Kining Blondebeard


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can u put injury poison on Shard Gel, Pellet Grenade, Liquid Ice, or any alchemical weapon u kno of

Can I use an injury poison for any alchemical weapon u kno of

wana add poison to Shard Gel, Pellet Grenade, Liquid Ice, Burst Jar, etc....

trying to use alchemical weapon's to add poison

can u apply a poison to a Alchemical Weapon??

does this gaze attack effect multiple creatures or just one ???

The euryale’s gaze attack has a range of 30 feet and turns the target to stone permanently (Fortitude DC 32 negates). The save DC is Constitution-based.

Thx i just noticed it was 3pp Oops!

the eldritch knight has an ability called [Eclectic Arcana]which can be used to get a magus arcana does this mean i can get Flamboyant Arcana (Ex)?? and do i also get pool points ???

does Guided Hand feat add to the CMB since it's an attack ??? like if i wana disarm somebody else??

can a creature choose to keep his gaze active or does he hav to keep activating it on his turn ?? like if your fighting medusa does she hav to keep turning it on or not??

is there an alchemist archetype that lets u share formulas ?

Using the greater spirit totem rage power can the spirit get buffs from spells or abilities like when a bard sings or haste ???

If an alchemist learns haste from a spell book can he use it on his Allies or just himself ??? Or any spell that affects Allies ??

so the DC will go up after every bite??

for example if the poison did this how many saves u must make after the first bite ??

Snake bite, viper fangs, save Fort frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d4 Dex damage, 1d4 Con damage, and vulnerable to sonic for 1 minute; cure 3 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.

if a Snake Cobra (King)bites u and poison u it does con damage but does that mean if it bites u again u have to make a save for the poison again or only one time if your already poison ?? like do i have to keep making a save everytime it bites???

can polymorph spell using elemental body II1 make invisible stalker??

when u use elemental body or any of the elemental body forms can u change into a invisible stalker ??? or just four elements ??

when u use polymorph to change is there a hit die limit or can u pic anything ??

So a Maximized empowered magic missile wand at 9th lvl caster whd cost???

The normal price is 4.5k for wand plus empowered which makes it a 4th lvl wand ?? Than if I want the caster to be higher like 6th lvl for the acid to do more rounds how much is that??

How much would it cost to have an empowered wand of acid arrows ??
And how much whd it cost to increase the caster lvl??

Does blindsight and termonsense bypass displacement ????

Does that count for reflex saves ?? Or just fort and will saves when your inside a creature ??

If a wizard gets swallowed by a huge creature and the wizard makes the concentration check to cast a fireball inside the stomach does the creature get a reflex save ???

Once u use the fly can u stay in the air???

A Hammer Lucerne has reach and if he Enlarge person the reach whd be ???

The barbarian rage power (Raging Flier (Su) says you can fly up to her base speed as a move action. It doesn’t state for a period of time or doesn’t it end if your rage ends ? Also once u move into the air to fly u can’t take a full attack since it’s a move action to fly right but u can stay in the air for the duration of the rage ???

If you hav a reach weapon like a spiked chain which gives u 10ft reach then how much reach will u hav if someone cast Enlarge person on u to make yourself bigger ???

If you hav a reach weapon like a spiked chain which gives u 10ft reach then how much reach will u hav if someone cast Enlarge person on u to make yourself bigger ???

I’m not asking about the magus I’m simply asking about the Allies taking there turns after the DD was cast

If you use dimension door to bring your Allies with you do your Allies have to wait another turn for actions or just the one casting the spell ? It mentions After using this spell, you can’t take any other actions until your next turn. ???

the discovery alchemical zombie says its acts like an Animate Dead does that mean it's an evil act???

the spirit Vessels re3veelaation necromancy spells that create undead lose the evil descriptor and the undead created are not evil? where does it say that ?

the whole point was to be a Necromancer and raise undead without losing alignment the character is not evil but doesn't wana become evil

is there any ability ,feat or class that can help you not lose your alignment due to casting evil spells Ex; a wizard casting animated dead but if he keeps casting it he will lose alignment !.like how to prevent the alignment change ???

it mentions to actually transforms, which works the same way but counts as a polymorph effect does that mean spell?? if so the spell last 1min lvl??

the Intrigue Oracle Mysteries gives u the Assumed Form (Sp) at will does that mean u can stay in the form into u sleep? or until u reach 11th lvl???

how long is the web if i just make webs not to attack ppl??

also if someone touches the web will they b entangled ??

can u use it like spider-man and swing from the ceiling???

An eidolon gains a pair of spinnerets, giving it the ability to spin webs as an evolution power but besides the web shooters can it make a general web to climb on??

so y even have the archetype than if it's useless smh

so i can use more than one totem at once ? is there any more errata on this ??

is there any other info on this archetype ? like the source on which it comes from also i heard about an errata ??

is there any weapons that allow it to make unarmed strike for the feat??

can u use true strike spell to give u bonus on maneuvers ?? it says attacks and certain maneuvers r attacks ??

is there a way to use vicious stomp without using unarmed strike or can u use monk weapons while using unarmed strike???

if they have the Amphibious ability they can breath on land right ?

so it only covers sight than ???

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