zza ni |
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you can:
1: going for racial heritage (stone giant) for stone soul = get stoneskin sla and +1 nat ac. (taking this more then once will increase the uses per day of the stonekin, but i think not the nat ac). starting as a human at level one with stoneskin sla is awesome!
2: going for racial heritage (storm or cloud giant) for storm soul to gain electricity immunity -again as fast as level 1!
you can then go for storm warrior for +1d6 electric damage with metal melee weapons (BK-201 any1?).
3: going for racial heritage (ogre) will open up Vestigial head which will allow you to get 25% (and if taken again 50%) chance to negate any effect with a will save and instead to be sickened for 1d4 rounds.
(i used it in a build here to also gain 50% miss chance and savage critical (another ogre only feat) to attack once per round and add both vital strike and auto sneak attack to a butchering axe. get a decoy ring and every time you get the 50% miss chance you also get 4 clones that last 3 rounds. after 3 rounds if non are hit there are 12 copies of you running about - you can make a one-man conga line!).
4: a half elf with racial heritage (kitsune) can get fox shape (no he doesn't need the shapshifting ability. it has been mauled over the forum ages ago, as written it's an ability that can stand alone. get over it) and go for the calamity caller archtype (elf only warpriest archtype) this allow him to blow people up while pretending to be a plain fox (also great at stealth) without anyone finding out he's the reason for all the 'accidents'.
-i myself love that archtypeas. it can use any martial weapon, wear heavy armor, buff, heal and nuke. pick up the obedience for imot and he can also disable magical trap. a full party course of abilities in one build!
5: planner heritage (duskwalker) open up a few duskwalker only feats, some are very nice
- 2nd chance when you are supposed to die 1/day (2 times at level 11+).
- a big boost to disrupt undead. nice for unchained rogues who took minor magic (disrupt undead) for some undead slaying. (but any caster with that cantrip can use it well).
- gain a familiar (or improved one if taken twice or already have familiar). note, will not be happy if you befriend undead.

VoodistMonk |
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Vestigial Head is wonderful, two heads are better than one...
Corrupted Flesh opens up Improved Stench, Toxic Stench, and Pungent Stench... on a level 13 Druid with the Amplified Stench spell active, you're looking at a Stench ability that nauseates, poisons, and sickens everything within 120' radius with a save DC of 20+Con.

Temperans |
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You can pick aasimar angel-blooded, then pick racial heritage tiefling demon-blooded. You are a demon angel, then you get the tiefling sin hunting archetype with the aasimar purifier archetype to say that you "purify sin by absorbing into your body".
You can also do similar with the other plane-touch races that count as human. To get some silly combinations (like a rock sylph).

VoodistMonk |
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You can pick aasimar angel-blooded, then pick racial heritage tiefling demon-blooded. You are a demon angel, then you get the tiefling sin hunting archetype with the aasimar purifier archetype to say that you "purify sin by absorbing into your body".
You can also do similar with the other plane-touch races that count as human. To get some silly combinations (like a rock sylph).
What is this Tiefling "sin hunting atchetype"?

Temperans |
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Temperans wrote:What is this Tiefling "sin hunting atchetype"?You can pick aasimar angel-blooded, then pick racial heritage tiefling demon-blooded. You are a demon angel, then you get the tiefling sin hunting archetype with the aasimar purifier archetype to say that you "purify sin by absorbing into your body".
You can also do similar with the other plane-touch races that count as human. To get some silly combinations (like a rock sylph).
I was thinking Findflayer Magus were you "carve out your flesh to gain arcane points, then use those points to ignore DR of evil outsiders".
But also the Sin Monk and Sin Eater Inquisitors, which I think are very thematic with Tieflings.

VoodistMonk |
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VoodistMonk wrote:Temperans wrote:What is this Tiefling "sin hunting atchetype"?You can pick aasimar angel-blooded, then pick racial heritage tiefling demon-blooded. You are a demon angel, then you get the tiefling sin hunting archetype with the aasimar purifier archetype to say that you "purify sin by absorbing into your body".
You can also do similar with the other plane-touch races that count as human. To get some silly combinations (like a rock sylph).
I was thinking Findflayer Magus were you "carve out your flesh to gain arcane points, then use those points to ignore DR of evil outsiders".
But also the Sin Monk and Sin Eater Inquisitors, which I think are very thematic with Tieflings.
Oh, I was hoping it was two Oracle archetypes that stacked, or could be made to stack by a generous GM (me).
I will gladly gestalt the Fiend Flayer Magus and the Purifier Oracle, even though I normally don't gestalt 9/9 casting classes with other casting classes... just a dumb rule of mine for how I run gestalt, but I generally try follow my own rules. Lol. I have a Hungry Ghost Monk/Sin Eater Inquisitor gestalt that I am pretty happy with...

zza ni |
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If you are talking about my conga-man build, back at my 3rd idea, Then yes you can.
I was using half elf to gain better things.
as i needed the skill focus (slight of hands) anyway to pull out the wothdraw trick as move action. Half elf get skill focus for free so the total of free feats vs human was the same. Which leave half elf on better grounds with his other racial benefits.
A slayer isnt skill starved so being human for 1 extra skill per level was not worth giving up half elf low light vision and elven blood and resistences. Also speak elven for free.

zza ni |

as i mentioned above you can nab a duskwalker feats. you can try the aasimar or tiefling feats as well for stuff like armor of the pit or celestial servant and such.
going for the elemental genie-kin can be helpful. like getting undine heritage and picking aquatic ancestry to be amphibious in sea campaigns. or syph for the fog seeing (great for ranged sneak attack if you can get constant fog, like this ring), flying or free air breathing (suffocation spells suck!) feats
thing is, planner heritage -since it only for native outsider, and most of them are player races already, you can hardly get anything you couldn't take just by picking that race to play with. as opposed the racial heritage that open up a lot of non player races (giants mostly, ogre is giant too) for you to cheese off of.

zza ni |
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on a similar matter, getting the adopted trait would let you take traits from other races, and that can be hella fun as well.
adopted by orcs\ half orcs and get a bite attack (i use this on undine with the acid breath alt race ability to gain noxious bite at 1st level)
getting a race with at will cantrip (such as an elf with the alt racial ability of lightbringer) who is adopted by any Geniekin (sylph\undine etc) and taking the minor wishcrafting and now you can cast any 0 level spell at will as long as a humanoid (if you are an elf, that mean yourself too) wish for it.

Temperans |
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I'll be honest. I don't see much reason why someone would play human planar heritage sylph and not just a sylph with the pass as human trait. The only real reason I can see is that they want the flexible attribute and the skill bonus (or one of its variants).
Having said that. I can see plenty of reasons for a half-elf/orc or any of the planar races (with their version of pass as human) to get planar heritage. The benefit being able to count as 3 different creature type for things.
* P.S. I guess planar heritage is also good if you are not allowed to play those races, which helps a bit.

Derklord |
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P.S. I guess planar heritage is also good if you are not allowed to play those races, which helps a bit.
This. In PFS you'd need a specific boon to play a sylph, and outside of that, many GMs limit races. "Just the core races" is presumably the most common, as it guarantees that no PC starts with something out of balance (in that regard) or that requires a convuluted backstory.