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As the title goes, what is the "strongest" spell school (Enchantment, Necromancy, Conjuration etc) when playing in a Mythic game such as Wrath of the Righteous?

Mysterious Stranger wrote:

How big is the party? Your bard has no real combat ability besides buffing the party.

We have a Barbarian, Warpriest, Lunar Oracle with Animal Companion, and said Bard.

The build is based on the Buffer Bard. Master and Grand Master Performer is not an option so focused on Encouraging Spell with Good Hope instead.

I am trying to help a friend with a Bard build and am looking for feedback on this. It is intended for the Giantslayer AP


Race: Human
Class: Bard
Archetypes: Archivist

Str: 10
Dex: 14
Cons: 14
Int: 14+2
Wis: 10
Cha: 16

4,8 - INT
12,16 - CHA

Curator of Mystic Secrets
Arcane Temper*
Magical Lineage (Good Hope)*


Level 1 - Bard - Human (Focused Study) - Skill Focus (KN: Arcana)
Level 1 - Bard - Level - Additional Traits
Level 3 - Bard - Level - Eldritch Heritage (Arcane): Arcane Bond
Level 5 - Bard - Level - Encouraging Spell
Level 7 - Bard - Level - Improved Initiative
Level 8 - Bard - Human (Focused Study) - Skill Focus (KN: Nature)
Level 9 - Bard - Level - Improved Familiar
Level 11 - Bard - Level - Discordant Voice
Level 13 - Bard - Level -
Level 15 - Bard - Level -
Level 16 - Bard - Human (Focused Study) - Skill Focus (KN: Religion)

I am interested in trying to map out a optimized Dwarven Scholar Bard

D20 wrote:
War Chant (Su): At 1st level, a dwarven scholar can use her performance to inspire the martial prowess of the ancient dwarves in her allies. The dwarven scholar selects a single combat feat she knows. Allies affected by this performance gain the benefit of this feat for as long as the performance is maintained. To be affected, an ally must be able to perceive the dwarven scholar’s performance. If a combat feat has a daily use limitation (such as Stunning Fist), any uses of that combat feat by the dwarven scholar’s allies while using this ability counts toward the dwarven scholar’s feat’s daily limit.

The Dwarven Scholar in addition to regular feats gets a bonus feat at

2nd -
6th -
10th -
14th -
18th -

What feats would you take?

- Outflank
- Paired Opportunist
- Seize the Moment
- Coordinated Charge

Trying to tie it all together is proving a challenge.

I am seeking constructive feedback on a Gnome Voice of the Wild Bard I plan to run in a Broken Chains module that potentially be be expanded into a homebrew game set in Katapesh

It draws inspiration from Arabian falconers, I aim to channel the harmonious bond between man and bird, while utilizing the power of a Flame Blade.

I am undecided as to whether the gain the avian creature through a Mauler Familiar and the Eldrtch Heritage line of feats or the Animal Ally feat.


Race: Gnome
Class: Bard
Archetypes: Voice of the Wild

Str: 17-2
Dex: 14
Cons: 14+2
Int: 11
Wis: 8
Cha: 13+2

4 - STR
8,12,16 - CHA
20 - INT

Reactionary (Combat)


Level 1 - Bard - Level - Skill Focus (KN: Nature)
Level 3 - Bard - Level - Eldritch Heritage (Arcane): Arcane Bond
Level 5 - Bard - Level - Mauler’s Endurance
Level 7 - Bard - Level - Mounted Combat
Level 9 - Bard - Level - Flame Blade Dervish Combat
Level 11 - Bard - Level - Ride By Attack
Level 13 - Bard - Level - Trick Riding
Level 15 - Bard - Level - Mounted Skirmisher

I need desperate help, not for the life of me can I figure a way of making a Harpoon wielding martial character reasonably effective.

The Harpoon needs Exotic Weapon Proficiency so there is that tax, but beyond that I am drawing a blank.

What ideas do you have?

Temperans wrote:
Quick draw for the 1-h and 2-h throwing. As the feat you have says with Quick Draw you can full attack with 2-h thrown weapon. Also is your goal not to be a good switch hitter? That allows you to pull up a back up if your weapon gets stuck/caught for some reason.

Mind Arsenal lets you full attack anyway, I dont think Quick Draw is needed.

Temperans wrote:
The weapon thing was about the fact that depending on the weapon you choose it becomes easier. Mind Sword does not make it so melee feats apply at range and vice versa. This means some weapons (ex: Starknife) are better supported for this. While yes weapon focus will apply and you will have power attack/deadly aim cause of the house rule, neither swordplay style or improved feint will apply for range (both are melee). Also you will want Quick Draw for sort of obvious reasons.

I never said melee feats apply at distance. I was saying that by focusing on one weapon feats can work doubly so as they apply themselves regardless of the situation; Weapon Focus and Improved Critical being my two examples.

Swordplay does work because at level 12 you can Mind Arsenal melee and ranged attacks. It is also synergistic. Stay away and I will fight from there. Come close and I will tank with a High AC and Mental Barrier Spells

Why do you need Quick Draw? You are not doing Blinkback Belt shenanigans.

Wonderstell wrote:

If Mind Sword fulfills your criteria for a switch hitter, then any ranged build that can fire/reload without AoO is also a switch hitter, no? If switch hitting doesn't involve switching weapon then that seems pretty easy to manage.
Temperans wrote:
Also yes, if switch hitting doesn't require changing weapon it can be accomplished with Empty Quiver Style, any thrown weapon, sharding weapon quality, telekinetic blast, etc. Mind Arsenal is a way to do it with a non-standard weapon and no money expent, in this case scimitar.

Yes that is very true, and never liked them. Empty Quiver feels cringey (Legolas much?) Returning Weapons always require some drawing weapon shenanigans, and the Star Knife I find difficult to get my head around playing with.


Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Archetypes: Mind Sword

Str: 17
Dex: 12
Cons: 12
Int: 13
Wis: 8
Cha: 17

4,12, 16 - STR
8 - CHA
20 - INT


Reckless (Combat)
Extremely Fashionable


Level 1 - Paladin - Level - Weapon Focus (Scimitar)
Level 1 - Human - Bonus - Improved Feint
Level 3 - Paladin - Level - Swordplay Style
Level 5 - Paladin - Level - Two-Handed Thrower
Level 7 - Paladin - Level - Swordplay Upset
Level 9 - Paladin - Level - Swordplay Deflection
Level 11 - Paladin - Level - Improved Critical
Level 13 - Paladin - Level - Unsanctioned Knowledge

*With Elephant in the Room, Deadly Aim, Power Attack, and Combat Expertise are not needed

Temperans wrote:
You need a specific allowance to do that, mainly that the ability can be modified as normal. For example the Eldritch Scion Magus explicitly states that its Eldritch Pool can be modified as if it were Arcane Pool.

I honestly do not know what Mind Sword thing you think can benefit from Lay ob Hands/Channel Energy/Spellcasting feats

Temperans wrote:

As for making it work. First think about what kind of weapon you want to use, that will help to greatly narrow down your choices.

As stated in my opening post:

Minigiant wrote:
My first thought regarding what weapon to select was to play as a Paladin of Sarenrae and use her Scimitar (Improved Critical becoming another feat).
Temperans wrote:
Second, grab Opening Volley that makes it so you can make a ranged attack, then 5-step into a melee attack and only suffer -1 MAP.

The Mind Sword can do that anyway:

Minigiant wrote:

D20 wrote:
At 2nd level, a mind sword can make a telekinetic attack with a melee weapon. This functions as the hand of the apprentice universalist wizard school ability, but any calculations of that ability based on Intelligence are instead based on Charisma. At 6th level, a mind sword can expend two uses of this ability as a full-round action to attack the same opponent multiple times, as if using the full-attack action. At 12th level, a mind sword can expend one use of this ability as a full-round action to combine melee attacks and ranged attacks aimed at different targets within 60 feet as part of a single full-attack action.
Temperans wrote:

Most importantly 4th, accept that there is always a trade off. The best most balanced switch hitter requires very specific feats (Starknife, Throw Anything, Elven Battle, etc) or a very specific class (Kineticist, Warlock Vigilante, etc.).

Yes it does, and why I have never enjoyed them. My initial thought about the Mind Sword is that

Minigiant wrote:

With its Mind Arsenal ability AKA Telekinetic attack, I had hope it could work. By focusing solely on one weapon, selecting feats is a lot easier, as now for example Weapon Focus X works for both melee and ranged.

Ryze Kuja wrote:
Next thing, to what end are we going here? What weapon did you have in mind, and do you have a build concept and/or playstyle concept that you're specifically looking for? Is there a specific reason that you're choosing to do this rather than just building a fighter who has a ton of feats and class features who could do the same equal concept, if not better? The reason why I ask is because "switch-hitting" can be done with other classes that might be more beneficial to the concept/playstyle you're looking for. So gimme the deets, and we can help you accomplish what you're looking for.

I chose this solely for the Mind Sword ability. Fighting in melee and at range with the same weapon is the important part for me.

Switch between bow and sword doesn't work for me, it is always clunky.

This build does benefit greatly from Elephant in the Room Rules, so deadly Aim and Power Attack are not needed

I am trying to put together a Switch-Hitting Paladin build.

Now whenever I have looked into playing a Switch Hitting character, it has never worked; it always feels clunky. One side or another is significantly weaker.

That is why when I saw the Mind Sword

D20 wrote:
At 2nd level, a mind sword can make a telekinetic attack with a melee weapon. This functions as the hand of the apprentice universalist wizard school ability, but any calculations of that ability based on Intelligence are instead based on Charisma. At 6th level, a mind sword can expend two uses of this ability as a full-round action to attack the same opponent multiple times, as if using the full-attack action. At 12th level, a mind sword can expend one use of this ability as a full-round action to combine melee attacks and ranged attacks aimed at different targets within 60 feet as part of a single full-attack action.

With its Mind Arsenal ability AKA Telekinetic attack, I had hope it could work. By focusing solely on one weapon, selecting feats is a lot easier, as now for example Weapon Focus X works for both melee and ranged.

My first conundrum is whether or not to stack Mind Sword with Tempered Champion? This provides Fighter feats that work in both melee and ranged attacks.

My first thought regarding what weapon to select was to play as a Paladin of Sarenrae and use her Scimitar (Improved Critical becoming another feat).

What do people think? Is this a crazy idea or does it have some merit?

As the title says, ae 'Mind Sword' & 'Tempered Champion' compatible archetypes?

I am interested to hear other peoples experiences with this.

How much reflavouring have you done to a race or class?

I have reflavoured a Catfolk; Felix Genus, to Panthera Genus. In my opinion, that isn't much. I have just written up a Lizardfolk for a Crucible of Chaos game that is reflavoured as a Triceratops Humanoid. Would that work for you?

What things have you done?

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Eldritch Scion Magus with the Shadow Bloodline and Sense Vitals for Sneak Attack is the best I can come up with, but the answer is Vanilla bard.

zza ni wrote:

do note that per this FAQ the bonus str damage from Barracuda slam doesn't use your dex even with the unchained finesse training:

(i'm talking about this bonus damage
"you can add twice your Strength bonus on the damage roll for your first unarmed strike on your turn.")

you'll get your normal dex to damage, but not double it.

Yeah that is fine, I checked in the rules section yesterday. It is a feat tax for Barracuda Dash for the two Charges aka 2 Double Sneak Attacks

I am putting together a Unchained Scout Rogue for Seven Swords of Sin (Levels 7 & 8), and have come up with this. It is a Rogue that can charge twice, and does double sneak damage with non lethal unarmed combat; going for the knock out rather than the kill. Slow Reactions allows me to hit the first charge and get away safely.

I dont have much experience with a Rogue so appreciate any advice


Race: Human
Class: Unchained Rogue
Archetypes: Scout

Str: 10
Dex: 18
Cons: 16
Int: 10
Wis: 14
Cha: 10

4,8,12,16,20 - DEX


Inspiring Rush (Combat)
Indomitable Faith (Faith)


Level 1 - Rogue - Level - Sap Adept
Level 1 - Human - Bonus - Improved Unarmed Combat
Level 3 - Rogue - Level - Sap Master
Level 5 - Rogue - Level - Barracuda Slam
Level 7 - Rogue - Level - Barracuda Dash
Level 9 - Rogue - Level -


Level 2 - Weapon Training
Level 4 - Ninja Trick-Style Master: Barracuda Style
Level 6 - Slow Reactions
Level 8 - Bleeding Attack

What do you think?

What is Kaer Maga's surface Architecture inspired by?

The only image we have of course is the cover art for Seven Swords of Sin, but I find this sort of information really helps me flesh out how I see a city

M question is the interaction between Barracuda Slam and the Unchained Rogues Finesse Training

AoN wrote:
With a successful Swim check, you can move half your speed as a move action or your full speed as a full-round action. You can run and charge underwater, though the maximum distance you can move while doing so is half the normal maximum distance. Further, while making a charge attack in water or on land, you can add twice your Strength bonus on the damage roll for your first unarmed strike on your turn.

Specifically the part highlighted in bold. When used with the Rogues Weapon Finesse, does that mean I add twice my Dexterity on the damage roll?


Race: Goblin
Class: Unchained Summoner
Archetypes: Soulbound Summoner

Str: 8
Dex: 14
Cons: 18
Int: 8
Wis: 10
Cha: 14

4,8,12,16,20 - CON


Reckless (Combat)
Outlander - Exile (Campaign)


Level 1 - Summoner - Level - Roll With It
Level 3 - Summoner - Level - Toughness
Level 5 - Summoner - Level - Improved Initiative
Level 7 - Summoner - Level - Extra Evolution
Level 9 - Summoner - Level - Extra Evolution
Level 11 - Summoner - Level -
Level 13 - Summoner - Level -
Level 15 - Summoner - Level -
Level 17 - Summoner - Level -
Level 19 - Summoner - Level -

Eidolon - Bipedal Devil Subtype
Evolutions @Level 10:

- Large
- Pounce
- Energy Attacks (Fire)
- Claws - Legs
- Bite
- Grab
- Swallow Whole

Feats @Level 10:

1 - Power Attack
2 - Toughness
3 - Combat Reflexes
4 - Improved Initiative

What do you think?

Using the Soulbound archetype, 2 Extra Evolution Feats, and the Goblin Favored Class Bonus. This is what I have come up with:

Base Form: Bidep
Subtype: Devil
- Biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]).

14 Points of Evolutions (+2 Fire-Related Evolutions)

- Large (4)
- Pounce (3)
- Energy Attacks (2)
- Claws (1) - Legs
- Bite (1)
- Grab (2)
- Swallow Whole (3)

Feats - I haven't looked at those yet, but I know I will have 4 in total

I was putting together a Construct Caller Unchained Summoner for the Curse of the Riven Sky Module. That archetype wasn't working due to evolution limitations imposed by the Inevitable subtype, instead I am now making a Soulbound Summoner

I want my Eidolon to be inspired by the Linnorm Kingdoms Wicker Men

Wiki wrote:
The Wicker Man is a huge horrifying construction. It is an elaborated prison of wood, soaked in pitch and built in the shape of a huge humanoid. Its interior is actually a wooden cage containing a number of victims, usually bound. The wicker man stands amid a pyre of flammable material, and when the time is right, the entire structure is set aflame. Sometimes the wicker man stands for days or even weeks before it is burnt. The wicker man is one of the effigies used in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings.

How would you mechanically make this work? What Evolutions? I was thinking of trying to make Swallow Whole work but for a 3pt evolution, it seems very weak.

What about the characters theme? What can be added to create a more well rounded character? At the moment I am leaning towards Goblin and the Favored Class towards Flame related Evolutions

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Arcayenneist wrote:

Instant enemy isn't as convincing; I would get more damage output from being able to use Spellstrike through the bow plus added versatility. I would get two 3rd lvl spells, and getting +6 DMG each for my only 3rd lvl spell seems like a poor trade to me.

Instant Enemy is 2 levels away. By the time your caster level is high enough to gain versatility and the higher damaging spells you could have been doing +6 to anything for a long time.

Musket Master 5 / Virtuous Bravo X

It scales your Hero Pool, as well as a lot of your class features. You can gain a lot of deeds that all help as well

Surprise Maneuvers

A Slayer and an Inquisitor (With the right combination of archetypes) gets both Sneak Attack and Studied Target.

D20 wrote:

If you have sneak attack, when you attempt a combat maneuver check against a creature that you are flanking or that is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC against your attack, you gain a bonus on the combat maneuver check that’s equal to the number of sneak attack dice you roll.

If you have the studied combat class feature, you can use studied strike on a combat maneuver check. When you do so, you gain a bonus on the combat maneuver check equal to your number of studied strike dice.

Can either the Slayer or Inquisitor benefit from both bonuses at the same time when performing a combat maneuver?


Smoke Resistant (RACE)
Snowstride (Region)


Level 1 - Rogue - Level - Combat Reflexes
Level 3 - Rogue - Level - Equipment Trick: Smokestick
Level 5 - Rogue - Level - Dirty Fighting
Level 7 - Rogue - Level - Improved Trip
Level 9 - Rogue - Level - Surprise Maneuvers
Level 11 - Rogue - Level - Extra Talent: Double Debilitating
Level 13 - Rogue - Level - Kobold Style
Level 15 - Rogue - Level - Twist Away
Level 17 - Rogue - Level -
Level 19 - Rogue - Level -

Rogue Talents

Level 2 - Combat Trick: Tail Terror
Level 4 - Minor Magic
Level 6 - Major Magic: Enlarge Tail
Level 8 - Weapon Training: Weapon Focus - Long Lash
Level 10 - Feat: Greater Trip
Level 12 - Improved Evasion
Level 14 - Ninja Trick: Style Master - Kobold Groundling
Level 16 -
Level 18 -
Level 20 -

Wonderstell wrote:

I recommend Phalanx Formation depending on party composition. Keep in mind that soft cover is not only a +4 to AC but it also blocks AoOs, which you absolutely want to avoid. Thrill of the Hunt is a good pick if you lack a bard in the party. Just release a caged pet (or familiar) and play hide-n-seek for a hour/level Heroism buff. Twist Away is also on the radar since you don't rely on full-attacks.

Those are some good suggestions. Twist Away is awesome, I had never heard of it.

Wonderstell wrote:

As for archetypes that don't change too much:

Yeah none of the archetypes are really doing it for me. Dark Lurker is the only one that was intriguing me, but it eats up too many Rogue Talents to make the build work

I grok do u wrote:
Combat stamina can be used to make your tail attack a primary attack;

With a Tail Attachment, my tail now gets Iteratives, and without a Tail Attachment it would be the only natural attack and therefore still primary.

I grok do u wrote:
works well with Agile Maneuvers , too.

Agile Maneuvers isn't needed. Weapon Finesse covers it, because I am tripping with the weapon.

I grok do u wrote:
Kobold Style is another boost to keep your CMB relevant for tripping at higher levels.

Kobold Style or more specifically Kobold Groundling is very useful, and continues to "pile on" the optimization

This build is shamelessly inspired by Wonderstell, and their comment about it can be found here

I wanted to build upon the idea to higher levels.


Race: Kobold
Class: Unchained Rogue
Archetypes: N/A

Str: 8
Dex: 20
Cons: 14
Int: 8
Wis: 12
Cha: 7

4,8,12,16,20 - DEX


Smoke Resistant (RACE)
Indomitable Faith (Faith)


Level 1 - Rogue - Level - Combat Reflexes
Level 3 - Rogue - Level - Equipment Trick: Smokestick
Level 5 - Rogue - Level - Dirty Fighting
Level 7 - Rogue - Level - Improved Trip
Level 9 - Rogue - Level - Surprise Maneuvers
Level 11 - Rogue - Level -
Level 13 - Rogue - Level -
Level 15 - Rogue - Level -
Level 17 - Rogue - Level -
Level 19 - Rogue - Level -

Rogue Talents

Level 2 - Combat Trick: Tail Terror
Level 4 - Minor Magic
Level 6 - Major Magic: Enlarge Tail
Level 8 -
Level 10 - Feat: Greater Trip
Level 12 -
Level 14 -
Level 16 -
Level 18 -
Level 20 -


With a 15ft reach thanks to a Long Lash Tail Attachment, and Smoke for cover,you become an area control Rogue dealing Reliable sneak attack damage and hampering opponents no end.

That is the idea anyway, what are peoples thoughts? I have never "gotten" the Rogue, and this is the first one that I genuinely seem interested in.

Okay I have a few questions regarding Magus, Kobolds, and their interactions.

1. Can a Magus do a Spellstrike with a Tail Weapon?

2. Can a Magus do Spell Combat with a Tail Weapon?

3. Can a Blackblade be a Tail Weapon?

4. Do Tail Weapons get iteratives?

VoodistMonk wrote:

Divine Commander Warpriest.

What makes you say this?

I am trying to think of the best way to build a Kobold. Has anyone been able to make it work?

The Scaled Disciple intrigues me.

I was thinking perhaps a Vanilla Inquisitor with the Anger Inquisition, and going into Dragon Disciple at 7

What do people think?

So.....Wereshark-kin in an update lost the Amphibian beastial feature for an ability that is Amphibious in all but name only...meaning they don't qualify for Blood Frenzy Style

That means a small rework was in order. With DM fiat because of a monster feat. Martial Discipline and therefore Ascetic Mystery may not be needed now, so some reading of other mysteries is now in order


Reactionary (Combat)
Focused Mind (Magic)


Level 1 - Oracle - Level - Skill Focus (KN: Planes)
Level 3 - Oracle - Level - Eldritch Heritage: Abyssal - Claws
Level 5 - Oracle - Level - Improved Initiative
Level 7 - Oracle - Level - Storm-Lashed
Level 9 - Storm Kindler - Level - Ability Focus (Storm Form)
Level 11 - Storm Kindler - Level - Improved Eldritch Heritage: Abyssal Strength
Level 13 - Storm Kindler - Level - Favored Prestige Class
Level 15 - Storm Kindler - Level - Prestigious Spellcaster
Level 17 - Storm Kindler - Level - Prestigious Spellcaster
Level 19 - Oracle - Level - Prestigious Spellcaster

Curse: Deaf

Mystery: Ascetic
Level 1 - Martial Discipline

zza ni wrote:

Source Advanced Race Guide pg. 175
Some undines are born with a permanent bond to water. Undines with this racial trait gain the aquatic subtype and amphibious special quality. This racial trait replaces the spell-like ability racial trait.

I was needing a Race that has a Non-Claw Natural Attack and be Amphibious.

I just learned today, Wereshark-kin do not qualify because, in an update to their stats, they lost the Amphibian bestial feature

How would you rule the Storm Kindlers Thunderstruck ability

Thunderstruck wrote:
At 5th level, a Storm Kindler becomes immune to the deafened condition.

on the Oracles Deaf Curse:

Deaf Curse wrote:
You cannot hear and suffer all of the usual penalties for being deafened. You cast all of your spells as if they were modified by the Silent Spell feat. This does not increase their level or casting time.

The plan is to be a 'Mist Assassin' with the Shaman Water Sight Hex and be a natural attacker until Storm Shape comes online, where you then move to attack, and cast freely with your standard action (Thanks to being Deaf and Still Spell, as well as not needing a DF from being an Oracle).

Both the curse (admittedly slower) and the spirit spells continue to scale as you take the levels in Storm Kindler which is nice. I took 7 levels of Oracle before entering, just to gain access to the Spirit Ability, and further increase the builds flexibility.I am however stuck for a 2nd Trait, and it is a little sad that I am only taking 1 Revelation


Reactionary (Combat)
TBD (_________)


Level 1 - Oracle - Level - Skill Focus (KN: Planes)
Level 3 - Oracle - Level - Eldritch Heritage: Abyssal - Claws
Level 5 - Oracle - Level - Blood Frenzy Style
Level 7 - Oracle - Level - Storm-Lashed
Level 9 - Storm Kindler - Level - Improved Initiative
Level 11 - Storm Kindler - Level - Improved Eldritch Heritage: Abyssal Strength
Level 13 - Storm Kindler - Level - Favored Prestige Class
Level 15 - Storm Kindler - Level - Prestigious Spellcaster
Level 17 - Storm Kindler - Level - Prestigious Spellcaster
Level 19 - Oracle - Level - Prestigious Spellcaster

Curse: Deaf

Mystery: Ascetic
Level 1 - Martial Discipline

Belafon wrote:
Minigiant wrote:
An Oracle Build

There's an interaction of Oracle and Storm Kindler I saw that was kinda interesting. Take Eschew Materials and the Deaf curse. The point, of course, is to be able to cast spells while Storm Shaped even if you don't have the druid levels required to take the Natural Spell feat. You can search out spells without somatic components, but you probably want Still Spell as well. You don't even have to be full oracle, you just need one level.

The particular player I saw was an arcanist with Still Spell and the Metamixing exploit. Cast and still be able to move around sucking up enemies!

I was thinking about this, if this is right then Deaf for still spell is great.

Divine spells rarely have material needs to Eschew Materials isn't needed. Is there an equivalent for focus?

Edit: Would the Birthmark Trait work?

Belafon wrote:
Minigiant wrote:
An Oracle Build

There's an interaction of Oracle and Storm Kindler I saw that was kinda interesting. Take Eschew Materials and the Deaf curse. The point, of course, is to be able to cast spells while Storm Shaped even if you don't have the druid levels required to take the Natural Spell feat. You can search out spells without somatic components, but you probably want Still Spell as well. You don't even have to be full oracle, you just need one level.

The particular player I saw was an arcanist with Still Spell and the Metamixing exploit. Cast and still be able to move around sucking up enemies!

Storm Shape is not a polymorph effect, does it even need still spell to cast?


Reactionary (Combat)
TBD (_________)


Level 1 - Oracle - Level - Skill Focus (KN: Planes)
Level 3 - Oracle - Level - Eldritch Heritage: Abyssal - Claws
Level 5 - Oracle - Level - Blood Frenzy Style
Level 7 - Oracle - Level - Storm-Lashed
Level 9 - Storm Kindler - Level - Favored Prestige Class
Level 11 - Storm Kindler - Level - Improved Eldritch Heritage: Abyssal Strength
Level 13 - Storm Kindler - Level - Prestigious Spellcaster
Level 15 - Storm Kindler - Level - Prestigious Spellcaster
Level 17 - Storm Kindler - Level - Prestigious Spellcaster
Level 19 - Oracle - Level -

Curse: Clouded Vision

Mystery: Ascetic
Level 1 - Martial Discipline

Urshia al-Lirgen wrote:

Hmm. I had a storm kindler many years ago, but it was a very different route.

Indeed very different

Urshia al-Lirgen wrote:

1 Bloodrager (steelblood, celestial bloodline). Weapons are good aligned when raging.
2,3,4,5 Druid (storm domain). Wild Shape and buffs.
6 Monk (martial artist). Improved Unarmed Strike.
7+ Storm Kindler (flagging druid for progession)

In my opinion, one of the best aspects of the Storm Kindler is that it moves in effect your "attack" action to a move action, allowing you to attack and cast in the same round. The Storm Kindler reduces your casting (Why I am considering the prestigious spellcaster feat), I do not think it is optimal to multiclass further away from that.

Urshia al-Lirgen wrote:
I focused on DC.

Damge vs DC, I too think focusing on DC is the way to go. In a comparison, your one move can have a higher DC than a standard level 9 spell.

Urshia al-Lirgen wrote:

Ghost Touch Amulet of Mighty Fists so you can handle incorporeal.
Deliquescent Gloves to add acid damage to the unarmed strike.

The Amulet was already on my list but, the Gloves is a great idea.

Urshia al-Lirgen wrote:

Can already see in fog from Storm Kindler, but I also got some Goz Masks to give to the party for when I cast fog spells.

I was going to use the Spirit Guide Waves Spirit Water Sight to get this at level 3 to run as a 'Mist Assassin' until Storm Kindler is online. Casting Obscuring Mist and using Natural Attacks.

Urshia al-Lirgen wrote:

Bad but thematic choice: the character is a sylph. Was burly as I could get, but not the best starting point.

I think Wereshark-Kin fall into this aswell, there are better options especially when it comes to stats, the bestial features can be beneficial, but really I am just making Sharknado

I actually think that Monk VMC may be the best option right now, the scaling unarmed damage being the biggest draw, and the ki pool to increase my speed being a welcome addition

thorin001 wrote:

Blood frenzy style is a no go as you do not have the aquatic subtype.

I did ask this very question

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Yes it can be a khopesh, but you do not automatically gain proficiency. You would still need the appropriate weapon feta for that

I am looking at putting together a Storm Kindler build to add to my folder of want-to-play characters.

I need guidance on how to optimize it. I really want to focus on that Storm Shape. I like the idea of effectively causing damage with your move action, and casting spells out from it.

At the moment my idea is to start out as a Spirit Guide Oracle for two reasons; the first being that the curse continues to level with you, and the second, spirit guide continues to give you access to spirit magic spells (from my reading anyway).

Then I need to get Improved Eldritch Heritage Orc or Abyssal for the inherent Strength bonus, increasing my storm DC.I was also looking at Blood Frenzy Style and Blood Frenzy Strike to increase the DC further and increase my damage output.

Obviously I will need Storm-Lashed, but other feats include; Power Attack, Improved Initiative, Quicken Spell, and Favored Prestige Class < Prestigious Spellcaster.

The build I am in no way tied to so far is a Seascarred Skinwalker that uses Waves Spirit to see through Obscuring Mist and attack with Natural Attacks (Abyssal Bloodline). Then use the Storm power from the mid-game onwards.

Would a creature in the Blood Frenzy stance and with the Blood Frenzy Strike apply the Bleed effect to the Storm Kindlers Storm Shape damage?

Blood Frenzy Strike wrote:
While you are using Blood Frenzy Style, when you damage an opponent with your unarmed strikes or natural attacks, you deal an extra 1d6 points of bleed damage; this bleed damage does not stack with itself

Do Wereshark-Kin qualify for Blood Frenzy Style?

Wereshark-Kin Bestial Features wrote:

  • Amphibious
  • Bite attack that deals 1d6 points of damage
  • Ferocity
  • Swim speed of 30 feet

Blood Frenzy Style Prerequisites wrote:
Str 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +1, aquatic subtype.
Amphibious wrote:
Creatures with this special quality have the aquatic subtype, but they can survive indefinitely on land.

The Wereshark-Kin can only gain Amphibious when they use Change Shape

Aren't you missing Exotic Profoencien for the Butchering Axe?

Alesander wrote:

Ways to enhance a combo like this?

I have an Oracle Reach Fighter I want to take Angelic Wings with, the Angelic blood feat peaked my interest with bloodbath spell and blood rage.

I have only 14 con but aced my rolls on HP! 8 8 8 7 4 5 8 So I can take a few hits!

Fun idea, but landing 2 spells makes it difficult (Different schools at that)

When I was looking into a Wizard build, what I noticed is that the fundamental thing the 'divine' spell list has is status removal, other than that there is a lot of overlap of equivalent spells.

That was the foundation for my healing wizard, a Pact Wizard with the Healing Patron, and Samsaran Mystic Past Life (Witch) to cover all of that missing stuff.

Belafon wrote:

I'm not a fan of the fourth and fifth level domain spells for Revelry

Yeah 100% agree with that

Anyway, here is a quick Revelry variant


Reactionary (Combat)
Mediator (Social)


Level 1 - Cleric - Level - Lingering Performance
Level 1 - Cleric - Human - Improved Initiative
Level 3 - Cleric - Level - Peacemaker
Level 5 - Cleric - Level - Spell Focus (Enchantment)
Level 7 - Cleric - Level - Encouraging Spell
Level 9 - Cleric - Level - Greater Spell Focus (Enchantment)
Level 11 - Cleric - Level - Persistent Spell
Level 13 - Cleric - Level - Quicken Spell
Level 15 - Cleric - Level - Spell Perfection
Level 17 - Cleric - Level -
Level 19 - Cleric - Level -

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