Larur Feldin

Gullyble Dwarf - Lvl 7 DM's page

Goblin Squad Member. Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber. ** Pathfinder Society GM. 159 posts. 1 review. 1 list. 2 wishlists. 12 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hey all,
I subscribed to the Lost Omens Subscription in October, I believe, and have not received any items. It looks like the World Guide was sidecarted and never moved to the actual cart and shipped. Can you take a look and let me know what's happening when you get a chance.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

A double weapon counts the exact same as wielding a one-handed weapon and a light weapon when using both ends. There is no difference mechanically, ie you need the same feats to be effective and they have the exact same effects.
Some double weapons have slightly better damage than you'd have with a one-handed weapon and a light weapon like the orc double axe and dire flail which give you a d8 for both ends and I don't know that there's a light weapon that does a d8. Note: these weapons are usually exotic for most races.
If you have a double weapon someone only needs to disarm you once to make you weaponless. Sunder may work the same way here, I'm not sure though.
Dual wielding you could have more options, but typically people use the same weapon in both hands so they can take advantage of feats like weapon focus and improved critical.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Saving Throw: When a creature is the subject of a dangerous spell or effect, it often receives a saving throw to mitigate the damage or result. Saving throws are passive, meaning that a character does not need to take an action to make a saving throw—they are made automatically. There are three types of saving throws: Fortitude (used to resist poisons, diseases, and other bodily ailments), Reflex (used to avoid effects that target an entire area, such as fireball), and Will (used to resist mental attacks and spells).

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Well, it really is best if he understands the rules. The DM/GM is the rules arbiter of the game. AoO's happen with reasonable frequency. The rules are pretty clear on how it works as outlined by Saethori. I'm curious as to his logic. It's as if he's considering each head an individual monster which I don't think the rules support. If you can't have a rules discussion with your DM/GM that's a really bad place to be in. As long as people are respectful there's no reason for a DM/GM to not be willing to discuss the ruling. Now it's preferable not to do this in the midst of play unless the ruling is critical (ie TPK one way or PC's win the other), but at a break it's more than reasonable to go over the call, or at least it should be.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Unarmed Strike: At 1st level, a monk gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. A monk's attacks may be with fist, elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a monk may make unarmed strikes with his hands full. There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for a monk striking unarmed. A monk may thus apply his full Strength bonus on damage rolls for all his unarmed strikes.

This is not fluff text. The bolded comment specifically calls out that a monk may make an unarmed strike with hands full. I had a monk in my campaign that always carried a guisarme (later a staff) and when it was advantageous he would attack with that and when not he would use his flurry.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Enh, sounds like a bogus reason to prevent people from making noise during the conference. Possibly don't want it known who has support and who doesn't. The few deaf people I've met would not object to clapping or whooping. I'll have to ask my roommate about it. He's taken ASL classes and knows a lot more of the deaf than I do.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I can see how it could be interpreted either way, but my interpretation is largely in line with Avoron's.

I'd find it odd if I rolled a 1 and my result added up exceeded the target's AC and therefore I missed by...what? By rolling a 1 would be my answer.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Are you riding the animal? If not then you can. You have a simple trigger a GM is not going to have an issue with. I don't see any concerns or issues? Has one been brought up using this?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

1. The first diagonal step you take counts as 5ft per the movement rules thus yes you can take a diagonal 5ft step. No need for any further discussion than that.

2. Straight from Paizo's PRD:
Combat Reflexes and Additional Attacks of Opportunity: If you have the Combat Reflexes feat, you can add your Dexterity bonus to the number of attacks of opportunity you can make in a round. This feat does not let you make more than one attack for a given opportunity, but if the same opponent provokes two attacks of opportunity from you, you could make two separate attacks of opportunity (since each one represents a different opportunity). Moving out of more than one square threatened by the same opponent in the same round doesn't count as more than one opportunity for that opponent. All these attacks are at your full normal attack bonus.

So no, you need separate provoking actions for each AoO.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I think typically they do the mini trading on the last day of the Con, but things may be different.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The way you read it is correct and the only way I've ever seen it done.

I'm not sure I'd apply a further penalty for improvised tool w/o a kit as that is likely what the -4 represents. Usually the negative for improvised tools is -2 if I recall, so think the negatives as is are fine.

Addendum - Well, Craft penalties line up with -2, but Disable Device gives you a +10 to DC w/o proper tools, so...GM discretion. I'd still go with the -4 being sufficient assuming you have some materials that would work for the job.


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Happy Birthday, John.

Haven't played much PFS lately, but I do always enjoy seeing your very positive interactions on the boards. Thanks for all your efforts.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Didn't participate in the HB, but did notice all the insanity, including peoples delusional and insane expectations.

It always impresses me how Paizo's IT, Customer Service, Designers, etc... work to try to put their best foot forward and have a fairly high success rate. Grace is not an easy thing to have in these times. So...thank you very much for keeping your cool, keeping people informed/in the loop, and putting forth your best efforts.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

What others have said is how it's done.

Your friend's link is guidelines for GM's designing encounters for their home campaign.

Your other friends are way off base. Due to various abuses when GM's/Players were left to their own devices in prior seasons, PFS leadership has left no wiggle room in determining which tier must be played by a group (yes, yes, there's the fringe case where if noone is in the upper tier and average is between tiers and you have 6-7 players they may choose to play down). Overall I believe PFS is better for it; though, it's a shame such things are required.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Steve Geddes wrote:
Can someone tell me, if my pledge has two versions of the book (like leatherbound + regular or steel book + regular) can I get each copy for a different game system?

Frogs said yes on the Comments in Kickstarter.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

No. He means Warlords of the Apocalypse as can be read about in the thread. Progress by Owen is slow as he's got his fingers in a lot of pies. I don't mean that in any kind of condescending manner either. The guy is seriously busy near as I can tell. Not sure when or even if it will see the light of day.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Blargh. I trimmed my Cart to add to my Subscription to get my shipping discount and stuff and the Golem's having none of it. I can't even access my Cart anymore. Can I get an assist?

Hunh, it came back. It's showing my current Cart items separated into 3 shipments. Managed to finagle the first into my current subscription shipment and the other 2 to just ship with my subscriptions which I think will work.

You might double check. The Golem didn't seem too happy to serve, but looks like it quite berserking on me.

"My love for you is ticking cloc, BERSERKER!"

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

3d8 + 3*3 (Str) + 3*1 (Enhancement Bonus) + 3*2 (Inspire Courage) + 3*4 (Power Attack) =
3d8 + 30

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

It's problematic looking at it as a sequential deal, since it's very possible the character may succeed with something less than a 20. If we're going by a strict sequential reading then Take 20 should say it takes 6 seconds times the required die roll to perform an action utilizing Take 20.

I don't think the designers wanted to do that and went with - just use the time it'd take to try 20 attempts, assume failure(low rolls) so can't be done on things that failure is bad, and say on the 20th attempt you get a 20 and call it a day.

If we're basing on 20 rolls it gets even worse as the statistical probability for rolling one of each result in order when rolling 20 times is nigh 0. Going into the actual statistical percentages and such would have been more accurate and even more of a nightmare, so they didn't roll with that either and again just kept it simple.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Up over $60k. If last day behavior is normal for this Kickstarter I think we're in good shape. I'll certainly throw in more when there's more add-ons I can add-on. :)

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I think everyone just forgot that Bane adds +2 to the effective enhancement against creatures the bane applies against. I didn't remember that.I don't recall if it had that in 3.5 and that's where most of my memories of the quality are associated.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Characters advance from level 1 to 9 (or maybe 10) I believe, but use the SLOW track. The Levee AP is a 9 part AP thus far, I believe. You can do a search for it or look thru the updates on the Kickstarter. I don't recall the exact split between the setting and the AP. Might be able to find and post it later.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Blight Kickstarter Thread with some of Richard's Kickstarter updates giving samples of his prose, different things about the city, and what it's all about. Give it a glance.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Amulet of Many Fists never has to have an enhancement bonus.

On the BWoMS you can combine any melee melee weapon special abilities (Yes you can have Acidic/Fire/Frost/Shock on the same one).

To figure out cost you have to figure out the change in effective bonus and pay the difference from the BWoMS you have to the one you're going to.

If you've simply got the +1 and are going to a +1 w/Acid/Fire/Frost/Shock you're going from a +1 equivalent to a +5 equivalent (+1 enhancement plus 4 +1 equivalent special abilities), so you're paying 75,000 - 3,000 = 72,000gp based on the costs below.

All enhancement bonuses count as a +1 and the cost of the weapon special ability is outlined in each abilities description and range from +1 to +5.

+1 bonus 3,000 gp; +2 bonus 12,000 gp; +3 bonus 27,000 gp; +4 bonus 48,000 gp; +5 bonus 75,000 gp; +6 bonus 108,000 gp; +7 bonus 147,000 gp

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Yes, you have to have the class Fighter. There's multiple "of the Society" feats and I believe all are class based.

I believe a Brawler qualifies as well, since their Brawler levels qualify as Fighter levels for most things, but I'm not 100% on this.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Wu Ling
Tetsu Ko
might do.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Thought this was gonna be a "Roll to see if I'm getting drunk" thread. It's not unreasonable for adventurers to be wary of the town guard; especially if they don't have a relationship with them.

In this case I'd tell the person rolling his read on the guard. They seem to be at ease with your party and believe your story of what happened (assuming he got a reasonable Sense Motive result (>15)) or if you havea roleplay heavy group even going into further detail like the guard in charge seems very comfortable with you and looks like he's seen this kind of thing before and with what you're saying and the attitude of your party it seems like he thinks things add up and you are trustworthy individuals. It seems his counterparts are less so and seem a little unsure and are just trying to follow the lead of their superior.

If the roll is sub that you just give them the nothing seems amiss version of things.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Paizo, please DO NOT STOP improving the game via FAQ's that include clarifications, wording changes, OR changes to mechanics and requirements. Sometimes during the creation of feats, class abilities, or other game mechanics unintended effects happen which you will realize are best left out of the game as it is your game. Please fix these ASAP and without restriction.

I will in turn realize that if the change is not what I want or, when I am the GM, not what my group wants we will work to modify the game as fits our needs as we do any of the rules in any of the books you publish. I appreciate seeing your modifications and updates of already published material to better understand there may be issues with rules including balance, unintended interactions of mechanics or fluff, alignment of items that are illogical or silly, or any other possibilities that I should like to be able to review and think about. Thanks for efforts and please keep the FAQ's coming.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hey Chris,
if I purchase and sidecart to get it shipped with my subscriptions for reduced shipping does that work? I thought historically you could not, but that I'd seen an exception recently. I don't see it mentioned in this Store Blog, though.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Are Answered in the FAQ questions that weren't answered in the FAQ getting love?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Well, considering color is the interpretation by your brain of certain wavelengths of LIGHT affecting your optic nerve I think that counts, since your argument is solely based on the use of the word color and the dependence of sight for someone to be affected.


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Are you allowing readied actions outside combat? I generally avoid this behavior and reserve readied actions until combat is entered.

Also, if the goons are not right at the window when the PC's are breaking in did you roll perception checks for the party to detect them moving into position? Assuming the whole party doesn't fail their perception checks then there's no surprise round and it's up to who's got the quickest reflexes (initiative) as to whether the goons can waylay the first PC thru the window.

As far as the goons' tactics, I think you're fine. Waylaying people is generally what goons know how to do and are paid to do.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I know you are James and I appreciate it. That post was aimed at people incoming to this thread or who have been on this thread, since it's effectively dead for getting a clarification on Overrun, but the first thread that pops up if you do a search for "Overrun Charge".

If all the people who FAQ'd this thread FAQ'd the other we'd have a good chance at getting a FAQ...I think. But we aren't getting the clicks there which kinda surprised me considering this thread from 5 years ago got 40 clicks and the fan base for Pathfinder has only grown since then.

In any case, I understand and share your frustration with Overrun. It's sad and infuriating we can't get clarification on an option that has been present in Pathfinder since the start of Pathfinder as a rules system. That's not meant as a slam on the Developers as I understand they're busy and rules clarification for a RPG is a quagmire at best, but just statement of the feeling surrounding this.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Might I suggest if you have interest in seeing Overrun FAQ'd to visit this thread Overrun as Part of a Charge and click the FAQ button on the first post.

The initial post in this thread has already been tagged as Answered in the FAQ which per Mark Seifter removes it from visibility. When I mentioned this thread he suggested starting a new one, so that's the one linked above. So far it's only got half a dozen clicks and based on discussion with Mark it sounds like it would need over 40 to have a chance at getting FAQ'd.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Leathert wrote:

I don't see any reason why your clothing would not count against your carrying capacity. They are on you, they have weight even when you haven't used money for them.

This generally keeps coming up cause they didn't count against your encumbrance in 3.5 and most of the items, their weights, and the encumbrance table were lifted by Paizo from the 3.5 Players Handbook into the Core Rulebook. Hence, most people who've played 3.5 feel like they've got 2-8 lbs less to work with and have a hard time accepting that when nothing else looks to have changed.

It's not a big deal, but it just begs the question.

(sigh) And ninja'd. While dwarves aren't quick you think I'd be able to move quicker than a dragon!


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

It would be rude or a jerk move in very limited circumstances. Having Darkvision is not the baseline or norm thus being in any level of darkness is fairly crippling to most characters. Usually it's overall best for the party for there to be light. For this reason, planning your PFS character concept around having darkness is not a good idea from my PoV. Now if you happen to get a party with all members with Darkvision then it could potentially be a jerk move.

Don't get me wrong, I have a Tiefling wizard I play with my buddy's Wayang wizard and we love to sneak around for its advantages, but I don't drop darkness unless it's not prohibitive to the group and I don't expect our party to stumble around in the dark, cause the environment is advantageous to us.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Well, if you use skills to complete encounters instead of combat you get exp which eventually levels you up which gets you skills. I wouldn't give additional skill points for doing it as this skews the power base of the class, but that's me.

Pretty sure the Core Rulebook specifically mentions the option of awarding exp for good roleplaying. I wouldn't suggest it unless your whole group likes to roleplay as it's generally a bad idea to have members of the party at different levels. However, an emphasis on roleplaying with groups who enjoy it is a great idea.

In the end, it makes the most sense to play in a way that everyone at the table enjoys. So if everybody's happy then you really can't be doing it wrong.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

If you're just wanting 2 AoMF's with different options (like a fighter with two different enchanted swords) you can purchase 2, but if you weren't wearing the desired one at the start of combat it'd probably be a full round action to swap to the other one.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Caster level has always implied to me a level in a casting class. I never thought it to be anything else by the very nature of the name of the gaming concept.

With SLA's and such I've always interpreted the CL to be the effective CL since the designers didn't want to have to write out every SLA effect for every creature that has one when they could simply tie it to spells used by casters with class levels and then give an effective CL to determine the specifics of the SLA. Or quite simple, the CL convention for SLA's was a way to save a ton of word space and still make precise determinations of what a creature with innate magic could do.

With that being my view it seems pretty obvious TO ME that all this CL for SLA's does is tell you what the SLA does and doesn't have any extension beyond that. Again, purely my view from my reading of how/why SLA's are setup the way they are.

Honestly, I don't want to see a bunch of verbiage in the Core to explain this as word count translates to cost which translates to what I gotta pay and you can only spell out things so much. That's why RPG's are so difficult to make and interpret. I suppose if companies wanted to just make a list of rules it'd be shorter, but I think most people would balk at such a dead, lifeless, and dense creation and I think the folks at Paizo would balk at being in a business creating such a item.

Just my 2 coppers on the deal.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

My guess is Danny is busy getting The Grande Temple of Jing out the door. Not that this is a good excuse, but I think this project was Danny biting off a bit more than he could chew.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

No. The interrupt clause is just to clarify that you can do something in the middle of someone else's actions. Normally this is a no-no, but a readied action allows it as an exception to the standard rule.

Your opponent is in the middle of his action so after your action he'll continue as if nothing happened unless your action prevents that, meaning it invalidates his action.

You striking him doesn't prevent movement or anything that would make his action evaluated as a whole (both pre and post your readied action) not legal.

If you knock him to the ground it does cause it breaks the rules of a charge. You can't move, go prone, and stand up to carry out a charge.

Similarly if he passed through multiple threatened squares of your allies and provoked attacks of opportunity that only did damage those would not stop his charge because taking damage does not prevent following the restrictions of a charge.

Now if one of them used a trip then again it would as he can no longer carry out the restrictions of a charge (ie moving at least 10ft and no more than double his speed total in a straight line to the nearest square he can attack from without moving through a hindering square).

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Essentially all your belongings are considered to count as part of you as far as taking space on the grid (ie they don't consume any of the grid and reside in your square(s) for determining if someone can make a Sunder or Steal attempt etc...).

The "you interupt the other character" is more for the part you did not highlight "Assuming he is still capable of doing so, he continues". It just means your readied action can go in the middle of another's action which is an exception to the standard flow of combat. And if this action you perform makes it impossible for the opponent to continue then he can't, ie your action CAN alter the opponents actions. For instance, let's say your opponent is charging, has moved 15ft and triggers your readied action which is to trip him and you succeed. We'll assume he does not have a reach weapon. At this point he can no longer charge as he's not in reach and can't continue as he's prone. Now it's up to the GM if he believes your target has only used up 15ft of movement (thus one move action) and still has a standard action left, but that's something for another time.

Creatures stop charges if they are intervening between you and the opponent you want to charge. You have to charge in a straight line to the nearest square you can attack an opponent from. If that requires you to go through the square of a friend or foe or other object that hinders movement (terrain) then you can not charge.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Ah, thanks Blazej and BNW. The Types of Feats section does make it pretty clear which feats are the Style feats. Also, thanks for giving me the wording change as my physical copy of UC is 300 miles away and this was really bugging me.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm having problems reading that MoMS has changed so you cannot get early entry into style feats like Pummeling Charge and Dragon Ferocity. Does anyone know how the exact wording changed? In my updated PD I still see:

Bonus Feat: At 1st level, 2nd level, and every four levels
thereafter, a master of many styles may select a bonus
style feat or the Elemental Fist feat (Advanced Player’s Guide
158). He does not need to meet the prerequisites of that
feat, except the Elemental Fist feat.

Are not all feats listed under Style Feats in UC considered style feats for the purpose of this section of MoMS? I would actually support things that discourage the dip into MoMS, but I'm not registering how that's been shored up.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Gullyble Dwarf - Lvl 7 DM wrote:

3.X Overrun History

3.0-Overrun is made as part of move portion of a charge. Must move 10ft before overrun and opponent may avoid or block. If opponent blocks you attempt a trip. If the trip is successful you may continue the charge as normal.

GDL7DM Commentary - This looks to essentially allow you to do what is outlined in the Charge Through Feat in Pathfinder except you make an overrun attempt instead of a trip.

3.5-Initially had the same wording used in Pathfinder (ie one line stating overrun can be done as part of a charge. Later this was errata'd that Overrun could not be done as part of a charge and that line was removed. Final version - Standard action during a move only.

3.75-Matches pre-errata 3.5, ie has a single line allowing you to overrun as part of a charge.

GDL7DM Commentary - So the question becomes was 3.5 intent to allow the option of 3.0 to charge thru an opponent and make an attack against the BBEG behind with Overrun replacing the trip attack? If so this would make the Charge Through feat null and void. 2nd question would be why was this option errata'd out. Did D&D not initially intend for this to be an option or was it determined to be too powerful (no idea how this could be the case) or other reason?

Some Good Candidates

Overrun operates similar to Bullrush. The charge is merely to give a bonus to your overrun attempt and to allow a double move. You may move double your movement in a straight line intersecting the target of your overrun. Numerical bonuses and penalties of the charge are as normal. There is no target of your charge.

Overrun allows a character to attempt to overrun a mook in order to attack the BBEG. The charge is setup per rules for the charge with the allowance of ignoring one interposing enemy. This enemy will become the target of your overrun. As normal you're limited to moving a distance double your movement and get the +2 bonus of the Charge along with the -2 to your AC.

I looked through my old 3.5 errata and found that using Overrun as part of a charge was actually removed from 3.5 (Yes, I'm still playing 3.5 w/a group of friends in a campaign going on well over 5 years, probably 10). I updated the Overrun history above to reflect that information. Not the kind of turn I was expecting, but anyhow.

I guess I'd like to see overruning as part of a charge remaining and replacing the Charge Through feat. I think this doesn't make Overrun overpowered and actually can make it dangerous and a thing to be done selectively, but yet keeps it useful for some limited circumstances.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

What AP is Malagus Kreeg from? Or is he even from an AP?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

If a dragon goes with a weapon doesn't he lose bite, claw, claw, wing, wing, tail all at approximately the same bonus vs iterative with one secondary?

Anyway, back to the OP. In the pre-Pathfinder Paizo AP I ran the dragons in it most definitely used appropriate magical items in their hoard. I have not run a Golarion Scenario/AP with a dragon that had access to items, so I don't know what the Golarion standard is.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

3.X Overrun History

3.0-Overrun is made as part of move portion of a charge. Must move 10ft before overrun and opponent may avoid or block. If opponent blocks you attempt a trip. If the trip is successful you may continue the charge as normal.

GDL7DM Commentary - This looks to essentially allow you to do what is outlined in the Charge Through Feat in Pathfinder except you make an overrun attempt instead of a trip.

3.5-Not an Option. Standard action during a move only.

3.75-Has a single line allowing you to overrun as part of a charge and then mostly uses language from 3.5's overrun.

GDL7DM Commentary - So the question becomes was the intent to combine the 3.0 and 3.5 options? If so this would make the Charge Through feat null and void. Or is this trying to make it similar to Pathfinder's Bullrush.

Some Good Candidates

Overrun operates similar to Bullrush. The charge is merely to give a bonus to your overrun attempt and to allow a double move. You may move double your movement in a straight line intersecting the target of your overrun. Numerical bonuses and penalties of the charge are as normal. There is no target of your charge.

Overrun is a combination of the 3.0 and 3.5 options to allow a character to attempt to overrun a mook in order to attack the BBEG. The charge is setup per rules for the charge with the allowance of ignoring one interposing enemy. This enemy will become the target of your overrun. As normal you're limited to moving a distance double your movement and get the +2 bonus of the Charge along with the -2 to your AC.

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