Vote for Your Favorite Pathfinder Society Mini!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

A few weeks ago, I announced the first in a series of competitions aimed toward Pathfinder Society members. The response illustrates the fantastic talents our players possess. While their creations graced tables, it took being in the right place at the right time to admire them. On that note, thank you to the artists for sharing your creations. Submitting items for public perusal can be daunting and I appreciate your willingness to let us look.

But enough of me typing, let's get to the fun part—looking at all the images and choosing your favorite. Voting opens now and continues until Friday, February 5 at 12:00 PM Pacific time. I'll announce the winners in the Pathfinder Society blog the following Monday, along with the next competition category.

"Alestar Florent" by Scharlata

"Amaranti" by -Karma-

"Arnim Thayer" by Michael VonHasseln, Venture-Captain

"Assyra" by Simon Kort, Venture-Lieutenant

"Benediccio" by Doctor Mono

"Daelyn" by Tamago

"Desh Silversun" by Bryan Moore

"Dolgar" by Christine Brockley-Blatt, Venture Captain

"Galdur XXI and Schüler'De" by Curaigh

"Glacial Rose" by Terminalmancer

"Goblin Cheif Effigy" by Fomsie

"Grumphir" by el_comrade

"Jak" by Dancingweasel

"Jarl Rukk" by Walter Sheppard, Venture-Captain

"Jasmine Henderthane" by Kigvan

"Karst Fireaxe" by Curt Ward, Venture-Agent

"Karzoug" by Jeremy Mayr

"Kristoff Kringle and Blitzen" by jcg

"Maliq" by Alex Blaes, Venture-Agent

"Mortimer Raven" by Quadstriker

"Posey Bitterleaf" by lgpolak

"Prunette" by Lady Gragra

"Quintin DeLur" by Brian Lefebvre, Venture Lieutenant

"Ralore 'Ral' Finn" by Lucas Servideo, Venture-Captain

"Red Rumboldt" by Captain Phoenix

"Seelah" by Teraptus

"Shivara" by sanwah68

"Stela Tamna-Kosa's Animal Companion" by Tony Wilkinson

"Szilvais" by Mike Bramnik, Venture-Captain

"Tiek Geras" by Engineremy

Tonya Woldridge
Organized Play Coordinator

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Community Contests Pathfinder Society

Vote for your favorite mini!

This poll closed Feb 5, 2016.

Dates and times displayed above are in the US/Pacific time zone.

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I'll get things started. Wow there's a lot of talent out there!

My top three are
"Glacial Rose" by Terminalmancer
"Prunette" by Lady Gragra
"Stela Tamna-Kosa's Animal Companion" by Tony Wilkinson

Edit: Didn't see the "Vote" until I posted. Redacted actual vote for now ....

Grand Lodge

"Prunette" by Lady Gragra

Grand Lodge

Some great work!

3/5 Venture-Agent, Georgia—Atlanta

Prunette gets my vote, though the others are amazing too!

Grand Lodge

Nice work -
My top three are
"Mortimer Raven"


4 people marked this as a favorite.

The goblin chief effigy is awesomesauce!


Oh wow, seriously good work there :) Well done all of you.

1/5 Contributor

Some great paint jobs!

Painting miniatures is one of those endeavors where the subtler effects are actually more difficult to achieve.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Ugh...I should have taken some better pictures of the Effigy :P I am not the best photographer!

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

This needs to be an annual thig, i just finished two minis today i would have loved to enter. Is there any place we could just set up a gallery on a more permenent basis?

Sovereign Court 5/5 *

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Honored to have my work up there, some really great mini's!

The Exchange 3/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I should have convinced my wife to enter this.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Can't believe I missed this. Please consider another round sometime!

Excellent work here, btw.

Sovereign Court *

Consider me humbled :) I thought I was on the bottom of the high tier, but clearly it will be a long time before my painting skills reach Seeker :)

I'd be interested in seeing the character sheets & backstory for some of these. If your willing & have a profile, please post a link.
EDIT: changed profiles, though i'm sure 'this not up to date.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

Mine is truly amateur by comparison - I should have forced my VL to enter.

I love the Tengu and the Goblin Effigy so very much (and frankly, love most of these far better than mine).

As for Szilvais, he's a Vishkanya Slayer/Rogue named after a close friend's Vampire: the Masquerade character from the 90's - my very first Camarilla PC's sire, in fact.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Isles—Online

great work

Scarab Sages

Very awesome work from everyone!

I am already quite proud being on a Paizo blog. Wooo!

Grand Lodge 1/5

somehow i missed this comp :(

I'm in for the next one!

Grand Lodge 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Baltic

Simon Kort wrote:

Very awesome work from everyone!

I am already quite proud being on a Paizo blog. Wooo!

Maybe you should post Assyra's stats. It's hard for people to guess she's an Ifrit! ;-)

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hah! Loving the stuff!

EDIT: Always satisfying to vote for someone else's work :)

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

Mike Bramnik wrote:

Mine is truly amateur by comparison - I should have forced my VL to enter.

I love the Tengu and the Goblin Effigy so very much (and frankly, love most of these far better than mine).

As for Szilvais, he's a Vishkanya Slayer/Rogue named after a close friend's Vampire: the Masquerade character from the 90's - my very first Camarilla PC's sire, in fact.

Meh. Too much work to enter a competition like this for me. I don't have a good quality camera or light box to actually portray any of the work in a way that I'd feel good about.

That said there's some pretty amazing work being shown off up there. Cool to see.

4/5 5/5

Very honoured to be in the vote.

Thank you for looking at my mini.

Dolgar is my Husband's PFS Hunter who has just survived the Scions of the Sky Key.

Many of these look great, but I must say I am partial to the Effigy since I got to actually face it in person and see how it was made completely from scratch.

And because my husband made it.

But mostly because it's awesome!

Grand Lodge 1/5

I completely spaced on entering! Just as well, I'm not sure my freehand detailing could have stood up to some of the shading and mod work I see here!

Good luck, everyone!

Joe Ducey wrote:
Meh. Too much work to enter a competition like this for me. I don't have a good quality camera or light box to actually portray any of the work in a way that I'd feel good about.

Easy way to make a lightbox:

Take any small box and cut away two of the walls and the ceiling. Line it with white or off-white paper (or black, if that's your preference, but unless you have professional lighting, white is easier with mundane lighting to work with).

Voila! Simple light box. I made one out of one of the boxes my boyfriend's vitamins come in and it works really well.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5

I can't choose between the Goblin Chief Effigy, Assyra, and Posey!

Liberty's Edge 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

The goblin chief effigy was not only hand painted, but also custom sculpted for our local WBG3 run. Amazing work!

Scarab Sages

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Everyone who gets to play with any of these on the table is already a winner. :)


1 person marked this as a favorite.

how did I miss this
I definitely would have submitted some pics of minis Lamontia and I have done

Liberty's Edge 3/5

Mortimer Raven. Nicely detailed!

Sovereign Court 1/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Excited to be included in the contest!

Mortimer Raven's profile page is available here.

I had no painting experience until I shattered my heel last march while playing frisbee golf (a long story). After surgery, I was left unable to stand or walk for two months. I knew that if I just sat around watching TV and playing videogames I would feel miserable about myself, so I decided learning to paint minis would give me something positive to do. I'm very happy with the way Mortimer turned out and he's a lot of fun to play.

Thanks for your consideration.

Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Coordinator

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Yes to more competitions! Watch the blog for their announcements. Next one will be announced along with the results of this contest!



Next time, could we add that people should put race and class after the character's name so that it is clear what we are supposed to be looking at?

I fear that we may not be appreciating the subtlety of some of the finer details, and that might help a bit.


Sign me up for the next one!

Painting mini's is a fantastic hobby!


Tiek Geras, Human Paladin of Abadar.

He is painted to resemble a fantasy-version of Boba Fett. The mini is available at Reaper Miniatures:

Great work everyone!


Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Kristoff Kringle & Blitzen - Character Info and background -

Kristoff mini is make by Enigma Miniatures and Blitzen is a unpainted D&D Wolf mini from the Castle Ravenloft boardgame with horns glued on...

Some great painting here. The Goblin Effigy is super cool!

1/5 Contributor

I want to express my admiration for the Maliq figure. The shading, the careful use of hues, the very, very fine basing, all show the subtlety, restraint, and attention to detail that make a great miniature in my opinion.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Massachusetts—North Shore

Ralore "Ral" Finn, is a Cleric of Nethys who was inspired by Brienne of Tarth. Using the tools that Nethys bestowed, to defend Magic and Knowledge, and cause Destruction with a Large Warhammer Ral has grown fond of.

Dataphiles 3/5

Great job everybody I will definitely have to throw my hat in the ring if there's a next time!

I particularly like Glacial Rose, Mortimer Raven, Prunette, and the Effigy.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Well, certainly are a lot of very well done minis! Some of them truly make me want to have a whole story to accompany them. I look at the mini and I just KNOW that Posey has a great story!

As for the information on the Goblin Chief Effigy, it is an encounter creature in the "We be Goblins Free!" Module.

It is a custom made mini, I sculpted it out of "Sculpey" based on the picture in the module. The Body, head, cauldron, hands and large fireworks were all sculpted, the arms and legs are made from small wooden dowels cracked and bent into shape and wrapped with alternating embroidery thread and thing rolls of clay. The chains are just pieces of decorative jeweler chain and the small fireworks are red glass cylindrical beads.

I wanted the players at the tables I ran for Free RPG day to have a visual representation for every encounter, since many of them would be first time players, and I got a little carried away. :P

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Also, is it just my imagination, or is Tiek Geras a homage to Boba Fett?

Liberty's Edge 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Cape Girardeau

I am excited to be among those picked among the applicants! Thank you for choosing my miniature to be featured. Since someone asked for backstory, I feel obliged to respond.

Arnim Thayer is the first of many PFS characters I have created over the years, and is the namesake of my username. I have played an incarnation of Arnim in fantasy RPGs since the Barbarian class was first introduced in Unearthed Arcana, but it wasn't until the Pathfinder RPG that I finally had a character that personified the concept I had of him in my head.

This miniature is one of my favorites for a lot of reasons, not only for the character itself but also because he encompasses a lot of firsts for me. Arnim was the first time I had a miniature that completely resembled what my character looked like in my mind's eye. He is based off of a Reaper mini, and was the first time I had ever attempted sculpting with "green stuff." Both the base and the beard were sculpted onto the mini by me, skill I didn't even know I possessed. This miniature marks the first time I had every attempted using the dry brushing technique, another process that I have since refined with practice. Lastly, he is the first miniature I designed tthe base for with forethought toward a GM in mind. The picture doesn't show it well, but there is a hole in the rock behind him, just big enough for a toothpick or paper clip. I made a red flag with a black explanation point on it to designate when he is using his Barbarian Rage ability, as well as additional flags marking when he is holding a light source or using the Darkvisiion ability granted to him by one of his archetypes. I also crafted a Large base that locks onto this one, to designate when he is under the effect of spells that change his size.

Arnim was born in Absalom, the son of a Varisian "courtier" and a member of the Ulfen Guard. His father eventually returned to his homeland, his service to the throne of Taldor completed, abandoning his mother and his "bastard son." Following the death of his mother due to a wasting disease, he learned to survive on the streets of Absalom, utilizing his skills as a pickpocket and using his budding anger to defend himself when necessary. At the age of 12, he stowed away aboard a ship headed to the Land of the Linnorm Kings with the lofty plan of confronting his father and demanding his rightfulplace at his side. His father rejected him once again, and he returned to Absalom, shamed but determined to prove his father wrong about his worth. It was there that a chance meeting with Adril Hestram led to his "field promotion" into the ranks of the Pathfinder Society. He has since became an agent of some renown, serving with distinction over several years and earning quite the reputation. He is on the verge of retiring, having completed his life-long dream of killing a dragon in combat, and wants nothing more than to present it's head to his father, proving once and for all his mettle as a warrior! A recent summons from his old mentor though has made him put that plan temporarily for one last mission though...

Mechanics-wise, Arnim is a bit of a mutt! He started out as a Barbarian, signifying his budding anger about being rejected and abandoned by his father. After an almost disastrous mission into a tomb "riddled" with traps... and with no rogue in the party... he realized that there were certain talents he was lacking. Returning to the Grand Lodge in Absalom, he tracked down a fellow agent to teach him how to disarm those dangerous obstacles and to take advantage of an opponent's vital areas while in combat, designated by his taking levels of Rogue. Upon realizing the prevalence of undead often found on his missions, he once again returned to the Grand Lodge, this time seeking out a veteran field agent with specialized skills in battling the undead, this time taking levels of Ranger. He is now about to retire from Organized Play, with just Eyes of the Ten ahead of him to complete his story.

Silver Crusade

"Vote Dwarf!"

So much talent and such a great idea for a contest!

Lantern Lodge 3/5

Excited to be part of it :-)

"Happy" Jak is a Halfling barbarian. Once the joke of the pits, he fought his way to freedom by defeating every other gladiator who underestimated him. He quickly grew bored of freedom however, and signed on as a Sczarni enforcer. Happy as long as there are heads to bash and coins to take, this foul-mouthed chancer has found a home in the shadier crowd of the Exchange. Just don't call him short...

4/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, United Kingdom—England—Kent

Dolgar, Karzoug, Mortimer get my vote, in that order. Not that the others aren't good, these just spoke to me. Dolgar's ginger beard really leaps out at you.

Shadow Lodge 3/5

How can you choose just one? Impossible. So good.

Shadow Lodge 3/5

Joe Ducey wrote:
Mike Bramnik wrote:
Mine is truly amateur by comparison - I should have forced my VL to enter.
Meh. Too much work to enter a competition like this for me. I don't have a good quality camera or light box to actually portray any of the work in a way that I'd feel good about.

If someone else is talking you up, I'd still love to see what you consider your-best-given-the-circumstances looks like, even if you don't enter it!

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Glacial Rose

Dark Archive

Okay, the fox companion on Shivah sealed my vote. They all were good, but... That fox is too cute.

Grand Lodge 1/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Posey Bitterleaf is a halfling, blackened, Spellscar Oracle, born in a small mining town in Northern Lastwall and worked in the mine most of her life. She was always happy-go-lucky, despite the dreary conditions. One day, while deep in the earth, she discovered a pocket of primal magic when it exploded at the impact of her pick. It left her hands and arms blackened and her body filled with primal magic that she is working hard to keep under control. She soon left her home after a few “mishaps” and went in search of a brighter life elsewhere. She joined the Pathfinder Society after meeting one of its members and hearing stories of adventure and figuring someone there might be able to help her control her powers.

Posey is painted using the iconic Arcanist miniature from Reaper and the base is made using cork glued to a 25mm base. The picture is washed out and I took it too close to tell the scale of the mini. :D I tried. <3 xoxo Thanks for considering me, any that have.


Fomsie wrote:
Also, is it just my imagination, or is Tiek Geras a homage to Boba Fett?

Yes... 100% homage. I saw the mini and immediately thought "He's no good to me dead."

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