
Guthrik Hreggsen's page

1 post. Alias of Bali.

Full Name

Guthrik Hreggsen


Human (Ulfen)


Cleric 1




M (6'2" / 235lbs)










Common, Skald



Strength 14
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 16
Charisma 13

About Guthrik Hreggsen

PFS Number: # 79960
XP: 0
Init. +2; Perception +3
Speed 20'
AC 18, touch 12, flat footed 16
HP: 13/13
Fort: +4, (+2 base, +1 Con, +1 Trait)
Ref: +2, (+0 base, +2 Dex)
Will +5, (+2 base, +3 Wis)
CMD 14
BAB: +0; CMB 2
Melee: +2
Main - Cold Iron Trident, 1d8+2 (x2), Brace
Club - 1d6+2 (x2)
Dagger - 1d4+2 (19-20/x2)
Ranged: +2
Sling - 1d4+2 (x2), 50' range
Dagger - 1d4+2 (19-20/x2) 10' range
Trident - 1d8+2 (x2) 10' range
Club - 1d6+2 (x2) 10' range


Aura (none Neutral)
Channel Energy 4/day 1d6 DC=11
Domains :
Surge - 6/day - As a standard action cause a wave to appear which can push or pull a creature. Bull rush or Drag with a CMB of Cleric level + Wis (+4)
Storm Burst - 6/day - Ranged touch attack with a 30' range. 1d6 nonlethal damage, -2 to attack rolls for 1 round.


Detect Magic

Magic Weapon
Obscuring Mist


Scribe Scroll


Northern Ancestry : +1 to Fort saves, Cold Resist:2
Warded against Witches : +1 save against spells, spell-like abilities and supernatural abilities of evil arcane spellcasters. +1 trait bonus on Spellcraft checks to identify spells cast by evil arcane spellcasters.


Armor check penalty (w/ Buckler) -5 included below

Acrobatics : -3
Appraise : 0
Bluff : +1
Climb : -3
Diplomacy : +1
Disable Device : -
Disguise : +1
Escape Artist : -3
Fly : -3
Handle Animal : -
Heal : +7
Intimidate : +1
K-Arcana : -
K-Dungeoneering : -
K-Engineering : -
K-Geography : -
K-History : -
K-Local : -
K-Nature : -
K-Nobility : -
K-Planes : -
K-Religion : +4
Linguistics : -
Perception : +3
Perform : +1
Profession : -
Ride : -3
Sense Motive : +3
Sleight of Hand : -
Spellcraft : +4
Stealth : -3
Survival : +3
Swim : -3
Use Magic Device : -


Cold Iron Trident - 4 lbs
Dagger - 1 lbs
Club - 3 lbs
Sling w/10 stones - 5 lbs
Scale mail Armor - 30 lbs
Buckler - 5 lbs

Backpack - 2 lbs
Torch x2 - 2 lbs
Silk Rope (50') - 5 lbs
Water skin - 4 lbs
Rations x3 - 1.5 lbs
Bedroll - 5 lbs

Belt Pouch - .5 lbs
Chalk x5
Flint & Steel
String (50')
Fish hooks x3

Holy Symbol (wooden)
Scroll Case - .5 lbs

Spell component pouch - 2 lbs

Cold Weather Outfit - 7 lbs

8gp, 5sp, 4cp

Total weight : 98.5 lbs (medium load)


Guthrik is a tall and broad man of the North with a long flowing beard and hair. Braided in Ulfen style strands of seaweed and shells have been woven in displaying his faith in the sea god. His face is weather worn and emotion seems to rumble across it like the storm fronts his grey eyes resemble. His chest is covered with gleaming scale mail that mimics the look of a silver fish and his buckler is decorated with wavy lines that call the sea to mind. He wears a sea green sash about his waist over leather breeches. In his right hand he carries a dark iron trident that matches the holy symbol about his neck.

Overall his gear is functional and cared for though with the exception of his weapons and armor it is universally worn by sea and sun. He walks with the gait of a sailor and the smell of the open ocean always seems to surround him.


Guthrik was born to a family of fisherfolk and lived near Halgrim in the Iron Islands. There he lived off the sea and grew up enraptured by the stories of Ulfen raiders. The only thing that called to him more than the longboats was the ocean itself and the great storms that would course over it. When he came of age he walked into the sea during a mighty squall and dedicated himself to Gozreh. Armed with the strength gained from a childhood of working nets and oars as well as his faith he then joined a raider crew and set off to find his fortune.

As the years passed he moved between various ships, his god granted powers always welcome among sailors far from home. Fate eventually brought him to the crew of the White Wench, a longship of some local renown at the time. The captain was fixated on the idea of raiding Irrisen and took his crew up the Rimeflow river with plans to attack Skrata. The ship made it to town but the ill planned venture cost many their lives with little gain made. In the end the ship limped back home with the crew feeling lucky to have survived. While an unimportant attack in the grand scheme of things it was the first time Guthrik was attacked by the White Witches form of magic. Where others were struck down he found that Gozrehs blessings shielded him.

With the failed attack behind him Guthrik waited out the winter looking forward to the next raiding season. This time he joined a ship destined for the Inner Sea, a body of water he had yet to travel. The venture met with some success raiding various coasts before putting in at Absalom for supplies. There he heard rumors of unnatural winter storms appearing throughout the land. Believing such events to be a sign from his god he left the Ulfen crew and took a ship to southern Taldor. This morning he has finally reached the town of Heldren, said to be located near one such disturbance.