Pathfinder Player Companion: Familiar Folio (PFRPG)

4.10/5 (based on 8 ratings)
Pathfinder Player Companion: Familiar Folio (PFRPG)
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Helping Hands and Spying Eyes

It’s time to make your familiar more fearsome! Whether you’re looking to give your magical ally an archetype to transform it into a brutish battle companion or you’re just scouting the menagerie of available familiars, Pathfinder Player Companion: Familiar Folio has you covered. This volume provides a bevy of new options, including new rules that allow characters of any class to gain familiars. Featuring all-new feats, items, spells, archetypes, and—of course—familiars, this Pathfinder Player Companion is the perfect accessory for spellcasters, as well as any player who fancies teaming up with a fantastic, travel-sized friend.

Inside this book, you’ll find:

  • A comprehensive list of familiars in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, guaranteed to make choosing yours both quick and convenient.
  • New archetypes like the duettist bard and eldritch guardian fighter, allowing classes traditionally without familiars to gain animal allies tied to their class abilities.
  • Familiar archetypes that allow players to customize their familiars to excel in combat, dispense untold wisdom, or even gain powers from a school of magic.
  • Bloodline and patron familiars that manifest abilities from the same powers inherent to bloodragers, sorcerers, and witches.
  • Information on the familiars most popular within specific groups on Golarion, like Hellknights and the Pathfinder Society.

This Pathfinder Player Companion is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be incorporated into any fantasy world.

Written by Will McCardell, Philip Minchin, Mark Seifter, and Jerome Virnich.
Cover Art by Emily Fiegenschuh.

Each monthly 32-page Pathfinder Player Companion contains several player-focused articles exploring the volume’s theme as well as short articles with innovative new rules for all types of characters, as well as traits to better anchor the player to the campaign.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-731-4

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Archives of Nethys

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4.10/5 (based on 8 ratings)

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Good Options


I got the Familiar Folio in print, and it has a lot of information. Like for instance, there is familiars based on your Arcane school. This information is good for wizards that specialized in some sort of arcane school (I'd include Sin Mages as well). And there are other familiar types and archetypes for characters without a familiar normally.

Of course there are new spells that work with your familiar. New improved familiars, tiny familiars, small familiars, new equipment and magic items, and other options. If you play a wizard, sorcerer, or other class with a familiar this book is something you should pick up. It's worth it.

Interesting Options


I picked this up because I was picking up an arcane class and curious as to the additional options that came out.

It's a book that applies to multiple classes, one of the more interesting archetypes given a game to pick up might be the story behind the Paladin with a familiar and its a good story creation stand point.

Not only does this open up various familiars but gives even better options for the character.

Fun Book!


Read my full review on Of Dice and Pen.

These days, I generally find myself growing tired of books that are almost entirely crunch. There's so much out there already that, unless the new stuff is exemplary, it just ends up seeming forgettable. Familiar Folio, however, is a definite exception. It expands the game in an area that has seen very little expansion, and thus is far more memorable. It is a very welcome resource and will add needed new levels of fun to familiars.

Ring Side Report- RPG Review of Pathfinder Player Companion: Familiar Folio


Originally posted at Throat Punch Games, a new idea everyday!

Product- Familiar Folio
System- Pathfinder
Producer- Paizo Publishing
Price- $12.99
TL; DR- Useful if you already like familiars. 88%

Basics-Every great wizard has a familiar, why can’t you! Familiar Folio is a Pathfinder Player Companion book discussing familiars, how to add them to new characters, and how to improve them. Like every other book in the companion line, it adds new feats, archetypes, items, spells, and other options for players and their familiar’s alike.

Mechanics or Crunch-This book is amazing, if you already like familiars. This book won’t really win you over if you didn’t already have a character concept for familiars. Every option added in this book is great, but familiars tend to work just like alchemy in Pathfinder, great if you love them, bad if you don’t. After seeing what’s here, I can say that if I played a character who wanted a familiar, I’d absolutely want what's here. However, if I played someone who had the options of not having one vs having one, I don’t think this book would win me over to the familiar side, even with a mascot (familiar). 4.25/5

Theme or Fluff- This book discusses some of the story aspects of familiars, but it doesn’t really go out of its way to add them in deeper. The book covers topics like how to roleplay with them, and it does have a bit of how different locations in Golarion would use familiars and the types in those locations. But, it’s not much beyond that. This is primarily a crunch heavy book. 4/5

Execution-This was put out by Paizo. For anything you can say about Paizo, the unarguable truth is they know how to make a book well. It’s got great art, great layout, and was a pleasure to read. 5/5

Summary-The simple question to this book is, “Will you use or want a familiar?” If you said yes, then you get this book. If not, then don’t. Like I said with alchemy, familiars are extremely divisive. You love your familiar, then you will love this book. If you couldn’t care less about your wizard friend's odd toad in his pocket, then you don’t want this book. What this book is is well written, a bit light on story, but overall well put together. Just decide if you want a tag along before you begin. 88%

Useful, but not inspiring


I think this book does what it sets out to do: make familiars more useful, engaging, and tied into character flavor.

But it doesn't make me want to run out and create any characters (although the Chosen One is pretty sweet). Mostly, it'll wait until one of my players says "ooooo, can I have a familiar?"

I have a more in-depth review posted here.

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Webstore Gninja Minion

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Announced! Cover image and description are not final.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ooh! Sounds interesting. What to choose- animal companion or familiar?


2 people marked this as a favorite.

That's funny; I have notes on publishing something similar.

At least no one will be able to say that familiars aren't well-supported!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Hmm... interesting! Options for battle familiars would be freaking awesome. I miss my tricked out howler...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Whoo! And now a similar book about animal companions, with a revised version of Monstrous Mount and an Improved Companion feat!

Can't wait for this one.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Wish list:


3 people marked this as a favorite.

And also:


I am really interested in what improved familiars are in this book.

Bardess wrote:
Whoo! And now a similar book about animal companions, with a revised version of Monstrous Mount and an Improved Companion feat!

Perhaps these fine folios will fit your fancy:

Animal Archive: Boon Companion on page 18 is essentially the Improved Companion feat.

Inner Sea Combat: Monstrous Mount is on page 14

Shadow Lodge

Bardess wrote:

Wish list:


I believe we got the swan in B4. Also there is a pretty good book called Cats, Dogs, and Horses by 4 Winds Fantasy that has various dog and cat familiars along with a micro horse.

What I meant was, a version of Monstrous Mount without the weaknesses that many have complained about for that feat (reduced flying speed, for example).
Boon Companion lets you have a higher-level companion if you are a multiclass PC, but what I really want from an Improved Companion feat is the ability to take something other than an animal for my animal companion (an expanded Monstrous Mount, perhaps, without the "mount" limitation).

The swan in B4 is an animal companion and I like it. I want a swan familiar too, though. Since it's a Small creature, it should do.
I know all the 3PP dog familiars, but I still think that an "official" one is needed.

doc the grey wrote:
Bardess wrote:

Wish list:


I believe we got the swan in B4. Also there is a pretty good book called Cats, Dogs, and Horses by 4 Winds Fantasy that has various dog and cat familiars along with a micro horse.

The trumpeter swan in Bestiary 4 is an animal companion, though, not a familiar. Hmm, it's listed as small, which is surprising, since trumpeter swans tend to be somewhere between 4'6" and 5'5" in length, though some have gotten up to 5'11"...which in my opinion would place them squarely as a medium creature. There are smaller swans, though I'm not really an expert...but I think even the smaller ones often hit over four feet in length in general, so not sure they're really familiar material, due to their size. I could be wrong, though!

We technically already have ferrets...they're a kind of weasel (along with stoats, minks, and some kinds of polecats).

Similarly, we already have basic monkey familiar, and considering marmosets are a kind of monkey, I don't see any reason why you couldn't have a marmoset familiar already.

No dogs except as an animal companion, though, that's true.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My barbarians can now have a Pipefox! YAISE!!!!!!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Alexander Augunas wrote:

That's funny; I have notes on publishing something similar.

At least no one will be able to say that familiars aren't well-supported!

Hey, maybe after it's out you can re-do your Belker build. ;)

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Tiny elementals for level 1 familiars please!!!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Obtain Familiar feat? Would be about time.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

How about a greater improved familiar feat

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I can't wait to see rules for any class gaining a familiar and the battle familiar stuff sounds cool as well.

Battle familiar? Yuuussss... Pity Witch will never get to use it, but it'll be great for all the others. (Especially Shaman!)

Dark Archive

Hoping for things like beetles and insects as well.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I do believe I'm getting the vapors! Much excitement I have for this.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Hoping for a Kea familiar. Destructive and cheeky parrots FTW!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Feros wrote:
Hoping for a Kea familiar. Destructive and cheeky parrots FTW!

How hard is that to stat out? Swap out the familiar bonus for a +3 to Disable Device instead.

Now for PFS, then yeah, we need one in this book.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Feros wrote:
Hoping for a Kea familiar. Destructive and cheeky parrots FTW!

I think I'd prefer an IKEA familiar. Secure Shelter, anyone?

cleric familiars hmm

How is this going to be different from the animal book that came out a year or so ago?

Scarab Sages

9 people marked this as a favorite.


Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Adoril Recond wrote:

I wonder if he wants the stats for a red panda? ;)

Scarab Sages

actually I think raccoon stats might work, but pfs frowns :-( on reskinning

Liberty's Edge

Elrawien Lantherion wrote:
How is this going to be different from the animal book that came out a year or so ago?

I think that one was geared more towards animal companions and this one is more towards familiars.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Samy wrote:
I think that one was geared more towards animal companions and this one is more towards familiars.

Yes. This book will be far more familiar.

I am hoping for rules for the wasps that Calistrians use as familiars.

Verdant Wheel

Cthulhudrew wrote:
Yes. This book will be far more familiar.

Do you mean the book will be FARmiliar ?

Scarab Sages Modules Overlord

4 people marked this as a favorite.
KutuluKultist wrote:
Obtain Familiar feat? Would be about time.

So a way for any character to pick up a familiar other than the "Be 3rd level and have Cha 13 to take Eldritch Heritage (arcane bloodline)" hack?

There are balance issues one must look out for, but I'm pretty sure I could do that.

Liberty's Edge

Please, Tiny Elementals as familiars from the start. So you don't have to have an animal for the first five levels and then switch out to the elemental when you finally qualify for Improved Familiar. Elementals are already established as familiars by the IF feat, just let us pursue the theme from level 1. I don't care how weak you have to make them, nerf them to heck and back, just let me have a fire theme going from the beginning?

Dark Archive

Samy wrote:
Please, Tiny Elementals as familiars from the start.

I second this. Give me the swirrly thing. I mean Air Elemental.

Shadow Lodge

I know this might be late but you know what I would want to see as a familiar option?

Turkey and a peacock. The former gives you toughness, the latter a +3 on Bluff or Diplomacy.


doc the grey wrote:

I know this might be late but you know what I would want to see as a familiar option?

Turkey and a peacock. The former gives you toughness, the latter a +3 on Bluff or Diplomacy.

I could see peacocks granting Intimidate instead. The only reason they spread out their feathers is to make themselves look larger then they actually are in an attempt to ward away predators. A decision between Bluff and Intimidate makes more sense to me, personally.

Scarab Sages Modules Overlord

Some of these requests we'll be able to accommodate. Others we won't. I'll do my best folks, but by the time you see the announcement a lot of work is done, and there's not a lot of spare room in a player companion.. :)

Liberty's Edge

I understand. Will still keep advocating every chance I get. :)

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
Some of these requests we'll be able to accommodate. Others we won't. I'll do my best folks, but by the time you see the announcement a lot of work is done, and there's not a lot of spare room in a player companion.. :)

All I have to say is thanksgiving is coming up soon Stephens and the best way to celebrate that is a witch with a paranoid wild turkey familiar...

doc the grey wrote:
All I have to say is thanksgiving is coming up soon Stephens and the best way to celebrate that is with Wild Turkey...

That's what you meant to say, right? :p

Dark Archive

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
Some of these requests we'll be able to accommodate. Others we won't. I'll do my best folks, but by the time you see the announcement a lot of work is done, and there's not a lot of spare room in a player companion.. :)

Oh also we want to have gods for companions and shoot 10d12+(Int*10) laser eye ball damage vs. Touch AC at... 1st level

2nd level if you don't want to make it OP.

doc the grey wrote:

I know this might be late but you know what I would want to see as a familiar option?

Turkey and a peacock. The former gives you toughness, the latter a +3 on Bluff or Diplomacy.

Turkey also give you a penalty to save vs. sleep effects.

I'd say a ginger raccoon is just as good as a red panda.

Sovereign Court

Awesome! I am very excited to see this book!
Any chance of us seeing an archetype or spell to speed up "scry on familiar" so it doesn't take an hour to cast?

Scarab Sages Modules Overlord

Wamulus wrote:

Awesome! I am very excited to see this book!

Any chance of us seeing an archetype or spell to speed up "scry on familiar" so it doesn't take an hour to cast?

Given everything we need to cram into this book, probably not.

Sovereign Court

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
Wamulus wrote:

Awesome! I am very excited to see this book!

Any chance of us seeing an archetype or spell to speed up "scry on familiar" so it doesn't take an hour to cast?
Given everything we need to cram into this book, probably not.

Oh well, I am sure it will still be a great book!

It's definitely a good sign that there is too much content (instead of not enough).

D&D 3e had an Extra Familiar feat from one of the Dragon Magazine issues as well as an Obtain Familiar feat from Complete Arcane I think, you just needed arcane caster level 3rd and Knowledge (arcana) 4 ranks. No one cried out abuse with those.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Shadow familiars to round out the fiendish and celestial ones.


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