Interest Check: 1930's Pulp Adventure (fantasy / horror influence) using PF 1e or 2e


I've been toying around with a game concept for a while now, and feel it deserves a chance to go from being an idea to an actual story. It's little out of the norm for these boards, so I'm posting this as an interest check.

I'm looking to run a Pulp Adventure set in the 1930s with a substantial sci-fi/fantasy influence. Think historical sci-fi fiction, somewhere between the feel of The Mummy (with Brendan Fraser) and Hellboy (with Ron Pearlman). Players would be humans in "our world", but with knowledge of at least one of these several truths: magic does exist, there are things that go bump in the night, myths and legends can be real, and there are horrors far beyond the cruelty of Man. Though the game will have some cosmic/gothic horror elements, it will lean more heavily into the pulp adventure feel.

As for game system, that is up for debate. I have been really enjoying exploring Pathfinder 2e (love the action economy), and originally planned to use it with a few of the alternate rules. But it does seem like these boards favor Pathfinder 1e, which I have considerably more experience with, so I would be happy to run that too.

I will allow players to include casting (though magic will have a more subtle feel RP wise), but each will need a backstory that explains their magic.

So, to the point:
1 - are people interested in a pulp adventure game set in a fantasy version of the early 1930's?
2 - if you are, would you prefer Pathfinder 1e or 2e?

PF 2e Optional Rules:

- Free Archetype
- Gradual Ability Boosts
- Ancestry Paragon
- Automatic Bonus Progression

PF 1e Optional Rules:

- Elephant in the Room feat tax rules
- Feat every level
- Background skills
- Skill Unlocks
- Automatic Bonus Progression
*** No 3rd Party material

I’ve never played 2e, but I’d be down for 1e. I see you list ABP for 2e but not 1e. Why is that? I’ve really liked ABP when I’ve used it in 1e.

It was totally an oversight, and I just added it.

Liberty's Edge

Ever think of using the Call of Cthulhu game system. Sounds like it would fit what you are trying to run perfectly. Or even Delta Green would work. I would be interested for sure in playing but trying to change pathfinder might be too much work

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

I love pulp and would be very down for playing a pulp themed 1930s game (though if it has horror elements I'd like more info about what kind of horror; some go for creepy and others go for squicky/gorey).

I somewhat agree with Daniel Stewart that I don't think Pathfinder in either edition is the best choice for a pulp game, but would be willing to give it a shot. However, the best system is always the one that excites the GM the most. Between the two, I am far more familiar with 1e than 2e so 1e would be more in my comfort zone, but could do either.

For what it's worth, the best pulp game I ever played was Spirit of the Century, which used an early version of FATE Core. That system with its story/character aspects suit pulp very well. IIRC Savage Worlds also works well for pulp but I barely remember how to play.

Man wanderer82 I would love to be in a 'pulp adventure game.'

I've been in a couple that used PF!, and a couple more with 'D20 modern' I'm not familiar with the Cthulhu, Fate or savage worlds system and between the two PF systems would prefer the first.

From my experience with playing a 'pulp' game in PF1 add the 'guns are everywhere and 'modern firearms' then alter a couple of skills and your good to go.

Looking forward to seeing what you put together.

Sovereign Court

Pulp is always a plus in my book.

Between PF1E & 2E, I would also prefer 1E. Though reskinning truly shouldn't be an issue with either as long as you steer clear of fully changing mechanics. I second Robert Henry's suggestion of the firearms.

I have a passing familiarity with CoC as well but it seems like you're trying to stick to one of the two systems.

I'd be down for trying either.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I'd be interested... but only PF2 unless a non d20 system is chosen instead... (I'm a big W.O.D. fan for Pulp myself).

I am excited to see the interest so far. And I want to thank everyone for the recommendations. That said, I feel it is important for me to have a good working knowledge of the rules to best run a PbP, and though I have some back experience with both WOD and old-school Cthulhu, it would definitely be more cumbersome. In addition, I feel the pulp/action/heroics actually play better of Pathfinder than the gritty average person feel of Cthulhu.

I actually ran two intertwined campaigns across 5 years using d20 modern, and a bit more using a reskin on pathfinder 1e, very successfully. If I go with PF 1e, Robert Henry pretty much hit it square on the head. And similarly, there are rules for firearms now in PF 2e.

When I mentioned that magic would be more subtle, that was in reference to how it's perceived, rather than any change to the game mechanics. Just to be clear.

Please all, continue to ask questions.

I'd say 2e, personally, as it has a lot more interesting options for player ancestries.

I've seen some compelling homebrew for more modern weapons in 2e as well.

Liberty's Edge

Well if that is the case, I would go for PF2e. As Master Han said, the character development is much richer

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wanderer82 wrote:
Please all, continue to ask questions.

Yeah, see, I don't know that it's safe to say that in an interest check, cause the list would look something like:

How many players would you take? How often are you planning on posting and how often do you want your players to post? How soon would you start the recruitment? How long would the recruitment last? Do you want fully filled out characters or character ideas we finish as a group? What point build would we start with? What level are we starting with? Would you consider other races than human, if they can pass for human? Can I play a Dhampir or a shapeshifter? Do you allow the leadership feat? Do you allow summoners? Are you allowing traits? Can we use AP traits? Are you allowing 'drawbacks'? What is the beginning wealth? Are we using gold or converting to dollars? How do you handle Hit Points? Will we be using XP or level by milestones? Exactly what year would we be starting? Is the setting so near earth that there is no historical difference? Can my character have a car? How about a plane? Can he be someone famous from history? Can he be Rick O'Connell? Can he be Rick O'Connell's brother, Randy?

And it will just get worse. So, the one question I will ask is, have you gotten enough information for a recruitment thread? And, if you do, will it be here, or would you start another thread?

If we're voting, I vote PF1 or 'D20 modern.'

Wow, this sounds like an intriguing concept. I would definitely apply for either ruleset, though if I had a preference it would be for PF 2e (simply to get more experience with it).

I'm up for either PF1 or PF2

Hahahaha, Robert Henry, that is a very good point. And many of those are questions I will surely answer in the future. To your more appropriate question, yes, I think there is sufficient interest given the 10 replies in a single day. That said, the topic of rules set remains to be answered, as right now it is an evenly divided house....

PF - 1e
Robert Henry
Chapel Ty'El
DeathQuaker (open to 2e)

PF - 2e
Daniel Stewart
Master Han
TheLastGhost (open to 1e)

Philo Pharynx

I prefer PF1.

Real world 1930's is prime for Cthulhu mythos. Maybe a secret society within the catholic church. Or maybe Luciferian Illuminati magicians.

Could be very cool

I greatly appreciate everyone's feedback. There is a big part of me that is excited to run this using Pathfinder 2E. But taking my earlier post as my own advice, I said I would want to use system I was most familiar with, that is definitely Pathfinder 1E.

As such, I'll be posting the recruitment thread in the next 48 hours for this game using the first edition of Pathfinder. I do hope those who expressed interest in 2e will still consider applying.

Well, if you wanted a tiebreaker, I would also vote for PF1 and express interest - I know you already settled on making a recruitment thread, but figured I can still pop in :)

Waives at MoF

Sweet! Looking forward to seeing it!

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Ok, guess maybe my "48 hours" until recruitment was a bit overambitious. I am still compiling everything for the recruitment, and will bump this thread once it is posted.

I’d be up for PF2, mostly as I am trying to increase my familiarity with the system. I do love PF1, but am having a lot of fun with PF2, and sadly, PF1 for me, just seems like a retrograde step.

PF2 would be my selection.

Can't believe I didn't spot this! This looks really cool. I'm totally fine with either, maybe with a mild preference towards PF2.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I believe the GM posted above that he has unfortunately decided to go with PF1. I too am disappointed. :-)

Yeah, I was looking forward to doing something ridiculous with a fleshwarp or maybe reviving my idea for a possessed gunslinger rocking the living vessel archetype.

I’m thinking of how noble European families in the medieval era (not to mention the classical era) commonly traced their descent back into myths and sagas, all the way to back to gods or other mythical figures (in addition to the Anglo-Saxon royal lines claiming descent from Odin, the Angevin dynasty of English kings claimed descent from a water spirit named Melusine). Only in game, that’s actually true and these mythical figures did exist. Playing, for example, an Aerokineticist, Storm Druid, or Elemental Bloodrager who’s descended from Thor and/or Zeus. I’m perfectly happy to run that in PF1.

Sovereign Court

Yeah, but, like, 1E means someone could possibly use the Spell Cartridges feat.

…yes? Why would that be bad?

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So whatever happened to this? Still working on it, GM?

The Exchange

If this still has legs I’d be interested. Just learning 2e, but happy to learn. I’d bring some of that English Pulp in the form of Campion etc.

Would not the vote on the version greatly be dependent on what players are going to be in the game? Or are you using that as part of your selection criterion? I mean you seem to have enough potential players for both PF1e and PF2e with 6 either way you go. So GM what is your preference as yours is defininitely the tie breaker vote in all of this?

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To those interested in this game, yes, I am still working on putting together this recruitment, but it will be delayed by a couple weeks.

I am away at a work conference this week, and last week got a call from my boss asking me to relocate 700 miles for a new position. When I get home tomorrow my focus will be on packing up my house and getting it ready to sell. I would expect the recruitment to be up sometime in mid/late September.

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