Do you wana get burned or burried ?

Off-Topic Discussions

Personally i wana get burned - cleaner safer and in most cases cheaper and my family gonna be able to do with ashes what they fancy

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Turned into ♫spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spaaaaam wonderful spam♫

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I want my body to go to medicine and/or science. If people can use bits of me, great. Other than that, I'd actually prefer the sort of burial that is probably illegal: just an unmarked grave where my naked body is dumped and becomes worm food. No caskets or plots or memorials.

Still, once I'm dead I won't care so any mourners can do what they want with me.

Liberty's Edge

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Cremation, easy decision.

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Viking funeral, please.


Fired into the sun.

Andostre wrote:

Viking funeral, please.


Fired into the sun.

"Fired into the sun" would be

I want cremation and my ashes spread around my parents' graves and the graves of my ancestors and other relatives in the old graveyard of a small country church near where I grew up. The oldest grave there is a distant relative from the mid-1800s who died at age 10. Not all of my relatives are there as it's a small graveyard and it's running out of space, but I want my final rest to be among my people. I also want a very small headstone that lies on the ground next to that of my parents.

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I don't want to spoil the surprise, so let me just say: Hungry, hungry hippos.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Burn me to ash, no coming back as a zombie here.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Burn me to ash, no coming back as a zombie here.

You could just stipulate the undertaker tie your shoelaces together so that if you did come back as a zombie it'll be hilarious for the people fleeing for their lives from the horde.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Burn me to ash, no coming back as a zombie here.
You could just stipulate the undertaker tie your shoelaces together so that if you did come back as a zombie it'll be hilarious for the people fleeing for their lives from the horde.

I was going to make a joke about having my corpse's pelvis removed so that if I were to reanimate as a zombie, I wouldn't be mobile enough to be a threat, but the joke felt a little to gory to be funny, and it probably wouldn't work anyway due to zombie magic.

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Surprise me.

(More seriously, cremation.)

(Even more seriously, alkaline hydrolysis would be even better.)

(Super seriously, I'd really just like to be wrapped in a shroud and put straight into the ground.)

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

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Lady Ladile wrote:
Surprise me.

We could surprise you by cremating you pre-mortis. :)

Not really an issue...

Lord Fyre wrote:
Lady Ladile wrote:
Surprise me.
We could surprise you by cremating you pre-mortis. :)


Andostre wrote:
but the joke felt a little to gory to be funny

Oh dang, forget I said anything!

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And honestly, I won't have a clue. Know my kid I might end up taxidermized.

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Dude, that would be amazing. And if they put in some speakers and a motion sensor you could really freak people out by saying: "HI! Welcome to my mausoleum!" whenever they walked by...

Is it too late to update my answer?

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The zombie buriest thou with face full down
the Earth's center towards, so that when he
attempteth his undead way to dig out
his will frustrated is in the extreme.

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quibblemuch wrote:

Dude, that would be amazing. And if they put in some speakers and a motion sensor you could really freak people out by saying: "HI! Welcome to my mausoleum!" whenever they walked by...

Is it too late to update my answer?

Yeah, that’s what they did to me…

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quibblemuch wrote:

Dude, that would be amazing. And if they put in some speakers and a motion sensor you could really freak people out by saying: "HI! Welcome to my mausoleum!" whenever they walked by...

Is it too late to update my answer?

I think if we play our cards right we could end up as mascots in a crappy pizza franchise.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
quibblemuch wrote:

Dude, that would be amazing. And if they put in some speakers and a motion sensor you could really freak people out by saying: "HI! Welcome to my mausoleum!" whenever they walked by...

Is it too late to update my answer?

I think if we play our cards right we could end up as mascots in a crappy pizza franchise.

After-living the dream!

Liberty's Edge

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I have made arrangements to leave this hunk of rotting ape meat to the local medical school.

To precise i wana first whatever is usable to be donated (there is always somethink wich can ) than rest to be cremated

Theconiel wrote:
I have made arrangements to leave this hunk of rotting ape meat to the local medical school.

Something something, Arby's, something, hunk of rotting ape meat...

It's a work-in-progress.

Liberty's Edge

Twenty-four posts, and no mention of Soylent Green...

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber

Burned. Why waste the land?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

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Feros wrote:
Burned. Why waste the land?

But, if you are thinking of that, consider composting.

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Feros wrote:
Burned. Why waste the land?

Burn and lay waste to the land? Don’t mind if we do!

1d4+1 Vikings wrote:
Feros wrote:
Burned. Why waste the land?
Burn and lay waste to the land? Don’t mind if we do!

There are ways to be burned and not lay waste to land - ashes can help with specific cases of fertilizing too

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber
emberwake wrote:
1d4+1 Vikings wrote:
Feros wrote:
Burned. Why waste the land?
Burn and lay waste to the land? Don’t mind if we do!
There are ways to be burned and not lay waste to land - ashes can help with specific cases of fertilizing too

Yep. I've requested that my ashes and bone pits be placed under a new oak tree.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens Subscriber

I am Spartacus Soylent Green!

You done with those braaaaains?

Asking for a friend.

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I don't really care what happens after I die. Just as long as you avenge me. AVENNNGGGEE MEEEEE! And have a solid character arc along the way. Make a few friends, make a few enemies, turn a few enemies into friends, vice versa. Whatevs. I'll just lay here dead, having developed only so much that it justifies your personal hero's journey before I died...

Grand Archive

A day or so after my younger clone consumes me and flushes will the coroner say I committed sewercide? or that I got deep spaced nined?

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Let's just say you passed and leave it at that.

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It's like they say: "Here today, colon tomorrow."

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