Necrovox wrote:
Actually, I had Solveig travel with the party from Whitethrone. In my game, the "distraction" the PCs managed to create only lasted so long before the Winter Guard reasserted dominance in a major way, striking into the heart of the Heralds of Summers Return's lair. So Nadya, Solveig, and Bella all fled from the destruction and joined the PCs in the Hut before it left Whitethrone. Then, I gave Solveig one scroll of Raise Dead from her old hideout (an item she grabbed literally as the walls were falling down around her). So long story short, I included a replacement PC cleric should things go horribly awry, or if the party needed some back up heals of some kind, and 1 freebie Raise Dead, which the party used on the Oracle. This led to a pretty awkward and uncomfortable "Why did you kill me?" conversation between Viktor and his killer. Both players are keeping it in character, though, which is good. No one stormed off angrily or anything!
Got a new one. Name: Viktor
This is unusual for my group, but we had an inner party conflict that resulted in a PC death. The CG oracle of Milani decided that he was not going to heal the LE Summoner (who happens to worship Asmodeus), because the summoner had informed the group that he may, from time to time, summon devils to help with combat. After a particularly nasty battle with the Animate Dream, the Summoner requests healing from the Oracle, who denies him. . . the next thing I know, the Summoner's eidolon is pouncing the Oracle, killing him in one round, as he was still hurt from the previous battle. Meanwhile, Tryva, the third raven oracle, is just watching the party implode in front of her with a bemused expression on her face (as much as a raven can look bemused). Much heated RP ensued. . . and I'm still trying to figure out where that came from! Needless to say, the party was not pleased at seeing their main source of healing killed by one of their own. They're all the rest of them various flavors of Neutral alignment, so there was no immediate retribution. The funniest thing about it all was that the Summoner kept claiming that it wasn't him, that his eidolon decided on his own to kill the guy because he was angry he wasn't getting heals after all of his hard work. . . :/
zimmerwald1915 wrote: Marislova, embittered against Baba Yaga's servant as she is, could probably be convinced to join up with Nazhena and retrain her Ranger levels into Ranger (witchguard) levels. That's a cool idea - I like the idea of Nazhena as a recurring villain. My wife is playing a winter witch, and Nazhena is going to try and recruit her to the dark side. She probably won't go for it (and the Black Rider mantle/geas could potentially prevent her even if she wanted to), but it should still make for some good RP.
closetgamer wrote:
That was more along the lines of how I expected it to go. I've been concerned with the survivability of the winter witches throughout this campaign. There are a couple of min/maxers in my group, one of them an archer specialist. It's not uncommon for him to do 20+ dmg an arrow, and currently he can get off four a round without haste. Thinking about this made me remember a ranger archetype I had seen: the Witchguard, sworn defenders of the witches of the north. Nazhena will have one with her for sure, maybe other witches as well. Aside from being a balancing factor, if ever there was an opportunity to use this archetype for npcs, THIS is the campaign.
There's a fighter (archer) in my party that took out Logrivich with 3 arrows - even with him being upgraded to a Juvenile White Dragon. Crit happens! Most anticlimactic dragon fight ever. . . The fight with The Gobbler was good, though. My wife's witch character was swallowed whole, and she had already had her voice stolen by the attic whisperer. She had Radosek's wand of ice spears, and had to use UMD to activate it (since she couldn't speak), while the rest of the party flailed ineffectively at The Gobbler's hardness. She speared the stove a couple of times, and finally was able to crawl out of the ruined furnace. Good times!
Macona wrote:
I think it would work just fine, but remember, Ringeirr is the party's connection to the Heralds of Summer. Without their help, they'll be unlikely to enter the Market area where the hut is located. Not to mention, it's going to be harder to rest, heal, buy/sell equipment, etc without the help of the resistance group. It's still doable, but it's going to take some adjustment if they cut Ringeirr out of the loop.
I've got a few new entries to add, and this time from The Shackled Hut. Here's lookin' at you, Jim Groves! Names: Eiliff Blood-Eagle, Artemis, Kressimir
The Gory Details: Alright, so a few background details. The party has six members, plus both Nadya and Ringeirr actively participating. Consequently, I have to adjust all the encounters up 1-2 CRs (usually one). All of my winter wolves have the advanced template, and I removed the sickened effect for this particular encounter. Additionally, I gave both winter wolves the same gear as Greta, making them off-duty guards spoiling for a fight. In hindsight, this bumped the CR up to CR9 - significantly more difficult than the original encounter, but not beyond all bounds of reason. Kressimir, the druid, is wearing the rimepelt and appearing as a winter wolf in human form. The two off duty guards, seeing an unfamiliar face and spoiling for a bit, decide to start harassing him. The winter wolves start asking questions about the rest of the party, and Kressimir tells them that those are his slaves, and they'd best leave his property alone. Being animals at heart, one of the winter wolves decides to show Kressimir how wrong he is, by marking his territory: he urinates on Ringeirr right in front of him. Kressimir responds by unsheathing himself, and returning the favor right in the guards face. It was quite literally a pissing match. Two great axe crits and 3 party member deaths later, the rest of the party is left with a whole alley full of corpses to deal with. . . PROBABLY not how the encounter was envisioned by the author, but hey, these games take a turn for the weird sometimes!
The Dawn Pipers have a LOT of control in the First World. I mean, c'mon - they shape their surroundings with their EMOTIONS. However, to answer your question, I do think it's totally plausible that a party could let that forest slip over with them into the First World. It just might be harder to gain access to the Hut once they're in the Dawn Pipers playground. Also, there's the dimensional shackles to think of. . . they're artifact power level, so they may prevent the Hut from transitioning over even if everything else in the area does. Wouldn't that be a pain if the party thought they'd be clever and let the Hut go to the First World, only to find that they were stranded there themselves with no way out?
Thanks Ansel, I had missed the CL of the item (just assumed it was the same as the intended item). closetgamer wrote: Sylgja rewarded my group with the scroll. I kind of wondered what the point was in it being there in the first place if the remedy for the curse was so easily reached... Granted, the PC did have to suffer through it for a little while, but it wasn't very long and didn't have a huge impact. It's really not as simple as all that, depending on how things play out. Considering that the curse doesn't actually become evident until the character is injured in combat, the player may not even know they're cursed when you meet Sylgja. Even then, if you assume (which I do), that Syljga's scroll is at the minimum caster level for the type of item (CL 5), she needs to roll a 15 or higher to get rid of that particular curse. That's pretty bad odds. Her scroll still came in handy, though. . . a barbarian in my group was suffering from a feast of ashes curse. Glutton wrote: Honestly, I fudged the roll. That's probably what will happen with me, too, when she finds another remove curse. That, or I'll allow chopping off the finger to work, if she goes that route.
The Snows of Summer sees the introduction of a: Spoiler!:
Ring of Lifebleed (CL 15). Per the RAW, removal of a cursed item requires succeeding against a DC of 10 + the caster level of the cursed item. . . how are the rest of you dealing with this? One of my players has this item, and the DC is nigh impossible for low level characters to make. A 10th level character would have to roll a 15 when casting remove curse. . . The Shackled Hut mentions that: Spoiler!:
Sylgja may offer to remove the curse with her scroll. . . How, by rolling a 20? This just seems like an incredibly powerful cursed item, and the adventure doesn't seem to offer any real method of removing it. It almost seems like the authors forgot that the Pathfinder version of Remove curse doesn't work automatically like the 3.5 version. Advice?
Zenlike wrote:
This. I'd never give up my Pathfinder AP subscription, but every once in a while I venture elsewhere for a truly exceptional adventure path. This is one of those! Aside from getting the hardcover compilations, I'd recommend adding on the NPC cards. There are SO MANY NPCs that the PCs have meaningful interactions with, and it can be difficult to keep them all straight, both for the GM and the players. There's quite a bit of mystery/intrigue/investigation required for this AP, so remembering who's who is kind of important.
Turin the Mad wrote:
My players would disagree! Level 1 was brutal for them. Oh, and as an aside, I also killed three horses they took from the High Sentinel Lodge. With coldness.
I'm using a combination of the Record of Lodoss War soundtrack, a few select tracks from the game Secret of Mana, and an odd track here and there for winter travel/mood music. I'm also letting each player pick a theme song, and when something significant happens with their character (or they just do something really cool or dramatic), I'm going to play their theme. Btw, I'm having trouble finding any good travel music for trudging through a snowstorm. It seems most people find snow falling to be relaxing or peaceful, and make music accordingly. I want something that is slightly disconcerting, but has a definite "snowy" feel to it. Any suggestions?
Swashbucklersdc wrote: We have an arctic druid in my campiagn also, but he took the fire domain instead of an animal companion; kinda interesting. He worships the god of volcanoes and winter from Tien. Yeah. . . my player took the Water domain, which makes more sense to me. Of course, his offensive abilities are next to useless in most encounters, but he's getting a lot of mileage out of the utility/defensive aspects of it.
Oh yeah, also. . . Again, from SoS:
Does it become the next category of cold (severe cold)? Or does this not happen until the party goes through the party into Irrisen? How often do they need to make checks past High Sentinel Lodge, but before they go through the portal?
From Snows of Summer: "Those who have taken nonlethal damage from exposure suffer from
That definitely implies that frostbite has some additional effect, but like Alientude, I can't find anything describing what frostbite does. Some clarification would be awesome!
The environmental effects are extremely hazardous for level 1 characters. The way the map is spaced out, they're probably going to have to make a check about every other encounter location, since it takes longer to travel through the snow. You factor that in with the party being basically unable to flee from nearly any encounter due to hampered movement, and the forest itself becomes a pretty formidable foe.
Alright, I've got a couple. Name: Calistria
Poor guys. A Yeti is a REALLY rough random encounter at level 1. Long story short, the party was spending a LOT of time camping out in the woods, taking their time, and eventually encountered this fearsome killer. Name: Pugnex
This guy had the misfortune to be knocked into the negatives at the base of the stairs when Rokhar came strolling down. Easy meat for a seasoned killer like Rokhar.
B0sh1 wrote:
Good questions! I'd like to know as well.