Paizo Blog
Gen Con 2017
To Indy, And Beyond!Wait, it's already August again?! It's almost time for crowds of gamers to converge in Indianapolis for Gen Con 50 and Paizo officially releases our newest roleplaying game, Starfinder! If you're on your way to the show, we've gone ahead and collected a list of all things Pathfinder and Starfinder that you'll be able to check out over the weekend.
Tags: Conventions Gen Con Gen Con 2017 Victor Manuel Leza Moreno That's No Boon...Gen Con's only about a week away—I'm sure my colleagues' fainting away is out of sheer excitement—and Paizo's organized play team is bringing a huge amount of new content to debut. It's too much to share all in one blog, so we're saving our six new scenarios (three Pathfinder Society and three Starfinder Society) for next week and starting off with our special events.
Tags: Gen Con Gen Con 2017 Organized Play Pathfinder Society Starfinder Society Starfinder Society Scenarios Gen Con 50 EventsLast week, I previewed some of the offerings in store for PaizoCon 2017 attendees. The lottery ran and we are in the open event selection period until next Monday. If you have May 26-29 free and want to travel to beautiful Seattle, you can still pick up a badge in-person at the PaizoCon Convention store.
Tags: Adventure Card Guild Conventions Gen Con Gen Con 2017 Pathfinder Society Starfinder Society Starfinder Society, Paizo's Newest Organized Play ProgramImmediately after the announcement of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game last PaizoCon, our community started speculating about an organized play program to support the new game. We spent the ensuing months looking at workflow and charting out a course that would enable us to have both Starfinder and Pathfinder organized play programs. It delights me to end speculation and announce the launch of Starfinder Society at Gen Con 50!
Tags: Conventions Gen Con Gen Con 2017 Organized Play Sebastien Hue Starfinder Starfinder Society OPC Log, 6 Calistril, 4717Making my way back from the Las Vegas Open to spend some time in the office before heading out to DundraCon in a few weeks. The Open is a small con with large growth potential. Currently focused on war gaming, they are looking to expand into tabletop RPGs. I look forward to seeing what they can do for 2018.
Tags: Conventions Gen Con Gen Con 2017 Pathfinder Society A Call to Vol—How to Volunteer for Organized Play at Gen Con 50!Hard to believe the year passed so fast, but it's time again to invite people to help out with Pathfinder Society activities at Gen Con. As in prior years, Paizo is once again a co-sponsor with our booth on the Exhibit Floor, seminars galore, and activities in the Sagamore Ballroom. But we have a few changes in store as well. So grab some coffee, get comfortable, and see what Organized Play has up its sleeve for the "Best Four Days in Gaming!"
Tags: Conventions Gen Con Gen Con 2017 Pathfinder Society |