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![]() Rysky wrote:
![]() Rysky wrote:
Animal companions get comparable NA bonuses, less of a hit on Dex (for Dex bonus to AC) and can wear manufactured armour that stacks with the NA Fair play on the share spells :-) ![]()
![]() Rysky wrote:
From tiny to medium - ie level 9 (PFS levels) = 2 bumps which is +8 Str, -4 Dex, +4 Con to a total of Str 16, Dex 13, Con, 15 (plus 1 ability score increase at level 5 and a second at level 10) this is not great. It specifically says on page 22 that drakes refuse to wear any armour ever. The "Drake companion" class feature replaces natures bond. Share spells is part of natures bond - specifically gained in the AC advancement chart at level 1. Drakes do not get this. Neither do they get link, evasion, devotion etc that the AC gets. I can live with drakes being mediocre (which they are) just don't think the price in class features should be so high ![]()
![]() Rysky wrote:
The D12's I give you, but the size increases are nothing to get exited about until level 13. Indeed, till level 5 you are stuck with a tiny companion with 0ft reach (basically combat useless, not that anyone would fear it's 1d3-1 attacks anyway) At level 5 you get small, so 1d4+1 damage Level 9 for medium, you reach the dizzy heights of 1d6+3 damage. Things drakes *dont* get that help animal companions are inherent bonuses at Str and Dex, share spells (for Druids/Rangers/Paladins) or the ability to wear any armour. If they were just underpowered companions, it might work just for "oh cool I got a dragon" value, but at the cost to your main character (for example the shaman loses its *primary* spirit, Cavaliers lose nearly everything) you will struggle.... ![]()
![]() I was just in the process of creating my dragon themed character - now I have to wait til July :-) Ahh well; I'll consider it an early birthday present when it comes out. Can I request variant dragon disciples? Maybe imperial dragon and/or linnorm disciples? Please don't put anything dragon-slaying in there ; we had a whole PC for that! This should all be about dragon love!! ![]()
![]() Excited to be part of it :-) "Happy" Jak is a Halfling barbarian. Once the joke of the pits, he fought his way to freedom by defeating every other gladiator who underestimated him. He quickly grew bored of freedom however, and signed on as a Sczarni enforcer. Happy as long as there are heads to bash and coins to take, this foul-mouthed chancer has found a home in the shadier crowd of the Exchange. Just don't call him short... ![]()
![]() Hi All, I picked up an Aasimar boon at a recent convention and an thinking about what to use it for. In Blood of Angels it tells you how to make an Aasimar from a non-human base race (you basically change nothing except for the size). Additional resources doesn't say you can't do this, but neither does it say you can. I'd really like to play a small Aasimar from Gnome heritage - would this be allowed in PFS? Cheers K ![]()
![]() Hi All, Looking for a consensus on improved familiar... The text of the feat says "Elemental, Small (any type)" does that stretch to Mud/Ice/Magma/Lightning or just the 4 oh-so-boring standard elements. Personally I think it should be allowed. The small elementals (any of the eight) are still far below strength compared to other improved familiars, so not game breaking. Opening it out gives far more flavour (winter witch with ice familiar etc) Related question - how about the same in PFS. Cheers DW ![]()
![]() Hi All, Can I have a Hostelling Buckler? The text (from srd20) states "A suit of light armor, medium armor, or a light shield or heavy shield can store one animal up to the wearer's size." Does a buckler count as a light shield, or is it only things with the word "light shield" in the name? All help gratefully received! DancingWeasel ![]()
![]() Have to say I'm massively surprised that people are happy with the shaman. It feels weak mechanically, bears little resemblance to witch or oracle and has a real disadvantage in a super-shiny familiar that screams "IM MAGIC KILL ME NOW" It also has the biggest imbalance between options - seriously, Life gets channel and earth gets DR/5 Adamantine for the familiar. The thing that upsets me most is that fluff-wise the shaman has *the* most potential to be a cool and (most importantly) unique new class. Sigh ... I guess if the survey says... ![]()
![]() Must say, I play tested a wind/life shaman at level 4 this weekend and it felt fairly weak compared to other classes at the table. I think the hexes/spirit powers need a bit of tweaking to even up the different spirit choices. The class was fun to roleplay, but mechanically it didn't feel exciting. I think the spontaneity of the class could do with upping. Perhaps you could spontaneously cast spirit spells from any spell slot - rather than getting one free spirit spell/level ![]()
![]() Will McCardell wrote: The Shaman now uses the druid list, according to the blog post. Excellent news - much more fitting with the theme in my opinion. Must be said I think this class is wonderfully written, if a bit rough round the edges. The 'special effects' on the familiars (and shamans when they use their powers) are lovely and so nice to roleplay. I'm play testing a Wind Shaman at level 4 on Sunday; trying hard not to pick life as my wandering spirit, but as others have posted there does feel to be a spirit imbalance - especially at PFS-relevant levels. All in all I love it, but think the 4-10 levels need ironing a tad. PS - any thoughts on why the wind shaman gets no acces to any fly? ![]()
![]() Cheapy wrote:
That hurts shamans far more than clerics. Clerics can get by with few channels/day and use them solely for healing. The hexes of the shaman are far more important for the overall playability of the shaman. By the logic above the Cleric domain powers should be linked to Charisma. Instead they are linked to the main stat - wisdom. ![]()
![]() Corlindale wrote:
I might be reading it wrong but I think it only lets you hear - not the clairvoyance bit :-) I guess you could listen round a corner at what guards are saying but r/level is still very short ![]()
![]() The wind shaman is lovely and flavourful, but mechanically seems weaker in comparison to some of the others. The clairaudience ability of Windsight is nice - but round per level is too shot to be of actual use (when are you ever going to know exactly which 6 seconds of a distant conversation to eavesdrop?) Wind ward - 20% miss chance for 1/r level is weak. Suggest up the duration (significantly - maybe one active at a time but indefinite?) Vortex spells - would be nice if twinned with spirit spells that required attack roll, as stands very unlikely to ever happen Air barrier - like this one :-) - though it isn't unique Sparking aura - Interesting, but the cha-dependence and 1/r per *two* levels hurt! Looking at the whole package It feels like a "storm shaman" and a "end shaman" have been rolled together. Also, thematically, this spirit really feels lost without access to any flying - not even fly as a spirit spell!! Air and Wind domain clerics get air walk, wind oracles get a flying revalation and witches get a flying hex. Poor land-bound wind shamans!! :-) ![]()
![]() Hi All, Question about he liquid blade from Ultimate Equipment (which I think is the coolest idea ever!) Can you have a small sized one?? I think you probably can but as its for a PFS character I'd like to get the communities thoughts. Ultimate Equipment says that the liquid solidifies into a medium short sword, and doesn't mention small at all, but it is a weapon and there are rules to apply a small template. I imagine it would be 1d4damage and weigh 1lb? What do you guys think? ![]()
![]() Hi all, My first post! I was searching the forums to see if the was an answer to what level the ranger falcon companion is in the Falconer archetype. You get the falcon at lvl 1 with 1/2 hit points - does it level with you using your ranger level rather than -3 like other rangers? What about when you hit lvl 4 and get natures bond? Does it then take the -3 hit to effective level when it gets the hit points boost? Cheers for any help!! |