Ed Girallon Poe |

I want to help a friend with a build concept and thought I'd seek the guidance of the internet hivemind for assistance. So thank you all in advance!
He wants to make a character that functions like an actual tank...
like, the military vehicle...
massive cannon and all...
I loved this idea and wanted to give him the best chance to run around and do tank stuff, so I decided to run a Kingmaker game (nice, open areas; little to no persecution on character type/races/etc) and to give them the most options, make it gestalt.
I allow anything piazo, but I try to keep the world flavor for selections on feats and such. I also allow most dreamscarred press stuff, primarily psionics and path of war. I'd be open to other 3pp after I review it for balance.
First thought that comes to mind is a Half-giant with a large double hackbut, but I'm at a loss for which classes will give him the best feel. I've considered Spellslinger wizard to give him unique cannon blasts or Gun Chemist alchemist for explosive ordinance, and probably vital strike for big damage.
Any advice or ideas?

Ed Girallon Poe |

Siege Gunner Gunslinger and Siege Mage Wizard... full BAB, all good saves, 9th level prepared casting, Intelligence-based Grit...
... an just wield an actual canon. Interesting. I like it! but wouldn't he be more, controlling the "tank" (siege weapon) like an RC car rather than being the tank. I'll bring this up with him.
Any more?

Ed Girallon Poe |

VoodistMonk wrote:Siege Gunner Gunslinger and Siege Mage Wizard... full BAB, all good saves, 9th level prepared casting, Intelligence-based Grit...... an just wield an actual canon. Interesting. I like it! but wouldn't he be more, controlling the "tank" (siege weapon) like an RC car rather than being the tank. I'll bring this up with him.
Any more?
looking at it again, actual siege weapons suck. A large double hackbut does the same damage as a cannon, but doesn't require a crew and 4 full-round actions to use. I like the concept, but I feel he would get one shot per combat at that rate, and have to find some people to help him reload until he got to 10th level.

avr |

Object possession. There's someone who has thought extensively about it.
Or, consider what a tank does. It moves quickly and it has a long range weapon; in PF terms this is more like a mounted archer. A sacred huntsmaster inquisitor or a ranger or a nature fang druid do this relatively easily, or some others (cinderlands adept kineticist, mad dog barbarian, hunter, fighter w/animal ally etc.) with a little more of a stretch.

VoodistMonk |

My bad... the Siege Gunner/Siege Mage combination is something I have stashed away for a gestalt Skulls & Shackles campaign I am going to run [someday]... and in S&S, there are actual cannons.
When it comes to gestalt, my first step is to see if I can build what I want with a combination that gives me full BAB, all good saves, and 9th level casting. That is step 1. Lol. If I can't get that to work... then, full BAB, all good saves, and 4/9 + 6/9 casting. USUALLY, it seems I can accomplish what I am looking for within those two steps... some sort of Pool can sometimes replace 4/9 casting, but in gestalt, everyone should have SOME spells (and I consider 6/9 casting or Alchemy the minimum... 4/9 casting just doesn't cut it as your only magic in gestalt).
I like the Cavalier on a Rhino idea. I think I am going to mess with this and get back to you... I am a really big fan of the Jagdpanther, which took the big @$$ cannon off the Tiger tank, and stuck it on a set of tracks... no turret, just tracks and a cellar for bullets. The whole tank would turn in place to aim, but it was wicked fast/mobile. Had sloped sides so enemy rounds just bounced into the sky.
Me-thinks a Vital Strike build based on mobility... what do you think about a "tank" with Flyby Attack? So, umm, the Spectre gunship? Literally a howitzer in the sky...

Temperans |
Hmm, a literal tank you say.
Well I do have a few ideas depending on your cup of tea.
1. Huge Animated Object with the "ranged attack" ability. Gives you really chunky damage with 20 ft ranged increment, and depending on your rules require no turn delay due to it being a "regular attack".
2. Make 1 of the many large or bigger constructs and just give then an appropriately sized weapon via the Weapon Modification. Then your only worry is keeping them properly supplied.
3. Use the extensive Siege Engine rule set. This list the amount of time to load a Cannon at 1 full-round action. 1 move action if you have the right feat (which the tank commander should).
4. The original tanks were mounted troops. So make a good ol' Mounted Charger/Archer/Gunner, maybe even going full Cavalier. This path opens up a lot of possibilities.
5. Why go mounted when you can be an immovable rock? Go the Sacred Defender route, with Antagonize and as big a reach as you can get (to use the anti movement feats). If they want to get to your allies they have to go through you first.
6. Why settle for a normal tank when you can "Summon a tank from another plane". Go Construct Caller U. Summoner, and literally build any tank you want to your exact specifications. The limit is your imagination and the number of evolutions you can spend on it.
7. The character could be working alone in the tank, sure. But why not bring friends? Ask your party for some help and maybe get a few of the "get a NPC to follow" feats. Make your own battle platoon to wreck enemies with. No need to worry about "actions" or "leaving out someone" if your entire party is helping to fire massive ammunitions.

![]() |
you could go goblin grenadier winger marauder and fly around on your giant bat or vulture and do airstrike with a large size double hackbut mounted to your mount. Then you can add explosive or "armor pen" rounds to sunder armor, walls, or boats.
I made a char like this, I have to find the character sheet but I could hit the enemies touch AC from 1200 feet away and with precision dmg and really destroy the boat with my saboteur ability against things with hardness.

Dwarftr |
Well.... as for gestalt, I would suggest Gunslinger/Alchemist.
Archetypes.... Gunslinger dunno atm, but Alchemist i would go Construct rider. Flavor wise you can "reskin" the mount to look however you want while using the general animal stats available to you (ie, using horse stats by looking like a tracked vehicle. It is a construct after all:). That means as a medium character, your mount is large so you can mount a double hackbut to it. Race wise you can do anything with this option.

Sysryke |
I've lost track a bit through this thread. But, if the goal is to BE the tank, and not just ride the tank, then I'd say you might want to look at some of the construct type races. Either Paizo, or 3pp, depending on your group's flexibility. Re-skinning and maybe an appropriate trait, feat, or two should allow you to have wheels or treads without violating game mechanics too much. I'm thinking you loose the feet magic slot but gain some stability bonuses against certain combat maneuvers or terrains.
Depending on how much freedom you have with the shaping of your character's body, the always available blasting ability of the kineticist class may be appropriate. If you go earth into metal, you'd even be shooting "shells".

Ed Girallon Poe |

I've lost track a bit through this thread. But, if the goal is to BE the tank, and not just ride the tank, then I'd say you might want to look at some of the construct type races. Either Paizo, or 3pp, depending on your group's flexibility. Re-skinning and maybe an appropriate trait, feat, or two should allow you to have wheels or treads without violating game mechanics too much. I'm thinking you loose the feet magic slot but gain some stability bonuses against certain combat maneuvers or terrains.
Depending on how much freedom you have with the shaping of your character's body, the always available blasting ability of the kineticist class may be appropriate. If you go earth into metal, you'd even be shooting "shells".
Hmm, wasn't there a race from a dragon magazine that could do this? I think it had something to do with Bas-Lag.