Pathfinder Blood in the Sands PVP Arena

Game Master imimrtl

Arena One

Arena Two

Arena Three

Arena Four

Arena Five

Arena Six

Pathfinder Pit Map

The Bridge Map

Forest Arena Map

Triad Arena

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This is the Discussion thread to talk about rules questions and the like for Pathfinder Blood in the Sands Arena.

Female Half-elf Pistolero Gunslinger 3

Yay for a new thread~ Time to shoot some fools.

Human Whitesmith/Gunsmoke
HP 16/16, AC 17, T 13, FF 14, Fort 3, Ref 3, Will 5, Perception +8, Sense Motive +3
SP: 4/4, Arm: Pepperbox, MF: 1-2, Ammo: Metal Cartridge 3/4
Craft. Arm Maintenance +6, DD +7, Heal +11, K: Engineering +4, Perception +8), Profession: Gunsmith +9, Sleight of Hand +10, Spellcraft +4

Sweet! Well, I have 2 questions already :P
1. How do you start if you/your animal companion is large? How about if both of you are large? Do you have to squeeze beside eachother to fit in that 4 by 4 starting gate? I am thinking about the beastmaster archetype.
2. Advancement. You gave 2 different rates for advancing. If you win, do you gain 3 reputation always or do you gain 5 if you beat a 5th level opponent? (I might just be misunderstanding this bit :)
3. What level of guns are there? Emerging, commonplace, everywhere, ect?
4. You said that the walls are invulnerable, but what about teleporting? I am just going to assume you can't port out, but I am asking anyways :) Does this affect summoning? What about spells that don't originate from the caster but rather "outside the box" (I am thinking of something like controll weather. I am sure there are more)?
5. What about obviously broken feats/abilities? I am thinking of Hamatula Strike (you shoot someone with a bow, they teleport next to you, you are both grappled, then you shoot Them while still grappled) or touch injection/skinsend (you touch them, they jump out of their skin, no save) off the top of my head :P
6. Can you pre-buff? How about effects that have 24 hour durations or even longer?

Well, so much for only 2 questions XP

Female Half-elf Pistolero Gunslinger 3

@ Joseph

1 Don't know about that one.
2 You gain 3 rep for wining, 2 for draw, and 1 for losing
3 Emerging, for full price, how ever the arena can get them very easly somehow
4 Can summon into the arena
5 Everything within the books is pretty much allowed besides op races. Feel free to make a character with the most powerful broken stuff if you want; part of the fun of seeing what is stronger than something else
6 It's assumed that some stuff is pre-buffed when you enter the arena, ie Eidolon, Long duration buffs. I think the ruling that anything over 1-2 minutes was counted as pre-buffed, and anything shorter had to be cast inside of the arena.

1. You would start adjacent to each other. For instance if you were starting on the bottom of the map, you would start in L10 if you were medium (or KL9-10 if large) and your companion would start in L11 (or KL11-12 if large)
2. Kaira is correct
3. Kaira is again correct
4. If the spell can fit within the arena then it will work, since this particular arena is underground and enclosed, control weather probably wouldn't do much. The walls block ALL forms of entrance or egress from the combatants. Summoning works as does the gate spell but only for the purposes of summoning not for travel. Teleport works within the arena to another point within the arena but not outside, same with all other forms of travel.
5. Kaira is on a roll! Go for broke(n)! You will find that people have all sorts of tricks up their sleeves.
6. Doh! Almost perfect Kaira. Only buffs with durations of 24 hours or greater are considered to be able to be buffed NOTHING else. All other buffs must take place in the arena. Things like eidolons or special mounts for paladins, etc. are considered summoned when you walk in and do not need to be summoned in the arena.

Female Half-elf Pistolero Gunslinger 3

Whelp, I tried~ Anyways, I now want to scrap my Gunslinger in favor of something better, so I'll get that sheet up forth width.

Edit* Question removed due to my own research proving it was a non-point anyways.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Correct, though most actions cause you to loose the AC bonus if the hand it's strapped to is used.

Female Half-elf Pistolero Gunslinger 3

Thank you, but now I need to know; Why is dazzling display a thing? allows me to intimidate people as a full round action... When intimidate is already a standard action.. Is there something I'm missing?

Dazzling display allows you to demoralize EVERY opponent within 30'. Intimidate only allows you to demoralize 1.

Female Half-elf Pistolero Gunslinger 3

Ah-ha, Thanks for clarifying that up; almost done making my character, taking what I learned on my experimental character to make myself better.

Male Human Paladin 2 Wizard 3

1) For the purposes of spells, is the arena indoors or outdoors? You say it's underground, but if we apply that for determining spells that instantly nerfs druids' most poweful third level spell, call lightning.
2) How high can players/creatures go, or where is the roof?

Human Whitesmith/Gunsmoke
HP 16/16, AC 17, T 13, FF 14, Fort 3, Ref 3, Will 5, Perception +8, Sense Motive +3
SP: 4/4, Arm: Pepperbox, MF: 1-2, Ammo: Metal Cartridge 3/4
Craft. Arm Maintenance +6, DD +7, Heal +11, K: Engineering +4, Perception +8), Profession: Gunsmith +9, Sleight of Hand +10, Spellcraft +4

1. Yup :) that's partly why I asked. We are underground with an invulnerble roof over our heads.
Roof is 25 feet up, bedrock is 25 feet below ground. I just thought about this, is there sunlight? Artificial light? Doomy and gloomy?

it is currently indoors, however that is not to say that in the future there could not be different arenas that have different properties. the starting one however is indoors.

There is currently normal light in all areas of the arena.

Female Half-elf Pistolero Gunslinger 3

Sent in my new character, going to be fun~

Wins: 2, Loses: 2, Ties: 0; Fame: 8

My character has been submitted (under a different alias; this one was created for this character).

Someone mind posting the arena map again? :P

Here you go

Human Whitesmith/Gunsmoke
HP 16/16, AC 17, T 13, FF 14, Fort 3, Ref 3, Will 5, Perception +8, Sense Motive +3
SP: 4/4, Arm: Pepperbox, MF: 1-2, Ammo: Metal Cartridge 3/4
Craft. Arm Maintenance +6, DD +7, Heal +11, K: Engineering +4, Perception +8), Profession: Gunsmith +9, Sleight of Hand +10, Spellcraft +4

Ummm question. Are we allowed to read past bouts? I was just about to as it seems like it would be a great read but should I not in case of spoilers/unfair knowledge?

Yes you can read past bouts.

Also, once you are paired in the arena, NO changes can be made to your character and that includes equipment, so no tailoring to a specific opponent. Not sure if I made that clear before.

Will all the bouts happen in the gameplay section?

No I will be creating arenas to fight in like Arena 1 Arena 2 Arena 3, etc. Either that or I will name them to have more interesting flavor.

I have been thinking of creating a few different arena types to randomize as well. Like a dim light arena, arena's with different terrain types, forested arena's etc. They will all be the same size and shape, just with different effects on them. What do you all think? Do you think it would make things more interesting?


And yeah, I really like the different arena type idea.

Scarab Sages

As long as you didn't make the arenas too dense. There are large folk about. :)

Wins: 2, Loses: 2, Ties: 0; Fame: 8

I really like the idea of different arenas. When I ran a tabletop gladiator game with PF, I used different flip-maps to simulate different arenas (I have quite a collection). I explained that the arena-builders had some very powerful magic going for them and could simulate nearly any environment. It made for a much more entertaining game.

Ok well the first round will all be played in the basic arena to give me and the other arbiters some time to come up with ideas for the other arena types.

Human Whitesmith/Gunsmoke
HP 16/16, AC 17, T 13, FF 14, Fort 3, Ref 3, Will 5, Perception +8, Sense Motive +3
SP: 4/4, Arm: Pepperbox, MF: 1-2, Ammo: Metal Cartridge 3/4
Craft. Arm Maintenance +6, DD +7, Heal +11, K: Engineering +4, Perception +8), Profession: Gunsmith +9, Sleight of Hand +10, Spellcraft +4

Sounds good :)
Btw I have a few ideas for arenas if you care to hear them :)

Always open to good (or even not so good lol) ideas.

Like an aquatic arena. Or one full of plant creatures.

... or a zero g one...

Those are good although I'm not sure I want to add additional creatures. I really want this to be PVP only.

1. persistant gravity: no matter where you walk in the arena, for you gravity is always down. This essentially would work like everyone having always on spider climb.

2. pit of blades: a giant rotating blade is in the center of the arena that spins around once every other round. If you don't get out of the way somehow you take damage. Particulars would need to get worked out.

3. Two on two arena: you are randomly placed in teams of two and need to beat the other team. No PMing with your partner! ;-)

4. the Crusher: The arena gets five feet in radius smaller every round until it gets down to 3 squares by 3 squares.

5. Corridors: the entire arena is a series of 10' wide corridors that are 10' high.

I've got more but those were the ones I came up with real quick

Female Human Monk 3

Like those ideals. Better addition, Pitfall arena. Every round or so you roll a dice or something and a 2x2 second of the arena falls out into a highly damaging drop. Keeps happening until the whole arena has dropped down then raises back up to reset.

Here are the Arena's we are using. Do not dot them. Go to them when assigned. That said, you can watch each others matches. Also feel free to interact in the In character lounge.

Arena One

Arena Two

Arena Three

Arena Four

Arena Five

Arena Six

I have also placed the arena links in the campaign info and at the top of the screen.

Faust the Devil Dwarf is ready (slight equipment change from what I PMed you, Immortal).

I like the idea of team battles, 2v2, 3v3. Could be cool.

Just realized I accidentally posted this in the recruitment thread and not in the discussion thread where it belongs.

Samurai Jack (Algar Lysandris)
Napju Mmesli (Castle Bravo)
Elik the Magnificent (imimrtl)
Gladiator #337 (Joseph Bonkers)
Felrisa Vex (Kaira Velrith)
Meng Ren Rui (Mokshus)
Basha (Sleet Storm)
Honorable Apprentice (WhtKnt)


Arena One: Samurai Jack 1d8 ⇒ 1 vs Elik the Magnificent 1d7 ⇒ 2

Arena Two: Felrisa Vex 1d6 ⇒ 3 vs Meng Ren Rui 1d5 ⇒ 3

Arena Three: Napju Mmesli 1d4 ⇒ 1 vs Gladiator #337 1d3 ⇒ 1

Arena Four: Basha vs Honorable Apprentice

Level Fours:

Want to have a bit of fun and do a three way battle? ;-P


Remember when you start, give a description, posture a bit if you want to, play to the crowd, Roll initiative in a spoiler and post just the results in OOC.

Once you determine who is going first, you each have surprise round actions. Then you go to normal round by round combat. For ease, if spellcasting put what spell it is in a spoiler with the spellcraft DC for the other person to identify it if they are able to.

Post all actions either in a spoiler that is titled "Arbiter" or if you must you can PM it to the Arbiters but PM it to all of the arbiters so that we each know what you are doing. It makes it more difficult but I prefer just putting it in the spoiler and using the honor system for the other person not to look.

Let me know if anyone has any questions. Also if there is a question about a rule or an arbiter is needed. Post it in this discussion thread and one of us will help.


Mbauers, Faust will be in Arena Five with whomever the next submission comes from.

Also, as soon as we hear from Choon, we can do the three way battle royale in Arena Six

I need one of the other Arbiters to make the ending in Arena One official. Good fight Samurai and good luck on your upcoming fights!

Gotcha covered.

Samurai, I'll challenge you with Faust if you want another go.

Female Human Monk 3

Dear lord the first fight is already over? I've still yet to duke it out with my Green skinned martial artist friend.

Scarab Sages

Some fight don't last long. A couple of Bruno's have been one round (both winning and losing).

Hp 9/9 AC 17 (+6 Perc; +1 Init; Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5)

Sure why not arbiter Mbauer

Alright, cool. Immortal I'm setting up Jack and my challenge match in Pit 5. We can do the Level 4 3 way battle in pit 6--I can randomize spots later

Triad Arena Map

Here is the arena map I made for a three way battle. I decided to go very basic with no obstacles, just an all out slugfest.

We can move over to Arena 6 for the three way battle if you guys want. It should be interesting as we haven't done anything like that before.

Scarab Sages

Cool. I'm looking forward to it.

Ok I'm setting up the three way battle in arena 6 now. Go ahead over Bruno and Arian when you're ready.

If you need an arbiter for that fight(seeing as all arbiters are players in that fight), I can help you out.

That would be great Sleet.

Just need clarification on a couple things from Khaosclaire, and then she's in with Sariras Greenscale! Welcome aboard

Here are two more battle maps we can use.

The Bridge

Forest Arena

In case anyone wants to have fun with these in the next round or for a challenge bout.

When is the next randomization?

It will be after the current random battles are done. The trio battle doesn't count though so as soon as the others are done we can go with another random bout. That said, there is nothing stopping people that have finished from doing a challenge bout now.

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