Lucendar's Tomb of Iron Medusa campaign

Game Master Lucendar

Map of Taldor

Barnabus: [dice]1d20+6[/dice]
Brother Trip: [dice]1d20+8[/dice]
Hassan: [dice]1d20+3[/dice]
Issi: [dice]1d20+16[/dice]

Barnabus: [dice]1d20+19[/dice]
Brother Trip: [dice]1d20+24[/dice]
Hassan: [dice]1d20+19[/dice]
Issi: [dice]1d20+18[/dice]


Set thee off from Slumbering Cat
Seeking where the Dead are at
Journey north and east apace
To find Medusa’s iron embrace,
Follow now the Spider Star
Behind the Wall that hides its Face
To our Sad, Abandoned Place
If visit ye the Long Deceased
Find the Will to Feed the Beast
Then Begin where all Men End
Light go out and Breath Suspend
Egress through the Stony Door
After turning Face to Floor
Each Adellan Branch has Room
In its Silent, Musty Tomb
For at least one Careless Soul
Wouldst thou fill that Empty Hole?

1 to 50 of 241 << first < prev | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | next > last >>

15th day of Sarenith of the current year

A summer breeze blows through the once powerful empire of Taldor, cooling you for a brief second, before it wanes and the rising heat once again oppresses you.

Though nominally ruled by the Grand Prince Stavian III from his home in Oppara, Taldor’s true government takes the form of an incredibly complex bureaucracy consisting of a senate, executive agencies, military agencies, and a web of competing noble houses. At varying points in its history, Taldor has been a scrappy nation of farmers beset by monsters, a bastion of fearful superstition, an expansionist military power, a center of learning and science, a global trade powerhouse, and a defender against foreign hostilities.

Taldor is a former empire surrounded in intrigue. Major geographical features act as natural boundaries between the empire and its neighbors. To the north the Fog Peaks serve to divide Taldor from the nation of Galt. The Sellen River flows through the Verduran Forest, along the boundary of the empire and its western neighbor, Andoran. To the east, the World's Edge Mountains and the Whistling Plains provide a buffer between Taldor and the Empire of Kelesh. Finally, Taldor is separated from its long-time enemy to the south, the nation of Qadira, by the Jalrune River and the Zimar Scrublands.

But when have the political machinations of the nobility ever mattered to the adventuring class of Golarion society, especially such powerful adventurers as you each are in your own respective right? Ye, who are never affected by the crushing burdens that the normal citizens of Taldor undergo, given your enormous power and influence. Ye, whose only contact with the nobility is when the elite class is paying you for some service or rewarding you for a heroic deed. Ye, who never have any direct impact on the future of a country. Perhaps, all of that is about to change....and sooner than you would ever imagine.

Please submit an introductory post as to where you are in Taldor and what you are doing. Do you have a permanent home anywhere or are you just passing through? What is your current mood? Happy? Anxious? Bored?

Dwarf Fighter 13; HP: 117/127; AC:34/13/33; F +16; R +10; W +12; Init: +6; Percep: +19


"Give me another stout, Molgrym!", Barnabas yelled out, as he sat at his table in the Foaming Mug inn in Maheto. Sure, it was only a little past noon, but it was hot outside and Barnabas had rushed inside to escape the heat. He was given wide berth in the inn by the mainly dwarven patrons in the inn, as he was known to be a powerful warrior and not very social. When his drink arrived, he tossed a gp at the serving girl, "That should keep the ale flowing darlin', so keep 'em coming." Barnabas took a gulp of the dwarven ale, savoring the cold taste as it flowed down his throat, and wetting his wild beard in the process with foam, but he did not seem to mind. That was probably the best thing about dwarven ale, besides the taste of course. Priced at 4 cp per stout, Barnabus could afford to buy about 1250 more of them before he ran out of gold! His coin purse was light however...and that worried him. He had spent most of the gold from his last merc job upgrading Grendel, his adamantine waraxe that was one of the finest weapons ever created and his prized possession. Many a combatant had lost his hand or worse his life, if they tried to touch the dwarf's axe. Hell, that was worse than touching your woman. There were many of those around. There was only one Grendel! As he drank his ale, Blackrock looked up from his table to Molgrym, and signaled him with his eyebrows. The innkeeper's ear was attuned to the latest gossip in Maheto and the warrior hoped he would have news of a new job or assignment soon. Blackrock cared little for what it was, as long as women and children were not hurt. He had worked security and protection details in the past, cleared out dungeons for wizards, and helped raid monster lairs, including some dragons. He instinctively reached for the scar under his eye, where that red dragon's claw had almost ended his life. Barnabus smiled, knowing that he now wore its dragontooth as an amulet to protect him from harm. Yeah, he had accomplished a lot in his short 75 years of life and earned a lot of gold. Over 100K worth if you actually took the time to add it. But he had also spent it, on armor and his weapon and his other treasures, as well as women, dwarven or otherwise. But there was still more gold to earn and quick...after all, 1250 stouts of al really weren't that many if you thought about it. Molgrym shook his head no, but his face told the warrior, Calm down, it's early. Don't worry. Barnabus smiled...Molgrym loved him like a son. He nervously looked to the door..he was sure his next opportunity to earn some gold was right around the corner....right?

Silver Crusade

Terrance Welby (Trip) | Cleric of Desna 13 |HP: 96/98| AC: 22/26 (12/16 touch, 16/20 FF) DR2/- | F: +10, R: +6, W: +15 |Init: +8| BAB: +9/+4, Melee+2, Range+2| Diplomacy+12, Perception+24, Sense Motive+23, Heal+14 || Temporary Changes: Resist Fire(30) 110 Minutes | Heroes Feats-+1 Morale Bonus Attack & Will,+4 Moral to Poison & Fear | Magic Vestment+3 Enhancement to AC | Gr Magic Weapon+3 Enhancement to Starknife

Trip settles at a quiet table at the Imperial Inn. The wait staff all knew him at the site and immediately started his standard order, a pound and a half of steak seared to a black crust on the outside while barely more than warm in the middle, vegetables still al dente, all covered with a spicy sauce. The wine for the meal was delivered while he waited for the meal preparation.

He had left the Welling Shipping company's caravan at the gates to Oppara, not really needed once they had reached their goal. The road between Cassomir and Oppara was fairly safe and only an extremely bold group would consider attacking a trade caravan as large as they had been on. But with Trip riding point in his somewhat famous blue-black breast plate with the silver butterfly across the chest, well, they hadn't been attacked in the years since he had returned home. As he pours the first glass of wine he quietly speaks a prayer to Desna for safe journeys, then leans back in his chair to relax and enjoy.

While waiting he lets his mind go back, returning to his earlier days after arriving back 'in town'. He hadn't established the notoriety yet and the caravan had been attacked. The trade master of Welling Shipping had felt that having a powerful priest along, with a hot shot evoker as well, he could cut costs by reducing the guardsmen. As it turned out, that 'success' was varied. A group of bandits, a hundred or more strong attacked as the caravan passed a bend in the road twenty miles away from any help. Seeing the group Trip cast spells to enhance his armor and weapon, then caused his armor to glow brighter than anything else in the daylight. The caravan stopped, and Trip dismounted and strode forward. The bandits fired arrows, which were mostly ignored, then swarmed him. Trip only laughed when the mage blasted him, and the bandits around him with a weak fireball. His magical protection absorbed all of the fire, but the bandits near him all burned. He continued forward, throwing his starknife at the closest and moved to another group catching the knife as it returned. The fireball gambit worked two more times but caught less each time. There were still around thirty bandits and Trip knew that the mage had no more fire. He charged into the densest remaining group, then uttered the most powerful spell that he had available. The few remaining bandits immediately surrendered and knowing how they survived Trip hired them for the company.

He drained the second glass of wine and was pouring a third when his meal, and another, arrived at his table. He glanced around and smiled as his old friend, Chef Barrett, joined him for the meal. "Jonn, warn me before you surprise me again, and please tell me that you didn't add any strange mushrooms to the sauce." Pleasantries were exchanged and the evening passed quietly and with great pleasure....

Sovereign Court

Retired - now known as Wandering Phoenix, one of the Mage Warriors.

"Good lord! Strange mushrooms in the sauce! I rescind my order!" Came a laughing voice from the next table over behind Trip. The speaker was an elf, pointed ears framing a long mane of vividly red hair, falling in artless waves down the speaker's back. She turned to smile at the two men and held up a hand in a placating gesture.

"Please take no offense Honorable Chef - I have no doubt your food is excellent, but my companion here has given me a fear of mushrooms that will carry me through Taldor and beyond I don't doubt."

Rising from her table and coming to join Trip's she falls into one of the chairs with grace and offers Trip her hand to shake. "The name's Issi, and that quiet fellow is Hassan - don't mind him, he's always quiet unless you can get him... excited." She ends the sentence with a broad wink and yet another smile, she seems to be a very happy sort of person - or capable of putting on an excellent act.

"So, Desna eh?" She asks, "What brings a follower of the Song of Spheres to the back end of Taldor?"

human fighter/rogue/red mantis assassin | hp 111/111, AC 25, touch 15, ff 22, CMD 30 | Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +9 (evasion, uncanny dodge) | Perception +19 (darkvision 60ft.), Initiative +3 (status: 1 Cha damage)

Hassan looks up with surprise when Issi springs up from their table to speak with a stranger. While it wasn't uncommon when traveling with her, it still gave him a moment's pause. Speaking to strangers wasn't something that Hassan typically did. It was best to leave the least impression wherever he went, unless he needed something. Of course, those people that Hassan had need of rarely lived to gossip about it...

He turns to regard Issi's new conversational partner without waving. His face is expressionless and uninteresting, his skin dark brown and his hair military-cut and black. On the table in front of him is a simple meal of root vegetables and warm water. Hassan wears a nearly threadbare undyed shirt and sackcloth pants. Strong and broad, he resembles nothing so much as a tired farmer, or perhaps that farmer's old oxen. He has fine (though well-worn) leather boots on though, and leaning up against his chair is something which any adventurer would recognise as a handy haversack (which contains all of his equipment). He appears to be in his mid-30s.

Setting his piercing gaze on the priest, he silently tries to get a read on the man.

Sense Motive (Hunch): 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (12) + 20 = 32

Silver Crusade

Terrance Welby (Trip) | Cleric of Desna 13 |HP: 96/98| AC: 22/26 (12/16 touch, 16/20 FF) DR2/- | F: +10, R: +6, W: +15 |Init: +8| BAB: +9/+4, Melee+2, Range+2| Diplomacy+12, Perception+24, Sense Motive+23, Heal+14 || Temporary Changes: Resist Fire(30) 110 Minutes | Heroes Feats-+1 Morale Bonus Attack & Will,+4 Moral to Poison & Fear | Magic Vestment+3 Enhancement to AC | Gr Magic Weapon+3 Enhancement to Starknife

Trip smiles, then nods and waves to the quiet man while listening to the elven lady. "I only tease Jonn because of an incident from a couple of years back. Apparently someone had slipped a less than harmless mushroom into his supply. I was in town and was able to help the affected customers." He enjoys a small bite of the steak and a sip of the wine. "He's really the best chef in Oppara, if not all of Taldor. And that's not just my opinion."

"I am Brother Terrance, or Trip to my friends. My family was from Cassomir. I started my journey following the Great Dreamer almost two decades back. I've traveled to many places that I'd never heard of, but then felt pulled back to my home. The recent years have taught me that I had much to learn traveling within the boundaries of a single country."

"And of course I could also use the powers and skills that I had learned to help the people here while setting up shrines to Desna along the trade routes." He taps the butterfly symbol on his breastplate. "Normally I'd get a room and leave the armor but I was hungry, and I'm comfortable enough in this to still enjoy the meal. I just got to town with the caravan from Cassomir a couple of hours ago."

He turns his head to the quiet man that had been observing him. "If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Desna teaches us that stealth and deception is for those that favor the less free lifestyle of dictated borders." The smile on his face seems genuine.

human fighter/rogue/red mantis assassin | hp 111/111, AC 25, touch 15, ff 22, CMD 30 | Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +9 (evasion, uncanny dodge) | Perception +19 (darkvision 60ft.), Initiative +3 (status: 1 Cha damage)

I don't get a hunch about Terrance?

Hassan declines to ask any questions. He turns back to the mashed carrots on his plate.

Silver Crusade

Terrance Welby (Trip) | Cleric of Desna 13 |HP: 96/98| AC: 22/26 (12/16 touch, 16/20 FF) DR2/- | F: +10, R: +6, W: +15 |Init: +8| BAB: +9/+4, Melee+2, Range+2| Diplomacy+12, Perception+24, Sense Motive+23, Heal+14 || Temporary Changes: Resist Fire(30) 110 Minutes | Heroes Feats-+1 Morale Bonus Attack & Will,+4 Moral to Poison & Fear | Magic Vestment+3 Enhancement to AC | Gr Magic Weapon+3 Enhancement to Starknife

Trip gives only a slight shrug when Issi's silent friend focuses on his meal, and turns back to her. "And what brings you here? Although the meal is fine I get an impression that you came from somewhere interesting?"

OOC: How do you get the lighter, blue text?

human fighter/rogue/red mantis assassin | hp 111/111, AC 25, touch 15, ff 22, CMD 30 | Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +9 (evasion, uncanny dodge) | Perception +19 (darkvision 60ft.), Initiative +3 (status: 1 Cha damage)

"ooc" inside of brackets on one side and "/ooc" on the other side.

Sovereign Court

Retired - now known as Wandering Phoenix, one of the Mage Warriors.

Like this [oo c] then [/oo c] without the space :)

"Interesting would be one way to describe it." Issi returns with another grin. "I was working down south, one of the Satrapies if you must know. Hassan was employed by someone with... differing aims to my employer so he and I debated their respective merits with our swords and found we respected each other too much to continue our disagreement. Sadly his contract was terminated so, when I came to a loose end we decided to head north together - I'm revisiting some old haunts."

Issi leans languidly back in her chair, her loose shirt making a strange silvery, chinking noise. "It seems we are well met all in all Brother Trip. Could I persuade you to come northwards with us? Brevoy is lovely at this time of year."

Silver Crusade

Terrance Welby (Trip) | Cleric of Desna 13 |HP: 96/98| AC: 22/26 (12/16 touch, 16/20 FF) DR2/- | F: +10, R: +6, W: +15 |Init: +8| BAB: +9/+4, Melee+2, Range+2| Diplomacy+12, Perception+24, Sense Motive+23, Heal+14 || Temporary Changes: Resist Fire(30) 110 Minutes | Heroes Feats-+1 Morale Bonus Attack & Will,+4 Moral to Poison & Fear | Magic Vestment+3 Enhancement to AC | Gr Magic Weapon+3 Enhancement to Starknife

Hadn't tried that one.

Trip enjoys some more of the steak while listening to Issi. He sips his wine and smiles at the lady. "That sounds a lot more interesting than the work I've been doing since I got back from Kaer Maga. And yes, I'll travel to Brevoy. It's been a while since I went that way and a follower of Desna shouldn't have to say that!"

"Do you want to leave immediately, or can we all get cleaned up and a night's lodging on soft beds?" The expression on his face indicates that he'd be fine with either. And no sense motive roll needed

Ok, I'm back. When I asked you to make your initial posts, I wanted you all to be separate, except for Issi and Hassan, whom I knew were together, because it makes what happens next more believable. I should have been clearer, but no problem.

The wait turns into minutes and then hours, as Barnabus Blackrock drowns his anxiety in mugs of ale at the Foaming Mug Inn. It is a little past 8:00 pm when a human male in his early 30's, about 6' in stature, thin and garbed in the livery of a Victorian coachman, with a top hat, enters the inn. Image The man looks down at the scroll he holds in his hands, scans the bar/inn, and when his eyes meet those of Barnabus, he smiles. He rolls up the scroll and very methodically walks over to the dwarf, in a premeditated non-threatening manner. He bows when he reaches Barnabus' table. "Barnabas Blackrock, I presume. My good sir, if I may introduce myself. I am Rufus Sewell and I am in the employ of Lady Clarissa of House Trant and she most keenly would like the honor of your appearance for a dinner party at her home in Whitemarch. She has some business to discuss with you, of which unfortunately, I have not been privy to so I can relay no more details. However, my Lady does wish to gift you this as she knows how valuable your time is just to hear her out." The coachman drops a money purse on Barnabas' table. "25 platinum pieces, my fine dwarf. Now, if you're intrigued, this way good sir. Our carriage awaits."

Hassan, Issi, and Trip:
The chit-chat continues for a couple of more hours. It is a little past 7:00 pm when a human male in his early 30's, garbed in the livery of a Victorian coachman, with a top hat, enters the inn. Image The man looks down at the scroll he holds in his hands, scans the bar/inn, and when his eyes meet those of the party of three, he smiles. He rolls up the scroll and very methodically walks over. He bows when he reaches your table. "By the gods, I was sent to fetch the three of you, but really what are the odds that in Oppara, a city of over one hundred thousand souls, you would all be together in this inn. Please excuse my manners. My good sirs and madam, if I may introduce myself. I am Raith Sewell and I am in the employ of Lady Clarissa of House Trant and she most keenly would like the honor of all of your appearances for a dinner party at her home in Whitemarch tonight. She has some business to discuss with you, of which unfortunately, I have not been privy to so I can relay no more details. However, my Lady does wish to gift you this as she knows how valuable your time is just to hear her out." The coachman drops three money purses on your table. "25 platinum pieces just to listen. Now, if you're intrigued, this way, please. Our carriage awaits."

You may rp the encounter or we can move on to the dinner party.

Silver Crusade

Terrance Welby (Trip) | Cleric of Desna 13 |HP: 96/98| AC: 22/26 (12/16 touch, 16/20 FF) DR2/- | F: +10, R: +6, W: +15 |Init: +8| BAB: +9/+4, Melee+2, Range+2| Diplomacy+12, Perception+24, Sense Motive+23, Heal+14 || Temporary Changes: Resist Fire(30) 110 Minutes | Heroes Feats-+1 Morale Bonus Attack & Will,+4 Moral to Poison & Fear | Magic Vestment+3 Enhancement to AC | Gr Magic Weapon+3 Enhancement to Starknife

While Trip is more than surprised at the offer, he is also getting a bit low on funds. He hadn't accepted pay for his 'work' with the family business, and hadn't gained any spoils from adventuring type work lately either. And spell components could cost a lot.... He takes one of the purses and smiles, "Well, I'm certainly intrigued. I haven't been offered such a price 'just to listen' in, well, ever. But I'm sure the rest of the story will be equally interesting...."

He calls the waiter over to pay the bill for the meal and drink, and passes an apology to his friend. "Lady Issi, If you and your friend Hassan are ready?"

Ready to go!

Sovereign Court

Retired - now known as Wandering Phoenix, one of the Mage Warriors.

"As long as it doesn't involve protecting Lady Clarissa's daughter from unwanted suitors!" Issi mutters, "That job is getting boring!"

She flicks one of the coin pouches across the table towards Hassan and stands. "Certainly Brother. Hassan, shall we?"

Dwarf Fighter 13; HP: 117/127; AC:34/13/33; F +16; R +10; W +12; Init: +6; Percep: +19

Barnabas smiles at the coachman, as he grabs the coin purse and tries to calculate how many more mugs of ale he can now afford. "Somethin' told me ma luck was about to change. Lead on, good man. I hope my current attire is to your Lady's liking." Barnabas stands and says goodbye to the patrons of the inn. "Molgrym, be back real soon, as soon as I'm finished with this job."

Rufus leads Barnabas out of the Foaming Mug Inn where a 4-horse drawn carriage awaits. The sun has gone down and a soft breeze wafts through the night, as the specter of the World's Edge Mountains can be seen in the distance. The coachman opens the door to the carriage and motions for Barnabas to step inside, where a beautiful elven woman with blonde hair, green eyes, and garbed in a fancy dress with a plunging neckline awaits. Pic of elven woman She smiles at the dwarf, as she hand waves the coachman aside, as he closes the door and disappears from sight. "Thank you for agreeing to meet my Lady, Master Blackrock. I am Sylvana. Please do not be alarmed. I am not here to harm you. Far from it, I am here in a utility role. I do not know if you are aware, but White March is over 200 miles away, and I am sure you would not enjoy an all-day ride on this carriage. I specialize in the arcane arts and I am here to make the trip to White March more expeditiously. Please if you would hold on to my wrist."

Sylvana awaits a nod from the dwarf before she incants magic in an effortless manner, as if she has been casting since the day she was born. A few seconds later the world around Barnabas disappears as the mountain range of the World's Edge fade from view. The dwarf and Sylvana reappear outside the grounds of a fancy manor near the guard post where a line of carriages can be seen entering the grounds after inspection. Sylvana chuckles, "Apologies, Master Blackrock, for the lack of warning but teleportation magic saves so much time and discomfort, would you not say so?" She awaits an answer before continuing, "This is the manor of Lady Clarissa of Trant. Your name is already on the guest list, so you should have no issues entering inside. Please make your way to the manor where attendants of my Lady will find you. Enjoy your stay and do have some of the is to die for!" Sylvana smiles and motions Barnabas to the guard post, where an empty carriage and driver await the dwarf to take him inside. Sylvana waves at Barnabas before intoning more magic and disappearing through a rift in reality.

Issi Flamehair wrote:

"As long as it doesn't involve protecting Lady Clarissa's daughter from unwanted suitors!" Issi mutters, "That job is getting boring!"

She flicks one of the coin pouches across the table towards Hassan and stands. "Certainly Brother. Hassan, shall we?"

The coachman seems puzzled by the remark. "My Lady does not have children Miss Flamehair. Now if you please will follow me." The coachman bows and exits the inn with the party in tow presumably. A fancy 4-horse drawn carriage awaits. Raith opens the door for Issi and motions her inside, followed by the rest of the party. He then closes the door. "We are but a couple of short hours from White March. Please enjoy the fine wine with glasses I have left for you and should you need me to stop for any reason, do not hesitate to call out." The interior of the seats is velvet and feels pleasing to the touch. Raith leaves you, hops on the carriage, and the carriage takes off. Once outside the city, you can tell the carriage picks up speed and is proceeding at a speed beyond the capacity of normal horses, so you suspect some type of transmutation magic is involved. The time passes quickly, as a fresh breeze blows in through the windows. Before long, you reach a cobbled road, a guard station where you are allowed to pass through, and finally, a fancy manor where you are dropped off. You see other members of the nobility drinking and conversing, as servants lead through the front doors.

Dwarf Fighter 13; HP: 117/127; AC:34/13/33; F +16; R +10; W +12; Init: +6; Percep: +19
Iron Medusa GM wrote:

Rufus leads Barnabas out of the Foaming Mug Inn where a 4-horse drawn carriage awaits. The sun has gone down and a soft breeze wafts through the night, as the specter of the World's Edge Mountains can be seen in the distance. The coachman opens the door to the carriage and motions for Barnabas to step inside, where a beautiful elven woman with blonde hair, green eyes, and garbed in a fancy dress with a plunging neckline awaits. Pic of elven woman She smiles at the dwarf, as she hand waves the coachman aside, as he closes the door and disappears from sight. "Thank you for agreeing to meet my Lady, Master Blackrock. I am Sylvana. Please do not be alarmed. I am not here to harm you. Far from it, I am here in a utility role. I do not know if you are aware, but White March is over 200 miles away, and I am sure you would not enjoy an all-day ride on this carriage. I specialize in the arcane arts and I am here to make the trip to White March more expeditiously. Please if you would hold on to my wrist."

Sylvana awaits a nod from the dwarf before she incants magic in an effortless manner, as if she has been casting since the day she was born. A few seconds later the world around Barnabas disappears as the mountain range of the World's Edge fade from view. The dwarf and Sylvana reappear outside the grounds of a fancy manor near the guard post where a line of carriages can be seen entering the grounds after inspection. Sylvana chuckles, "Apologies, Master Blackrock, for the lack of warning but teleportation magic saves so much time and discomfort, would you not say so?" She awaits an answer before continuing, "This is the manor of Lady Clarissa of Trant. Your name is already on the guest list, so you should have no issues entering inside. Please make your way to the manor where attendants of my Lady will find you. Enjoy your stay and do have some of the is to die for!" Sylvana smiles and motions Barnabas to the guard post, where an...

Barnabas follows Rufus out of the inn and steps inside of the carriage, his hand never far from Grendel. When he sees the beautiful elven woman, he smiles back, and of course admires her figure in her revealing dress. He was a male after all. "You harm me? The thought never even crossed my mind, hon." The dwarf had faced many arcane opponents in his life and though tricky and elusive, eventually all of them succumbed in the end to Grendel. It did not hurt that Blackrock had years of training in resisting arcane spells. When asked to, he gladly holds Sylvana's wrist. When he reappears in front of the manor, he looks at Sylvana with a little awe. "I do not know much about magic, but I know what you just did marks you as someone of power." Always good to know what type of allies his prospective employer may have. After Sylvana disappears, Barnabas gets into the new carriage for the ride to the manor. When he disembarks, he looks at the fancy manor and the rich nobles. I am sure someone in full plate armor will blend right in at this party! The dwarf chuckles to himself and enters the manor, oblivious to the remarks of the others around him have about his appearance or his race. He quickly stops one of the attendants serving food and tries the shrimp cocktail. He makes a look of disgust after eating it. Venison would have been much better choice! He then waits for someone to come "get" him to finally hear the job's details. He was one for no nonsense.

Silver Crusade

Terrance Welby (Trip) | Cleric of Desna 13 |HP: 96/98| AC: 22/26 (12/16 touch, 16/20 FF) DR2/- | F: +10, R: +6, W: +15 |Init: +8| BAB: +9/+4, Melee+2, Range+2| Diplomacy+12, Perception+24, Sense Motive+23, Heal+14 || Temporary Changes: Resist Fire(30) 110 Minutes | Heroes Feats-+1 Morale Bonus Attack & Will,+4 Moral to Poison & Fear | Magic Vestment+3 Enhancement to AC | Gr Magic Weapon+3 Enhancement to Starknife

Trip enters the carriage noting the comfortable seating. He pours a glass of wine then removes his breastplate and gets comfortable. "Well, I just had a good meal. Some good wine and a short nap sound like a good idea before meeting our benefactors." Getting comfortable and taking a short nap

Once they arrive at the manor he gets his armor back on, polishes the holy symbol on his chest and follows the servants into the building.

human fighter/rogue/red mantis assassin | hp 111/111, AC 25, touch 15, ff 22, CMD 30 | Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +9 (evasion, uncanny dodge) | Perception +19 (darkvision 60ft.), Initiative +3 (status: 1 Cha damage)

Suspicious that such a random person had known his identity and come to seek him out, Hassan frowns deeply. He was used to being the one seeking others out. He appreciated Issi's forthright attitude and extroversion in their job-seeking as well - it meant he hardly had to speak to anyone outside of work and those he sought out to speak to.

"I want to make something clear," he says, his voice soft but firm. "I don't kill for money any longer." He leaves the coin pouch where it is unless the woman gives him an answer he is satisfied with.

It seems that Issi is committed to going on this mission, so regardless of whether he accepts the money he will still go with her on the carriage. He doesn't need to be paid in order to check out a lead, and not accepting makes it easier to refuse unsavory jobs.

Sovereign Court

Retired - now known as Wandering Phoenix, one of the Mage Warriors.

"This gets better and better..." Issi murmurs as the carriage pulls up and reveals herds of prancing nobles. "Well, they are the ones with the money in this world, and if they're willing to spend it on us..."

She hops lightly out of the carriage before turning to Hassan. "So, how shall we play this? Hobnob, or go straight to Lady Clarissa and get on with business?"

Regardless of Hassan's response it seems that Issi is determined to get straight to business. Inside she makes polite noises but moves rapidly through every room available, trying to pick out the host and get away from the party.

Silver Crusade

Terrance Welby (Trip) | Cleric of Desna 13 |HP: 96/98| AC: 22/26 (12/16 touch, 16/20 FF) DR2/- | F: +10, R: +6, W: +15 |Init: +8| BAB: +9/+4, Melee+2, Range+2| Diplomacy+12, Perception+24, Sense Motive+23, Heal+14 || Temporary Changes: Resist Fire(30) 110 Minutes | Heroes Feats-+1 Morale Bonus Attack & Will,+4 Moral to Poison & Fear | Magic Vestment+3 Enhancement to AC | Gr Magic Weapon+3 Enhancement to Starknife

While Trip was impressed with Hassan's noble words about the coin, he says nothing. When the group leaves the carriage to enter the building he accepts Issi taking the lead and watches to see which side of her Hassan takes (right or left) and moves to flank her on the other.


The coachman looks at Hassan strangely when he says he no longer kills. "What you propose is illegal, my kind sir. My lady does not wish your services for that sort of thing."

The present...
Minutes after your arrival at the dinner party, after the guests have mostly scoffed at your appearance discretely, attendants usher you into the private dining room of the Lady of the house, where you officially “see” each other. The attendants pour you drinks and serve some appetizers before leaving you. A couple of minutes later, a beautiful human woman with flowing brown hair enters Image, garbed in studded leather armor, flanked by Sylvana (whom Barnabas has already met – see his spoiler post for description) and a hulking Shoanti warrior (6’7”), with an earthbreaker strapped to his back Image. He bears his scars of war proudly.

The Lady of the house, you presume, speaks, ”These are my traveling companions, Sylvana and Thorim. And I am Lady Clarissa of House Trant. Thank you for accepting my invitation. Please sit and make yourselves at home.” Clarissa pours herself a drink as she looks over the four adventurers. She and Sylvana sit at the head of the dining table, while Thorim remains standing. ”Excuse my attire, but I feel more at ease in the armor of my adventuring days, than the prissy dresses of my station. I do not if you were aware, but my friends and I were members of a famous adventuring band, the Silver Ravens. Unfortunately, in our last mission, a grand red dragon killed the other three members of our band. After their deaths, I returned to my duties as noble of House Trant and offered my friends position in my household. I am sure this must be all pretty boring to all of you. I can see it in the dwarf’s eyes….just get to why we’re here! Right?” Clarissa laughs, while Sylvana cracks a smile and Thorim just stands stone faced to his lady’s left side.

You can post your reactions before the meeting or after.

Silver Crusade

Terrance Welby (Trip) | Cleric of Desna 13 |HP: 96/98| AC: 22/26 (12/16 touch, 16/20 FF) DR2/- | F: +10, R: +6, W: +15 |Init: +8| BAB: +9/+4, Melee+2, Range+2| Diplomacy+12, Perception+24, Sense Motive+23, Heal+14 || Temporary Changes: Resist Fire(30) 110 Minutes | Heroes Feats-+1 Morale Bonus Attack & Will,+4 Moral to Poison & Fear | Magic Vestment+3 Enhancement to AC | Gr Magic Weapon+3 Enhancement to Starknife

Trip stands with his drink as the apparent hostess enters the room. He listens intently Sense Motive+23 and does his best not to respond immediately to anything. He does grin at the comment about armor...

When she reaches her question he smiles and raises his drink, "I am here to listen, and enjoy your hospitality. And if you have a further task that is acceptable to the moral standards of my deity, I am here for that as well. But I believe some of the invited are less patient than I." With that he downs the drink and sets the empty glass down.

Dwarf Fighter 13; HP: 117/127; AC:34/13/33; F +16; R +10; W +12; Init: +6; Percep: +19

Barnabas nods at the others present in the room when he enters. "Barnabus Blackrock at yer service. If ya cares to give me yer name, great. If not, I'll calls ya he, she, and he #2." The dwarf moves the nearest seat in his full plate armor and sits down and drinks the wine and eats the food the attendants are serving.

When their hostess enters, he stands and bows and smiles at Sylvana. He eyes the barbarian, he presumes, and wonders..Would he be a challenge? I doubt it...they tend to be reckless with little defense. And in battle, defense was what kept you alive. Blackrock dismisses him as a challenge and waits to hear the proposal. "Ma'lady, it's yer delicious food and drink that I'm eating, so no hurries on my part, as long as you get to the interesting part eventually."

Sovereign Court

Retired - now known as Wandering Phoenix, one of the Mage Warriors.

Issi nods politely, but all the charm has gone. In its place is a sharp eyed woman who watches, waits, and doesn't laugh at the joke. In these moments she and Hassan look a lot more similar, there's something poised and cold about them both.

"I'd prefer to get down to business." She responds firmly. "You've gone to a great deal of effort to bring us here, when you clearly have capable people of your own. Why?"

SM 37:
Issi seems to be uneasy about something, although not necessarily in the room - she didn't react much when Trant entered. If anything it seems to be the house in general...
Bluff: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (14) + 23 = 37

human fighter/rogue/red mantis assassin | hp 111/111, AC 25, touch 15, ff 22, CMD 30 | Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +9 (evasion, uncanny dodge) | Perception +19 (darkvision 60ft.), Initiative +3 (status: 1 Cha damage)

Hassan generally declines to answer questions, but he gives his name when Barnabus asks. He looks the dwarf up and down. Typical. Give this man a cave and a horde of goblins and he's the happiest man in the world, he thinks.

Hassan knows he doesn't fit in with this crowd. It's a shame he didn't have the time to procure better clothing, but what was there to be done. Musing about the strange look that servant had given him, he wonders what a random nobleperson might possibly want with him. He really had no experience with anyone wanting anything from him except his skill at killing.

He doesn't eat any of the food. Best not to take chances.

Silver Crusade

Terrance Welby (Trip) | Cleric of Desna 13 |HP: 96/98| AC: 22/26 (12/16 touch, 16/20 FF) DR2/- | F: +10, R: +6, W: +15 |Init: +8| BAB: +9/+4, Melee+2, Range+2| Diplomacy+12, Perception+24, Sense Motive+23, Heal+14 || Temporary Changes: Resist Fire(30) 110 Minutes | Heroes Feats-+1 Morale Bonus Attack & Will,+4 Moral to Poison & Fear | Magic Vestment+3 Enhancement to AC | Gr Magic Weapon+3 Enhancement to Starknife

Trip smiles at the introduction from the dwarf in full plate. Not wanting to be known as 'he' or 'he #2' he chuckles and replies, "Well met sir, and if this offer meets the requirements of the assembled it will be best if we have proper names for use in communicating. I am Terrance Welby of Welling Shipping from Cassomir, also known as Brother Terrance, devotee of Desna. And finally as Trip to those that I might have reason to call friend."

Trip, per the PHB regarding Sense Motive:
Action: Trying to gain information with Sense Motive generally takes at least 1 minute, and you could spend a whole evening trying to get a sense of the people around you. Thus, when a minute of conversation passes, I will let you know your sense of Clarissa.

Lady Clarissa smiles at Issi, "Valid question indeed, Issi. If I may be allowed to answer." Clarissa stares at Hassan, her sweet smile replaced by a stony demeanor. "In many circles, refusal to dine at a noble's table would be grounds for a whipping or worse. But given your history, I will not take offense...this time." Clarissa brushes off the insult and continues with her tale. "Let me regale you with some history first. The Adellas were an old Taldan noble family who disgraced themselves and were stripped of their title many years ago. In fact, the family as a whole was declared damnatio— their memory to be wiped from every public record and monument, and all members stripped forever of noble status.They would have faded into obscurity, but I found their tale quite juicy and enjoyable, so I have paid much gold to do as much research on them as possible. My research has led me to believe that the family took quite powerful secrets to their graves....literally. Secrets that could upset the balance of power in Taldor....perhaps all the way up to Grand Prince, Stavian III. Those secrets interest me greatly, as they hold the key to my family's ascension to higher power in Taldor." Clarissa takes a sip of her wine goblet and continues.

"Now, as to why I need you four exactly. Well, these secrets were buried with the Adellas in their necropolis - known as the Tomb of the Iron Medusa. Oh, the medusa was the Adellas' family symbol. It is said to have been derived from the family’s patriarch, Marcus Junius, who according to stories was so feared by his military subordinates that a mere glance from him would turn an unruly recruit to stone. The three branches of the family each developed their own variation of this emblem: the howling medusa (Sardisi), the mocking medusa (Voxus), and the cross-eyed medusa (Daellum). Now, I know you're thinking, my friends and I were adventurers, so why not us tackle the Tomb? Well, unfortunately, my specialty did not lie in disarming traps during my years of adventuring. While my keen eyes could spot them, I could not disarm them. It is one of the reasons so many in our group fell against the red dragon. Its lair was filled with arcane traps..." Clarissa's voice trails off, as if living the memory.

"So you see, I need your particular skills. Issi and Hassan are expert trap disablers; Blackrock is the muscle; Brother Terrance is the healer. I need your four to enter this necropolis, which happens to be located on another demi-plane, and find all matters of knowledge on the family for me. Do not worry, there is an entrance from our Plane. It is located in the southern portion of the World's Edge Mountains, a few hours from here. The tomb's treasures, I gladly cede to you. However, I wish return of all books, journals, tomes, and non-magical scrolls on the Adellas. For this mission, if you are successful in providing me with what I need, besides the treasures you may find, I will pay you each 12,000 pieces of Taldoran gold. I do not haggle, so this is my final offer. Also note that I hired less skilled and less famous adventurers a month ago for this same job. They have not been heard of since, so I presume they met their fates in the Tomb. So what do you think of my offer? If you refuse, I will bear you no ill will. You may enjoy my hospitality, food, and drink tonight and leave when you wish. Or you can agree and makes yourselves even more famous or infamous, as the case may be."

Clarrisa drinks the rest of her wine and awaits your response. Before you speak, she coyly smiles, "There is also rumored to be a famous family sword of the Adellas known as Infensus Mucro located in the Tomb somewhere in the necropolis, if that interests any of you. I am sure it would fetch a handsome price in Oppara."

Silver Crusade

Terrance Welby (Trip) | Cleric of Desna 13 |HP: 96/98| AC: 22/26 (12/16 touch, 16/20 FF) DR2/- | F: +10, R: +6, W: +15 |Init: +8| BAB: +9/+4, Melee+2, Range+2| Diplomacy+12, Perception+24, Sense Motive+23, Heal+14 || Temporary Changes: Resist Fire(30) 110 Minutes | Heroes Feats-+1 Morale Bonus Attack & Will,+4 Moral to Poison & Fear | Magic Vestment+3 Enhancement to AC | Gr Magic Weapon+3 Enhancement to Starknife

Trip listens carefully to the offer. His knowledge of politics as well as history didn't provide him any insight, but he felt there might be something more involved. The offered pay was quite a lot. Glancing at the others he accepts that this isn't the best time or place to discuss it.

"I accept the mission, for myself, and your very generous offer. We will also need to know more of the previous party, in case we find them or their remains. They shouldn't be considered as 'spoils' and their equipment should be returned to their next of kin if they are dead."

Reading the post above I assume that my Knowledge(History/Nobility)+5 would be insufficient to have known of the family or any political ties they had. ??

Dwarf Fighter 13; HP: 117/127; AC:34/13/33; F +16; R +10; W +12; Init: +6; Percep: +19

"Brother Terrance it is then." Barnabus smiles at the cleric. Always good to keep the healer on your good side.

After hearing the offer, Barnabus grunts. "I'm in. I'll bring you all the books ya want as long as we gets to keep the magic doo-hickeys. However, seems like this is a package deal...Brother and I aren't much good in this endeavor without the trap specialists. so I guess it's all up to the happy couple. What say ye?" Blackrock shifts his eyebrows suggestively, not trying to hide the fact that he thinks Isis and Hassan are doing it.

Terrance Welby wrote:

Trip listens carefully to the offer. His knowledge of politics as well as history didn't provide him any insight, but he felt there might be something more involved. The offered pay was quite a lot. Glancing at the others he accepts that this isn't the best time or place to discuss it.

"I accept the mission, for myself, and your very generous offer. We will also need to know more of the previous party, in case we find them or their remains. They shouldn't be considered as 'spoils' and their equipment should be returned to their next of kin if they are dead."

Reading the post above I assume that my Knowledge(History/Nobility)+5 would be insufficient to have known of the family or any political ties they had. ??

Trip, your independent knowledge confirms what Clarissa told you about the disgraced Adella clan. However, you are unaware of any secrets they may hold about the current monarch of Taldor. It seems she has more information than you do.

Sovereign Court

Retired - now known as Wandering Phoenix, one of the Mage Warriors.

Issi looks down at the dwarf with a straight face, although a perceptive person might see a new glint in her eye. "Well, as one half of the 'Happy Couple'" She says with heavy emphasis. "I accept. As for myself I propose that we leave as soon as possible. The ride here was most pleasant," She comments, inclining her head civily towards Lady Clarissa, "So I feel no need to dally. It will be a pleasure to travel with you Barnabus, Brother Trip."

She doesn't seem too concerned that Hassan will decline...

human fighter/rogue/red mantis assassin | hp 111/111, AC 25, touch 15, ff 22, CMD 30 | Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +9 (evasion, uncanny dodge) | Perception +19 (darkvision 60ft.), Initiative +3 (status: 1 Cha damage)

Hassan considers the offer. Harmless enough, it seemed, although he had a bad feeling about this Clarissa woman and her intent regarding the information that she was looking for. He resolved to look through whatever they found, and make his own decision about whether to hand it over after he determined that it wouldn't lead to unnecessary violence.

In response to the offer, he just gives a curt nod. The money was of little importance to him, but an unexplored trapped tomb that had already claimed lives was a worthy conquest.

"Excellent...I had a feeling you would all be inclined to brave the dangers of the tomb. Now I did not anticipate that you would wish to go immediately." Clarissa looks at Sylvana, "Is this possible right now?" Sylvana does not hesitate, "It seems the adventurers are eager to test their mettle. I can take them right away."

Clarissa smiles, "Marvelous, Syl. In response to your question, Brother Terrance, the mercenaries I hired were known as the Steel Legion. They came highly recommended. They were four male humans garbed in chain mail adorned with an emblem of crossed swords over a forge. What you do with their remains is your business. Oh before I forget. One more thing before you go. Syl, if you will, the baton." Sylvana reaches into a pouch and pulls out a white marble funerary baton that has no business fitting inside, so you suspect the pouch is magical. She passes the baton to Clarissa, "Thankfully, I had the forethought to have my people duplicate the original baton, which was given to the Steel Legion. It is an exact duplicate. I found the original behind a plaque in one the inns previously owned by the Adellas. I believe it serves as some sort of key in the necropolis, so you will need this." Clarissa leaves the marble baton on the table. Image of Baton

The ex-adventurer/noblewoman continues, "Lastly, there was a piece of parchment hidden in the baton, which I have also had duplicated. I believe one of the family's members wrote the lines on the parchment as a sort of guide or map, in the hope that they could guide future descendants through the wards and defenses of the tomb so that their sullied name could somehow be restored. I hope it will guide you inside. The beginning lines, Slumbering Cat, refers to the Lion Sleeps Inn, which is how we initially found the Tomb entrance. The rest is up to you." She passes Brother Trip the parchment.

"Well, unless there is anything else, I will leave you in Sylvana's arcane hands. She can teleport you to the entrance of the Tomb. When you emerge from the Tomb, I will find me on that, so we can conclude our business and I can pay you for your services. Almost 50,000 pieces of gold for this endeavor better yield the expected results. Good luck all." Unless you have questions, Clarissa and the Shoanti barbarian depart, while Sylvana asks you to gather around and touch her sleeve, so she can cast the teleportation magic.

I will link the contents of the parchment so you can refer to it whenever you wish. See above in Campaign Tab.

Sovereign Court

Retired - now known as Wandering Phoenix, one of the Mage Warriors.

Issi nods again, sweeps the baton up her sleeve in a practised motion. She doesn't say anything else until the party departs in a whirl of teleportation magic. Once they arrive she thanks Sylvana for her help and waits for the mage to depart before turning to her fellows.

"My apologies for the abrupt departure. I don't much like noble parties and the prospect of having to hob-nob and play the grateful fool all evening was just unbearable. I'm sorry if that's more your scene, but you look like practical men not dandies." She doesn't seem to consider that ironic, given that she is by far the most dandy-ish of the four.

Turning to the dwarf she extends a hand. "Issi Flamehair. Duellist and occasional treasure hunter. It's a pleasure to meet you, and no Hassan and I are not sleeping together."

Introductions done she turns to look at the inn (assuming that's where we get dropped off) "This looks like a much more pleasant place to spend the night. Shall we leave in the morning, or would you really like to make a start tonight?"

Issi's motivations are revealed.

human fighter/rogue/red mantis assassin | hp 111/111, AC 25, touch 15, ff 22, CMD 30 | Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +9 (evasion, uncanny dodge) | Perception +19 (darkvision 60ft.), Initiative +3 (status: 1 Cha damage)

Hassan waits to make sure that the woman is really gone before he allows himself to speak to his new allies. He really doesn't like being eavesdropped on even if the conversation is harmless. "We have a hike coming up," he says, his voice rumbling. "Better to set off as early as possible in the morning, I think."

He does not shake hands. He doesn't trust anyone enough to expose his palms to poisoned needles. He doesn't need to mention his name or his trapsmithing expertise - both things have already been spoken for him. He also is hesitant to reveal anything about his past for the moment. He isn't sure about the zealotry of their new group's cleric. Missions are never easier when their members are killing each other before the mission starts. "I am a fair hand with a sword," he says.

Actually, Sylvana was going to teleport you to the entrance of the Tomb as stated in my post, not the inn. Do you tell her otherwise?

Silver Crusade

Terrance Welby (Trip) | Cleric of Desna 13 |HP: 96/98| AC: 22/26 (12/16 touch, 16/20 FF) DR2/- | F: +10, R: +6, W: +15 |Init: +8| BAB: +9/+4, Melee+2, Range+2| Diplomacy+12, Perception+24, Sense Motive+23, Heal+14 || Temporary Changes: Resist Fire(30) 110 Minutes | Heroes Feats-+1 Morale Bonus Attack & Will,+4 Moral to Poison & Fear | Magic Vestment+3 Enhancement to AC | Gr Magic Weapon+3 Enhancement to Starknife

Trip reviews the words on the parchment and shows it to the others. He responds to Issi's words about noble parties, "While I'm not much for 'hob-nobbing' with dandies either I have done it on occasion, and I find I can usually get a read from them. That Clarissa is a consummate actress. I'm sure there was a lot more unsaid than said. And her ambition overwhelmed any feelings that she might've had for the lost team, or us. If we fail she'll gather another team, and another, and not care about the loss of life or the historic details of this family."

"I agree to a good night's rest and an early start. I napped in the carriage, but that hardly counts as good sleep. Let us retire for the evening and get started at dawn."

Ask how far the inn is from the tomb? If it is only a couple hours, then yes. Better that we know where both are so we can return to the inn to rest if needed.

The inn is roughly 35 miles to the northeast of the Lion Sleeps Inn. That is about 2+ days of traveling at the dwarf's speed of 20 feet per round. Let me know.

Silver Crusade

Terrance Welby (Trip) | Cleric of Desna 13 |HP: 96/98| AC: 22/26 (12/16 touch, 16/20 FF) DR2/- | F: +10, R: +6, W: +15 |Init: +8| BAB: +9/+4, Melee+2, Range+2| Diplomacy+12, Perception+24, Sense Motive+23, Heal+14 || Temporary Changes: Resist Fire(30) 110 Minutes | Heroes Feats-+1 Morale Bonus Attack & Will,+4 Moral to Poison & Fear | Magic Vestment+3 Enhancement to AC | Gr Magic Weapon+3 Enhancement to Starknife

2+ days? We do want to get started. I vote that we get teleported to the site. We can check out the location without entering and find a good camp location. Thoughts?

Note: I can teleport us later if we need to go somewhere else. Best if I have a chance to study my target....

Sovereign Court

Retired - now known as Wandering Phoenix, one of the Mage Warriors.

Given the circumstances lets go for the site. :) Camp will be first priority!

human fighter/rogue/red mantis assassin | hp 111/111, AC 25, touch 15, ff 22, CMD 30 | Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +9 (evasion, uncanny dodge) | Perception +19 (darkvision 60ft.), Initiative +3 (status: 1 Cha damage)

I agree. Skip the 2 days' walk, but start fresh in the morning.

Dwarf Fighter 13; HP: 117/127; AC:34/13/33; F +16; R +10; W +12; Init: +6; Percep: +19

A look of disappointment comes over the dwarf’s face. ”Really, Issi? You had to ruin the fantasy?!” He belts out a loud laugh.
When they arrive after the teleport, ”Thanks for the insight Brother. Good to know Clarissa treats us as being expendable. I agree we should go in the morning. We should post watches at the camp. Who know what creature could be lurking in this area? I can take 2 watches, so Brother Terrance can rest. I don’t need to sleep much.”

Silver Crusade

Terrance Welby (Trip) | Cleric of Desna 13 |HP: 96/98| AC: 22/26 (12/16 touch, 16/20 FF) DR2/- | F: +10, R: +6, W: +15 |Init: +8| BAB: +9/+4, Melee+2, Range+2| Diplomacy+12, Perception+24, Sense Motive+23, Heal+14 || Temporary Changes: Resist Fire(30) 110 Minutes | Heroes Feats-+1 Morale Bonus Attack & Will,+4 Moral to Poison & Fear | Magic Vestment+3 Enhancement to AC | Gr Magic Weapon+3 Enhancement to Starknife

Trip holds up his hand with the Ring of Sustenance, "I need little sleep as well, but can't see in the dark like you. I had hoped for an arcanist on this effort that could share a spell to assist in that. Lacking that I'll be the usual stealth killer that priests notoriously are."

"I'd actually like to start about an hour before sunrise and cast a few long term spells. If we start the day with a Heroes Feast the benefit will last for half of the day, aiding in attacks, strengthening willpower, and adding to ones fortitude if we face poison. The other spells will be for myself, to strengthen my armor and enhance my weapon."

Heroes Feast grants Temp HP: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13, +1 Morale Bonus to attack roles and WILL saves, and +4 Morale Bonus to Poison Saves and vs Fear. Duration: 12 hours.

Sovereign Court

Retired - now known as Wandering Phoenix, one of the Mage Warriors.

"I'm afraid I can't offer much in the way of magical support." Issi says with a shrug. "My skills are more about making sure we don't need healing. I've got a few potions of flight though. Can the rest of your fly or would you like one? Free of charge to adventuring companions - but if we get out the tomb without using it I want it back!" She ends with a smile, the first genuine you've seen from her since arriving at the mansion.

Sylvana teleports herself and the four of you and you instantly appear before a necropolis that sits in a hidden dale in the foothills of the World’s Edge Mountains, surrounded by a 15-foot-high wall made of tightly fitted gray stone blocks. Wider sections resembling castle watchtowers are spaced along the wall. Spaced equally around the wall between these towers are 10-foot diameter iron discs decorated with the leering medusa face of the Adella family crest.

"Welcome to the necropolis. Do not bother using the vines to climb over the wall. The necropolis is not really "here" per se. As Clarissa advised you, it's on another plane of reality. Your way in is through the crest on that wall." Sylvana points to the center wall. "Good luck in there. I'll be pulling for you." With that Sylvana bows and an incantation later, she is gone.

You follow the dwarf's lead and his skill leads you a defensible position where to set up camp for the night that avoids predators. He is the only one with ranks in Survival. Okay, besides, watches, anything else you wish to do during the night or anything else you'd like to discuss before we move on to the next day?

Dwarf Fighter 13; HP: 117/127; AC:34/13/33; F +16; R +10; W +12; Init: +6; Percep: +19
Issi Flamehair wrote:
"I'm afraid I can't offer much in the way of magical support." Issi says with a shrug. "My skills are more about making sure we don't need healing. I've got a few potions of flight though. Can the rest of your fly or would you like one? Free of charge to adventuring companions - but if we get out the tomb without using it I want it back!" She ends with a smile, the first genuine you've seen from her since arriving at the mansion.

"Free of charge?! Heck yeah, lass! Not done much flyin' in me life. We dwarves tend to stick to the ground. I'l save yer drink for a special occasion. If it's not obvious to ya in my full plate armor, I also ain't one for stealth missions. The dead will hear me comin' a mile away. So if you two lovebirds want to sneak around, wink wink, you will have to do it far ahead of us, so we don't ruins it for ya. And Brother, that meal of yours sounds ideal. Resistances against poison? Sign me up!"

Silver Crusade

Terrance Welby (Trip) | Cleric of Desna 13 |HP: 96/98| AC: 22/26 (12/16 touch, 16/20 FF) DR2/- | F: +10, R: +6, W: +15 |Init: +8| BAB: +9/+4, Melee+2, Range+2| Diplomacy+12, Perception+24, Sense Motive+23, Heal+14 || Temporary Changes: Resist Fire(30) 110 Minutes | Heroes Feats-+1 Morale Bonus Attack & Will,+4 Moral to Poison & Fear | Magic Vestment+3 Enhancement to AC | Gr Magic Weapon+3 Enhancement to Starknife

Trip laughs with the dwarf. Neither of them would be moving quietly. "If you want to fly I can cast a spell on you for it. Desna grants me a small number of spells that are usually only usable by mages. Flying and Teleportation are two examples. I also have boots of levitation if we only need to ascend or descend." He chuckles at the comment about poison resistance, "My spell won't come close to the natural resistance that dwarves have, but it'll help all of us if we face poison."

We are all supposed to keep track of our temporary adjustments, correct?

human fighter/rogue/red mantis assassin | hp 111/111, AC 25, touch 15, ff 22, CMD 30 | Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +9 (evasion, uncanny dodge) | Perception +19 (darkvision 60ft.), Initiative +3 (status: 1 Cha damage)

Hassan is confused about why these people seemed to take some pride in their jokes about being loud, witless oafs. Perhaps, he considers to himself, he is being a little bit too harsh, but it didn't take a wizard to see a dwarf in plate armor would be loud.

"It's okay," says Hassan. "I am used to working both alone and with Issi. I possess a ring which can render me invisible indefinitely, and am well-suited to scouting, if we deem such a thing necessary."

He begins unpacking whatever camping gear the others have immediately. Typically, Hassan doesn't do much camping. His targets were typically in cities, and he preferred sleeping in a hotel to sleeping in the wild. In this case, unless offered a tent, he sleeps rough on the ground with just a bedroll.

While setting up camp, Hassan pulls several items out of his haversack. It wouldn't do to leave himself any more vulnerable than necessary, now that they were in the field. He keeps his threadbare shift on but dons a dirty, dinged suit of light chainmail, an amulet that seems to be made of red chitin and formed in the shape of a scarab, and a pair of round glass goggles go around his neck. He pulls two sheathed curved swords out of the bag as well, in addition to a long brown cloak which he uses as a blanket overnight.

I generally keep track of my own buffs. I also like to separate bonuses from the base roll. Like this:

Attack vs. Monstrosity (Subtlety, Flank, Haste): 1d20 + 16 + 4 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 16 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 33
Damage (Subtlety, Sneak Attack): 1d8 + 10 + 4 + 5d6 ⇒ (5) + 10 + 4 + (3, 6, 5, 5, 4) = 42

Since +16 is the bonus I always get, I like to separate out the bonuses so there's no confusion about how I got my total number.

Of course, I also believe it's on the GM to let us know about the passage of time, and when different buffs expire.

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