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Thaumaturge MC Magus with Weapon (weapon), Tome (spellbook) and Mirror (polished buckler). Just because.
I really like this idea...in a way, you could think of Perseus as kind of a Thaumaturge: what enabled his heroism were special implements given to him by the gods! Mirror implement, obviously (you could even say the reason the mirror shield enabled him to decapitate Medusa without looking at her was he looked at the mirror in a safe place and his conjured duplicated did the deed!). Weapon, most likely, as some versions of the story give him the Harpe, the sickle Kronos used, as the only weapon capable of hacking through Medusa's neck...and then, maybe Regalia or Amulet? He'd probably have to invest in specific magic items to emulate Hades' Cap of Darkness (an invisibility rune on the armor, most likely, it may not be the headgear but it still counts!), and of course Winged Boots for the Talaria...

Djinn71 |
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Thaumaturge in Free Archetype with Drow Shootist 2/4/6, then Archer Dedication + Crossbow Terror at 8th to amp a simple Hand Crossbow, which is your Weapon implement. Use a Wand implement in your other hand. Reloading Strike means you can make at least one shot a round with the Hand Crossbow using only one action.
Routine with a +1 Striking Flaming Hand Crossbow looks like 2d8+1d6+8 (you get +2 additional per weapon damage die, +2 Circumstance from Crossbow Terror, and +2 additional from weapon specialization) + Exploit Weakness, followed (or preceded) by Fling Magic with a basic save for 5d6+4 and potentially flat-footed, persistent damage, or reduced speed. Then add Energized Cartridge from Talisman Esoterica and you can get some really solid DPR if you ever get the chance to target multiple weaknesses at once.

LordeAlvenaharr |

Thaumaturge in Free Archetype with Drow Shootist 2/4/6, then Archer Dedication + Crossbow Terror at 8th to amp a simple Hand Crossbow, which is your Weapon implement. Use a Wand implement in your other hand. Reloading Strike means you can make at least one shot a round with the Hand Crossbow using only one action.
Routine with a +1 Striking Flaming Hand Crossbow looks like 2d8+1d6+8 (you get +2 additional per weapon damage die, +2 Circumstance from Crossbow Terror, and +2 additional from weapon specialization) + Exploit Weakness, followed (or preceded) by Fling Magic with a basic save for 5d6+4 and potentially flat-footed, persistent damage, or reduced speed. Then add Energized Cartridge from Talisman Esoterica and you can get some really solid DPR if you ever get the chance to target multiple weaknesses at once.
This build looks interesting to me, I'd like to see it in more detail, (Pathbuilder?), like ancestry, feats... I'd really like to use a ranged wand, I like to deal damage!

Ezekieru |
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Now, I was watching and Reloading Strike says that you have to use a weapon attack or unarmed attack to be able to reload and use the hand crossbow. So it wouldn't work with the wand? And it has to have Gunslinger Archetype right?
I thiiiiiiiink they meant the Drow Shootist's Reloading Trick feat, at level 6. One action to Reload and Strike an unloaded hand crossbow.

Djinn71 |

LordeAlvenaharr wrote:Now, I was watching and Reloading Strike says that you have to use a weapon attack or unarmed attack to be able to reload and use the hand crossbow. So it wouldn't work with the wand? And it has to have Gunslinger Archetype right?I thiiiiiiiink they meant the Drow Shootist's Reloading Trick feat, at level 6. One action to Reload and Strike an unloaded hand crossbow.
Yep, this is the one. The only real problem with this build is that you need to waste a feat on Repeating Hand Crossbow proficiency at 4 to get out of Drow Shootist.
You can use stuff like Divine Disharmony to inflict flat-footed at ranged and Cursed Effigy to give them a penalty to saves against your Wand.

Sanityfaerie |

Ezekieru wrote:LordeAlvenaharr wrote:Now, I was watching and Reloading Strike says that you have to use a weapon attack or unarmed attack to be able to reload and use the hand crossbow. So it wouldn't work with the wand? And it has to have Gunslinger Archetype right?I thiiiiiiiink they meant the Drow Shootist's Reloading Trick feat, at level 6. One action to Reload and Strike an unloaded hand crossbow.Yep, this is the one. The only real problem with this build is that you need to waste a feat on Repeating Hand Crossbow proficiency at 4 to get out of Drow Shootist.
You can use stuff like Divine Disharmony to inflict flat-footed at ranged and Cursed Effigy to give them a penalty to saves against your Wand.
You could just run archer first (or possibly retrain to do so retroactively). Assisting shot and point-blank shot may not be great, given the reload issues, but they're at least not completely dead picks.

HenshinFanatic |
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Been working on a little build for a Dark Archive character, still only the early stages of planning but so far I've got a Kitsune Thaumaturge starting with a Bell Implement reflavoured as a Horagai, then Wand for Second Implement, then take Wand to Adept, then Horagai, then Mirror for final Implement, then upgrade Mirror via class feat, and Wand to Paragon. Along the way picking up Sorcerer Dedication for Sky Dragon Wyrmblessed Bloodline going up to Expert Spellcasting Benefits and some bloodline stuff, also getting a total of 7 Ancestry Feats 2 at first level (one normal and one bonus via Empty Sky Heritage), one at 3rd from Ancestral Paragon, and the rest normally thus being able to go up to 8 tails. I'm making it expecting no free archetype but with that method can even go up to Master Spellcasting Benefits.

keftiu |

A friend proposed this, and it's too fun not to share: a Changeling Thaumaturge with multiclass Sorcerer for the Hag Bloodline. I feel like it comes around to the "occult detective with a little spellcasting" in the most roundabout way imaginable, but it has me really excited.
I'm inclined to copy it on a Nagaji once LO:IL drops, reflavored to fit a Spirit Naga (as they sometimes form covens with hags).

Ventnor |
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A friend proposed this, and it's too fun not to share: a Changeling Thaumaturge with multiclass Sorcerer for the Hag Bloodline. I feel like it comes around to the "occult detective with a little spellcasting" in the most roundabout way imaginable, but it has me really excited.
I'm inclined to copy it on a Nagaji once LO:IL drops, reflavored to fit a Spirit Naga (as they sometimes form covens with hags).
Fetchling Thaumaturge archetyped into Shadow Sorcerer?

Camata022 |

My character i made is an Amurrun Thaumaturge, using a Harrow Deck as a Tome Implement, they have a short childhood name followed by a title is what APG says, so I named him after my GMs favorite movie to hate. Mano(s) the Hand of Fate. Thinking of going Swash or Rogue MC to take Fourberie and then using my cards as a weapon as well.

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keftiu wrote:Fetchling Thaumaturge archetyped into Shadow Sorcerer?A friend proposed this, and it's too fun not to share: a Changeling Thaumaturge with multiclass Sorcerer for the Hag Bloodline. I feel like it comes around to the "occult detective with a little spellcasting" in the most roundabout way imaginable, but it has me really excited.
I'm inclined to copy it on a Nagaji once LO:IL drops, reflavored to fit a Spirit Naga (as they sometimes form covens with hags).
Is there a bloodline out there that does not correspond to an ancestry or heritage ?

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I am struggling a bit to recreate my Playtest Gnome Thaumaturge who was all about knowing things to better stab opponents (which was the playtest Thaumaturge basic mechanic : RK for bonus).
Now that both have been separated, I wonder whether I should go all about how to hurt enemies or go combat + RK.
Interesting dilemna.

keftiu |

Ventnor wrote:Is there a bloodline out there that does not correspond to an ancestry or heritage ?keftiu wrote:Fetchling Thaumaturge archetyped into Shadow Sorcerer?A friend proposed this, and it's too fun not to share: a Changeling Thaumaturge with multiclass Sorcerer for the Hag Bloodline. I feel like it comes around to the "occult detective with a little spellcasting" in the most roundabout way imaginable, but it has me really excited.
I'm inclined to copy it on a Nagaji once LO:IL drops, reflavored to fit a Spirit Naga (as they sometimes form covens with hags).
Nymph and Phoenix.