awesome 5 year trained multi rogue/cleric/fighter/wizard puts on all his super sneaky stuff and has no room for his clericy stuff he simply will not be able to cast those high level cleric spells he spent 6 months training at all unless he swaps out some of the rogue gear.

Exactly. Your limited in the number of "skills" you can slot. Meaning have active and ready to use. So yeah, I might have really high spells and skills in all 4 roles, but I can't slot them all at the same time. Plus each "role" will likely have a different set of gear to best use those skills. So that is a lot of inventory space and encumbrance to have that flexibility. Lots to lose should I die....

Goblin Squad Member

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@Caldeathe, the UNC has been the target of so much hostile posts that most of us are numb to it and just accept that people are scared of us. Since day 1, we announced our intent to take on the bad guy role and have caught flack for it since from "those guys." I doubt you will have to explain yourself in the same way. So no, you should be fine without a definition, you won't ever be asked.

It got to the point that people are reporting posts that "offend them" and that is fine. Go ahead and play that game. We will stick to what we will do. We said our peace. We try to defend ourselves and to explain our purpose and intent and I am done doing so. We got our message across. Read into it what you will, I am done with this. I am just going to ask that this thread be locked down and ended. The UNC no longer needs to explain ourselves.

You don't want us in your little boys club the RA, then fine we won't be in it. I am just tired of the stupid bickering and the, what I have deemed, intentional misreading and twisting of our words.

This thread won't be responded to by UNC anymore. Any other thread started or post in another thread asking or questioning UNC policy will be ignored by us. We are just done with this.

In EE, we will be there and will do as we have explained and stated countless times in countless threads.

Goblin Squad Member

remember, in Eve, those "stronger" ships take more skills to fly, not to mention Isk to buy or resources to build. And then there are all the supplement skills to make that ship effective, but I digress.

In PFO, others have said it, but I will recap in my own words, from how I interpret the system.

Everyone will gain xp at the same rate, online and offline, however, there will be achievements required for some of the feats and such that you spend exp on, if your not online to complete them, you can have millions of exp and have nothing to spend it on, where the "online always" guy will have them completed and ready to learn as soon as the exp was there.

Concerning the power curve, I would assum it would be similar to Eve, in that each "role" has strengths and weaknesses. We know that the armor you wear will effect damage in different ways, light armor suchs vs physical weapons and armor, but strong vs magic, and vs versa for heavy. So fighter in heavy armor is good vs another fighter, or a melee rogue type, but weak vs a mage. And vs versa.

Playing PFO will bring other benefits than just achievements completed, as others have mentioned above. Things like building friendships and accountability with others, as well as just learning the system and what works best in which situation.

Most of this info is geared towards PVP, but some of it applies to the "non combat" professions as well. Learning what hexes are best for what types of gathering, what trade routes are "safer", and things like that are better learned personally, rather than looking it up on a "guide" or however you would learn if you don't play often.

Not saying any of this is "bad" or "unachievable" by those who can't dedicate much time daily to PFO. Just remember there is no way (that I know of anyway) to accommodate the "causal" gamer without making it OP or unbalanced to those willing and able to put the hours in.

Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf wrote:

All MMOS require a certain amount of "grind", otherwise their content could be burned through in a couple of days.

Even PvP if done 24/7 will become boring and feel grindy. Merit badges / accolades is one way to encourage us to mix up with our play styles.

I'm a little late to the party (pesky new job) but I was basically going to say what bludd said. Logging into the game everyday could be considered a "grind" to some, so while I understand your concern, my PERSONAL view is that some grind is required or there is nothing to do.

Escalations will be "grinded" to keep under control, nodes will be "grinded" to keep resource stocks high for crafting and upkeep, even players will be "grinded" for the more PVP focused groups.

The point I am making is this:

If you start to feel the grind, then change it up or take a break. But making a game without grinding at all is impossible IMHO. There is always something to 'grind." The exp/hour thing makes it so you are not getting stronger or leveling up by grinding enemies endlessly, or quests. But think about RL, your daily grind at work, your daily routine of getting up, eating breakfast, going to work, coming home, play with kids, play PFO, realize it is 6am and need to go to work again, ya know..."The Grind."

Seriously though, I am not saying you are being ridiculous or anything. I am just expressing my views. I hope this eases it a bit for you as sometimes a different view can.

Goblin Squad Member

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It can simply be stated like this, no matter the "definition" of positive game play and how each views and interprets that definition, we at the UNC, and Aragon as a whole, always have and always will pledge to provide a service to the community, in the form of "the bad guy", all the while doing so in a tasteful and meaningful manner. We realize that this will not always leave a happy impression on our victims, but it is our goal to provide meaningful and enjoyable confrontation. In doing this, it is our intent to increase the enjoyment of all parties we come across, as well as their sense of accomplishment when we are defeated or otherwise thwarted.

THIS is OUR definition of "Positive gameplay" as it will increase the enjoyment of playing PFO, and promote positive enjoyment of the game.

FYI, while worded a bit differently and maybe said in a new context or something, this is the exact thing us Aragonians have been saying at each and every mention of positive gameplay. It is our belief that it will work and be performed as intended. If it is not, then the leadership council of Aragon DEMANDS we hear about it so that actions, or persons, can be adjusted to realign this view and bring it to fruition.

Goblin Squad Member

Not trying to Necro or anything, but just to lazy to start another thread for a question already asked.

I was just hoping to get an update on this question:

Where are we on trading the $35 add-odd accounts to another player to be upgraded and allowed into EE?

I know it isn't in yet, just looking for an update to see what, if anything, has changed with this large database transfer thing.

Goblin Squad Member

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Just to add to Bludd's post, it is out intent at UNC as a whole (And most likely all companies attached to Aragon) to be decent Players, even if we are playing "Bad guys" IC. While I agree with Bludd in that I don't care about language and slurs and what not, though I don't think it is something that should be used constantly, or in derogatory means. I am not bothered by the use of the F-bomb, S-bomb, and such. I was in the military after all and it is fairly common place there.

While it is used as a humorous example, I really might take someone out for In Game drinks and BS a bit after I robbed them and/or killed them. If they are a good sport about it and I don't have a contract to kill someone else at that moment, then why not. Loser buys right? :-)

It has been our goal from day 1 for the UNC to have a standard of conduct OOC, while being the bad guys IC. This is not only in actions, such as those commonly agreed upon to be "griefing", but also in our chat and VOIP use. This doesn't mean we require all of our members to be nice to one another, or other players we encounter, but to be civil and decent to them. There is no need to verbal abuse or harass anyone at any time. That would be counter productive to our goal and playstyle anyway. Just like robbing and killing people to the point that they leave PFO would lower the amount of targets we have, doing the same thing verbally would accomplish the same thing and has the same effect.

I would definitely talk with anyone that has had a "report" or complaint raised against, though any action taken would vary case to case. Most of the time, it will be something along the lines of "watch what you say, or just don't talk to people OOC." We can be bad guys and provide a role and content for others IC in PFO without being jerks and a$$hole players OOC.