Pathfinder Battles—Maze of Death

5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Case Unavailable

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Pathfinder Battles: Maze of Death miniatures come in three product configurations:

  • Four-figure boosters each containing 1 Large figure and 3 Medium or Small figures
  • Bricks containing 8 boosters (32 figures total)
  • Cases containing 4 bricks (128 figures total)

Purchasers should get no to very few duplicate figures in a brick. Buyers who purchase factory-sealed cases should get a nearly complete set of figures. (As with any randomized product, collation is not guaranteed.)

Note: Customers may order 1 Maze of Death case incentive for every case of Maze of Death Standard Boosters purchased.

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Battles Case Subscription.

Product Availability

Case, Brick:



Available now

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Average product rating:

5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

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Cheap Incentive

I can't write a proper review since I don't own this set.

But I do own the case incentive. And I'm not a fan of the fire lord at all. There are no details to it, it's very plain and cheaply done. The fire elemental found Shattered Star was not perfect, but at least it wasn't washed out and didn't feel cheap.

I didn't buy a brick because I already have plenty of goblins, reptile humanoids (Legends of Golarion), halflings, zombies, ghosts, and minotaur. I like the rares however but can't justify buying a brick for a few.

This is a sweet set!


This set has a good mix of interesting generic characters and some of the most bad ass figures I've seen to date. The Minotaur Skeleton, Nightmare Dragon, and Blue Dragon are simply amazing pieces. I'm not a fan of furniture and dungeon setting pieces personally, however, the demonic altar and the fountain are beautiful pieces. The elemental case exclusives are also really amazing looking. Can't wait for a water/earth set. I got at least one of each character in my case, so I'm also happy about that.

Dark Archive

Wizkids has dated the release date for 25th of october.

That´s understandably too late to be included in Paizos october shipment.

Paizo shipped the last set seperately and earlier from the rest of it´s products.

Is that planned for this set too or is it gonna be part of the regular november releases?

Thank you.

I have a miniatures subscription, and am curious about an estimate of when this will ship. Extra cash is tight atm, so I need to plan and budget. Will it be early October, late October, or sometime in November? Please and thank you.

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Between the 17th and 25th October according to this Customer Service thread.

That's assuming you have the "Ship as soon as possible" option selected for your PF Battles subscription. If you instead selected "Hold for monthly shipment" then it should be added to your sidecart, to ship out when the November subscriptions are spawned (which would also put off the charge).

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Received a case yesterday in the mail from Paizo. Will be opening it today.

Dark Archive

Young Boromir wrote:
Received a case yesterday in the mail from Paizo. Will be opening it today.


I'll be happy to read your thoughts about the minis.
Have fun opening them & good luck for getting a complete set! :-)

Got mine last Friday, and opened everything up yesterday. Really impressed by most of this set, just a few that were underwhelming. Will try to post a full review in the next few days.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

My set is now fully opened up!

- The paint apps overall have me wowed. I would mistake a number of commons as uncommons! A few uncommons could be mistaken as rares.
- That assassin vine is massive!
- The large rares in general tend to be quite intimidating. The nightmare dragon and minotaur really stand out.
- One of each rare yet again! My doubles on dressing were the suit and the door.
- Three of every large uncommons. 3-5 for small/medium uncommons. 2-3 for medium uncommons. Collation remains great on these sets.

Middling Points:
- The pretty goblin would have been better as an uncommon in my opinion. Even with no paint apps.
- The halfling butcher was fine but I would have rather he be uncommon with a more interesting look. The most boring figure in the set in my opinion, and it isn't a bad figure. The medium base mistake is funny but thankfully not a terrible issue.
- Good mix on the species appearing. Plants are something under represented. The minotaurs are good though I don't know how many of each I would need. A few that are a little niche but could easily substitute.
- I could have used the fungal and druid pieces a month ago!

- The medium brass dragon is very heavy in the wings. With care it can be stood up, but cannot withstand almost any vibration or graze. I notice most raised up flyers have swept forward wings to balance out their figures. This figure needed more weight nearer the base to make up for the wings. A gorgeous figure though!

- This is probably my own errors, but the sea drakes are a pain to remove. Two of the three snapped where the base meets the stand trying to get them out of the plastic. The problem I feel is they are held at both the top and the base. The one I removed without error I had to carefully shimming alternating between the top and bottom. That was on my second try, and was unable to do it on my third. Maybe I should cut those figures out in the future. Should be an easy glue fix, as I've broken a few stands on flying figures before, but I feel they can be packaged a little better.

- My Portcullis has a pretty severe warp. The two ends have folded in, so they cannot rest flat on a table and the the thinner bars have a wave. In all fairness I live in Texas so it could have been the heat of transport. Did anyone else experience this? I'm trying to decide if I should try for a replacement or if I should attempt a hot water dip to try and straighten out the figure.

Still really enjoying these cases and look forward to the next set!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I also experienced the portcullis issue, and am also in texas!

I recommend boiling some water and put the portcullis in it for a bit, and then rebending it and ice bathing it to relock it. It should fix right up, i tested the material to see if it was too rigid and it felt pliable enough to do so.

I've not gotten to do so with mine yet either, but I'm fairly confident it'll work well.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
SenahBirdR wrote:
One of each rare yet again! My doubles on dressing were the suit and the door.

Same here! I was super excited that those were my duplicate rares, I don't think it could've been any better.

SenahBirdR wrote:
Three of every large uncommons. 3-5 for small/medium uncommons. 2-3 for medium uncommons. Collation remains great on these sets.

Same again! (ok, almost, got only 2 of the Pugwampi Gremlin)

SenahBirdR wrote:
The medium brass dragon is very heavy in the wings. With care it can be stood up, but cannot withstand almost any vibration or graze.

And again! (my Copper Dragon's wings were bent slightly to one side, so its almost impossible to stand. Will have to try that boiling water trick)

SenahBirdR wrote:
My Portcullis has a pretty severe warp. The two ends have folded in, so they cannot rest flat on a table and the the thinner bars have a wave.

Ok, this is getting spooky...

SenahBirdR wrote:
In all fairness I live in Texas...
Lorian wrote:
I also experienced the portcullis issue, and am also in texas!

Me too!!! Ok, so apparently I've stumbled onto a nexus of parallel universes where different versions of me are all opening their cases of Maze of Death and posting about it across dimensions. :)

Haha, that's pretty amazing.

My Dragon's wings did that too, I guess they just got squished being placed in the blister.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Opened my case last night. Complete set, found myself agreeing with most of the observations so far. Being in Phoenix, it was still quite warm and my portcullis has the same wave problem.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

My medium copper dragon seems to be fine (is able to stand on its own and its wings look ok, although it is very top-heavy so it doesn't take much to knock it over). My portcullis gate was similarly warped (I live in the Phoenix area as well), but the pillars part of it seem fine as it is able to stand on its own accord. I got a complete set. For dressings, got duplicates of the knight statue and the door.

For me, the hardest mini to remove from the packaging was the ice devil. For all the other large minis, I could usually indent the dimples in the plastic which hold the mini in place, but they were too small/tough for the ice devil's packaging so I really needed to force it out. I noticed a bit of bending in the mini as I was doing that, although it returned to position shortly thereafter.

Overall I really like the paint jobs on the rares. My large blue dragon had one error near the horns (a small bit of black paint got onto the head as well), but otherwise no glaring issues across multiple figures unlike Crown of Fangs.

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My portcullis was barely bent, but I live way up north :) The medium copper dragon could not stand on its own though. The wings were straight up instead of spread out so I had to use hot/cold water to fix them.

The paint jobs are really nice overall though. But like it has been said before the rarity of some minis are off (from a usability point of view). And there is a lot of small minis in a case (3 derros, 4 pugwampis, 6 ratfolks and 4 halflings for me).

I also do not like most of the dungeon dressing, but I might be biased since I use Dwarven Forge for those. The knight statue is nice, but the door and portcullis are pretty useless to me, and they take a large rare slot, so I am really unhappy with that. But I knew it beforehand, so it’s not like I was surprised by it. I guess it’s just a way for me to state that I would be in favor of having the dressing pieces in another product line instead of where they actually are.

Overall still a good set though. My favorite minis from this set are the blue dragon, minotaur guardian and the viper vine. I think the viper vine surprised me the most.

Least favorite (besides the dungeon dressings) would be the halfling butcher, the pretty goblin and the ice devil. The first 2 because I don’t need more than one of them and got a bunch. The devil because it’s really bland.

I live in the Midwest and the portcullis in my case also has some major warping issues.

I do like the knight statue and the fountain, but the other dungeon dressing do not work for me.

I do like the variety that was added with this set, particularly the plants. There are definitely some cool looking commons and uncommons (both urdefhan, gate hellknight, ghul, lizardfolk, deep lurker, pit born fighter, viper vine, witch fire, to name a few).

Overall this is a nice set.

Dark Archive

My portcullis is very whacked. The footings are angled in, so the figure is more shaped like a trapezoid than a square. The gate has a pronounced wave, like a syn-wave on frequency display.

Here are some pictures I took of my set for anyone interested. Will try to post a review with them soon. Sorry if some are just a hair blurry, had trouble getting the focus to work with me.

Pathfinder Battles: Maze of Death pt.1
Pathfinder Battles: Maze of Death pt.2
Pathfinder Battles: Maze of Death pt.3
Pathfinder Battles: Maze of Death pt.4

ckdragons wrote:

My portcullis is very whacked. The footings are angled in, so the figure is more shaped like a trapezoid than a square. The gate has a pronounced wave, like a syn-wave on frequency display.

Mine was the same. I've seen pictures of others and theirs was the same. I'm going to try a hair dryer on low to see if I can pull the feet out a bit (it seems like the bend is occurring at the top of the "bridge."

Sovereign Court

Can anyone think of a reason that the halfling butcher (#3) is on a medium base?

Todd Lower wrote:

Can anyone think of a reason that the halfling butcher (#3) is on a medium base?

It was an error.

I too had a very warped Portcullis, though I live in Oregon. I'll be boiling it as I think I can fix it. My copper dragon also has issues standing but I think I can get the wings forward a bit to help with boiling.

Very impressed with the improving quality of the sets. However, 2 of my 4 halfling butchers have some skin color all the way into the hair. My Elf mystic also have some paint slop over from her ears into her hair.

Liberty's Edge

I got the warped portcullis too; I'm in WA, and everything was stone cold. *shrug* If they can be boiled and reshaped, I may try that. Does it do bad things to the paint?
(I don't care if I have to repaint it, I can do that. I just would like to know if it might be necessary. ^^; )

I didn't notice the med. Copper Dragon being particularly top-heavy, but he is /gold/, not copper, and thus is a shade confusing. I am going to fix that (I have the technology!) but I figured I should see if I was the only one who had one like that.

Most of the rest was very good, bordering on excellent; I don't expect much from prepaints, but these are very nice.

how often do they come out with sets?

Is there going to be a Maze of Death Adventure Path or module that goes along with these figures?

Grand Lodge

I got a Lizardfolk Warrior on a Wood Golem base...

Silver Crusade Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.
darth_borehd wrote:
Is there going to be a Maze of Death Adventure Path or module that goes along with these figures?

Nothing of the sort has been announced. In recent sets, they've been decoupling sets from specific product identities - even Crown of Fangs, the closest thing we'll see to a Curse of the Crimson Throne set, isn't directly named after that Path and contains a number of unrelated items.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

Almost all of the miniatures come from art from other products. so I doubt we will see a 'Maze of Death' module.

Too bad, I like the title. I'm picturing a Labyrinth themed campaign.

those that buy the minis do you guys use other minis and pawns to enhance the game in general or just use one over the other?

I primarily use pawns as they are cost effective and easy to store, however I like to drop in the occasional dragon miniature or something similar to spice up encounters. It is my goal to collect all of Paizo's dragons, although the gargantuan white and red have evaded my grasp so far.

chris settlemoir wrote:
those that buy the minis do you guys use other minis and pawns to enhance the game in general or just use one over the other?

I use either/or. Minis for Pathfinder and pawns for Starfinder.

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