Reign of Winter Adventure Path - Roll20 Online (Inactive)

Game Master Chad Newman

Greets and good day gentlefolk,

I am currently in the process of ramping up for a weekly online gaming session that will be playing through the Reign of Winter Adventure Path and am looking for players interested in joining in the fun. This will be a weekly get together using as the gaming medium with Teamspeak for voice chat. We will not be using the voice/video in Roll20 as it can slow down the game. I am looking for a solid group of gamers who would like to play through the adventure path as a group. I will be giving PFS credit for this AP so you will have a number of chronicle credits applied to a PFS character of your choice.

How will the game be played?

- Weekly session, Teamspeak for voice, plus some PbP between sessions when we stop at areas that allow for some additional role play opportunities between games.

- Character management will be handled between gaming sessions via forum posts. Buying/selling/leveling and so forth will be handled outside of the gaming session to provide for more time actually gaming.

- I will select 6 players for the game. The reason for 6 is in case we have one or two "no shows" we should still be able to play.

- Players will be issued a PFS chronicle sheet for each part of the adventure path that is approved for PFS play. They will be able to apply this sheet to any PFS character they have, given some limitations that will be discussed after player selection.

- EXP will be given each session. If you miss a session you don't get the EXP. If you miss three sessions you will be replaced.

- I will keep contact information for all applicants in the event that we need to replace someone.

When will the game be played?

- The game will play Sunday evening at 5pm EST till 9pm EST. I may consider running this on Tuesday or Wednesday nights, depending on what works best for those selected.

- Playing in this game should be considered to be the same commitment as if you were playing in a weekly tabletop game with local friends. I'd like to see the same group finish the AP that starts it, but I have grown to understand that sometimes you cannot get the same level of commitment from online players. You can be assured you will have a solid level of it from me.

What are the character build rules?

- Characters should be built using point-buy rules with 20 points. Any content in the Core (Hardcover) Rulebooks is allowed, with the exception of non-standard races. Any non-standard races will be considered but must have a very good back story and concept. Core races and classes will be given more consideration over non-core.

- Content outside of the core rulebooks is allowed pending GM approval. All content must be PFS legal.

- All characters must be of a good or neutral alignment, and Chaotic Neutral will not be allowed. You are heroes, not psychopaths.

- Players will start with the average starting wealth for their class.

- Characters will start with two traits. One must be from the Reign of Winter Player's Guide.

- All characters must include a background that gives them a reason to be in the starting city of Heldren for the adventure. They can be a resident, traveler, etc. but there should be a reason for them to be there and want to help.

I will be looking at applications for about a week or so, with my final decision coming sometime shortly after that. Once the group has been formed we will finalize the start date and get things scheduled.

How to apply

- Either create an alias with your character, post your character in this thread as a "spoiler" so it doesn't create too much spam, or message your character details to me on these forums.

- Make sure to include your background, description, general mannerisms, and so forth along with your submission.

- Let me know the days that work best for you (Sunday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, 5pm to 9pm EST. Also open to starting at 6pm if enough need it to be a little later).


Dotting. I haven't played in a Society game in over a year, and really don't plan on taking it up again, is this going to be an issue?

AdamWarnock wrote:
Dotting. I haven't played in a Society game in over a year, and really don't plan on taking it up again, is this going to be an issue?

Nope. Its more of a bonus for those who do play PFS more than anything.

Ah, okay. I'll have a character up latter today. I'm in Alabama, so your schedule is going to be perfect for me.

Scarab Sages

I have a group of three, sadly we can only meet every other week and on Monday evenings :*(

Liberty's Edge

I'd like to submit this character, I need to swap out a trait, since this was created for a First Steps Campaign that died in the first encounter due to GM closing the game.

I'll work up more back story and mannerisms and post in the alias later today. I'll make sure to post in the thread to let you know when the character is done.

I've actually subscribed to Roll20 and am looking to take a group of friends through Runelords, so this will be an awesome opportunity to see how it works from the character side.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Saw your post on roll20 and posted a reply there. Will do so here as well. I would be interested in playing this, though only if it was on Wednesdays (got a game on Sundays and a game on Tuesdays). Was thinking of a sorcerer of some sort, though not sure about the race.

In a way, I don't want to put too much detail into a character concept in case it would be played on Sun or Tues, but then I probably wouldn't be chosen as a player.

Sunday is the only one I can do. The earliest in the evening I can get to my computer is 6:00pm CST on weekdays.

Liberty's Edge

My alias has been updated with all my changes. In addition, I would prefer Sunday, as I won't be able to get online until at least 6PM Central for the foreseeable future.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Looks like you have 2 people interested who can only make Sundays, so I will go ahead and withdraw my name from this. Good luck and hope you guys have some fun.

Liberty's Edge

I'd actually like to withdraw my submission. That gives you some more flexibility on players, which might mean Adjule can come back in.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

That's completely up to the DM on that one. Reason I said I would withdraw was 2 people said they could only make Sunday, while I was the only one (that I know of) that could only make a Wednesday. And Captain Trips did mention Sunday first, which I assume would be his ideal day. If he dropped it back to 3-7pm eastern, then I could make it on Sundays (my Second Darkness game starts at 7), but I don't know if that would be feasible for him.

I can do Sundays at 3pm EST (That's 2pm for me.)

This is definitely something I am interested in and the time slot is perfect. I don't really know too much about PFS and what that entails, but let me know if there's a slot left. I've been DMing a lot as of late and want to get back to playing a PC!

I am very interested in the reign of winter path, and the idea of a regular session through roll20 intrigues me as a RL game I have been involved in is likely going to be moving into the realm of a virtual tabletop.

I will be developing a character for posting. I am available on sundays evenings, but would prefer a weeknight.

What are the character types that have been proposed? I am experienced will all class types, and a well balanced party is very important.

I'm interested in playing on roll20 as I don't have a f2f gaming group to meet with. My problem is that I'm generally not available until around 7pm CST. That's 8pm EST so quite a bit later than the OP. If the group decides to make the session a bit later I'd love to join.

As of right now there are a number of people who have posted but I don't have any firm characters submitted yet, so I really can't provide any details as to the character types.

I won't be able to start at 8pm unfortunately. I live in the EST time zone and I am a working stiff, so gaming until midnight is not something I'm willing to do.

As of right now it looks like the schedule is going to be every other Monday, from either 5pm or 6pm EST to 10-11pm EST. The times have yet to be properly firmed up.

In that case I'm afraid I'm going to have to withdraw. Good luck and I hop everything goes alright for you.

I can easily do monday during those times. 6 pm would be a little easier for me to manage as I am central, but I can pull off 5pm EST because my employer is really flexible.

Am I correct in assuming since all paizo is valid that you have no problem with gunslingers?

No problem with gunslingers at all, but you might not find much along the course of the adventure. Anything PFS legal is legal, pending final GM approval of course.

is this going to be a PFS game? or are we just keeping it PFS legal?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I believe just Pathfinder legal.

As for me. Every other Monday works for me. I was thinking of a half-orc or half-elf, possibly try out the paladin class finally.

So, given that most adventure paths have little to no gunslinger support, I will propose a ranged fighter and/or sniper rogue :)

Profile to follow shortly.

Guthrik Hreggsen, Ulfen cleric of Gozreh reporting for consideration. I'm one of the crew Dak mentioned. Character details in my profile.

No avatar picture yet as the website doesn't seem to think that should work just now :)

Every other Monday is great for me. I present to you Khahil, the Garundi-Keleshite freed eunuch from Katheer.

Khahil (Ka-HEEL) is a freed eunuch from Katheer. The offspring of a travelling Garundi armor merchant who was a giant of a man and a Keleshite harem girl, he was raised by Shahara, the handmaiden of the harem owner, Xazke. He adopted the frame of his father, but maintained the slim build of his mother. Despite his somewhat lanky manner, as Khahil came of age his combat prowess did not go unnoticed and he was eventually assigned duty as an eunuch.

Roughly two months ago Xazke died of natural causes. While she had many husbands throughout her life, unfortunately they only bore her sons. As is the norm in Katheer, she viewed males as a lesser form of the human race, so in her final act of spite she decreed that upon her death, all of her lands and holdings be sold at auction and her slaves set free.

With no family ties or friends to speak of, Khahil quickly realized that he had become an outcast in the only city he had ever known. Driven by a desire to carve out a place for himself, he wandered north travelling from village to village picking up the odd mercenary or escort job to survive. A freak snow storm hit while he was in the small town of Heldren on the Western edge of the Border Wood. After recovering from the initial system shock due to the frigid temperatures, he quickly found the nearest outfitter and spent what little money he had on an outfit suitable to withstand the harsh cold. He currently resides in a small room at the Silver Stoat where he hopes the storm will pass.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Yeah, gonna have to bow out as I can't think of a good enough background.

The Exchange

I made an avatar for my character to make life easier for you. :)

I present Jarek. He is a naive young Andoran who thought he was joining a neighborhood watch. Why then was he to warn his new friends when the city watch was coming? When the lies were finally exposed, he was already an accessory to over a dozen burglaries and fourteen muggings. Realizing that he too would be punished if he went to the city guard, he took his meager savings and signed on as a guard with the first caravan leaving town. Being a guard has led him here, and he seeks a more fulfilling life.

Jarek is a quiet man, prone to trusting too easily. He is a very loyal friend, but if a friend betrays him, he holds a grudge like no other.

Just curious is this is still in the offing?

Still recruiting?

The Exchange

I'm also curious as to if this campaign is still happening. I've had a very hard time finding an online game that fits my schedule and isn't a PbP, so I'm hoping this thing is happening. :)

Yes, and I'm finalizing everything today. I was out last week and had limited access to what I needed for this, so I'm running a week behind. I'll post the final info here and reach out to everyone today.

GM Captain Trips wrote:
Chaotic Neutral will not be allowed. You are heroes, not psychopaths.

It is so sad how many people make such impression of CN.

I'd like to drop an application by 5:30 eastern time today if recruitment is still open. And if so Sunday is my best da, though Monday is quite workable.

Recruitment for this has been closed.

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