WagnerSika |
Adventure finder shows 2 modules for level 20. But if you look at level 17 or 18 there are some last books of adventure paths that might have level 20 content.
avr |
Don't mean to hijack, but it feels linked to your original question. Does Pathfinder have mechanics/or progressions like Epic levels (21-30 or 40) like D&D?
There's a few off-the-cuff suggestions, but no attempt at something like the ELH. Of course there's fan-made conversions of the latter to PF.
Firebug |
Do you know of any really great ones published by Paizo or 3pp?
My group has taken our PFS characters to the maximum we can (lvl 19, but we punch above our weight) and I’m thinking it would be nice to have a last hoorah, even if it’s not society based play.
For PFS, if you haven't done the Race for the Runecarved Key special, it has a 12+ tier. Meaning, if you were 19 2/3rds, you can run that as your last chronicle to have an official PFS level 20. Though there wasn't anything to do at 20.
Firebug |
Don't mean to hijack, but it feels linked to your original question. Does Pathfinder have mechanics/or progressions like Epic levels (21-30 or 40) like D&D?
Arguably, the mythic progression is similar to epic. But its like a parallel track that you can advance on. Like Mythic 5, level 15. I think Mythic 10 was the max on that though. So effectively level 30?
SheepishEidolon |
Sysryke wrote:Don't mean to hijack, but it feels linked to your original question. Does Pathfinder have mechanics/or progressions like Epic levels (21-30 or 40) like D&D?There's a few off-the-cuff suggestions, but no attempt at something like the ELH.
I found the suggestions in the CRB to be a good fit for my group (currently level 20). Halved level speed (they need to double total XP for next level) is great when they tend to blow through encounters and you don't want to give out levels like candy.
To make it more than just a numerical boost, I plan to give them an alternate capstone (from Chronicle of Legends) at each level after 20th. So they have still some exciting to look for, and the bonuses are not that strong in comparison to the encounters. However, I felt I had to halve the +8 to ability score(s) to make the decision actually interesting. This nerf worked out well - at level 20 one of my players tinkered quite a while before he came up with his choice.
And the (potential) 9th-level SLA for the familiar might also need a rework, if you don't want a free wish / miracle per day.
PFRPGrognard |
There are a few epic level adventures in Dungeon magazine. Most high-level adventures start at lvl 18 and go to 20, so you don't want to look for adventures starting at level 20, but rather level 18 and then adjust your CR accordingly.
The Moonscar. Coliseum Morpheum. Orcus on 34th Level. From 3.5 - the Red Hand of Doom by James Jacobs.
Jason Nelson Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games |
I'm proud to present To Kill a Star from Legendary Games.
It is the culmination of the Legendary Planet Adventure Path, but it also takes place off-world as the machinations of a sinister psychic race, so you could fairly easily set up a scenario where they discover that all of their adventures and all of the disasters they've had to thwart have been orchestrated by these aliens trying to take over the world (and many others besides), but they discover a mysterious gateway they used to escape when the PCs got too close. Now at last your heroes can turn the tables and end their threat once and for all!