Bundle Up!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

As we ease into February, we're getting ready to launch the Reign of Winter Adventure Path and we thought we'd share a bit of art with everyone from the first volume, "The Snows of Summer" by Neil Spicer. I've been filled with anticipation for this Adventure Path's release, and I can't wait for all of you to see it too. The overall look of the AP is amazing, and credit for this goes to the Art Department and their stable of excellent artists. I'll talk a bit more about the Adventure Path as a whole a little later when we release the Reign of Winter Player's Guide, so keep your eyes open for that announcement here on the blog. For now, feast your eyes on these wonderful pieces of art!

Featured here are a few of the creatures and characters your PCs can encounter in The Snows of Summer.
Illustrations by Dmitry Prosvirnin and Dmitry Burmak

Feiya, Imrijka and Lini are among the featured Iconic characters in the Reign of Winter Adventure Path.
Illustrations by Robert Pitturru

Adam Daigle

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Dmitry Burmak Dmitry Prosvirnin Pathfinder Adventure Path Reign of Winter Robert Pitturru
Liberty's Edge

These look amazing! I can wait to have the book in my hands.

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Paizo blog on the weekends? What sorcery is this!?!

I love the artwork though.

Those are some might fangs Imrijka has!

Odraude wrote:

Paizo blog on the weekends? What sorcery is this!?!

I love the artwork though.

Sorcery by robot hands, methinks...And appropriate for this Reign of Winter! MWAH HAH HAH HAH!

...sorry, got a bit carried a way there. :D

Sovereign Court

The troll and the pixie are really well done! Beautiful stuff!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I like the human clothing...very reminiscent to what I have seen in Slavic Fantasy movies...works for me!! Both Dmitry's art style rock.

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I'm sorry, what? All I heard was "Reign of Winter Player's Guide."


Sovereign Court Developer

Callous Jack wrote:
The troll and the pixie are really well done! Beautiful stuff!

That's an atomie, not a pixie! But I agree, they are beautiful stuff!

RPG Superstar 2009, Contributor

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A veritable rogues' gallery in the first line-up. :-)

The artwork was really, really amazing stuff for this adventure. Sarah, her team, and the artists themselves brought their A-game to this AP.

Can't wait!

And amazing art, as ALWAYS.
(Last night I Liked the FB Pathfinder Art group - where had it been all my life?)


I want his gloves. :)

I'm hoping for a lot of Slavic inspired monsters this time around. If there is a more extensive PG coming out I look forward to it. But I have a little guide in People of the North which I really do appreciate. Thank you, Paizo!

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

So Adam what makes this such an eagerly anticipated release for you?

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Is this east-coast blizzard just a giant Paizo marketing stunt?

Paizo Employee Developer

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Cat-thulhu wrote:
So Adam what makes this such an eagerly anticipated release for you?

Well, despite hating the cold, I certainly love the subject matter of Baba Yaga and getting to tell cool stories with generous hints of folklore, so that's a big bonus, but main thing is that this is the first AP I've worked on from its birth to its release date. I was involved in the brainstorm and outline process and have really worked closely with Rob throughout its development process.

I came to work here in the early middle of Skull & Shackles, so all of that was already outlined and assigned. Most of Shattered Star was already sorted out by James, but there was enough open for me to put my mark on the back matter and bestiary. This time around it was fully my job of figuring out what was going where in regards to the articles and bestiary, and it was a blast. I really hope everyone digs this Adventure Path.

...but it's cool if y'all don't, too. I understand. ;)

Those are going to make some awesome pawns. :D

Congrats Adam, on your accomplishments thus far... I'm really stoked about this AP as well... Couldn't wait til SS was over with, to be honest with you. Looking forward to see what goodies you and the Paizo gang have in store for us.

I love the artwork, but I'm a bit confused by the troll. It doesn't really look like a Pathfinder troll so much with that big nose and lack of serious underbite.

Scarab Sages

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It's bad enough that so many Paizo illustrations feature cleavage windows and stripper dresses, but do Lini and Feiya really need to walk around half-naked in the midst of a snowstorm...? It's weird that you guys still try to keep up with the cheesecake quotient of conventional fantasy art when you're getting everything else so right. (And the NPCs and Amrijka are just perfect!)

I'm certainly looking forward to the adventure path though! Sounds like an original approach.

Cool! The artwork of the Atomie is just what I want! Beautiful!

Also cool the Atomie gets some sweet love and attention! I love it when rare creatures get the artwork and cool enemy/ally role, that is something I sometimes wish was done differently, because Hill Giants, Goblins and Trolls (and other such famous creatures) always get the artwork in the AP's I wish the more rare creature that are used in the AP's get the artwork instead in the future.

In Shattered Star however things were really cool, Art of nighthags, Nuckelavee, Scylla, Bythos and Bogeyman, I really loved that! Hope to see that more often in the future, and less Hill Giant, Goblin and Troll art as I know what they look like now :P
I wanna know what for example Totenmakses, Quicklings and Vouivres look like when they are not in a "bad hair" day like on their current pictures.

And pictures really do something about the coolness and popularity of the creatures, because I never really liked Gug, Bythos and Erodaemons until I saw other artworks of them, the one of the Gug holding a Ghast for dinner for example made me change my mind on the creature entirely as the artwork made the creature look extremly feral and awesome, something I really missed on its Bestiary picture, so giving creatures more pictures may help making them favorites and awesome.

But anyway keep up the good work! As paizo still is the best art producer like EVER.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

These look very good. I can't wait!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Catharsis wrote:
It's bad enough that so many Paizo illustrations feature cleavage windows and stripper dresses, but do Lini and Feiya really need to walk around half-naked in the midst of a snowstorm...?

I'm confused. Lini is half naked? OMG two inches on her arms are exposed!! Call the fashion police!

Feiya, I'll grant you.

Endure Elements

School abjuration; Level cleric 1, druid 1, paladin 1, ranger 1, sorcerer/wizard 1

Casting Time 1 standard action

Components V, S

Range touch

Target creature touched

Duration 24 hours

Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)

A creature protected by endure elements suffers no harm from being in a hot or cold environment. It can exist comfortably in conditions between –50 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit without having to make Fortitude saves. The creature's equipment is likewise protected.

Endure elements doesn't provide any protection from fire or cold damage, nor does it protect against other environmental hazards such as smoke, lack of air, and so forth.

Lets Lini walk around naked if she wants.

The monsters look ALL naked! Shame, Paizo!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Liking Hestrig...hope she's a helpful NPC, like Ulf.

Soon, Decius, soon

Ah, Endure Elements, what a wonderful spell. There is also Cold Endurance and Improved Cold Endurance from Frostburn which is an older book but still good for this AP.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

There is a similar Feat in the Inner Sea World Guide. I don't recall the name or the pre-reqs, but I know I remember reading it.

Reckless wrote:
Catharsis wrote:
It's bad enough that so many Paizo illustrations feature cleavage windows and stripper dresses, but do Lini and Feiya really need to walk around half-naked in the midst of a snowstorm...?

I'm confused. Lini is half naked? OMG two inches on her arms are exposed!! Call the fashion police!

Feiya, I'll grant you.

Endure Elements

** spoiler omitted **

Lets Lini walk around naked if she wants.

The monsters look ALL naked! Shame, Paizo!

Obviously the Skimpy Armour mod was activated for this AP..Skyrim joke

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Catharsis wrote:
It's bad enough that so many Paizo illustrations feature cleavage windows and stripper dresses, but do Lini and Feiya really need to walk around half-naked in the midst of a snowstorm...?

Unfortunately, the iconics are always pictured in the one set of clothes they apparently own so people recognize them, just like Charlie Brown always wears that yellow shirt with the black zig-zag. Personally, I find this less jarring than the shot of Alahazra in spotless white robes and silly hat swabbing the deck on a pirate ship.

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Can we get one of these art blogs for every product?

Shadow Lodge

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Joana wrote:

Unfortunately, the iconics are always pictured in the one set of clothes they apparently own so people recognize them, just like Charlie Brown always wears that yellow shirt with the black zig-zag. Personally, I find this less jarring than the shot of Alahazra in spotless white robes and silly hat swabbing the deck on a pirate ship.

Not entirely so. People of the North has Kyra bundled up in furs for the cold weather.

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Well, then ... yeah, that's stupid. Heck, even holiday Seoni wore fur-trimmed scraps of nothing.

Doesn't take away from my hearty approval of NPCs dressed appropriately for adventuring in the climate, though.

The Exchange

Joana wrote:

Well, then ... yeah, that's stupid. Heck, even holiday Seoni wore fur-trimmed scraps of nothing.

Doesn't take away from my hearty approval of NPCs dressed appropriately for adventuring in the climate, though.

yeahm iconics in winter outfits would be cool. Certainly cooler than the almost offensivley revealing dresses.

I do enjoy swords of credible proportions, thanks Dmitry.

Silver Crusade

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I've missed these art preview entries. :)

Glad to see Imrijka finally making it into the APs!

I really like that Atomie artwork.

Given this recent weather, the shoes on the humans look ridiculously comfortable right now...

Silver Crusade

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thistledown wrote:

Not entirely so. People of the North has Kyra bundled up in furs for the cold weather.

People of the North Kyra is awesome and looks warm enough to make readers envious this time of year.

Feiya is actually a witch from Irrisen though, so perhaps she's cold-weather acclimated. Also, magic.

Scarab Sages

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Joana wrote:
Catharsis wrote:
It's bad enough that so many Paizo illustrations feature cleavage windows and stripper dresses, but do Lini and Feiya really need to walk around half-naked in the midst of a snowstorm...?
Unfortunately, the iconics are always pictured in the one set of clothes they apparently own so people recognize them, just like Charlie Brown always wears that yellow shirt with the black zig-zag. Personally, I find this less jarring than the shot of Alahazra in spotless white robes and silly hat swabbing the deck on a pirate ship.

I always figured they only wore one outfit because the first one's free at level 1; after that they waste gp that could be spent on other gear.

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