Deeper into the Dungeon

Friday, March 13, 2015

We're just a few days away from next week's GAMA Trade Show, where I intend to show off about half of June's Dungeons Deep set for our Pathfinder Battles line of prepainted plastic gaming figures. In preparation for that, WizKids sent us a very early production set of the figures, and I've got to say, I'm absolutely THRILLED with how this set has turned out!

For starters, the Gargantuan Red Dragon limited edition "case incentive" figure is one of the best figures we've done to date, and easily ranks as my favorite Pathfinder Battles dragon thus far. From the moment I set the figure up in my office I've had a parade of Paizonians pounding on my door to get a closer look. It's phenomenal.

I'm also pleased with the general utility of the Dungeons Deep set. From "dungeon dressing" props like chests and braziers to enemies like four different gnoll figures, a large ooze, and dungeon critters like giant centipedes and beetles, I see the figures in this set hitting game tables again and again, which really excites me.

Here's an early look at three additional figures that I'm excited about, even more so now that I've got production-run samples in-hand.

First up this week is the Deinonychus, a creepy little dinosaur from page 84 of the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary. We're excited about this guy not just because he's a dinosaur, but because it's one of our first chances to create a feathered dinosaur more in fitting with modern science's understanding of how dinosaurs might actually have looked. As a common, Medium miniature, case subscribers can be sure to get a whole pack of them to menace their player characters.

Previous animals like ravens, falcons, and even pigs have proven popular additions to the Pathfinder Battles line. Now that we're venturing into the dungeon, it's only fitting that we include the Bat in Dungeons Deep. The Bat is a Small, common figure.

I mentioned gnolls up above. This guy here, the Gnoll Leader, is perfect for the Big Boss of a gnoll encounter. His breastplate even has the symbol of the evil beast-god Rovagug printed on it. Awesome! The Gnoll Leader is a Medium, rare figure.

That's it for this week. Expect a bunch of cool photos to leak out of the GAMA Trade Show next week. I'll still be in Las Vegas next Friday, so there's a good chance those photos won't show up here until a week from next Friday, but keep your eyes on the Internet.

They'll be out there!

Erik Mona

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Dungeons Deep Miniatures Pathfinder Battles
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2 people marked this as a favorite.

Holy schnikes. Greatness yet again. Really digging all the gnoll love from this set.

Dark Archive

Wow - 3 really good minis!
I especially love the dino and hope that you make more - at least the small, medium and large ones like the Velociraptor, Dimetrodon and Megaraptor.
4 Gnolls is cool too.
And i also hope for all the familiars/animals! :-)

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

4 for 4 on the Gnolls, just need the rarity of the female to round them out. Love the leader, definitely an appropriately intimidating mini.

Going to be interesting to see the bat in hand. Very small mini, so I'll be keen to see how much of that detail they capture.

As for the Deinonychus, something about the head is throwing me. It may be the staring yellow eye but he seems a little duck like; rounded beak perhaps? Either way this is oneI think will look soooo much better as a mini than a digital sculpt. Curious considering I got a duck vibe form the griffon as well, maybe there's a sculptor there that likes ducks?

No more dungeon dressing spoilers? I think we've seen 4, can we see some more Erik. These have me very excited.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

The Bat is really, really small. That said, looking at it now I'm pretty pleased by how easy it is to pick out the face and eyes. I like him. :)

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

I can see what you mean by the duck aspect. It does indeed have a bit of a rounded beak, but in hand the figure looks pretty awesome, honestly.

Dark Archive

Erik Mona wrote:

I can see what you mean by the duck aspect. It does indeed have a bit of a rounded beak, but in hand the figure looks pretty awesome, honestly.

Eric you mentioned " dungeon critters like giant centipedes and beetles".

Does that mean the picture of the small grey vermin we have seen is not the "giant tick" but a beetle?
Because of the color i discounted it being the "giant fire beetle" but the description:
"This housecat-sized beetle is a dull brown color brightened by two glowing green-yellow spots on its carapace."
could work out too...

So Erik when are we going to get more huge minis? It's honestly the biggest gap in miniatures to date. I know you guys could figure it out.

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Though the pronated hands are a disappointment, as are the drab colors

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Yeah, I thought that too. Will probably be dry brushing mine with reds and blues. Might be an expense deal. Less colors means less time/expense.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

All three of these miniatures look great!

Deinonychus - I'm down with the look. It'll be interesting to see it in hand. Regardless, I love that you chose this to be your first representation of dinosaurs. It provides spectacular utility. Here are just a few ways to use it:
--Party Encounter
--Animal Companion
--Wild Shape
--Can be summoned with a Summoned Animal IV spell (or higher)

I especially love that it's a medium dinosaur. I've been scouring the internet for dinosaur toys to use for miniatures. There are some that work well enough for Huge and larger, but finding medium and large sizes that aren't blatantly too big is tough. To the best of my knowledge, there isn't a Deinonychus out there that matches well enough. Come June, that will change. So thank you!

Bat - I love the miniature. And I love that you included a bat and what looks like a dire bat all in the same set. As you mentioned, the bat is really small; It'll definitely be interesting to see it close up. I've enjoyed the other animals in the Battles line, and I'm thrilled to be getting another one with such versatility.

I know that some folks might not be as high on getting an animal that is supposed to be Diminutive in size, but I'll take them all day every day. I'd rather have a Diminutive creature represented than not. (*cough* fey)

Gnoll Leader - I'm really digging this miniature. In fact, I love the decision to include four different sculpts of such a popular, low-level creature. I hope you consider doing this more often, provided you continue to make such smart choices. This Gnoll looks spectacular, and I can't wait to assumable my Gnoll hunting party and army.

Silver Crusade

They look great!

Erik, just curious: any particular reason you guys went with the unholy symbol of Rovagug instead of Lamashtu?

Silver Crusade Contributor

It's not a random gnoll miniature. It's a specific gnoll from Legacy of Fire. That's why. :)

Dark Archive

Kalindlara wrote:
It's not a random gnoll miniature. It's a specific gnoll from Legacy of Fire. That's why. :)

The Carrion King!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Medium Raptor Type Mini in case people were looking. Best I could find after scouring the interweb.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Marco Massoudi wrote:
Kalindlara wrote:
It's not a random gnoll miniature. It's a specific gnoll from Legacy of Fire. That's why. :)
The Carrion King!

That was my first thought too! But...

Legacy of Fire:
It's actually Narrgok, a gnoll warpriest of Rovagug from The Final Wish. His art is on the back cover. :)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Alright, why can't I find the 4th gnoll that was revealed? I can find the warrior with spear, the slaver, and the champion above.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Female gnoll priestess. Eric hasn't revealed it yet but it was leaked by wizkids on the solicitations for the set. Check out to see it.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Ah, thank you good...GAH, it's a thulhu!!! Er, thank you Small Old One.

Silver Crusade

Kalindlara wrote:
It's not a random gnoll miniature. It's a specific gnoll from Legacy of Fire. That's why. :)


Gullyble Dwarf - Lvl 7 DM wrote:
Medium Raptor Type Mini in case people were looking. Best I could find after scouring the interweb.

There's another one in the old DDM line called the Bloodseeker Drake as well.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This all good very good. Though a request would be for future feathered dinosaurs to have more vibrant colors like real life birds. A t-rex huge or large megaraptor mini with the coloration of a bird-of-paradise or a macaw would be just fantastic.

I really like some of the little details that get added into the Pathfinder Battles line, such as the Rovagug symbol on the Gnoll Leader's chest.

The extra steps involved in adding that tampo necessitates making it a rare figure which is really unfortunate because its such a great mini, that I want to have more than 1. I have no reason to need more... I have no plans of assaulting my players with a legion of platemail wearing gnolls any time soon... but it is such a great mini, and I must have more than 1 :)

All four Gnolls are wonderful, but the leader takes the cake. It may have taken a while to get around to gnolls, but seeing what's coming makes me realize the wait was worth it. I hope Pathfinder continues to add to this troop gradually over the next few sets.

Silver Crusade Contributor

I, for the record, am glad we're still getting minis for the Adventure Paths. :)

One of the things I loved about the Pathfinder Battles line was having the exact minis I needed for certain characters, and it's nice to see that a move toward general sets won't change that.


Lady Andaisin pls. :)

OH MY GOD (Becky, look at her butt)!

I was so disappointed when I thought we were never getting dinosaurs (not sure if Erik stated such or if that was in the Reaper Bones line that I'm thinking of, don't wanna put words in Erik's mouth), but this has me SO excited.

I've gotten a few staples from Schleich toys, and glued them to bases. That works just fine, but the size can be slightly off. That's not a huge deal on the huges and gargantuan models, but on the little ones like these it matters a great deal. So this very nice to see!


Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

The Fox wrote:

They look great!

Erik, just curious: any particular reason you guys went with the unholy symbol of Rovagug instead of Lamashtu?

I think the art was taken from a specific NPC who worshiped Rovagug. I believe it was from Legacy of Fire, as someone else already noted. :)

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

So noted on the dinosaur colors. That's an excellent point.

Dark Archive

Erik Mona wrote:

So noted on the dinosaur colors. That's an excellent point.

Does that mean that more dinos are in the future?

That would be great!

Of course one can buy a lot of dinosaur plastic toys but i would love to get the small, medium and large ones from Pathfinder Battles.

As long as there is no HUGE Pathfinder Battles line (wink wink) one can always use some big toys as LORIAN said.
And there are enough models for GARGANTUAN and COLOSSAL ones.

Any news about HUGE minis or something else Eric?

Thanks for your constant infos and great efforts.

I´d rather see some pictures from you than search the net but ok. ;-)

Boo to feathered dinosaurs!

In all honesty, I don't have a problem with the mini. It looks fine. Just no matter what science may say, dinosaurs will forever be big lizards in my brain, not overgrown turkeys.

And, cue the speech Dr. Grant said to that kid at the beginning of Jurassic Park.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Erik Mona wrote:

So noted on the dinosaur colors. That's an excellent point.

Remember, birds did evolve from dinosaurs. Birds use feathers for a couple reasons. One is insulation, the other is display. It may not have to be a complete color change most birds only have a few feathers that form patterns that they use for mating display. So a splash of color would go a long way.

Edit: Also Deinonychus is often thought of as a pack stealth hunter. So it's coloration would likely be more inline with it's habitat along with it's display pattern. ( I will also emphasize MOST bird display patterns aren't nearly as colorful or bright as a macaw, Tucan, or colorful paradise birds).

The Minis Maniac wrote:
Also Deinonychus is often thought of as a pack stealth hunter. So it's coloration would likely be more inline with it's habitat along with it's display pattern. ( I will also emphasize MOST bird display patterns aren't nearly as colorful or bright as a macaw, Tucan, or colorful paradise birds).

True, but birds in tropical environs are generally brighter colored than those in temperate areas, and Deinonychus lived in tropical swamps and floodplains. Also, even drab colored birds rarely are monochromatic, and usually have various patterns and splashes of color.

Ivan Rûski wrote:

Boo to feathered dinosaurs!

In all honesty, I don't have a problem with the mini. It looks fine. Just no matter what science may say, dinosaurs will forever be big lizards in my brain, not overgrown turkeys.

And, cue the speech Dr. Grant said to that kid at the beginning of Jurassic Park.

Well, it's not their fault that you don't like cool dinosaurs, is it?

Colorful, feathered dinos are pretty cool. This article indicates that even the t-rex may have been feathered:

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ivan Rûski wrote:

Boo to feathered dinosaurs!

In all honesty, I don't have a problem with the mini. It looks fine. Just no matter what science may say, dinosaurs will forever be big lizards in my brain, not overgrown turkeys.

Yeah, me too. I don't see why historical (probable) accuracy should trump cultural prejudice, personally. Dinosaurs with feathers don't look like dinosaurs, no matter what real ones looked like.

The Minis Maniac wrote:

Edit: Also Deinonychus is often thought of as a pack stealth hunter. So it's coloration would likely be more inline with it's habitat along with it's display pattern. ( I will also emphasize MOST bird display patterns aren't nearly as colorful or bright as a macaw, Tucan, or colorful paradise birds).

I'm totally cool with having a few brown/drab dinos but bright/varied colors look cooler and so that's what I'd like on my minis. Even if it's just a few bright flourishes on an otherwise normal dino like in this picture.

Actually come to think of it if Erik would be party to it having some more of the plausible but not traditionally used dinosaur designs would be cool. The only book I've seen that does this is All Yesterdays which has alternate dino designs that are plausible based on their skeleton if you assume their fat and muscle distributions were more like mammals and bird instead of the crocodilians dinosaur reproductions are usually modeled after.

I like the idea of the raptor having a cool colored display crest and or colored streak. Maybe not brown either. I'd think off white with maybe specks.

I'm not opposed to feathered dinosaurs in my fantasy... but DANG that is one derpy-looking raptor. Lookit that face! That face is so derpy and goofy that... well, I really want it as a forum avatar, actually.

Dark Archive Contributor

Love the bat, like the raptor (but also would love more colorful feathers), and like the gnoll leader but hope we'll see more contrast in the actual paint job.

My least-favorite of the otherwise good sculpts are those that end up being monochromatic or two-toned because of too little contrast between the chosen colors. I'm much less interested in a figure matching its original painting than in having a figure that really pops out on the table.

More contrast, please!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Two suggestions for Erik regarding future dinosaurs in the line:

1. Find the happy medium between going full-feathered, drab dinosaur and our "cultural prejudice" as another poster stated.

I like that Paizo is choosing to go with the more feathered look of dinosaurs, as it seems a more accurate depiction of the creatures. It's a nod to our current and future understanding of the beasts, and serves as a nice tip of the hat to the field of science.

I would say that considering the fantasy context that these are used in, some creative licensing can't hurt. Perhaps one way to incorporate both the past and present would be to keep the feathers but choose some livelier colors that represent the traditional belief we had. It appears from the many comments on here that a more colorful palette for the dinosaur type would be appreciated.

I feel like there is no better setting than Golarion for the two worlds to collide without killing independent George.

2. Before you sign off on the next set with a dinosaur, consider tagging it (or them) as potential repaints for Con shows.

3. Add a Plant creature or five to your line. Seriously.

Okay, I know that doesn't directly have anything to do with dinosaurs, but I thought I'd fit it in just the same. We need Plant creatures. I cry each time the underrated creature type goes another Battles release w/o being represented. I'm nearly out of tears.

There are some Plant creatures that look amazing and having their miniatures would really help out in the campaigns. Sometimes a simple twig can get the job done, sure. For the rest of them, though, I'd love to have that plastic plant on my tabletop.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Pigraven wrote:
2. Before you sign off on the next set with a dinosaur, consider tagging it (or them) as potential repaints for Con shows.

Great idea. Fantastic way to get some variation on the same mini, and they usually aren't too hard for those who don't go to the cons to acquire.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

As much as I would like to see a colorful deinonychus the majority of the pack would probably be female and they would possess subdued plumage, while the males would most likely have the vibrant colors for attracting the opposing gender.

Very happy with seeing a feathered dinosaur in general. My only real gripe is with the position of the claws. Members of the dromaeosauridae are incapable of a vertical claw position while their arms are at rest. They would be in more of a grasping position. A lot of concept art for the Lost World: Jurassic Park also made this mistake.

It isn't for sure that a pack would be majority female. Unless there is extreme enough dimorphism that we've mistaken one gender for a whole different species they seem to have been about equal in size between male and female. So they could be patriarchal packs, fully mixed, or segregated male and female packs.

Like Erik said, some new Dungeons Deep images have surfaced from the GAMA fair.

Since I don't want to spoil here, I am leaving the links to the images. Browse them if you don't mind knowing something more about what's coming in the next set.

As a side note, I found an interesting pic about Wizkids business.

All pics are from

That dragon is impressive. Looks like we only have a few new people in those pictures. The levitating book guy and a second sarcophagus/iron maiden which is actually based. I would have guessed that to be a closed termagaunt but Erik said no kytons this set.

We also have this set of previews from the Paizo booth at GAMA that has a different set up new monsters. They include:

Gibbering Mouther
axe beark
Mi Go
Elder Thing

Ahrien wrote:

As a side note, I found an interesting pic about Wizkids business.

Wizkids diversification chart

Thanks for that. I always find it interesting to see just how skewed my perceptions of "the market" are.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm hoping we get some information soon on Pathfinder Battles Iconic Heroes Set #4 and beyond. I know it might not come this week, but with the second release due this month and Set #3 coming in April, we're likely to get some information in the near future. This assumes Set #4 is still planned for a May release.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Based on what we've seen so far in pictures on here and from the trade shows, it's become very apparent to me that I need this Dungeons Deep set before June. Paizo is going to have to run a special giveaway or something and rig the contest in my favor, because the waiting is now killing me.

Dark Archive

So far we have now seen 45 of 51 minis and not a single bad one.
Best set so far!

I counted 7 small minis (which seems to be the new standard),
21 medium ones (of 24 or 25 per set) and 11 large ones (of 12 or 13 per set).
Also 5 of 6 "dungeon dressings" (would you like fries with that?) have appeared.
I´m also curious for the new King Irovetti and Feiya minis.
I still hope for a regular preview by Eric. ;-)

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