LF GM / Players for a cray game (Details inside)


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Between Bigrig's Wrath of Corruption recruitment, Sebecloki's Dark Sun recruitment, and chatting with some friends, I've been reminiscing about old, abandoned, over the top games. And I really want to try and play in one, that actually makes it past recruitment, and lasts a decent length of time.

One of the games was about playing a Fae, which are one of my favorite creature types. It was called Faerie Dreams and it sounded really awesome!!

I've wanted to play a game where you get to be a Fae, and that takes place in the First World/Feywild/Plane of Faerie for several years now. I think it would be a ton of fun.

Another that sadly never went anywhere was about playing fiends, known as the Fallen Sons and Daughters.

One idea I had that could incorporate playing an evil outsider, was inspired by Bigrig's WoC, with a bit of twist: Instead of being mortal agents in the service of various demon lords, the PCs play actual demons(or if you wanna expand on that, devils, daemons, and other fiends) who have come through the Worldwound to invade, and possibly take over, all of Golarion(or at least the Inner Sea region.)

Another idea would be that the PCs are mercenaries in a version of the Blood War, with the game set in the lower planes.

Finally, I really, really, really wanna play an epic game. No idea what the concept of the game would be, but I saw a post on FB about a 22nd level 4e adventure, and that got me remembering how much I love insane, high level, epic games. I realize this is probably the least likely of the games to be picked up and ran, but I figure if I'm gonna post about wanting to play in a cray cray game, I might as well swing for the fences, lol.

Obviously, these are just some ideas, and a prospective GM doesn't have to use them, or even run anything like what I suggested here.

I just really want to play some sort of over the top, insane-o game, especially since all of my PbP games that I'm in as a player have died, been paused or otherwise aren't active.

Anyways, thanks for reading all of this(assuming anybody actually does, lol) and hopefully I can get a good group and dedicated GM from this.

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So the first time I check on open recruitment posts in something like a year, and yours is at the top of the list. Feels like a sign. And you know I'm down for any theme if you get this up and running. I'm trying to get some of my IRL friends to start up a standard pbp but it doesn't seem like it's going anywhere, and I need something to scratch that itch.

I would be down for it. Some of the games mentioned I tried to get in on and they just fizzled out. I would have fun in any of them but would prefer the Fae or Epic level ones, but not so much 4e for me. I also enjoyed the thought of having 3rd-party stuff available too. Do you think there should be a narrowed-down, specific version of what we want before we ask a Gm to run?

SmooshieBanana wrote:
I would be down for it. Some of the games mentioned I tried to get in on and they just fizzled out. I would have fun in any of them but would prefer the Fae or Epic level ones, but not so much 4e for me. I also enjoyed the thought of having 3rd-party stuff available too. Do you think there should be a narrowed-down, specific version of what we want before we ask a Gm to run?

Sorry, I didn't mean I wanted a 4e epic game, just that a Facebook post about a 4e epic adventure got me thinking about how much I would love an epic level Pathfinder game.

As for your question, no, not yet.

It might not be super apparent in my initial post, but I'm completely open to any potential GM coming in and suggesting their own games, as opposed to the 4 I mentioned here. They were just the ones that got me thinking lately, so if a GM has a more awesome suggestion(s), they are absolutely welcome to make them!

All good choices and ideas above! Epic-wise, what about something like the old school D&D Slave Lords series, or maybe better, the Vault of the Drow into the Queen of the Demon Webs?

I'm interested.

Like we chatted i'm on board.

Kek. I actually still have the character sheet for Jadgael, Fallen of Betrayal from that second campaign you linked.

I was beyond salty about how much effort I spent on the character over the recruitment only for it to come to nothing.

I actually thought you were an elaborate troll poster for about a year after that, arranging for high complexity recruitments from alts and then dropping them.

Storm Dragon wrote:

I actually thought you were an elaborate troll poster for about a year after that, arranging for high complexity recruitments from alts and then dropping them.

Eh?? Me?! Would never!

We are kind of coming from a fairly high-powered tristalt Dark Sun game.

Dark Sun would be very nice.
Wrath of the Righteous would be very nice as well.
So would a lot of other stuff.

Tristalt and the high-power level are something that can and should totally be negotiated. Gestalt is super fine as well. (ha ha ha)
Probably most would appreciate a gestalt game and some 3PP allowed.

Hayato Ken wrote:

Tristalt and the high-power level are something that can and should totally be negotiated. Gestalt is super fine as well. (ha ha ha)

Probably most would appreciate a gestalt game and some 3PP allowed.

Absolutely. Some epic evil gameplay!

Narrative/mechanical questions:

--Demons/Devils/Daemons as base vary massively in terms of power. Are we using CR as level, and then add hero levels? There is a Mazzmez following Succubus/Kidnapper GM device for removing players that neglect their CMD which I could totally see playing as a character.

--PvP? I mean, followers of demon lords dont get along that well. Especially if Nocticulas canonic partial heel face turn is implemented.

I am on board in theory though.

Well the campaign I was running fell through, and one of my former players pointed me here. I suppose an epic evil campaign is something I could try to run, but I'm not the greatest GM out there. I'd have to figure out how handle the rules...

Brolof wrote:
Well the campaign I was running fell through, and one of my former players pointed me here. I suppose an epic evil campaign is something I could try to run, but I'm not the greatest GM out there. I'd have to figure out how handle the rules...

Aside from the game where we play fiends, there's no need to run an evil game, even though I love to play a villain. I also rather enjoy playing a badass hero, or as well as an anti-hero/grey character. Please do not feel like you *must* run an evil game for me :)

As for you not being the greatest GM, I have a discord server that several of the other players here hang out in. I would gladly invite you(and any other PCs) to it, and perhaps we can collectively help you become a better GM?

No doubt high-level characters are difficult. I think even more so when you have gestalt and multiple gestalt. However, if you break everything down into actions, it's not so complicated if you work with your players to understand how their action economy works. I'm sure all of us here would be more than willing to help with anything confusing.

SmooshieBanana wrote:
No doubt high-level characters are difficult. I think even more so when you have gestalt and multiple gestalt. However, if you break everything down into actions, it's not so complicated if you work with your players to understand how their action economy works. I'm sure all of us here would be more than willing to help with anything confusing.

Oh no, it's not a mechanical issue. I'm perfectly fine mechanically. It's more a story pacing issue, things being too slow and players losing interest as a result. That's happened in both the PbP campaign's I've attempted. Maybe I'm just being hard on myself. I've actually already got a concept for a campaign that could work with this.

Liberty's Edge

Brolof wrote:
Oh no, it's not a mechanical issue. I'm perfectly fine mechanically. It's more a story pacing issue, things being too slow and players losing interest as a result. That's happened in both the PbP campaign's I've attempted. Maybe I'm just being hard on myself. I've actually already got a concept for a campaign that could work with this.

You could always recruit from players that have a consistent posting history. It's not an unheard of requirement. A bit unfortunate for new players, but it's just as important for the GM to have fun and not get discouraged as it is for the players.

Crisischild wrote:
Brolof wrote:
Oh no, it's not a mechanical issue. I'm perfectly fine mechanically. It's more a story pacing issue, things being too slow and players losing interest as a result. That's happened in both the PbP campaign's I've attempted. Maybe I'm just being hard on myself. I've actually already got a concept for a campaign that could work with this.
You could always recruit from players that have a consistent posting history. It's not an unheard of requirement. A bit unfortunate for new players, but it's just as important for the GM to have fun and not get discouraged as it is for the players.

I suppose so, but I can't help feel it's more likely my fault for being kind of inconsistent in posting. I tended to wait to see if people would post rather than just force things to continue as a GM. Let me just say the idea I've currently got as to the campaign.

Into the Abyss would primarily focus around a giant, massive resurgence of the Quipploth. A new war has broken out in the Abyss, and some believe that there's potential that the Quipploth might break through the Abyss. There have even been sightings of them on Golarion en mass, mostly around the Pit of Gorumuz. The party would essentially have to head deep into the Abyss, to try and find the source of this new invasion and stop it.

I loved your Broken Golarion Campaign. Was really sad to see it end, as I had alot of fun in it. I'd certainly be interested in this.

I'll echo what some of the others have said. Send out invites to people who with consistent posting history and put together a group that can last.

Just writing to make you notice I'm lurking with interest...

Grumbaki wrote:

I loved your Broken Golarion Campaign. Was really sad to see it end, as I had alot of fun in it. I'd certainly be interested in this.

I'll echo what some of the others have said. Send out invites to people who with consistent posting history and put together a group that can last.

That was a fun one.

Liberty's Edge

Brolof wrote:
I suppose so, but I can't help feel it's more likely my fault for being kind of inconsistent in posting. I tended to wait to see if people would post rather than just force things to continue as a GM. Let me just say the idea I've currently got as to the campaign.

Setting up a thread (or whatever they're called) on Discord can really help with stuff like this. You can "@" specific people to get their attention and overall it's more convenient than the discussion tab over here. I understand where you're coming from. PbP momentum is a knife-edge. Very difficult to find the perfect posting rate that keeps the game going but doesn't overwhelm people with less time to post.

Brolof wrote:
Into the Abyss would primarily focus around a giant, massive resurgence of the Quipploth. A new war has broken out in the Abyss, and some believe that there's potential that the Quipploth might break through the Abyss. There have even been sightings of them on Golarion en mass, mostly around the Pit of Gorumuz. The party would essentially have to head deep into the Abyss, to try and find the source of this new invasion and stop it.

Nothin' wrong with an old fashioned suicide mission into the the heart of the enemy hive! I don't care what anyone says, Mutant Chronicles is a good movie

I would love, just once

To be a player in a super powered game instead of the GM LOL

I've had an itch lately too... I really want to try playing a trio of gestalt characters through an AP.

Anyone interested in a GM exchange?

With only 3 characters you could probably run most APs with little to no changes, and I'm open to trying almost any AP. If someone would run that for me I would run something over the top for them and a group we could choose together. Obviously there would be details to work out for both games, and I don't won't to derail Brolof if he's serious about giving it a shot (heck, I'll even apply for it), but if anyone's interested in a trade let me know.

edit: oh, one stipulation... I'm not really familiar with any 3pp materials and wouldn't want to use them. I don't mind over the top but I want it to be predictable (so I can design suitable challenges) and I just don't know enough about the 3pp stuff to predict what it can do.

I would absolutely be okay with a very limited recruitment or an invite only one.

Both GrinningJest3r and Hayato Ken are in my discord server, and several others here are well known to me and have solid posting rates.

Once we figure out the group of PCs, I can toss out invites to my discord, and set up a channel(s) for the game.

Another benefit of using discord is you can easily post pictures of maps, monsters, NPCs, important treasure, etc.

@Ouachitonian and Grumbaki, thank you for the kind words regarding Broken Golarion. I am considering revitalizing it, now that all the APs for PF1 are complete, and possibly taking some of the stuff from PF2 Golarion and porting them into that shattered world.

I might also look to maybe one day eventually publish it via PF Infinite.

If you two would like an invite to my discord to further discuss that setting(plus of course, for this game, should you two be chosen), feel free to PM me.

Finally, @Brolof, that Into the Abyss concept sounds pretty badass! Lookin forward to hearing more!

While i would clearly prefer a Dark Sun game, that Into the Abyss idea does sound intriguing.
Reminds me a bit of that War of the Spider Queen, planar travel and all.

What would be the take on that? Good heroes, bad, in between, or mixed alliances? Sent by other gods, priests, whatever?
Where is the start? On Golarion, outside the Worldwound?
Or in the Abyss already, or the Worldwound?

Hayato Ken wrote:

While i would clearly prefer a Dark Sun game, that Into the Abyss idea does sound intriguing.

Reminds me a bit of that War of the Spider Queen, planar travel and all.

What would be the take on that? Good heroes, bad, in between, or mixed alliances? Sent by other gods, priests, whatever?
Where is the start? On Golarion, outside the Worldwound?
Or in the Abyss already, or the Worldwound?

Probably a mixed alliance, just about everyone's got a stake in stopping this invasion. Solo demigods, divine scions, planar travelers, just anyone who can be brought on board. The starting location would likely be dependent on the characters involved.

Brolof wrote:
The party would essentially have to head deep into the Abyss, to try and find the source of this new invasion and stop it.

Sounds fun to me! With that, you could be an abyssal enthusiast who just wants to see what it is like and dives into this quest, or the hero, righteous and who seeks to end this plague on the land. It opens up lots of pathways for characters.

Brolof wrote:
Hayato Ken wrote:

While i would clearly prefer a Dark Sun game, that Into the Abyss idea does sound intriguing.

Reminds me a bit of that War of the Spider Queen, planar travel and all.

What would be the take on that? Good heroes, bad, in between, or mixed alliances? Sent by other gods, priests, whatever?
Where is the start? On Golarion, outside the Worldwound?
Or in the Abyss already, or the Worldwound?

Probably a mixed alliance, just about everyone's got a stake in stopping this invasion. Solo demigods, divine scions, planar travelers, just anyone who can be brought on board. The starting location would likely be dependent on the characters involved.

Oh this sounds awesome. I have a few ideas of high powered themes that would love to take a crack at something like this.

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Welp, guess I'm writing up a recruitment post. I'll tell folks whenever its done. I know the exact campaign to steal the character-building details from as well. xD

Exciting :)

I shall eagerly await the details!

See ya then!

I should probably mention that I've been quietly lurking here too. :D

Sweet, can’t wait to see the actual character creation rules!

Sounds interesting, but I have to imagine it would be a bear to run.

I did start a WotR Gestalt game once, and I was only able to do that because I already had encounters done because of my home game. Then the computer with all that died on me with no backup, and it was simply too much work to redo.

I never like bailing on campaigns I run, but good lord, the crazy power level games are a lot of work.

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Here's a link to the recruitment.

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Brolof was awesome enough to run the above game, but I would love it if another game was picked up(again, either one of my suggestions in the OP, or their own!).


<Practicing the dark arts of necromancy, you manage to raise this thread from the dead!>

It's been well over a year and a half since I made the initial OP here. While Brolof did indeed begin a game for us, they went MIA not too long after it began.

I was recently browsing my library of books, and came once more across the Faerie Ring ones.

Jeebus heck, I would still *dearly* love to play in some sort of fae game!! So we gonna bump this, and see if I get any bites. Even if this is almost two years old! lol

I’d play that campaign.

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It seems there are a few faces from my Kisarta recruitment in this thread. It's good to see you all again!

Monkeygod wrote:

One of the games was about playing a Fae, which are one of my favorite creature types. It was called Faerie Dreams and it sounded really awesome!!

I've wanted to play a game where you get to be a Fae, and that takes place in the First World/Feywild/Plane of Faerie for several years now. I think it would be a ton of fun.

Monkeygod wrote:

I was recently browsing my library of books, and came once more across the Faerie Ring ones.

Jeebus heck, I would still *dearly* love to play in some sort of fae game!! So we gonna bump this, and see if I get any bites. Even if this is almost two years old! lol

I positively adore all things fey, from the whimsical caprice of the sprites and their pixie cousins in old folklore to the sinister mien of the Erlkönig in Franz Schubert's Lied of the same name. My Pathfinder library is replete with many fey-related books and, sadly, they haven't been used as extensively as I would like. This would be a perfect opportunity to put those to use in an interesting way.

I am willing to pick this idea up, repurpose it, and run it for a group of four, but there will inevitably be changes made to what was established in the thread you linked. Character creation would follow similar, but nowhere near identical, guidelines to my Kisarta game. There are also facets of the proposed setting that I would like to tinker with and change to suit my own personal tastes. Is that something that you are okay with or would you need more specifics before making that determination?

Seer of Shadows wrote:
There are also facets of the proposed setting that I would like to tinker with and change to suit my own personal tastes. Is that something that you are okay with or would you need more specifics before making that determination?

Yeah, why don't you fill me in on some of the changes you have in mind. Though, unless , you're *drastically* changing things, I'm sure I'll be okay with whatever adjustments you wanna make.

As somebody who made a fae-oriented character for Kistara, I'm in.

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Monkeygod wrote:
Yeah, why don't you fill me in on some of the changes you have in mind. Though, unless , you're *drastically* changing things, I'm sure I'll be okay with whatever adjustments you wanna make.

I am still pulling the details together myself, but I can talk about a few changes. If it's not listed here, assume that it is going to remain as it was originally proposed.

Creation Guidelines Changes:
Characters would use the established method of gestalt rather than the altered version that was proposed.

Instead of the extra 11 RP worth of racial abilities proposed in the original thread, my plan is to use 13. There will also be a list of banned options for those.

Characters are to be created using my special point buy method that was featured in my Kisarta recruitment. I am tightening the range for minimum and maximum ability scores for this game somewhat.

Gear is a complex topic and one that I will only briefly discuss. Weapons and armor can be manifested from thin air while Dreamshifted and gain powers through the implemented Automatic Bonus Progression subsystem; their forms, but not the enchantments, can also be shifted as a full-round action. Other items will be very special and can be acquired as treasure or purchased, although the economy in the worlds beyond the Dream is primarily a barter economy and the requests can vary widely. In addition to all of the above, one item a PC possesses that is important to them and on their person will become charged with powers upon their awakening and become a unique, scaling magic item.

Conflicting archetypes can be taken together by using the feat purchasing method used in my Kisarta game.

I don't know what the whole plan for the Dreamshifting powers were, but I have made my own system to handle that in the form of a template. The template is not entirely uniform, however, and players will pick a single fey from Pathfinder RPG as their 'Othersoul' which grants them some of that fey's unique powers as they level up. What powers are gained and whether they will be as powerful as the original version are ultimately something I will need to choose for each individual person.

Each character will also be able to assume the form of a single unique fey-touched animal when they get access to their powers. These have clearly otherworldly appearances, such as a six-eyed white wolf with curving horns and claws of shimmering crystal or an owl with feathers that reflect a starry night sky and eyes that glow like twin moons.

Lore Changes:
It seems there was not an explanation about the source of a Dreamwalker's power in that thread, just that they gained them via energies from beyond the fey worlds. My take on it is that characters have a link to a particular fey beyond the Dream that is known as their 'Othersoul'. This is not a case of the two entities being bound by the red string of fate or anything of that nature; rather, they are reflections of each other from different sides of the Dream. This is not to say that they are necessarily anything alike, however; a pious Scottish housewife might have a deranged Redcap serial killer with a penchant for making his victims into blasphemous tableaus as her Othersoul.

Dreamwalkers on Earth normally do not awaken to their powers and it takes contact with something from the worlds beyond to awaken their powers. There are usually less than a hundred awakened on the entirety of Earth because of this. Not to worry, characters will have ample exposure in the game's 'prologue' and it's my intention that they all awaken at more or less the same time.

Time will flow differently in the Twilight Worlds. Time does not effectively exist in many of those worlds and players could conceivably spend days, weeks, or even months in them and virtually no time would pass in the outside world. This is not true in every one of the worlds though and I intend for players to have access to that knowledge up-front.

Liberty's Edge

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Seer of Shadows wrote:
Each character will also be able to assume the form of a single unique fey-touched animal when they get access to their powers.

Is Godzilla an animal?

Seriously though, this is a cool idea.

Seer of Shadows wrote:
Monkeygod wrote:
Yeah, why don't you fill me in on some of the changes you have in mind. Though, unless , you're *drastically* changing things, I'm sure I'll be okay with whatever adjustments you wanna make.

I am still pulling the details together myself, but I can talk about a few changes. If it's not listed here, assume that it is going to remain as it was originally proposed.

** spoiler omitted **...

I'm okay with all of your proposed changes! They all sound pretty cool and exciting!

When do you think you'll be able get up a proper recruitment?

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Will the setting still be the Earth in the 1880s? I'm starting to think about some concepts.

Crisischild wrote:

Is Godzilla an animal?

Seriously though, this is a cool idea.

Indeed, and that was one of the big reasons I decided to include it. It doesn't add much to most builds on the mechanical side of things, but offers interesting roleplay options and some small degree of utility.

Monkeygod wrote:

I'm okay with all of your proposed changes! They all sound pretty cool and exciting!

When do you think you'll be able get up a proper recruitment?

Some of the finer details are still in flux and therefore the timeline is a bit muddy, but I will place a tentative release date of a week from now.

Jereru wrote:
Will the setting still be the Earth in the 1880s? I'm starting to think about some concepts.

That is the plan, as that was what people seemed to be onboard with in the linked thread and it fits the concept really well anyway. There are many pieces of media that seem to feature fey within the Victorian Era: one of the old Thief games on PC, an entire Changeling the Lost supplement, et cetera.

Right. Will it be Advanced Firearms rules then? At that time, I can see hardly anyone but some specific indigenous cultures using bows and arrows.

Liberty's Edge

Jereru wrote:
Will the setting still be the Earth in the 1880s? I'm starting to think about some concepts.

Victorian era earth?

I don't suppose there's going to be room for any steampunk in this fey game...?

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