The Godsrain and how Earth was affected.

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

So the Golarion Year of 4713 AR corresponds with the Earth Year of 1918.

And we are now in the GY-4724 AR which is 11 years later. So that mean it's EY-1929...

So .... that mean the Godsrain could have caused the Stock Market Crash and the Great Depression.

I know it's a silly theory, but I do find it interesting.

Also side note that means Golarion Current Day is 95 years behind our current year.

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I think it's safe to assume that 0% of Gorum's blood went in to space at FTL speeds to cross the galaxy, impact earth, and somehow just cause financial institutions to catastrophically fail instead of like, give someone superpowers.

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Grankless wrote:
I think it's safe to assume that 0% of Gorum's blood went in to space at FTL speeds to cross the galaxy, impact earth, and somehow just cause financial institutions to catastrophically fail instead of like, give someone superpowers.

It's less that Gorum's blood can't cross the vacuum of space, his death is being seen in all places he is worshipped, after all, and likely more that nobody/not enough people worship Gorum on Earth to cause Earth to have a connection to him.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Prince Setehrael wrote:
So the Golarion Year of 4713 AR corresponds with the Earth Year of 1918.

Where is this correspondence established?

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Ed Reppert wrote:
Prince Setehrael wrote:
So the Golarion Year of 4713 AR corresponds with the Earth Year of 1918.
Where is this correspondence established?

I'd assume with the 1e AP that takes a brief sojourn to Earth.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Prince Setehrael wrote:

So .... that mean the Godsrain could have caused the Stock Market Crash and the Great Depression.

You're going to credit him with the Great Depression, but not the creation of Tintin, the St Valentine's Day Massacre, the creation of Grand Teton National Park, the first appearance of gloves on Mickey Mouse,the Battle of Bloody Alley, or the final decision to make all London buses red?

Cummon. I know Gorum isn't the most exciting deity in the toybox, but give him some range at least.

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The Mouse picking up Gorum's discarded gauntlets would explain a lot, come to think of it.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Ed Reppert wrote:
Prince Setehrael wrote:
So the Golarion Year of 4713 AR corresponds with the Earth Year of 1918.
Where is this correspondence established?

Reign of Winter book five: Rasputin Must Die!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
WarDriveWorley wrote:
Prince Setehrael wrote:

So .... that mean the Godsrain could have caused the Stock Market Crash and the Great Depression.

You're going to credit him with the Great Depression, but not the creation of Tintin, the St Valentine's Day Massacre, the creation of Grand Teton National Park, the first appearance of gloves on Mickey Mouse,the Battle of Bloody Alley, or the final decision to make all London buses red?

Cummon. I know Gorum isn't the most exciting deity in the toybox, but give him some range at least.

I just looked significant events of 1929 an the first thing was The Stock Market Crash and the Great Depression. But all the other things that happened after that could have been aftershock from the Godsrain.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Gorum’s gauntlets becoming Micky Mouse’s battle gloves for strangling copyright infringers is a story too beautiful to ever actually exist in this world or Golarion.

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Couple of other interesting things about 1929:

It was the year the Kellogg–Briand Pact went into effect - with it's stated aim being not allowing war to resolve "disputes or conflicts of whatever nature or of whatever origin they may be, which may arise among them". Obviously, it didn't work out.

In the same, Stalin exiled Trotsky and began the "Year of the Great Breakthrough" - resulting in the villainization of the Kulaks (peasant land owners) and their deportation to Siberia

All Quiet on the Western Front was published in 1929.

Yugoslavia became a dictatorship.

Black Saturday happens in Samoa - the murder of 11 unarmed demonstrators by colonial police.

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OTOH, it could be the other way around: The horrible volume of death in WWI made someone sick enough of war that they put plans in motion to kill its god. Given WWII, it obviously didn't work...

I actually haven't thought about that one huh. If Gorum's death is supposed to be "transmited" all over The Universe then it likely had to be seen on Earth too, though obviously we know that wasn't the case. Now I honestly want to see an AP that also takes place on Earth to see a justification for how Gorum's death was handled in Earth in the Finderverse.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Gorum's death resulted in the Godsrain, an event witnessed on all worlds where he was worshiped. By "was worshiped" I interpret that as "had a robust following." Gorum was never worshiped on Earth, so the effects of Godsrain were not noticeable on Earth (no one saw him fighting in the sky with Achaekek, no war shards came down, no red or silver rain), but the larger effects of the War of Immortals could theoretically have some impact anywhere in the multiverse, including on Earth.

If we'd killed off Lamashtu or Asmodeus, then that'd be a different story.

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Ed Reppert wrote:
Prince Setehrael wrote:
So the Golarion Year of 4713 AR corresponds with the Earth Year of 1918.
Where is this correspondence established?

Reign of Winter takes place in 4713, which corresponds to 1918 on Earth.

Side note, I like to imagine that Baba Yaga has seen Steamboat Willie.

Prince Setehrael wrote:

So the Golarion Year of 4713 AR corresponds with the Earth Year of 1918.

And we are now in the GY-4724 AR which is 11 years later. So that mean it's EY-1929...

So .... that mean the Godsrain could have caused the Stock Market Crash and the Great Depression.

I know it's a silly theory, but I do find it interesting.

Also side note that means Golarion Current Day is 95 years behind our current year.

While that is a fun little Easter egg to correspond with, it is safe to assume that the instance in which the game takes you to Earth is infact an alternate universe to the one we live in, meaning it is entirely possible that there never was a Stock Market Crash or Great Depression, and that since we have evidence of Golarion-based entities interacting with Earth-based entities previously (at least, this version of Earth anyway,) that this universe was also slightly affected by the Godsrain, but in an unforeseen manner (at least, unless we get an AP where it is exposited as to what may have happened).

I do have one more potential theory as to what the Godsrain could have affected outside of Golarion in this case, but I don't think it would be appropriate to discuss or bring it up here. If you know, you know. And if you don't, it's not worth losing sleep over.


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James Jacobs wrote:

Gorum's death resulted in the Godsrain, an event witnessed on all worlds where he was worshiped. By "was worshiped" I interpret that as "had a robust following." Gorum was never worshiped on Earth, so the effects of Godsrain were not noticeable on Earth (no one saw him fighting in the sky with Achaekek, no war shards came down, no red or silver rain), but the larger effects of the War of Immortals could theoretically have some impact anywhere in the multiverse, including on Earth.

If we'd killed off Lamashtu or Asmodeus, then that'd be a different story.

So if you guys kill off Asmoedus I could get cool exemplar powers?

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BotBrain wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

Gorum's death resulted in the Godsrain, an event witnessed on all worlds where he was worshiped. By "was worshiped" I interpret that as "had a robust following." Gorum was never worshiped on Earth, so the effects of Godsrain were not noticeable on Earth (no one saw him fighting in the sky with Achaekek, no war shards came down, no red or silver rain), but the larger effects of the War of Immortals could theoretically have some impact anywhere in the multiverse, including on Earth.

If we'd killed off Lamashtu or Asmodeus, then that'd be a different story.

So if you guys kill off Asmoedus I could get cool exemplar powers?

It's probably more accurate to say that if you get cool Exemplar powers, it's a pretty good indication that Asmodeus died, but we won't know for another ninety-five years when Paizo writes it.


QuidEst wrote:
BotBrain wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

Gorum's death resulted in the Godsrain, an event witnessed on all worlds where he was worshiped. By "was worshiped" I interpret that as "had a robust following." Gorum was never worshiped on Earth, so the effects of Godsrain were not noticeable on Earth (no one saw him fighting in the sky with Achaekek, no war shards came down, no red or silver rain), but the larger effects of the War of Immortals could theoretically have some impact anywhere in the multiverse, including on Earth.

If we'd killed off Lamashtu or Asmodeus, then that'd be a different story.

So if you guys kill off Asmoedus I could get cool exemplar powers?
It's probably more accurate to say that if you get cool Exemplar powers, it's a pretty good indication that Asmodeus died, but we won't know for another ninety-five years when Paizo writes it.

I will let you know when it happens. Any day now, I'm sure.

moosher12 wrote:
Ed Reppert wrote:
Prince Setehrael wrote:
So the Golarion Year of 4713 AR corresponds with the Earth Year of 1918.
Where is this correspondence established?

Reign of Winter takes place in 4713, which corresponds to 1918 on Earth.

Side note, I like to imagine that Baba Yaga has seen Steamboat Willie.

She definitely has - it would be something amusing for its novelty.

James Jacobs wrote:

Gorum's death resulted in the Godsrain, an event witnessed on all worlds where he was worshiped. By "was worshiped" I interpret that as "had a robust following." Gorum was never worshiped on Earth, so the effects of Godsrain were not noticeable on Earth (no one saw him fighting in the sky with Achaekek, no war shards came down, no red or silver rain), but the larger effects of the War of Immortals could theoretically have some impact anywhere in the multiverse, including on Earth.

If we'd killed off Lamashtu or Asmodeus, then that'd be a different story.

Are the details of the Godsrain available anywhere yet? I know there are forthcoming products, but in the meantime as a PFS GM I'd like to have the gist of the occurrence (since it has canonically already happened).

I totally missed (or forgot) that only in the places in which Gorum was worshipped they saw his death. That actually changes a lot of things, though I'm still interested on seeing an AP that shows the impact of the War of Immortals though.

James Jacobs wrote:
If we'd killed off Lamashtu or Asmodeus, then that'd be a different story.

This, on the other hand, sparked my curiosity once again, because if I'm understanding it correctly, it means that Lamashtu and Asmodeus are meant to be the equivalents of the Sumerian Lamashtu and the Abrahamic Asmodeus from our world, right? I'm not well-versed into Sumerian myth but the Sumerian and PF Lamashtu were already pretty similar as far as I can tell, but Asmodeus is certainly quite different. I think the easiest justification for it would be that the authors of the sources we have in our world about Asmodeus were unreliable narrators that didn't have the full context or the means to prove their sources were wrong (like, when Tobit expelled "Asmodeus" to Egypt he likely didn't expell Asmodeus himself bur rather a devil that was there in the name of Asmodeus, so in time the story changed to say Tobit did expell the real Asmodeus. This, funnily enough, would also allow for all interpretations of Abrahamic texts to be real, in a certain way at least).

The second theory I have would be that the fiend we know as Asmodeus on Earth and the Asmodeus who rules Hell aren't the same entity, which means the Asmodeus the people from Golarion know receives a different name here and doesn't have anything to do with the Asmodeus known in Earth. If Asmodeus' death would have been broadcasted on Earth it means that he has a "robust following" on Earth too, even if we don't know him by his "real" name. This also kinda proves that the Asmodeus from our myths isn't the same as the Asmodeus known in Golarion because our Asmodeus is not really that well known so if "he" would happen to die it likely wouldn't be broadcasted on Earth if he happened to die. Who he is, however, its likely impossible to know. Trickery is part of Asmodeus' domains after all.

This also leads to the following question; which other deities from Golarion are known by other names on Earth?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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exequiel759 wrote:

I totally missed (or forgot) that only in the places in which Gorum was worshipped they saw his death. That actually changes a lot of things, though I'm still interested on seeing an AP that shows the impact of the War of Immortals though.

James Jacobs wrote:
If we'd killed off Lamashtu or Asmodeus, then that'd be a different story.

This, on the other hand, sparked my curiosity once again, because if I'm understanding it correctly, it means that Lamashtu and Asmodeus are meant to be the equivalents of the Sumerian Lamashtu and the Abrahamic Asmodeus from our world, right? I'm not well-versed into Sumerian myth but the Sumerian and PF Lamashtu were already pretty similar as far as I can tell, but Asmodeus is certainly quite different. I think the easiest justification for it would be that the authors of the sources we have in our world about Asmodeus were unreliable narrators that didn't have the full context or the means to prove their sources were wrong (like, when Tobit expelled "Asmodeus" to Egypt he likely didn't expell Asmodeus himself bur rather a devil that was there in the name of Asmodeus, so in time the story changed to say Tobit did expell the real Asmodeus. This, funnily enough, would also allow for all interpretations of Abrahamic texts to be real, in a certain way at least).

The second theory I have would be that the fiend we know as Asmodeus on Earth and the Asmodeus who rules Hell aren't the same entity, which means the Asmodeus the people from Golarion know receives a different name here and doesn't have anything to do with the Asmodeus known in Earth. If Asmodeus' death would have been broadcasted on Earth it means that he has a "robust following" on Earth too, even if we don't know him by his "real" name. This also kinda proves that the Asmodeus from our myths isn't the same as the Asmodeus known in Golarion because our Asmodeus is not really that well known so if "he" would happen to die it likely wouldn't be broadcasted on Earth if he happened to die. Who he is,...

They're inspired by those real-world myths, in the same way we take inspiration from real-world myths about dragons, griffons, oni, chupacabras, and dwarves for the game. They're not meant to be anything more than that, and in some cases diverge from those myths pretty significantly. As opposed to something like a reefclaw or a sinspawn or an anadi or a Desna or a Deskari, which is content we made up for the game.

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moosher12 wrote:
Side note, I like to imagine that Baba Yaga has seen Steamboat Willie.

I'm very excited for Baba Yaga to watch some of the fine cinema of the 1930s starting next year. That post-sound, pre-code era is an incredible time in film. In a couple of years she'll get to watch the original, complete cut of "FREAKS (1932)" which is something that is no longer possible. I imagine it will delight her.

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PossibleCabbage wrote:
moosher12 wrote:
Side note, I like to imagine that Baba Yaga has seen Steamboat Willie.
I'm very excited for Baba Yaga to watch some of the fine cinema of the 1930s starting next year. That post-sound, pre-code era is an incredible time in film. In a couple of years she'll get to watch the original, complete cut of "FREAKS (1932)" which is something that is no longer possible. I imagine it will delight her.

Gotta wonder what her opinions of Metropolis were.

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