You (in real life) gain 880,000 gp worth of gear from Pathfinder. What do you gain?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Scarab Sages

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Hmmmm assuming there aren't hidden rules . . .

1) tomes of +5 intelligence for inate +5 bonus
2) Headband of intelligenc for another +5 raising me from a probable 10 int to 15 normal/20 with headband.
3) Piles of spellbooks.
4) Maybe an object to a private demi-plane where I can store said books.

Study and become a high level wizard.


If I get to lvl 20 take the immortality capstone.

Senko wrote:
2) Headband of intelligenc for another +5 raising me from a probable 10 int to 15 normal/20 with headband.

Headbands of Vast Intelligence come in even numbers (+2, +4, and +6). [/nitpick]

I am still pondering what I would spend the money on myself.


MrCharisma wrote:

Anyway yeah I loved that movie. Teaches kids the dangers of smoking - almost as well as Constantine.

That movie was an insult to John Constantine and his fans.

Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
MrCharisma wrote:

Anyway yeah I loved that movie. Teaches kids the dangers of smoking - almost as well as Constantine.

That movie was an insult to John Constantine and his fans.

Maybe, but it was also awesome ^_^

I like Hellraiser, though I was fairly late to it, but Keanu makes everything great and I'd marry Rachael Weisz (Weizs? Something like that). Honestly, even though it was probably as true to the original as most video game movies are - not at all - it was still a stupid-fun romp in a fantastical world with some great charismatic actors (and the supporting cast, so good).

Also the movie eventually lead me to the originals, so it gets props for that.

A snowfall orb will let you make 1d4 hours of heavy snow fall per day, and heavy snowfall is 1d4 inches of snow per hour. This is over a 1 mile radius. Snow fall is 2,715 gallons per inch of snow per acre, and 1 mile radius is 2010 acres.

So 1d4²*5,457,150 gallons per day for 14,000gold. If you really want to add water, this is the way to go. Adding cold water is... well, it could be a big problem if you tried to use it in places that don't typically have cold water.

It could be more useful to have an unlimited use climbing beanstalk spell item. Making a 15 foot tall food producing tree every six seconds is probably not too bad for 10k.

avr wrote:
Loren Pechtel wrote:

Rough calculation: The average depth of the ocean is 12,100 feet. Adding 1% thus raises the sea level by about 121 feet (not counting the effects of flooding land). Thus 1.4 inches/year--about 10x as fast as what global warming is doing to us. About 25,000 years to Waterworld.

However, I don't think it's an issue. They haven't flooded the worlds they're already on, thus I think they must function by drawing upon the world's oceans, not bringing water in from outside.

I don't think that part of Mr Charisma's maths is right either. The surface area of the Earth is 510 million square km of which 71% is water. One cm of water over that area is 510 000 000 x 0.71 x 10 000 = 3.6 trillion tonnes. At 600 000 tonnes/year that's 6 million years of output from 97 decanters. You're not getting a noticeable amount of sea level rise in less time than it took for us to evolve from rats in the shadow of the dinosaurs.

Edit: found the mistake in his post. There are about 10 to the 18th power tonnes of water on Earth, not mere trillions.

It's amazing how easy it is to commit zero errors in things like this. I didn't check his math, just went with the numbers.

Reksew_Trebla wrote:
So uh, since you guys are doing the math, how long would it take the 97 Decanters of Endless Water to fill up the Grand Canyon in the US, or, if there is a bigger hole somewhere on Earth, that hole instead?

Ha! A trick question. The Grand Canyon drains out into the Gulf of California and thence the Pacific Ocean. The Colorado River runs through it. Which averages a flow of 640 cubic meters per second.

Can anyone help calculate this: how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if y woodchuck could chuck wood?

Seriously, you guys don't need a headband of intelligence, but wisdom might come in handy. xD

In fact, requiring our leaders to wear such headbands while in office might be better than any amount of decanters.

Theaitetos wrote:
Can anyone help calculate this: how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if y woodchuck could chuck wood?

Sure. What's the strength and size category of your woodchuck? As per a rat? ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Theaitetos wrote:
Can anyone help calculate this: how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if y woodchuck could chuck wood?

About 700 pounds per day

Theaitetos wrote:

Seriously, you guys don't need a headband of intelligence, but wisdom might come in handy. xD

In fact, requiring our leaders to wear such headbands while in office might be better than any amount of decanters.

The answer to the OP doesn't matter in itself, the real value in what items you choose is decided by the reason you chose them. True value comes from within.

Scarab Sages

glass wrote:
Senko wrote:
2) Headband of intelligenc for another +5 raising me from a probable 10 int to 15 normal/20 with headband.

Headbands of Vast Intelligence come in even numbers (+2, +4, and +6). [/nitpick]

I am still pondering what I would spend the money on myself.


Fair point.

Theaitetos wrote:

Can anyone help calculate this: how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if y woodchuck could chuck wood?

Seriously, you guys don't need a headband of intelligence, but wisdom might come in handy. xD

In fact, requiring our leaders to wear such headbands while in office might be better than any amount of decanters.

Wisdom wont help me cast wizard spells and I'm not praying to a god.

Senko wrote:
Wisdom wont help me cast wizard spells and I'm not praying to a god.

Wisdom may not help you become a Wizard, but perhaps a Headband of Inspired Wisdom would allow you to see the true value of a Divine caster in our world. It's not the spells.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This should do the trick
- 278,650 custom Ioun Immunitys / Abilitys
- 360,000 custom Headband +6 all Stats
- 131,250 Stat tome +5 Int
- 12,150 custom Anklet Shape Change Tiny to Huge Humanoid
= 79,950 cash to start your empire


[choose a color and shape] Ioun Stone
Aura strong varied
CL 15th
Slot —
Price varies
Weight —

Combined Item effects on single Ioun stone for implantation at base of skull (have greator restoration cast on you before implantation)

92,400 Truesight goggles (True Sight)
45,000 Ring of Regeneration (regen 1 hp per round, immune bleed) + 22,500 = 67,500
20,000 Ring of Freedom of Movement + 10,000 = 30,000
16,000 Winged Boots (Fly) + 8,000 = 24,000
13,500 Periapt of Proof against Poison (immune poison) + 6,625 = 14,125
9,000 Iridescent Spindle (without air) + 4,500 = 13,500
7,500 Tongues + 3,750 = 11,250
5,000 Nacreous Gray Sphere (wont age) + 2,500 = 7,500
3,750 Periapt of Health (immune/cured of all diseases) + 1,875 = 5,625
3,000 Spectacles of Understanding + 1,500 = 4,500
2,500 Comprehend languages + 1,250 = 3,750
2,000 Clear Spindle (without food or water) + 1,000 = 3,000
1,000 Endure Elements (comfort -50 to 140 degrees F) + 500 = 1,500




360,000 (Scrimshaw [yes etching into the skull bone]), Headband of Mental Superiority and Physical Perfection +6 all stats (know: engineering, diplomacy, sense motive)

Combined item
144,000 Headband of Mental Superiority +6 (know: engineering, diplomacy, sense motive)
144,000 Belt of Physical Perfection +6 + 72,000 + 216,000
0 (scrimshaw)



12,150 (Tattoo) Anklet of [Greater, Hat of Disguise], Enlarge Person, Reduce Person, and Sleeves of many garments

Combined item
6,000 Greater, Hat of Disguise
2,000 Enlarge Person + 1,000 = 3,000
2,000 Reduce Person + 1,000 = 3,000
100 Sleeves of many garments + 50 = 150




Scarab Sages

MrWisdom wrote:
Senko wrote:
Wisdom wont help me cast wizard spells and I'm not praying to a god.
Wisdom may not help you become a Wizard, but perhaps a Headband of Inspired Wisdom would allow you to see the true value of a Divine caster in our world. It's not the spells.

Oh I don't deny their value, I just don't want personally to have any more involvement with gods than I already have. Plus lvl 20 wizard is a slower path but your not relying on single items people can steal. Hide your spellbooks in at least 3 places.

I'd prefer arcanist 20 mr 10 but that's not part of this thread and you can't have a custom item to grant you that skill so boost int, get spellbooks, learn magic.

Senko wrote:
MrWisdom wrote:
Senko wrote:
Wisdom wont help me cast wizard spells and I'm not praying to a god.
Wisdom may not help you become a Wizard, but perhaps a Headband of Inspired Wisdom would allow you to see the true value of a Divine caster in our world. It's not the spells.

Oh I don't deny their value, I just don't want personally to have any more involvement with gods than I already have. Plus lvl 20 wizard is a slower path but your not relying on single items people can steal. Hide your spellbooks in at least 3 places.

I'd prefer arcanist 20 mr 10 but that's not part of this thread and you can't have a custom item to grant you that skill so boost int, get spellbooks, learn magic.

I agree, Intelligence is the best stat. +3 to your Will Saves is nice, but +60 skill points is nicer.

I imagine that, when looking at technological items, there are quite a few where having an example or two on hand to reverse engineer would provide us with a lot of very useful insight or even catapult us forward. Also, unlike magic, we're at least somewhat equipped to learn about them already. Timeworn items without charges costing 1% of their market price would allow for the possibility of having several nonfunctional copies for actually taking apart, too.

Battery technology alone would probably be pretty interesting just in and of itself.

They're artifacts and so don't have a price sadly, but a working Fusion Reactor would be incredibly useful to us today, too.

Many forms of technological weaponry would be interesting, too. Whether the miniaturized nuclear reactor of an atom gun or the ability to harness gravitons of a gravity pistol.

The Pharmaceuticals would mostly be of interest when it comes to dealing with trauma or anesthesia, but being able to prevent people from dying from bleeding out, having what is more or less a panacea, and being able to safely anesthetize people with a one-size-fits-all dosage would all be huge. Being able to revive the recently deceased would also be a big deal.

Getting access to the information on the thing would be tricky, since I assume that the way the gear is gained wouldn't necessarily include something like implanting a Skillslot cybernetic enhancement, but the information inside a Mark V skill chip for the right Knowledge or Profession or Craft skills could itself represent multiple major breakthroughs, especially relating to space travel.

As for raw money...:

Rather than suddenly have a massive amount of gold, I'd go with an item of Transfiguring Touch , since the slow side is going to be in selling it, compared to generating it anyway.

A Command Word item of it that can make up to 1 pound of platinum per use is worth about 255,200 gp (500*100 + 19*6*1800), while providing a potential gain of 5000 gp of gold or platinum per minute. 10 pounds of gold * 16 * the earlier mentioned 1,846.94 USD per ounce makes for $2,955,104 per minute of use. (Granted, disposing of 100 pounds of gold and doing so safely is its own challenge.) Compared with the $150,828,508 that the gold pieces to buy the item would have granted, it would pay for itself in about 510 minutes or about 8.5 hours (plus the time it took to actually liquidate the new assets.

Alternatively, that could instead make half a ton (1000 lb) of copper per round, or 5 tons per minute, at ~7,968.60 USD per ton looking at Business Insider's website for the figures they have at the close of 12/18, or ~39,843 USD per minute. Sold as scrap instead for ~2.55 USD per pound, that would still be ~25,500 USD per minute.

A marginally more modest 210,200 gp (~124 million USD) (50*100 + 19*6*1800) would get one that produces up to 1 pound of gold per use (or 1/5th of pound of platinum, 10 pounds of silver, etc.), or $295,510.4 per minute going with gold. Basically 1/10th of the output of the first one.

Use-Activated instead would boost the first item up to 278,000 gp (~164 million USD) and the second to 233,000 gp (~138 million USD), though I don't know if you'd be using it often enough to make yourself hoarse by having to command word it up.

Going to a 1/day item would make the 500 gp material component version drop its price down to 70,600 gp (19*6*2000/5 + 50*500) or ~41.7 million USD. At ~295,510.4 USD per day, it would take 142 days to earn a profit compared to just taking the gold pieces, during which time you'd have added 1420 pounds of gold to the world supply. The 50 gp material component version would be 48,100 gp (~28.4 million USD) and produce 29,551.04 USD per diem, eventually paying for itself in 962 days.

If you extrapolate from lead sling bullets, then 0.1 / 3 / 5 for around 2/3 of a copper piece per pound of lead would mean you could make 75,000 pounds of lead in 500 gp of Transfiguring Touch or 7500 lb in 50 gp of it. I'm finding ~2,031.10 USD per ton of lead as of 12/18, so 75000 lb per pop is 375 tons or ~761,662.5 USD per minute. Although given the density of lead is about 707.93 lb/ft^3 and you only have 19 cubic feet to work with at CL 19, you'd only be able to make 13,450.67 lb of it at a time, which is still just shy of 136.6K USD per minute. Regardless, that would be much more difficult to actually sell, even though it would be easier to produce economically relevant quantities of lead.

A basic CL 9 item of Fabricate would be 90,000, assuming we're waving the material component cost by providing the actual raw materials ourselves. Otherwise you'd skip Transfiguring Touch entirely and just load it with X gp's worth of raw materials * 100 to be able to create 3X gp of stuff at-will. Possibly with some kind of item of Crafter's Fortune to be better able to actually make whatever item.

Liberty's Edge

Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
MrCharisma wrote:

Anyway yeah I loved that movie. Teaches kids the dangers of smoking - almost as well as Constantine.

That movie was an insult to John Constantine and his fans.

Not all of them, no.

80s' Dune, now that was something terrible. Though Sting as Feyd-Rautha was awesome.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Since this is for me, as I am in real life:

Ring of regeneration (90,000 gp),
Ring of three wishes (120,000 gp), and
Belt of stoneskin (60,000 gp) because it's better to be safe than sorry
Mantle of immortality (shirt/vest form) (50,000 gp) because I turned 50 in 2020*
Mindmaster's eyes (look like normal tinted glasses) (95,000 gp)**
Apprentice's cheating gloves (2,200 gp)
Greater hat of disguise (12,000 gp)
Headband of mental superiority +6 (144,000 gp) with skill ranks in Diplomacy, Linguistics (modern Earth languages), and Sense Motive
Medalion of thoughts (12,000 gp)
Cloak of the bat (26,000 gp)
Vambraces of the genie (djinn) (wristwatch) (18,900 gp)

249,900 gp other useful items (such as a utilitarian Rod, traveler's any-tool, spy eyes, crystal ball (telepathy), etc.) and an item that can provide divination and/or prognostication once per day or week.

*- even though I haven't noticed much impact, yet
**- who hasn't wanted to use these in real life at some point?

The Raven Black wrote:
Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
MrCharisma wrote:

Anyway yeah I loved that movie. Teaches kids the dangers of smoking - almost as well as Constantine.

That movie was an insult to John Constantine and his fans.

Not all of them, no.

something something true Scotsman something

Scarab Sages

Coidzor wrote:

I imagine that, when looking at technological items, there are quite a few where having an example or two on hand to reverse engineer would provide us with a lot of very useful insight or even catapult us forward. Also, unlike magic, we're at least somewhat equipped to learn about them already. Timeworn items without charges costing 1% of their market price would allow for the possibility of having several nonfunctional copies for actually taking apart, too.

Battery technology alone would probably be pretty interesting just in and of itself.

They're artifacts and so don't have a price sadly, but a working Fusion Reactor would be incredibly useful to us today, too.

Many forms of technological weaponry would be interesting, too. Whether the miniaturized nuclear reactor of an atom gun or the ability to harness gravitons of a gravity pistol.

The Pharmaceuticals would mostly be of interest when it comes to dealing with trauma or anesthesia, but being able to prevent people from dying from bleeding out, having what is more or less a panacea, and being able to safely anesthetize people with a one-size-fits-all dosage would all be huge. Being able to revive the recently deceased would also be a big deal.

Getting access to the information on the thing would be tricky, since I assume that the way the gear is gained wouldn't necessarily include something like implanting a Skillslot cybernetic enhancement, but the information inside a Mark V skill chip for the right Knowledge or Profession or Craft skills could itself represent multiple major breakthroughs, especially relating to space travel.

** spoiler omitted **...

How do you get around the requirement for hundreds of gold pieces on that item of transfiguring touch?

Senko wrote:
How do you get around the requirement for hundreds of gold pieces on that item of transfiguring touch?

I'm not entirely sure what you're referring to. If you mean the expensive material component, then I didn't. You increase the price by the material component for either 100 uses for an unlimited use item or 50 uses for a charges per day item. So 50 or 500 gp material component multiplied by either 100 or 50. 500 * 100 = 50,000 gp added to the cost. The first item example

255,200 gp (500*100 + 19*6*1800)

the 500*100 there is for the expensive material component side of things and then the 19 * 6 * 1800 is for the CL 19, Spell level 6, and being a command word item. So that's 205,200 + 50,000 = 255,200 total.

The bare minimum 1 GP material component would thus be either 100 gp or 50 gp added to the price, and you'd be able to make 1/50th(0.02) of a pound of gold, or 0.32 Ounce (~9.0718474 Gram) per use. (Going off of Business Insider's website for 1716.51 USD per normal ounce, that's ~549.28 USD per round, ~5,492.83 USD per minute.

Still ridiculously profitable compared to most professions, but it would take longer to pay off the opportunity cost of not just taking a lump sum of gold. ~112,767,840.96 USD for the 205,300 gp, so it would take 20,530 minutes (~342 hours) of continuous use to make up for that. That's without taking the possibilities of investments and compound interest, etc. into account, too.

(As a point of interest, I googled how much Bill Gates makes in a minute/day, etc., and got "$7,610 per minute" from for his increase in wealth of 4 billion over the course of 2017 into 2018. The real income from generating gold, though, is going to be lower than the wealth created, due to the time and difficulty involved in liquidating it. Although the wealthier one became, ostensibly the easier it would be and the less time it would take.)

I wonder how fast you'd tank the gold market doing that. I'm not sure how appealing it would be to sit around making money all day, I imagine most people would use their magic purchases to not be doing that with their time.

The appeal of a use active antitech field spell seems fun. You wouldn't need to worry about non-explosive modern weapons, cars couldn't touch you, fun stuff.

Scarab Sages

Coidzor wrote:
Senko wrote:
How do you get around the requirement for hundreds of gold pieces on that item of transfiguring touch?

I'm not entirely sure what you're referring to. If you mean the expensive material component, then I didn't. You increase the price by the material component for either 100 uses for an unlimited use item or 50 uses for a charges per day item. So 50 or 500 gp material component multiplied by either 100 or 50. 500 * 100 = 50,000 gp added to the cost. The first item example

255,200 gp (500*100 + 19*6*1800)

the 500*100 there is for the expensive material component side of things and then the 19 * 6 * 1800 is for the CL 19, Spell level 6, and being a command word item. So that's 205,200 + 50,000 = 255,200 total.

The bare minimum 1 GP material component would thus be either 100 gp or 50 gp added to the price, and you'd be able to make 1/50th(0.02) of a pound of gold, or 0.32 Ounce (~9.0718474 Gram) per use. (Going off of Business Insider's website for 1716.51 USD per normal ounce, that's ~549.28 USD per round, ~5,492.83 USD per minute.

Still ridiculously profitable compared to most professions, but it would take longer to pay off the opportunity cost of not just taking a lump sum of gold. ~112,767,840.96 USD for the 205,300 gp, so it would take 20,530 minutes (~342 hours) of continuous use to make up for that. That's without taking the possibilities of investments and compound interest, etc. into account, too.

(As a point of interest, I googled how much Bill Gates makes in a minute/day, etc., and got "$7,610 per minute" from for his increase in wealth of 4 billion over the course of 2017 into 2018. The real income from generating gold, though, is going to be lower than the wealth created, due to the time and difficulty involved in liquidating it. Although the wealthier one became, ostensibly the easier it would be and the less time it would take.)

I see I've been handling items wrong for that then.

ErichAD wrote:

I wonder how fast you'd tank the gold market doing that. I'm not sure how appealing it would be to sit around making money all day, I imagine most people would use their magic purchases to not be doing that with their time.

The appeal of a use active antitech field spell seems fun. You wouldn't need to worry about non-explosive modern weapons, cars couldn't touch you, fun stuff.

I know I would like enough money to retire and not need to work just live off the interest. I believe 10 million is the turnover point for just (barring major crashse) living off the interest and still increasing your base amount with a reasonable lifestyle. Still eveeryones different just look at games and the people who insist on beat your head against the wall difficulty as fun and mock those who don't enjoy that as casuals.

It seems like it'd be easier to fulfill all of your lifestyle needs with magic items than to rely on mundane means of acquiring things. An at will polymorph any object thing, a once per day magnificent mansion, and you're good to go, right?

ErichAD wrote:
I wonder how fast you'd tank the gold market doing that. I'm not sure how appealing it would be to sit around making money all day, I imagine most people would use their magic purchases to not be doing that with their time.

gold and Transfiguring Touch in general:
The U.S. produces around 200 tonnes of gold per year, that's about 440,920 pounds. At 10 pounds per use, it would take 44,092 rounds, 4409.2 minutes, 73.4866667 hours, or just over 3 days of continuous use to equal that output. Multiply that by 10 for 1 pound per use. At 0.02 pounds per use, that's 22,046,000 rounds, 2,204,600 minutes, 36,743 & 1/3 hours, ~1,530.97 days, or ~4.2 years; or functionally, negligible.

How you injected the large amount of gold into the economy would matter more than the actual size of the large amount of gold, as far as speculation goes, and that is usually the main driver of the price of gold IIRC. Whether it all happened at once or was more drawn out would also be an important factor.

Basically, though, you'd get bored of doing it before you had a real impact beyond personal enrichment. And if you just wanted to do it gratuitously, such as by having a construct servitor just pumping away at it 24/7, you'd have the monotony broken up by all of the attention that would eventually attract, or by the steps that you'd need to take in order to avoid said attention.

The main idea was that if you don't want to just completely set fire to your identity as a citizen of earth, ramping up with small amounts of wealth initially and then increasing it is more subtle, and safer than trying to move an entire fortune's worth of gold all at once. Since the item itself would presumably be more discreet when not in use than a mound of gold, and you would only actually have the gold on hand when you wanted it.

I think if you really wanted to regularly make money off of it, though, getting enough capital in order to have the channels to sell copper by the ton would be the way to go, though.

In a way, I view it as insurance. If I can go off and become a Wizard, then it's a useful tool for covering living expenses, reagents, crafting materials, etc. without necessarily having to get caught up in the adventuring paradigm. If I can't, then it's a way to ensure wealth in a way where I can do more to control the narrative.

From PVC pipe turned copper tubing "salvage" sold for scrap to "panning" for river rocks turned gold nuggets to turning a bunch of utensils into legitimate silverware to turning faux jewelry into platinum rings, there are diverse ways to make money off of it, first in small ways, and then using those small ways, to get access to bigger ways.

As another potential bonus, it would conceivably allow one to create Adamantine and Mithral, materials that do not exist in our world, as they are at least de facto precious metals, with mithral at 500 gp/lb, same as platinum, and adamantine at 300 gp/lb. Which would afford additional possibilities for synergy with other shenanigans.

ErichAD wrote:
The appeal of a use active antitech field spell seems fun. You wouldn't need to worry about non-explosive modern weapons, cars couldn't touch you, fun stuff.

That would be quite handy, especially finding the right applications for it.

Senko wrote:
I see I've been handling items wrong for that then....

It is pretty easy to miss the footnote, yeah.

Is there a reliable form of time travel anywhere in the equipment lists?

Liberty's Edge

I think I would use most of the money for a ritual of lichification and use the spare for a Helm of opposite alignment, just in case.

Scarab Sages

While browsing the rulings on wizard immortality (seperate concern) I note that sun orchid elixer (restore you to young adult age, penalties from aging are removed but bonuses remain though they don't stack as you reage) is priced at a minimum of 50,000 GP. Since that is the only given value you could argue for that or say 50k + 1d6 and buy a bunch of elixers to restore your youth and live a few centuries by which time science may have another way to stay young if that's of interest.

Coidzor wrote:
ErichAD wrote:
I wonder how fast you'd tank the gold market doing that. I'm not sure how appealing it would be to sit around making money all day, I imagine most people would use their magic purchases to not be doing that with their time.
** spoiler omitted **...

Kind of feel that item should use philosopher's stones since there's a 20th level alchemist discovery to make them and they are traditionally associated with eternal life AND turning base metals to gold. That's just a item specific flavour issue though. You could always say one was consumed in making the item afterall. I need to look up the rules on ignore materials components and items that consume components.

Neriathale wrote:
Is there a reliable form of time travel anywhere in the equipment lists?

Nope. Time travel is generally disliked for a number of reasons so the only reliable method in pathfinder is the Sceptre of Ages which as with most artificats is priceless and needs to be found not purchased. I know this as its something I would be nabbing if it'd had a price to go with my become a wizard plan and maybe a sun orchid elixer or two to give me time to study.

Senko wrote:
While browsing the rulings on wizard immortality (seperate concern) I note that sun orchid elixer (restore you to young adult age, penalties from aging are removed but bonuses remain though they don't stack as you reage) is priced at a minimum of 50,000 GP. Since that is the only given value you could argue for that or say 50k + 1d6 and buy a bunch of elixers to restore your youth and live a few centuries by which time science may have another way to stay young if that's of interest.

From memory: A single dose the Sun Orchid Elixir is sold at a silent auction once per year, and 50,000 is the minimum price. Obtaining enough elixirs would take you years and cost more than the base price for the majority of them.

Oh it's all HERE on the archivesofnethys page (And technically it doesn't have a price - not because it's free but because it's an artifact-level item).

ErichAD wrote:
I wonder how fast you'd tank the gold market doing that.

Mansa Musa and the Spanish Empire changed the value of gold and silver with their activities.

Scarab Sages

MrCharisma wrote:
Senko wrote:
While browsing the rulings on wizard immortality (seperate concern) I note that sun orchid elixer (restore you to young adult age, penalties from aging are removed but bonuses remain though they don't stack as you reage) is priced at a minimum of 50,000 GP. Since that is the only given value you could argue for that or say 50k + 1d6 and buy a bunch of elixers to restore your youth and live a few centuries by which time science may have another way to stay young if that's of interest.

From memory: A single dose the Sun Orchid Elixir is sold at a silent auction once per year, and 50,000 is the minimum price. Obtaining enough elixirs would take you years and cost more than the base price for the majority of them.

Oh it's all HERE on the archivesofnethys page (And technically it doesn't have a price - not because it's free but because it's an artifact-level item).

Sure if you were actually buying them but for this thread you just get 20th level wealth of items. It say's minimum 50k so you spend 50 per elixer for this thread.

Well maybe, we moght have to check how the OP would rule it.

The actual listed price is "-". the "50,000gp" is in the description, nkt the listed price for the item.

You're right that the time wouldn't matter though, just the cost would be variable and likely much higher - if that item is available for this.

Scarab Sages

MrCharisma wrote:

Well maybe, we moght have to check how the OP would rule it.

The actual listed price is "-". the "50,000gp" is in the description, nkt the listed price for the item.

You're right that the time wouldn't matter though, just the cost would be variable and likely much higher - if that item is available for this.

I think that we should appeal to the OP for a ruling on other artifacts as well. Are we operating under the assumption I have been of artifact = no price and thus you can't get them or can we say pick one because there are some very nice artifacts out there e.g. sceptre of ages or a working "fusion?" reactor (the one that works off sea water) that would be great to get ahold of.

My ruling is no artifacts, but the Elixir is a special case since it actually does have a price from auctions as has been pointed out, thus it is allowed at that price.

EDIT: And custom values for enhancement bonuses to ability scores is allowed, since custom magic items that follow the rules are allowed, and there is a formula for the price of enhancement bonuses for ability scores (bonus squared x 1,000 gp).

Scarab Sages

Fair enough, shame we can't get artifacts but I was working on that assumption anyway. So there we go spend say 1 or 2 hundred on sun orchid elixer and barring misadventure you can reset your age and get several extra centuries of life.

I would get...

Manual of Bodily Health +4(110,000GP)
Manual of Gainful Exercise +4(110,000GP)
Manual of Quickness of Action +4(110,000GP)
Tome of Clear Thought +4(110,000GP)
Tome of Leadership +4(110,000GP)
Tome of Understanding and Influence +4(110,000GP)
Glamored +1 Mithril Chainshirt(4,800GP)
Handy Haversack(2,000GP)
Ring of Feather Falling(2,200GP)
Ring of Fire Resistance(Minor)(12,000GP)
Ring of Invisibility(20,000GP)
Ring of Regeneration(90,000GP)
Ring of Sustenance(2,500GP)
Periapt of Health(7,500GP)
Boots of the Winterlands(2,500GP)
Cloak of Arachnida(14,000GP)
Glove of Storing x2(20,000GP)
Decanter of Endless Water(9,000GP)
Folding Boat(7,2000GP)
Rod of Flame Extinguishing(15,000GP)
Rod of Metal and Mineral Detection(10,500GP)
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds x2(600GP)
Potion of Cure Light Wounds x4(200GP)

So I went and did a fairly deep through all of the items that I could find and a few highlights really stood out to me. I may compile things a bit more and go into more detail there later on. Eyes of Charming (56K) and Mindmaster's Eyes (95K) are basically hax if used properly and supported with other items.

Mindmaster's Eyes themselves have a DC 19 will save, which most people and animals would fail more often than not, and it can be spammed. 11 days of having people charmed or even 1 person being dominated would be incredibly powerful. The DC 16 for Eyes of Charming is still pretty good, too, and 7 hours of charm could still be used to very good effect.

Combine either of those with a Greater Hat of Disguise (12K) and/or Hat of Infinite Disguises (25K) for further support.

Could make it hard to resist the urge to become a supervillain, though.

I feel it would be remiss to not mention Physician's Spectacles (4900), which give the ability to see all disease within 30 feet, which would pair wonderfully with any kind of access to remove disease. Although a Periapt of Health (7500) is less than double the cost.

Starfaring Robes (85K) are also a major find, offering flight, the ability to survive underwater or in space, and the ability to travel fairly rapidly between different planets, if one were interested in that. Definitely slower than access to Greater Teleport and good quality images, although we mostly really only have those for the moon and Mars, IIRC.

After the earlier exchanges about Transfiguring Touch, I took a look at some other wealth generation spells and while looking at Shadow Conjuration's family of spells for their potential to create useful matter/wealth or ways to exploit permanent, quasi-real matter IRL, I realized that I could just look at Wish and Limited Wish, too.

An at-will item of Limited Wish at minimum CL would be 313.8K and at 20 CL would be 402K, so around 3/8th to 1/2th the budget here, but would allow for a lot of flexibility and most of the really nice quality of life magic as well as a number of spells that allow one to create physical matter and wealth.

The main questions that I have there is if you can use non-Mythic Limited Wish to cast a Mythic version of a lower level spell, which would allow one to get access to the permanent creation of plant matter from a Djinni via Geniekind (which would be huge even if just used in the most boring way to create a whole bunch of Saffron for a quick buck, or used to create large quantities of nutritious, hydrating food) and if you can use Limited Wish to poach spells off of the Summoner list that are 5th level on that list but appear on the Wizard list at higher level, because that would allow access to Greater Teleport. The former is probably explained somewhere in the Mythic rules (and is probably a no) and the latter is one of those things that probably should have been an FAQ at one point or another.

Actually, now that I mention Geniekind, that reminds me, does anyone know if the Cauldron of Plenty (15K) creates 36 people's worth of food on-command as many times per day as you want, or does it only create 36 people's worth of food once per day? I think it's the former, that it can create 36 people's worth of food at-will as something you can spam, but the wording is a little awkward to me. Also, because I read through so many items over the past couple of weeks, it also reminds me of a lot of other items that say that something is at-will and then later on specify that you can only use it for such and such rounds per day or so many times per day.

That cauldron is written oddly for sure. I think it can produce up to 36 people's worth of food per day, and it can produce any portion of that quantity on command.

Coidzor wrote:
I feel it would be remiss to not mention Physician's Spectacles (4900), which give the ability to see all disease within 30 feet, which would pair wonderfully with any kind of access to remove disease. Although a Periapt of Health (7500) is less than double the cost.

Man, those are some great items. I might have to sell a few more Decanters to get some of those ... hmmm ...

Re: Starfaring Robes.
For personal interstelar travel they're almost certainly the best option (only 85k? That's a steal!), but for group travel and colonization they don't really work =P Still a great find though. Remember there's a spell above Greater Teleport - Interplanetary Teleport.

Re: Cauldron of Plenty.
I agree with ErichAD - it's a maximum of 36 peopler per day, but you can dole out thise doses in any order you like (3 for breakfast, 2 for morning tea, 12 for lunch, etc etc).

There's a whole bunch of stuff I'd get which others have mentioned so I won't bother repeating it. A few other things though:

A complete set of runeward tattoos. Mainly because with all these magic items I wouldn't bet against there being someone else who got the same deal, and who's hunting the world for others to kill and loot. A bit of warning might be nice if they try buffing up nearby or something.

Figurines of wondrous power because I think they'd be fun.

Fate's shears to help friends avoid mistakes.

A sea silk shell for all the clothing I'd ever need.

A censer of dreams to guarantee a good night's sleep when I want it.

And in order to earn all the RL money I could ever want, a cauldron of resurrection.

avr wrote:
And in order to earn all the RL money I could ever want, a cauldron of resurrection.

I can't think of anything worse for the world than this.

MrCharisma wrote:

Re: Starfaring Robes.

For personal interstelar travel they're almost certainly the best option (only 85k? That's a steal!), but for group travel and colonization they don't really work =P Still a great find though. Remember there's a spell above Greater Teleport - Interplanetary Teleport.

Re: Cauldron of Plenty.
I agree with ErichAD - it's a maximum of 36 peopler per day, but you can dole out thise doses in any order you like (3 for breakfast, 2 for morning tea, 12 for lunch, etc etc).

Re: Starfaring Robes

Yeah, the independent space travel aspect would mostly be useful for being able to go somewhere and set up an area to teleport to later. Being able to use Temporal Stasis to prolong one's life could also be useful, though I can't think of a good specific strategy offhand.

Re: Cauldron of Plenty
Looks like either some kind of item of Enhance Water to make barely alcoholic kefir/smoothies or reliable access to Planar Binding for Djinni are the best ways to create food when simply filling a portable hole with it and teleporting or more mundane logistics would be insufficient.

MrCharisma wrote:
avr wrote:
And in order to earn all the RL money I could ever want, a cauldron of resurrection.
I can't think of anything worse for the world than this.

Well, to be fair, we can't take it for granted that we'd be able to find, create, or reproduce the necessary herbs in order to power a Cauldron of Resurrection without traveling well outside the scope of Earth.

It also won't bring people back who die of old age and it won't make people come back to life as young adults, so it can bring back people who died from accidents and prolong their lives but it won't allow for a rich upper class to become effectively immortal. There is definitely a lot of good and a lot of bad that could come from bringing back anyone who died as far back as 1889 (130 years ago), though. People would really freak out about it, though, either way.

For that kind of stuff an item of Cyclic Reincarnation or regular old Reincarnate would be necessary, since those will allow someone to come back to life in a younger body. Cyclic Reincarnation is less important if one has a Greater Hat of Disguise or other way to be able to spoof being a human when necessary, but it does conveniently allow people evading death by old age to impersonate their own heirs.

Speaking of which, provided a plan to avoid the attention of Inevitables/Psychopomps or to become powerful enough that they are irrelevant, access to Reincarnate combined with a loyal minion would be one way to get around the whole not being immortal thing.

880* Robe of infinite twine.
This can produce 45,872,640,000 feet of hemp rope per year.
Even at a dismal $.05/foot that gives $2,293,632,000/year.
This amount of money poured into the right places would easily change the world.

On a side note..
What prevents a PC from doing this?
At 1 gold/50 ft you can sell it at 1g per 100ft.. that's 458M gold in a year, or if you just had one of these robes 528K gold per year.

My new downtime profession is rope merchant.

So I believe I discovered a magic item to potentially rival the Decanter of Endless Water. The Replenishing Aquarium Ball. It's a 2-gallon, glass vessel that continually replenishes itself with clean water.

It doesn't say anything about the ball having to be closed at the time. Although it also doesn't specify a rate at which it does so. It should be fast enough that a creature wouldn't suffocate due to lack of water if it was placed inside of an empty ball.... if it can truly be emptied in the first place.

So, yeah, there are a lot of undefined portions of it, but the basic version is only 500 gp. Of course, if there were a way to manipulate what the fresh food was, then the Standard version at 2000 gp would be an infinite source of food, too.

*Thelith wrote:

880* Robe of infinite twine.

This can produce 45,872,640,000 feet of hemp rope per year.
Even at a dismal $.05/foot that gives $2,293,632,000/year.
This amount of money poured into the right places would easily change the world.

There's two big issues here. The first is the logistics of using the robes of infinite twine. Only the wearer can draw the rope out of it. So you'd need to bring in other people to wear the robes and pull the rope out. That alone introduces a lot of potential complications.

The second is the logistics of how much you could sell, where you could sell it, to whom you could sell it.

The item is certainly of potential interest, though. It is an infinite source of hemp fiber, which means it could possibly be re-purposed into hemp fabric, either through the magic of Fabricate or by using more mundane means to reclaim the fibers. IIRC there are even hemp-based plastics, which would open up all kinds of possibilities. Like spending 10 minutes pulling out hemp rope and then turning it into a hemp-plastic shed or the like, or creating a convenient, air-tight space to start filling with oxygen up on the moon.

*Thelith wrote:

On a side note..

What prevents a PC from doing this?
At 1 gold/50 ft you can sell it at 1g per 100ft.. that's 458M gold in a year, or if you just had one of these robes 528K gold per year.

My new downtime profession is rope merchant.

Finding a place to sell enough of it, mostly. Also the relatively inexpensive nature of the item means it is easy for GMs to just say that all serious rope manufacturers use Robes of Infinite Twine, further lowering demand for it.

Speaking of money-making, though...:
That reminds me that, even a 1st level adventurer can get their capitalism on thanks to the magic of both Wheat and Flour being trade goods and the humble Hand Rotary Quern.

In a mere hour, the user creates 16 copper pieces of value out of 8 copper pieces of value and can sell for full price. Even a Monk, on average, can afford to get several of them going, and have paid the cost of living necessary to have a house for them to work in while working on getting the Capital to build a proper sweatshop using Downtime.

Coidzor wrote:
For that kind of stuff an item of Cyclic Reincarnation or regular old Reincarnate would be necessary...

The regular Reincarnation table would be interesting in this context. I would probably go with Cyclic Reincarnation or Reincarnate Spy.

Valandil Ancalime wrote:
Coidzor wrote:
For that kind of stuff an item of Cyclic Reincarnation or regular old Reincarnate would be necessary...
The regular Reincarnation table would be interesting in this context. I would probably go with Cyclic Reincarnation or Reincarnate Spy.

You mean we can have Elf-Girls, Cat-Girls, and Fox-Girls on earth? Guess I won't need to get hit by a truck to get isekai'd after all! Sign me up!!!

Could you have an unseen servant wear and use the twine robes? Probably not. And the only other thing I can think of that summons a creature from an item permanently is "The Master's Name" and Pavbagha don't have hands and can't use body slot items.

Scarab Sages

Coidzor wrote:
MrCharisma wrote:

Re: Starfaring Robes.

For personal interstelar travel they're almost certainly the best option (only 85k? That's a steal!), but for group travel and colonization they don't really work =P Still a great find though. Remember there's a spell above Greater Teleport - Interplanetary Teleport.

Re: Cauldron of Plenty.
I agree with ErichAD - it's a maximum of 36 peopler per day, but you can dole out thise doses in any order you like (3 for breakfast, 2 for morning tea, 12 for lunch, etc etc).

Re: Starfaring Robes

Yeah, the independent space travel aspect would mostly be useful for being able to go somewhere and set up an area to teleport to later. Being able to use Temporal Stasis to prolong one's life could also be useful, though I can't think of a good specific strategy offhand.

Re: Cauldron of Plenty
Looks like either some kind of item of Enhance Water to make barely alcoholic kefir/smoothies or reliable access to Planar Binding for Djinni are the best ways to create food when simply filling a portable hole with it and teleporting or more mundane logistics would be insufficient.

MrCharisma wrote:
avr wrote:
And in order to earn all the RL money I could ever want, a cauldron of resurrection.
I can't think of anything worse for the world than this.

Well, to be fair, we can't take it for granted that we'd be able to find, create, or reproduce the necessary herbs in order to power a Cauldron of Resurrection without traveling well outside the scope of Earth.

It also won't bring people back who die of old age and it won't make people come back to life as young adults, so it can bring back people who died from accidents and prolong their lives but it won't allow for a rich upper class to become effectively immortal. There is definitely a lot of good and a lot of...

Hence my comments about learning magic vs getting magic items. Sure its less power/profit now but the long term gains are higher. Getting these items at all implies somewhere out there there is a world where adamantium/rare herbs/etc exist and you can get there via planeshift or maybe a higher level spell depending on your views of Pathfinder cosmology.

The ultimate goal would be replicate the book in neverwinter where you can write a brief, badly done story (There was treasure off the abandoned coast of the island), enter the book as its own seperate world and then bring items (treasure, what your after) out of it into the real world. As long as it obeys real world phsyics skies the limit (piles of treasure, magic items with no construction cost because they already exist, state of the art tv's/laptops/etc). Sure a GM wouldn't allow this in game because its broken but in real life its a demonstrated object that does work this way in the neverwinter PC game.

ErichAD wrote:
Could you have an unseen servant wear and use the twine robes? Probably not. And the only other thing I can think of that summons a creature from an item permanently is "The Master's Name" and Pavbagha don't have hands and can't use body slot items.

I don't see why not there's nothing in the rules I can think of that would prevent an unseen servant wearing the robe and making twine from it. They can perform any simple task and I would consider pulling twine from the robe counts as it doesn't require a use magic item check like wands do. However they only do this as long as you remain in range of them which is where the problem lies. There's no point having one using the robe over yourself if you still need to remain close by for them to do so.

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