War of Immortals Nephalim Speculation

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion


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One of the things I'm excited about with WoI is the promise of new options for Nephalim, and I wanted to do a bit of fun speculation, because why not?

I had a look at what fiends/celestials don't have lineages yet, and the major standout for me was Divs. I can easily see a Divspawn (probably with a cooler name) heritage that lets you curse or otherwise undermine your target.

Does anyone else have any good bets on what we might see?

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Our Animist seems to be a Nephilim, and judging by the antlers, I think she'd be a first world spawn (what the actual term of it will be, I do not know). That or potentially an Idyllkin spawned from agathions.

But, if Nephilim got a First World spawn, I think a Netherworld spawn would be an apt counterpart, as where the first world is between the Universe and the Forge of Creation, the Netherworld is between the Universe and the Void. Plus, such a spawn would be a convenient way to bring back Caligni while making it to where you can have non-human caligni.

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I believe Valkyrie/Einherjar descended is one of the confirmed lineages.


Squark wrote:
I believe Valkyrie/Einherjar descended is one of the confirmed lineages.

Oh now that is cool. I completely forgot to check the ex-neutral creature families, there might be some potential there.

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