Interest Check in reskinnning an AP to a Modern setting


So Theres been this idea mulling through my brain for quite some to run Pathfinder for modern.

in my spare time I sometime wonder how it work.

So let me share 3 thoughts...first..

how to reskin the classes.

So lets take the core classes.

Barbarian---can you see it. A Guy wearing Biker colors. Pulls a chain out and rage in his eyes comes running at you.

Bard----can you see it, A down on his luck actor circulating ...dropping names, having studied for a lot of roles, having bits and pieces of knowledge about a lot of things.

Cleric---can you see it. A Modern day priest who seems to have a real world connection.

Druid----can you see it A Pagan, who has a pet dog that seems to be more in tune with him than normal, able to connect to the wild in unusual ways.

Fighter---can you see it An ex marine, a bit battle hardened, pulls a 9mm out ready to fight the unknown

Monk---can you see it a Martial artist whos opened up some techniques long thought forgotten.

Paladin---can you see it. An FBI Agent who just has to do the right all costs.

Ranger---can you see it. A Park Ranger who has a history with the land

Rogue---can you see it, a person who at times runs afoul of the law, but can get in most places.

Sorceror---can you see it. someone who has harnessed ancient powers from the unknwon. because of lost bloodlines. The shop keeper, who dabbles in crystals and smiles knowingly at those who doubt

Wizard----Can you see it, The college Professor who breaks out a book, late at night and studies things best forgotten.

Every class would be a unique creation with the dm on the abilities. but at its root would be familiar.

***so to answer the first question that should arise right way....Why not use a different system, like D20 modern.

my answer...I dont want to reinvent the wheel. There is a vast shortage of good adventures made for any of these other game times, thts the downfall and why Pathfinder is my go to. I do not have the time these days to create home brew.

Where Ive got lots of ideas running around, and could make adventures that would knock folks socks off, I just dont have the time to do so....and the AP's are just so damn good.***


A workable Vehicle system rooted in the familiar.

each player starts with a vehicle based on how much money they have left over after outfitting.

1-9 gold 10 point build
10-50 gold 15 point build
51-100 gold and under 20 point build
100 gold+ and under 25 point build

Str: Vehicles power. Towing
Dex: Vehicles nimbleness, agility, handling
Con: Vehicles reliability, durability
Int: Vehicles technical abilities
Wis: Vehicles everyday usefulness gas mileage, off road etc.
Cha: Vehicles Appeal (impression on others)

Vehicle Type (consider like class)
Motorbike- +2 to Dex -2 Int
Economy car (sedan/hatch) +1 Dex +1 Wis -1 Str -1 Cha
SUV +1 Str +1 Int -1 Wis -1 Dex
Truck +2 Str -2 Dex
Sports car +1 Str +1 Cha -1 Wis -1 Con
luxury sedan +1 Int +1 Cha -1 Wis -1 Str

Brand (consider like Race---only putting big 10)---this is a generic game centric view.-- indicates motorbike brand

Ford/Lincoln +2 Con -2 Wis
Chevy/GMC--Triumph +2 Str -2 Cha
Dodge/Ram/Chrysler--Harley +2 Str -2 Con
Jeep--Indian +2 Wis -2 Cha
Toyota/Lexus--Suzuki +2 Con -2 Cha
VW/Audi/Porsche--KTM +2 Dex -2 Str
Nissan/Infiniti--Yamaha +2 Dex -2 Wis
Honda/Acura--Honda +2 Con -2 Int
BMW-Benz-Fiat (alt Euro)--BMW +2 Dex -2 Con
Mazda-Mitsubishi (alt-asian)--Kawasaki +2 Wis -2 Cha

Then the player would get specific on the vehicle.

3. Weapons and skills


so we would add to

Simple Weapons
Pistol,Light Cost: 50 Gold small:1d4/Medium:1d6 Crit:19-20/x2 Range:100 wt:2lbs Type: P/B Holds: 15R
Pistol,Heavy Cost: 80 Gold Small:1d6/Medium:1d8 Crit:19-20/X2 Range 150 Wt:4lbs
Type: P/B Holds: 10R
Shotgun Cost 120 Gold Small:1d8/Medium:1d10 Crit:20/X3 Range 60 Wt:7lbs Type:B Holds: 5R

Martial Weapons
Automatic Rifle Cost: 250 Gold Small:3d4/Medium:3d6 Crit:19-20/x2 Range 150
Wt:7lbs Type:P/B Holds:30R each attack uses 3 rounds.
Carbine Cost: 200 Gold Small:2d4/Medium:2d6 Crit:19-20/X2 Range: 100
Wt:6lbs Type:P/B Holds:20R each attack uses two rounds
Rifle, Light Cost: 100 Gold Small:1d6/Medium:1d8 Crit:19-20/x2 Range: 200 Wt:8lbs Type:P Holds:10R
Rifle, Heavy Cost: 300 Gold Small:1d8/Medium:1d10 Crit:19-20/x2 Range:300
Wt:10lbs Type:P Holds 10R
Tactical Shotgun Cost: 200 Gold Small:1d10/Medium:1d12 Crit:20/X3 Range:40 WT:6lbs Type:B Holds 5R

Scopes increase threat range on Rifles by +1 Cost: 50 Gold

Exotic Weapons
Grenade Launcher Cost:500 Gold see grenades. Crit:20/x2 Range 100 Wt: 6lbs 1RD
Rifle, Sniper Cost: 1000 Gold Small:1d10/Medium:1d12 Crit: 18-20/x2 Range:400
Wt:15lbs Type:P/B Holds1R
Sub-Machine Gun Cost: 200 Gold Small:3d4/Medium:3d6 Crit:19-20/x2 Range:100
WT:5lbs Type:P/B Holds:60R each attack uses 3R
Machine Gun, Light Cost: 500 Gold Small:5d4+5/Medium:5d6+5 Crit:18-20/x2 Wt:15lbs Type:S/P/B Holds:100R Each attack uses 10R
Machine Gun, Heavy Cost:1000 Gold Small:5d6+5/Medium:5d8+5 Crit:18-20/x2
WT:20lbs Type:S/P/B Holds 100R Each attack uses 10R

Smoke- 20' radius as obscuring mist
Tear Gas- as above but also Fort Save DC15 or Staggered condition.
White Phosphorous- As Above but ignites flammables and as alchemist fire but 10 Radius burst.
Shrapnel- 1d6 to all within 20' radius burst
Explosive- 2d6 damage on impact point, plus 1d6 to all adjacent save DC15 Fort or deafened.
Anti-Personnel. 3d6 damage 20' cone. reflex DC15 for half

My thoughts are to take a well known Adventure path, and reskin the enemy and plot for our real world setting.

would be
Knowledge: Technology and Drive Vehicle and Pilot alternate craft as skills.

thats all that would be neccessary realy

I'm gonna be an annoying contrarian and say that you could pretty easily run an AP out of the box in d20 modern if you started players at lvl 3 instead of lvl 1.

yes. the problem is converting everything between the two...and thats what I wanted to avoid.

theres a difference between reskinning an orc to an organized crime figure and changing d20 modern and pathfinder to match

Hey GMMichael, a very interesting idea. I read all of the old D20 modern stuff, but was only able to play a small portion of a game in it.

Honestly I agree with your basic premise. It's easier to stick with the game you know. But I do like the idea of a 'modern game' and the things that you talked about made sense to me.

So are you looking at doing an AP with a Modern setting, have you decided which one? Would you put it in an alt-earth or would you make Golarion '20 th century'? I've played both ways, including a Mummy's Mask I'm presently in.

I liked the way D20 modern handled 'monsters and fairy-tale races' would you consider the same, or would everyone be human? OF course that's only relevant if your doing an alt-earth game, Golarion wouldn't need a justification.

Itd be 21st Century Earth. the world we know.

Yes itd be Rise of the Runelords. Set In northern California, with Sandpoint becoming Bodega Bay...and Zin Xalast becoming an Ancient Native American city of Legend located in Yosemite Valley

Maginmar becomes San Francisco

Done some thought here ;}

Non-Human Races would be ancient bloodlines but in essence not look like the races but have traces.

As a resident of one of Earth-Magnimar’s outlying towns, I can safely say that got my interest. Any ideas for magic’s role in society?

Magic is virtually unheard of. Skeptics don't believe. Tech replaced it years ago. It's always existed's our world after all

Grand Lodge

dot 4 interest

This would be a rich RP variant.

What if...

Real 'Fantasy' magic (divine and arcane) just emerged. And everyone in the world has to deal with these 'New' powers. Chaos would ensue.

Interesting, makes me think of urban fantasy series like the Dresden Files, or Rivers of London or Alex Verus. In all of those magic exists but isn't acknowledged by the public. In the Alex Verus books they even have a ministry of magic who goes around covering things up.

Interested! I guess Sacramento is Korvasa, then? (That would explain a lot, actually...)

I do love some urban fantasy, I'd definitely be interested in applying for this!

Might want to try my hand at a combat medic/paramedic sort

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so to clarify and add some depth.

Magic has ALWAYS been there. Our Government (the USofA) knows this and has been watching training and harnessing it under the auspices of 'The Stargate Project' and has in their employ The First Earth Battalion. , Fort Bragg NC
Major General Albert Stubblebine
Colonel James Channon

A more secretive organization that is a subdivision of The CIA is

The Bureau of Paranormal Research and Development or BPRD. Washington DC
Director Michael Mignola heads up the organization
Assistant Director Dr. Trevor Manning
Field Director Professor Trevor Bruttenholm
Dr. Kate Corrigan, liaison to enhanced talents agents

Other Important organizations within the world and campaign for our purposes.

The Ogrdru Jahad (or Ogdru eb Jurhad) aka The Dragons of Revelation, Paris France
Evil Organization
-Iliad Rasputin

The Phoenix Corp, Reno, Nevada
Neutral Organization
-Dr. Emrys Dovahkiin

Alderman Technical Solutions
Good Organization
-Crispin Alderman

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ok I think ive got enough expressing interest, that I can safely start an official recruitment thread.

The official thread

Rise of The Flickerman recruitment

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