You (in real life) gain 880,000 gp worth of gear from Pathfinder. What do you gain?

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So basically, you gain the gear of a 20th level Pathfinder character. You are otherwise as you normally are. You can get custom magic items, as long as it is rules legal.

Originally, I was going to answer a Quintessence Golem with the Shield Golem template, Construct Armor modification, and Self-Repair 4 times, with the remaining 2,500 gp just being that, 2,500 gp, but I decided, I don’t want to rule the world through violence, so I’ll just take a bunch of Cybertech. This would be a huge boost to modern technology, as now you can replace lost limbs with robot limbs, instead of (relative to Cybertech) cheap prosthetics.

Then just sell my stash to the best scientist for reverse engineering, with a contract that says I still get 50% of the money made from them, and I’m set for life.

I was just thinking about this. I was thinking in terms of an amulet or something that lets me cast Possess Object, then build a statue-construct to possess that was Size Colossal, maybe with some adamantine, mayb other things depending on the character.

But, oh, you mean in real life, like me, Scott Wilhelm, what would I do with all that wealth? I guess the answer to that would be to pay off old debts, adopt some children, start some academic enrichment programs for low-income people.

Let's see, 880,000gp X 1#/50gp X 16oz/# X $ 1,846.94/oz (according to Google) = $520,098,304, so 500million dollars and change. Yeah, I think that's about what I'd do. I would retain a lot of it in securities, take some vacations to cross things off my bucket list, etc.

I'm on board with Scott's take. But, as you asked specifically what gear we'd get, and I'm assuming the magic of items works, even if we aren't inherently magical, first thing I'd get would be something to let me plane shift back and forth between here, and somewhere magic is possible.

Establish necessary mutual aid contracts with someone/thing capable of recharging or replacing thins of limited use.

Invest whatever gold left in staves wands or rings that let me do things like, cure disease, build homes, force zones of peace so that folks have to try diplomacy.

If we can cross into techy worlds or other realms; go to the Star Trek Universe and get a road map to exactly how humanity gets to the point of solely merit based commerce and the eradication of poverty, hunger, and homelessness.

10 x ushabti of the willing spirit 39,000
1 x The Master's Name 25,000
1 x golden carriage of gaspar longfellow 114,000
1 x periapt of health 7,500
1 x chest of keeping 9,000
1 x quarterstaff of entwined serpents 5,050
1 x mantle of immortality 50,000
1 x Sihedron Ring 35,000
1 x Apprentice Cheating Gloves 2,200
1 x lyre of building
1 x +5 intelligence tome
1 x +6 intelligence headband with perform(string), diplomacy, sense motive

That makes a bit of a dent in that mess of money.

Taking Scott's conversion to $500 million to be reasonably accurate. You get the lifestyle of the super rich for about 10 years and then declare bankruptcy.

Look at the cost of a super yacht (with helicopter and in built toy garage) then look at the running costs with crew. Now add on the private jet, crew and running costs - not much change left

Alternatively, live on a 'mere' $20M a year (4% interest) and enjoy 1st class travel and 5 star accommodation all year round.

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Pure cash is wasteful.
The obvious choice would be something cheesy like Ring of Wishes 2/day, assuming they won't be corrupted on a regular basis. That's about 600k, which leaves a nice amount for various other things. What I would do with 2 wishes per day! Let's just say that world politics would get very interesting. Dark Side, here we come!

Ignoring that, how about:

Item of Mass Heal at will. 306 000 gp
A drop in the ocean for what humanity needs, but it salves the conscience a bit to be able to heal up about 100 people per round of any number of horrible afflictions. Once proper infrastructure is in place, this will reduce human suffering basically as fast as you can transport people to the site. When you could in ideal conditions heal over 1 million people per day...

Ring of Interplanetary Teleport at will 306 000 gp
Go anywhere in the universe. 'nuff said.

Spectacles of Understanding 3000 gp
I want to be able to read everything, especially untranslated languages like Linear A.

Amulet of Tongues 30 000 gp
Self explanatory.

If we allow spells from previous editions- Belt of Survival 1/day 61 000 gp
(Survival is a 9th level spell from BECMI which allows complete survival, protection from injury, and freedom of movement in any environment, such as the interior of a star or outside a pulsar, etc.)
I want to survive going anywhere in the universe, and Life Bubble just doesn't cut it.

That gets me about 700k on the way. I could probably think up some other lesser items for emergencies, like Cloak of Etherealness or certain potions, but this is the most important stuff.

Silver Crusade

A halfling feast for me and all of my LoTR fan friends.

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Because I'd start off wanting to be a spy but then also being able to go anywhere and be comfortable, while also being able to do good in the world, I'd go with something along the lines of:

Torc of Truespeech - 60,000 gp
Spectacles of Understanding - 3,000 gp
Hat of Infinite Disguises - 25,000 gp
Ring of Invisibility - 20,000 gp
Ring of Regeneration - 90,000 gp
Boots of Teleportation - 49,000 gp
Mantle of Immortality - 50,000 gp
Cloak of Etherealness - 55,000 gp
Headband of Mental Superiority +6 - 144,000 gp (know: engineering, diplomacy, sense motive)
Lyre of Building - 13,000 gp
Belt of Physical Perfection - 144,000 gp (because why not?)
Wings of Flying - 54,000
Eye Piercings (Major) - 32,000 gp
Necklace of Adaptation - 9,000 gp
Pearl of the Sirines - 15,300 gp
Sleeves of Many Garments - 200 gp
Apprentice's Cheating Gloves - 2,200 gp
Periapt of Health - 7,500 gp
Pressure Suit - 4,000 gp

And I'd still have 110,300 left over!

with my luck it would be 8,8000,000 torches...

..and then green-peace would riot for all the cut-down trees.

An infinite amount of quarterstaves (cost —). They could be used as a cheap energy source, as building material or to pull the universe together again, by their gravity.

Well, more seriously, maybe I'd take a lot of potions and gift some, keep some. Fox's cunning might be useful at work sometimes, while other spells would help people fighting desasters (haste, protection from fire, water walk). In medicine, cure spells, neutralize poison, remove blindness/deafness and remove disease would go a long way to assist.

And maybe I'd keep a luck blade for myself. Three wishes to change the fate of the world are good enough, I am not willing to carry the responsibility for everyone, all the time.

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Seriously these would do so much for the world.

First, the number one killer in third world countries is lack of access to clean drinking water. Specifically when diseases are present, if the only source of drinking water is diseased then you die. 97 of these wouldn't be enough to end the problem, but it would let medical aid fix the problem before outbreaks become epidemics, or reduce the impact of epidemics (obviously mostly only helps with water-born diseases, but it's still pretty huge).

The big thing though is that these are perpetual motion machines. There's so much that could be done with that, even in the hands of just a small handful of smart people (smarter than me) this would likely revolutionalise the world.

The only thing I've seen on this list so far that rivals perpetual motion is Bjørn Røyrvik's idea of a Ring of INTERPLANETARY TELEPORT (which he said was 306,000gp, meaning we could get 2 if we wanted to). Having the ability to teleport to other planets - or even Galaxies would ABSOLUTELY change the world. With 2 rings you could have 2 people teleport there, then 1 come back with both rings, meaning we could potentially colonize space. It sounds slow (1 person per day) but it'd be thousands of times faster and millions of times more efficient than anything we currently have.

So my money would be:
2 × Ring of Interplanetary Teleport (612,000gp)
29 × Decanter of Endless Water (261,000gp)

Leaving me 7,000gp for myself. Not sure what I'd do with that, but I'm sure I can find something fun - bag of tricks maybe?

MrCharisma wrote:

The only thing I've seen on this list so far that rivals perpetual motion is Bjørn Røyrvik's idea of a Ring of INTERPLANETARY TELEPORT (which he said was 306,000gp, meaning we could get 2 if we wanted to). Having the ability to teleport to other planets - or even Galaxies would ABSOLUTELY change the world. With 2 rings you could have 2 people teleport there, then 1 come back with both rings, meaning we could potentially colonize space. It sounds slow (1 person per day) but it'd be thousands of times faster and millions of times more efficient than anything we currently have.

It's better than that. IP works like Teleport so you can bring 5 people along and this cost is for an at-will item.

The problem with the Decanters is increased greenhouse effect and too much water on the planet. It would take some time but it would f#+% us over.

MrCharisma wrote:


Seriously these would do so much for the world.

Yeah, like flood it. It would be a very very slow process, but all that water you create is going into a closed system without things like magic or portals to other planes to reestablish equilibrium.

I'm not 100% convinced an at-will Interplanetary teleport item would be that cheap. Remember if there's a similar item you have to check that price first, and I feel like there are way-gates or something that would count for that.

However bringing 5 people along would make them waaay better, so it doesn't even matter if it is 1/day it's still the best thing ever.

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Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:
MrCharisma wrote:


Seriously these would do so much for the world.

Yeah, like flood it. It would be a very very slow process, but all that water you create is going into a closed system without things like magic or portals to other planes to reestablish equilibrium.

The earth actually picks up over 100 metric tonnes of space dust, meteors, etc per day (~40,000 tonnes per year). I don't think the Decanters will have much impact.

The earth is really big guys ... really really big.

Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:
MrCharisma wrote:


Seriously these would do so much for the world.

Yeah, like flood it. It would be a very very slow process, but all that water you create is going into a closed system without things like magic or portals to other planes to reestablish equilibrium.

This gets into chemistry way beyond my ken, but generically I know we can create water in laboratory settings. By extension, we should be able to break water down into its components. Collect and synthesize the carbon for building materials, use the hydrogen for fuels (?). Start massive rehousing and other construction projects. Build rockets, jettison our waste mass to the sun. Get really, really, really good mathematicians to figure out the correct global mass balances. If we can have a crud ton of magical goods function in our world, why can't we advance science, or pay to make mass produceable the science we already have?

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30 gallons/6 sec is about 19 litres/sec. 97 of them is less than 2 cubic metres per second. I mean that's a lot of water on a personal scale but it's nothing on a worldwide scale, either to solve problems or create them. The Earth is big, far bigger than those D&D worlds where a month's walk will cross a continent's largest dimension.

Even one would be fascinating for a spacecraft though.

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(Important parts in Bold so you can just read them if you like)

A single Decanter of Endless Water can put out 30 gallons per round, which comes to ... 1,038,822,985.06 litres per year (average factoring in leap years). If we assume 1 Litre is 1kg (which is close enough) that's ~1 million tonnes per year.

That's WAAY more than I thought!!

I guess I stand corrected. 97 million tonnes of water could kill us all.

Time for More Math!!

For reference:
The Earth is: ~5,973,600,000,000,000,000,000 Tonnes (almost 6 sextillion).
97 Decanters would add about: 100,000,000 Tonnes per year (100 million).
Also there are approx: 13,000,000,000,000 Tonnes of water on the earth already (13 Trillion).

For perspective, it would take around 1,000 times longer than the age of the universe to add 1% to the earth's mass, so the earth would be fine.

So I don't know how much effect it'll have on the earth - it's huge - but it might have an effect on us. It would take ~1,000 years to add ~1% to to mass of water on the earth, so flooding wouldn't really be the problem (unless you weren't careful with where that water ends up), but I don't know what effect that much water would have on the climate.

I'm not so sure those would do nothing on a global scale, as far as clean drinking water is concerned. It's a semi-artificial number, but even allowing for each human needing a half gallon of water per day (the old 8 glasses a day yarn), you're getting water for two every six seconds, 20 a minute, 1,200 an hour, 28,800 a day, x97 decanters = 2,793,600 million humans with water everyday. That number goes up if you multiply by however much I've over estimated on water needs per person.

I know that seems like a drop in the bucket compared to the worlds ~7,000,000,000. But, we do know that clean drinking water access isn't an issue for the entire world, just parts. Poverty and "third world" often go hand in hand, but not always. Those impoverished in developed nations around the world still have access to clean water. I don't think India or China count as 3rd world, at least not in their entireties, parts maybe. Considering those two nations account for ~3 billion people, plus the populations of all the other nations where clean water is definitively not an issue, how many people have this specific need?

The decanters don't fix the problem, but they definitely have an impact. You also have to allow again for the fact that we have the ability to purify water on this planet. The fact that we don't everywhere, has more to do with how we treat one and other as large groups. There are numerous factors involved, but if we could "just all play nice", we could have clean drinking water for everyone now. The next big hurdle is proximity and energy resources for the purification. The decanters fix that for the 97 most remote/needy locations.

Sorry, to math/science/sociology rant. Was a bug in my brain I had to chase down. I really like this thread and all of the posts so far. Sorry for any derail.

Oops. Ninja'd for way better math! I misread. Thought it was 1 gallon per round. 30/round makes this, so much better. I'd cheer "Ziggy, ziggy, ziggy!" but I can't remember if that's an Aussie or a Kiwi thing :p

Hmmm... I did a quick google search and apparently the melting ice caps are adding ~680,388,555,000 (680 billion) tonnes of water to the oceans every year already.

An extra 100 million tonnes per year certainly wouldn't make that better, but it's only adding ~0.016% more than the current amount, so it's not likely to be a game-changer.

OK I take it all back again (again again? I've lost track). Final verdict, I don't think it would have much impact.

What's it called when you thought you were Ninja'd, and then you realize the points of the posts were different?

I jumped the gun in my rush to call ninja'd. Good post by Mr. Charisma either way. I'm clearly more sleep deprived than I realized :p

Haha all good =)

Yeah I think 97 decanters (or even just 29 if we spend money on some Interplanetary Teleport rings) would have some significant impacts on certain releaf aids. It wouldn't be a catch-all (we'd need way more) but with targeted efforts it could make a huge difference.

A single Decanter and a dynamo is also a literally endless source of energy. This would also be a huge HUGE thing. Give a few to the right scientists and see if they can replicate them and we've solved the world's energy problems.

Finally the negatives. It took me over an hour (and 4 posts) but I don't think the negatives of the extra water on the earth would have any meaningful impact on the world. The Earth is just way bigger than we realise.

(Also, I'm Australian and I don't know Ziggy ... so I guess it's a NZ thing? Either that or I'm out of touch =P )

83,808,000 people with clean drinking water per day with the correct gallons per round. Starting to make a bigger, maybe even significant impact. Rotate who gets water on a three day cycle, giving folks time to properly boil/treat impure water sources on their "free" days, and you may be helping 251,424,000.

Quick google says ~790 million people globally lack access to clean water. So, approximately one in three people in need of clean water in the world would be getting help. That's pretty huge.

Find a way to finagle a deal with an extradimensional supplier and this problem could be licked. . . . . Oh, to dream.

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MrCharisma wrote:

No. Bad maths.

One decanter does about 19 litres/sec as I said (5 gallons/sec x 3.8 litres/gallon). There are 60*60*24*365.2425 or about 31 million seconds per year. That's about 600 000 000 litres/year or 600 000 tonnes of water/year. It sounds like a lot, but it'd irrigate maybe 16 square kilometres (4x4, not 16x16) of warm desert (~1 cm/day required) in the absence of rain.

There's a map here including current river flow measurements for NZ. 97 decanters comes to about 1/10 the current flow of the Hutt River at Taita Gorge. No, I don't expect you have any idea what that is, it's not one of the world's great rivers.

It was something I picked up at a Tae Kwon Do world camp 20 years ago. Those guys probably were Kiwis. The whole thing is a call and response. "Ziggy, Ziggy, Ziggy!" "Oi, Oi, Oi!"

I think it's a sports cheer, football (the world's not the U.S.) maybe? Could have also been a regional team thing.

MrCharisma wrote:

I'm not 100% convinced an at-will Interplanetary teleport item would be that cheap. Remember if there's a similar item you have to check that price first, and I feel like there are way-gates or something that would count for that.

Boots of Teleportation cost 49000 for Teleport 3/day, and the calculation gave me 48 600 ((spell level x caster level x 1800) x 3/5) for a command word activated item. I'm not sure where the last 400 gp came from, but I'd argue that it's close enough.

At will Interplanetary Teleport should be 9 x 17 x (1800 or 2000) making it 275 400 for a Command Word activated or 306 000 for for Use-activated or Continuous. I chose the latter initially because there may be situations where you can't speak a command word and still want to get somewhere.

I chose at-will rather than 1/day because pretty much everyhwere in the universe that isn't Earth is going to be immensely hostile, usually fatal in very little time, to us that even with protection, such as the aforementioned Survival spell, chances are you don't want to hang around for any length of time. Plus on a personal note, you could make a mint in quick transportation of high value low weight goods, could take friends and family out for a quick trip to anywhere in the world, and avoid so much travel time and transportation issues that there is little else that can compare for pure utility.

avr wrote:
MrCharisma wrote:

No. Bad maths.

One decanter does about 19 litres/sec as I said (5 gallons/sec x 3.8 litres/gallon). There are 60*60*24*365.2425 or about 31 million seconds per year. That's about 600 000 000 litres/year or 600 000 tonnes of water/year. It sounds like a lot, but it'd irrigate maybe 16 square kilometres (4x4, not 16x16) of warm desert (~1 cm/day required) in the absence of rain.

There's a map here including current river flow measurements for NZ. 97 decanters comes to about 1/10 the current flow of the Hutt River at Taita Gorge. No, I don't expect you have any idea what that is, it's not one of the world's great rivers.

Good catch on the math. Means the potential impact of the water volume is even less of a concern. He might know the river, he's from Australia. Neighbors so to speak. I'm not to proud of a Yank to concede that folks from other countries are usually better at geography beyond their borders than we are. I have no idea where that river is.

No offense to American geography buffs.

avr wrote:
MrCharisma wrote:

No. Bad maths.

One decanter does about 19 litres/sec as I said (5 gallons/sec x 3.8 litres/gallon). There are 60*60*24*365.2425 or about 31 million seconds per year. That's about 600 000 000 litres/year or 600 000 tonnes of water/year. It sounds like a lot, but it'd irrigate maybe 16 square kilometres (4x4, not 16x16) of warm desert (~1 cm/day required) in the absence of rain.

There's a map here including current river flow measurements for NZ. 97 decanters comes to about 1/10 the current flow of the Hutt River at Taita Gorge. No, I don't expect you have any idea what that is, it's not one of the world's great rivers.

My maths went like this:

30 gallons per round, 10 rounds per minute, 60 minutes per hour, 24 hours per day, 365.25 days per year.

30 × 10 × 60 × 24 × 365.25 = 157,788,000 galons per year.

According to google that's 597292554.574 Litres, or ~597,292 tonnes (assuming 1 Litre = 1 KG).

Hmmm... don't know where I went wrong before, but you're right (it's always good for someone to check your maths).

So the benefits of the Decanters would he about half what we thought (which is sad), but the risk of flooding and/or climate change etc is only half what I thought, and it was already pretty negligable.

The "100 million tonnes" number was assuming 97 Decanters, and was rounding up to 100. I guess it's more like 60 million.

EDIT: Also no, I don't know that river at all =P

Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
MrCharisma wrote:

I'm not 100% convinced an at-will Interplanetary teleport item would be that cheap. Remember if there's a similar item you have to check that price first, and I feel like there are way-gates or something that would count for that.

Boots of Teleportation cost 49000 for Teleport 3/day, and the calculation gave me 48 600 ((spell level x caster level x 1800) x 3/5) for a command word activated item. I'm not sure where the last 400 gp came from, but I'd argue that it's close enough.

At will Interplanetary Teleport should be 9 x 17 x (1800 or 2000) making it 275 400 for a Command Word activated or 306 000 for for Use-activated or Continuous. I chose the latter initially because there may be situations where you can't speak a command word and still want to get somewhere.

The first rule of magic item crafting is to find a similar item. Boots of Teleportation are a good start, the only other item I could find with anything useful is the WAYFINDER OF THE STARS. It's a 1/day Interplanetary Teleport, but is keyed to 13 planets, so not as useful for galactic exploration.

It's midnight here now and my google-fu is failing me so I'm gonna go to bed, but how does that compare as a 1/day interplanetary teleport item vs your at-will item?

Of course the water problem in the Earth Campaign is not how much water is there but the way that water is distributed and shared. The technology for desalinating and distributing potable water all over the world already exists, although the infrastructure doesn't in most places and neither does the political will.

To invest my 880,000gp in magic items that will enable me to help all the people in the Earth Campaign, I guess I would need magic items that grant political power. A Mask of the Stony Demeanor, a Medallion of Thoughts, and a Hat of Disguise would be a good start: make it so I could appear to be anybody I wanted to be and everyone would believe every lie I told, and I always knew which lies to tell.

A Lyre of Building to get those infrastructure projects done myself. Couldn't be a lyre though, I am the least musically-talented person you would ever know. Now that I think of it, though, I know a professional guitarist with visions of changing the world with his music, and a Lyre of Building to him would be the best gift ever. I guess I should get a Necklace of Friends to I could summon the right people to the hotspots I travel to.

With a Necklace of Adaptation, a Broom of Flying and like a Ring of Invisbility, and maybe something to make me inaudible and inosmible, I could go just about anywhere in the world, into outer space, on the bottom of the ocean, sit in on high-level meetings or in the next room and read minds through the wall. Being invisible and reading minds would probably give me every password and PIN I ever wanted.

I'd like to think I'd use all my powers for good.

So uh, since you guys are doing the math, how long would it take the 97 Decanters of Endless Water to fill up the Grand Canyon in the US, or, if there is a bigger hole somewhere on Earth, that hole instead?

Reksew_Trebla wrote:
So uh, since you guys are doing the math, how long would it take the 97 Decanters of Endless Water to fill up the Grand Canyon in the US, or, if there is a bigger hole somewhere on Earth, that hole instead?

Grand Canyon: 1 Decanter could do it in around 7 million years, 97 Decanters could do it in a mere ~72,000 years (and I guess if we got the Interplanetary Teleport Rings and only had enough for 29 Decanters it'd take ~240,000 years)

MrCharisma wrote:

The first rule of magic item crafting is to find a similar item. Boots of Teleportation are a good start, the only other item I could find with anything useful is the WAYFINDER OF THE STARS. It's a 1/day Interplanetary Teleport, but is keyed to 13 planets, so not as useful for galactic exploration.

It's midnight here now and my google-fu is failing me so I'm gonna go to bed, but how does that compare as a 1/day interplanetary teleport item vs your at-will item?

Once per day should be 55 080 gp ((17x9x1800)/5). The Wayfinder of the Stars is 70 200 but I can't figure out how they calculated the cost for this. I get it to be 66380. 55080 + 500 for base Wayfinder + (2x3+1800 = 10800)for Locate Object at will on command.

Any multipliers I add to the calculations to adjust for similar or different abilities or increased caster level or whatever still don't add up to 70200, so either I'm missing something (not unlikely) or the initial calculation was off (wouldn't be the first time).

Well the Wayfinder of the Stars is a slotless item, and also functions as a Wayfinder, so it would throw things off a bit anyway.

After reading it back I think I'm overvaluing Interplanetary Teleport a bit - or undervaluing gold. While 300,000gp doesn't seem like much for an item that allows a civilization eto colonize the stars, it's still ~1/3 of the wealth of an almost-deific being.

So you're probably right about it's cost, or close enough that it doesn't matter.

Colonists can only bring with them what they can carry, which will put a crimp in the colonization plans unless you have some nifty von Neumann machines...which you could probably make with the rest of the gold.

Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
MrCharisma wrote:

The only thing I've seen on this list so far that rivals perpetual motion is Bjørn Røyrvik's idea of a Ring of INTERPLANETARY TELEPORT (which he said was 306,000gp, meaning we could get 2 if we wanted to). Having the ability to teleport to other planets - or even Galaxies would ABSOLUTELY change the world. With 2 rings you could have 2 people teleport there, then 1 come back with both rings, meaning we could potentially colonize space. It sounds slow (1 person per day) but it'd be thousands of times faster and millions of times more efficient than anything we currently have.

It's better than that. IP works like Teleport so you can bring 5 people along and this cost is for an at-will item.

The problem with the Decanters is increased greenhouse effect and too much water on the planet. It would take some time but it would f&!! us over.

No greenhouse problems, but it would in time raise the ocean level as all that water has to go somewhere.

I mean, we couldn't take any heavy machinery, but considering we could transport ~20 people per minute (assuming it's still at-will) we could get construction crews there and build it all pretty quickly. Oh ~40/minute with 2 rings, my bad.

I guess we could also skip a few Decanters and tske some Bags of Holding instesd too ... are there other items that are more efficient than bags of holding?

MrCharisma wrote:

Time for More Math!!

For reference:
The Earth is: ~5,973,600,000,000,000,000,000 Tonnes (almost 6 sextillion).
97 Decanters would add about: 100,000,000 Tonnes per year (100 million).
Also there are approx: 13,000,000,000,000 Tonnes of water on the earth already (13 Trillion).

For perspective, it would take around 1,000 times longer than the age of the universe to add 1% to the earth's mass, so the earth would be fine.

So I don't know how much effect it'll have on the earth - it's huge - but it might have an effect on us. It would take ~1,000 years to add ~1% to to mass of water on the earth, so flooding wouldn't really be the problem (unless you weren't careful with where that water ends up), but I don't know what effect that much water would have on the climate.

Rough calculation: The average depth of the ocean is 12,100 feet. Adding 1% thus raises the sea level by about 121 feet (not counting the effects of flooding land). Thus 1.4 inches/year--about 10x as fast as what global warming is doing to us. About 25,000 years to Waterworld.

However, I don't think it's an issue. They haven't flooded the worlds they're already on, thus I think they must function by drawing upon the world's oceans, not bringing water in from outside.

Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
MrCharisma wrote:

I'm not 100% convinced an at-will Interplanetary teleport item would be that cheap. Remember if there's a similar item you have to check that price first, and I feel like there are way-gates or something that would count for that.

Boots of Teleportation cost 49000 for Teleport 3/day, and the calculation gave me 48 600 ((spell level x caster level x 1800) x 3/5) for a command word activated item. I'm not sure where the last 400 gp came from, but I'd argue that it's close enough.

At will Interplanetary Teleport should be 9 x 17 x (1800 or 2000) making it 275 400 for a Command Word activated or 306 000 for for Use-activated or Continuous. I chose the latter initially because there may be situations where you can't speak a command word and still want to get somewhere.

I chose at-will rather than 1/day because pretty much everyhwere in the universe that isn't Earth is going to be immensely hostile, usually fatal in very little time, to us that even with protection, such as the aforementioned Survival spell, chances are you don't want to hang around for any length of time. Plus on a personal note, you could make a mint in quick transportation of high value low weight goods, could take friends and family out for a quick trip to anywhere in the world, and avoid so much travel time and transportation issues that there is little else that can compare for pure utility.

Doing it at-will is total overkill. If the world is lethal to you there's no issue of hanging around--the spell simply fails. One/day is fine, thus 55k. You only need one. Note that this is a major money-maker: Walk into NASA and make them an offer: For a spacesuit with 30 hours of life support endurance + 100 million dollars you will take 5 astronauts (with the same suits) on a one-day jaunt to the moon. (Since you're properly suited the environment isn't hazardous to you, the spell works.)

You can then repeat this for Mercury (the spell will ensure you arrive on the night side at a suitable time after sunset for the environment to be safe), Mars as well as any asteroid they may wish to visit.

With some suit upgrades Pluto and Titan are also in reach, as are any Oort cloud bodies that have been identified. Venus and the gas giants can't be reached, I don't know about the other moons. (I know Jupiter's inner moons are bathed in very lethal radiation, I don't know the radiation levels on the other moons. I included Titan because it's atmosphere is thick enough to provide shielding even if the surrounding environment is lethal.)

To expand upon the value add a portable hole. Now you can transport a lot of stuff per jump, extended life support, rovers or the like. NASA wouldn't like the random arrival points but would no doubt still pay 9 figures for placing rovers without weight limits on the surface.

Now you want one more item--plane shift 1/day. Use some of that money (converted to gems/precious metals) to go to a Pathfinder world and buy more magical items. (Do not bring anything technological--you don't want someone using some divination magic to find Earth!)

Also, if you're going to be jaunting around on airless worlds you want something that can cure cancer as you're going to be picking up extra rads.

For comfort's sake you also want items that can remove the life support needs which will give you vastly greater mobility. I'm not sure if there's anything that can sustain you without a suit, though. Likewise, nothing comes to mind to deal with waste disposal--you're going to have to contend with low-residue diets + drugs to cause constipation. (Wearing a full diaper for a day is going to cause issues, especially if you are female.) Those can wait for a trip back to a Pathfinder world, though, they don't need to be part of the initial items.

Loren Pechtel wrote:

Rough calculation: The average depth of the ocean is 12,100 feet. Adding 1% thus raises the sea level by about 121 feet (not counting the effects of flooding land). Thus 1.4 inches/year--about 10x as fast as what global warming is doing to us. About 25,000 years to Waterworld.

However, I don't think it's an issue. They haven't flooded the worlds they're already on, thus I think they must function by drawing upon the world's oceans, not bringing water in from outside.

I don't think that part of Mr Charisma's maths is right either. The surface area of the Earth is 510 million square km of which 71% is water. One cm of water over that area is 510 000 000 x 0.71 x 10 000 = 3.6 trillion tonnes. At 600 000 tonnes/year that's 6 million years of output from 97 decanters. You're not getting a noticeable amount of sea level rise in less time than it took for us to evolve from rats in the shadow of the dinosaurs.

Edit: found the mistake in his post. There are about 10 to the 18th power tonnes of water on Earth, not mere trillions.

For things like the existing water on earth and the mass of the earth I just googled them, so I don't really know how accurate they are.

The one I just googled says: 1.35 x 10^18 = 1,350,000,000,000,000,000 = ~1.3 Quintillion, so yeah if this one's correct I was off by a factor of about 100 thousand.

So instead of 25,000 years to Waterworld it's more like 2,500,000,000 (2.5 Billion) years to Waterworld. I'm ok with that.

And yeah it might be worth checking some of those numbers. Avr already found some mistakes in my calculations (tired brain can't count) and my sources weren't exactly reliable (1st answer on google).

I think we're at the point where we can assume the difference doesn't matter all that much though. If we flood the earth in 2 million years instead of 2 billion then we've still got time. Those calculations were for 97 decanters, with ~29 of them it's more like 6 million years. 6 million years ago is about when we decided we wanted to break up with the chimpanzees, so ... we could evolve webbed feat and floaties by then and won't mind Waterworld.

I always liked that movie, and that idea. Does anyone else thing it would be cool to go swimming through a whole undersea city, or just one really big flooded mega mall?

First off, thanks to everyone who disproved my flooding claim with the numbers to back it up.

MrCharisma wrote:
I guess we could also skip a few Decanters and tske some Bags of Holding instesd too ... are there other items that are more efficient than bags of holding?

Portable holes are a 6' diameter (3' radius) x 10' deep cylinder, or ~282.74 cubic feet with no weight limit and have no notable weight for the item itself. A bag of holding type IV has 250 cubic feet of space but a weight limit of 1500lbs and weighs 60lbs. Running the numbers, anything with a density of 6lbs/ft^3 (96.11 kg/m^3) will hit the weight limit before the volume limit. This is over 10 times less dense than water, so there are very few materials that would be more efficiently transported with a BoH than a PH.

EDIT: Even taking in to account that you can have 2 type IV bags for the price of a single portable hole, the latter is still a more efficient transportation device.

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From most to least efficient,

Bag of holding (giant) VI: 4000 lb./15 000 gp, but it weighs 150 lb.
Floating sail (smallest): 800 lb./5000 gp, but you have to tow it or something.
Handy haversack: 120 lb./2000 gp, but the volume limits are strict. Easy to get things out tho'.
Minor bag of holding: 50 lb./1000 gp
Bag of holding IV: 250 lb./10 000 gp, but it weighs 60 lb.

And these which are hard to place.

Captain's locker: 250 lb./30 000 gp, weighs 150 lb. and also increases cargo capacity of the hold it's placed in by 50%
Portable hole: 20 000 gp, carries a few tonnes of water, more of gold, less of pillows.
Well of the welcome respite: access to your home, 122 000 gp

But really you're going to be a member of the 0.01% here, you can just pay someone to carry your bags if you're not going to Mars or something.

We could also get a few HEAVYLOAD BELTS and just hire some buff guys to do some transporting.

The portable hole is great for really heavy materials, but all the interdimensional carry-space items have space restrictions as well as weight. A few strong men and women with magic belts could lift a car as they're being teleported and then you have a car.

Honestly a mix of all these options is probably a good idea.

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Sysryke wrote:
I always liked that movie, and that idea. Does anyone else thing it would be cool to go swimming through a whole undersea city, or just one really big flooded mega mall?

I feel like I've played that in a computer game of some sort ... maaybe I'm just thinking of Assassins Creed Black Flag (it had underwater sections that kinda felt like that) but I have a vague memory of swimming through a mall in a game.

Anyway yeah I loved that movie. Teaches kids the dangers of smoking - almost as well as Constantine.

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