Alignment vs Necromancy

Rules Questions

is there any ability ,feat or class that can help you not lose your alignment due to casting evil spells Ex; a wizard casting animated dead but if he keeps casting it he will lose alignment !.like how to prevent the alignment change ???

You prevent alignment change by not doing stuff that violates your current alignment. That's kind of the point.

In short, if you don't want to be evil, don't do evil stuff.

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You can be evil in the first place, then you won't change alignament.
If you want to hack it, cast a Good spell immediately after the Evil spell, thus keeping balance. It is somewhat silly rule that you can mitigate your evil deeds by spamming spells with the Good descriptor. Just cast Angelic aspect on yourself after raising your undead army and forget about the alignament problems.

if you convert the PC to PF2.5 it'll actually lose it's Alignment, So don't do that if you want to keep it.

The mythic ability Beyond Morality would prevent a character from becoming evil, but it also means you have no alignment.

A single evil spell doesn’t cause an alignment shift. You could just cast 2 good spells for every evil spell you cast.

Dark Archive

The easiest solution is just to skip the [evil] spells. Animate dead is kinda terrible anyway, requiring a bunch of onyx to make some utterly trash minions that cause more trouble than they're worth, IMO.

(Annoy the goods by using lasting animate objects spells on 'skeletons' carved out of driftwood. I believe the rules are in Ultimate Magic? Can't be turned, can't be smitten, not even a little bit evil, just kinda sassy, since it *looks* sketch.)

If you find that the necromancy school lacks much in the way of non-evil spells, feel free to research some.

Remove your own spirit to go scouting all invisible and incorporeal like.

Contact the residual spirits of the area to 'gather information' from the dead in an area (note that, for those long dead, their information could be woefully out of date, since the actual souls left ages ago, and all you'd be talking to are the 'spiritual remnants' one talks to with speak with dead, and learning only stuff they knew when alive).

Bolter people (or yourself) with a spiritual advisor that 'buffs' someone by giving them a +2 to a skill check, attack roll or their AC vs a single target (as if they've got someone using the Aid Other action every round, which, they do!).

Use your own spirit to animate an object, like a cheap version of animate objects that requires you to be unconscious and piloting the animated object from within (and can be disorienting when the object you are piloting gets destroyed! You may be stunned, or even take a small amount of nonlethal damage for an especially traumatic destruction!).

All sorts of tweaks on fear, like an area 'shaken' spell, or a contagious fear spell that afflicts those who are touched by the panicked foo (best to cast in a mob of bad-guys, where the runner is gonna touch all sorts of their allies while fleeing in a panic!).

Just tons of stuff you can do with your own spirit / life force, or the 'residual spiritual essence' that is used by speak with dead (or forms haunts) that doesn't muck with *other* peoples souls, or rotting corpses, or diseases, or bugs, or anything gross, really, let alone evil.

is there any ability ,feat or class that can help you not lose your alignment due to casting evil spells Ex; a wizard casting animated dead but if he keeps casting it he will lose alignment !.like how to prevent the alignment change ???

Have you talked to your GM?

No rule says that casting alignment tagged spells changes your alignment. So check if it even is an issue at your table.

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