What would you like to see for a 2e adventure path?

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3 ideas I had

1. Nex coming back. I think it would be cool to find out why he left exactly and also see Geb get destroyed for real, about time someone wiped out that sick (redacted)

2.A whole AP about daemons. Seeing as there's one for demons (Wrath Of The Righteous) and one for devils (Hell's Rebels) I think daemons should get their due. As for what would happen I'm not sure, maybe have the daemons try to somehow subvert the afterlife so everyone goes to Abaddon.

3. One I mentioned a long time ago, I'd REALLY like to see an AP where the PCs are sent to Earth again, as it's 10 years later (1931). Particuarly one where they meet/fight a certain German person..

Get us far, far away from Avistan, and I’m a happy girl.

Yqatuba wrote:


3. One I mentioned a long time ago, I'd REALLY like to see an AP where the PCs are sent to Earth again, as it's 10 years later (1931). Particuarly one where they meet/fight a certain German person..

Baba Yaga and the rich mythos around her were the crowbar that opened up that rare opportunity. Add the mysticism of Rasputin and the mystery of the Tzarina and there's a lot of convergence. Add a unique, overlooked country in Golarion and the Golarion-altering events erupting there and you get an AP.

Other than some (only some) of the top Reich being into the occult and given there's no similar link to Golarion, I'm not sure how such an AP would be possible. And 1931 Germany wasn't cinematic, was it?

While many Golarion countries reflect Earth ones, I'm not sure any others have direct ties. Maybe something in Tian? (I believe mass warfare was breaking out in Asia around then.) Or maybe one of the super-magical empires?

Or there could be magical reverberations from Winter's Reign?
Ones that somebody else (maybe those daemons you'd like to fight) is taking advantage of, maybe it's some dimensional damage.

Plus I think there's too much emotional trauma remaining around Germany in that era.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Umm. Is it just me or do we have now like 3 or 4 different "What do you want to see in an ap thread?"?

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Something that takes place in Iblydos. Would love a classic Greek-style AP!

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I'd like to see an AP about a quest through the planes, as well as a "Journey to the Center of Golarion" type AP. In the past, we've had APs that went to another plane or to a vault for a single book, but I'd like to see the entire AP focused on it.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'd love to see one set on pre-gap historical Castrovel, the Kasathan generation ship, or Vesk Prime, but that's just because it would be completely different.

On a more serious note, one set completely in the mana wastes could be a cool three part AP.

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Some sort of prep school for gifted kids. You could have teachers and classes on 'martials', 'skills', and 'magic'. THere's so much young adult fiction (Harry Potter is just one example) built on this and people looove that stuff.

EACH VOLUME COULD BE A SCHOOL YEAR! You could use Level 0 characters to start! It writes itself.

It'll work anywhere! Qadira. The Mwangi Expanse. You can have an intro adventure that works for young kids to play beginner box style (entrance exam!).

I want to play this. I want to run this. You can have the idea for freeeee.

If the first two parts are the school and the rest is 'after graduation' then it would make an amazingly great intro two part AP adventure and GMs could end it with the graduation and drop the hooks for the rest of the AP.

I'd love a Kaiju centered campaign that spans the entire planet of Golarion (likely including the currently underexplored Arcadia), culminating in something like the heroes teaming up with Mogaru to duke it out on Varklops in one cataclysmic showdown. Adding the Tarrasque as a "bonus boss" would be icing on the cake.

Lucas Yew wrote:
I'd love a Kaiju centered campaign that spans the entire planet of Golarion (likely including the currently underexplored Arcadia), culminating in something like the heroes teaming up with Mogaru to duke it out on Varklops in one cataclysmic showdown. Adding the Tarrasque as a "bonus boss" would be icing on the cake.

What would players do in the low-level books? I actually thought a module all about Kaiju would be cool, but I'm not sure how to make it last a whole AP.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Kaiju are level 28 to level 30 creatures. They're pretty much equally capable of destroying a 20th level PC in one shot as they are a 1st level. A Kaiju-themed adventure (or adventure path) would not feature an actual fight against a kaiju.

In 1st edition, they were intended to be threats for mythic characters to face directly in combat.

We don't have mythic content for 2nd edition, and might NEVER. We might do something else entirely with it.

But until then, and maybe even after then, a "kaiju themed adventure/campaign" would likely not be "go fight it yourselves."

Castilliano wrote:


Baba Yaga and the rich mythos around her were the crowbar that opened up that rare opportunity. Add the mysticism of Rasputin and the mystery of the Tzarina and there's a lot of convergence. Add a unique, overlooked country in Golarion and the Golarion-altering events erupting there and you get an AP.

Other than some (only some) of the top Reich being into the occult and given there's no similar link to Golarion, I'm not sure how such an AP would be possible. And 1931 Germany wasn't cinematic, was it?

While many Golarion countries reflect Earth ones, I'm not sure any others have direct ties. Maybe something in Tian? (I believe mass warfare was breaking out in Asia around then.) Or maybe one of the super-magical empires?

Or there could be magical reverberations from Winter's Reign?
Ones that somebody else (maybe those daemons you'd like to fight) is taking advantage of, maybe it's some dimensional damage.

Plus I think there's too much emotional trauma remaining around Germany in that era.

Who's to say they would have to go to Earth on purpose? Maybe they get caught in some dimensional anomaly that keeps randomly teleporting them to distant planets (I figure Earth would only be for one book, they could also go to Androffa and maybe end with them going to the Dominion Of The Black's capital planet (whatever it's called) and killing of the five leaders as a final boss.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ya, I think Kaiju themed adventure doesn't really work with "players fighting them on ground" sense since what kind of kaiju movie involves swordman killing godzilla without somehow becoming ultraman?

(that said, I definitely want 1e kaiju to be written how they exist on Golarion besides Mogaru. I liked 1e kaiju xD)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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CorvusMask wrote:

Ya, I think Kaiju themed adventure doesn't really work with "players fighting them on ground" sense since what kind of kaiju movie involves swordman killing godzilla without somehow becoming ultraman?

Godzilla: Final Wars. It's got a great scene where a crack team of highly trained soldiers using science weapons (aka Magic Items in a game like Pathfinder) take down a kaiju.

It CAN be done. It just needs different rules than what we have now for fights in Pathfinder.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:

Ya, I think Kaiju themed adventure doesn't really work with "players fighting them on ground" sense since what kind of kaiju movie involves swordman killing godzilla without somehow becoming ultraman?

Godzilla: Final Wars. It's got a great scene where a crack team of highly trained soldiers using science weapons (aka Magic Items in a game like Pathfinder) take down a kaiju.

It CAN be done. It just needs different rules than what we have now for fights in Pathfinder.

Yeah, but those are basically siege weapons, they didn't shoot them with pistol or slash down with sword. But yeah definitely agreeing it needs special rules

Scarab Sages

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CorvusMask wrote:

Ya, I think Kaiju themed adventure doesn't really work with "players fighting them on ground" sense since what kind of kaiju movie involves swordman killing godzilla without somehow becoming ultraman?

(that said, I definitely want 1e kaiju to be written how they exist on Golarion besides Mogaru. I liked 1e kaiju xD)

Remember how Agent K beat the Bug?

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I want to see a planet hopping Adventure that takes us through Castroval and Akiton. We haven't really had a chance to soak in some Sword and Stars besides a brief sojourn in Triaxus.

Albatoonoe wrote:
I want to see a planet hopping Adventure that takes us through Castroval and Akiton. We haven't really had a chance to soak in some Sword and Stars besides a brief sojourn in Triaxus.

Sword & Planet stuff would be a delight, especially now that we have playable ysoki and lizardfolk in 2e! Could do a lot with the social upheaval among the lashunta on Castrovel (and some forgotten elf lore), and honestly a different planet per volume could be a fun romp.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ya know, we need a thread for what we want to see in 2e STANDALONE adventures :p

I mean seriously, I wanna see more of "not sure this theme will make people eager to buy this for six months" niche modules like what Slithering did with not allowing human characters :D

That scene in Final Wars had people engaging head on with basically the equivalent of technology advanced longarms. I think writing it off because it wasn't swords or pistols seems very nitpicky.

Anyway, I think if kaiju are being statted this highly with no way to actually engage them, then they honestly don't need statblocks and should just be relegated as background scenery. It's fine if some of them are level 28+, but making all of them like that is going to make them pretty much unusable, ever.

Liberty's Edge

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I don't care if it's punishing to Spellcasters, you can create a simple 1-page table that helps define some warped magic effects for them to gamble with if they want to REALLY play at that type of disadvantage. Give us a true industrial nation to play around in where problems cannot simply be solved by less than a half-dozen spellcasters just deciding to "do it live!"

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

1) The players fail to stop a cult of Rovagug from releasing the Big Bug. That could be the end of Book 5. I’ve been wanting to pitch that one forever.

2) Choral the Conqueror returns.

3) Nex Returns

4) A Darklands campaign where the one clue the PCs need is known only to a flail snail sage and the PCs learn that no magic will translate their strange pheromone-and-slime-based language.

5) An AP set in the First World.

I'd like to see some stuff set in North or South Arcadia.

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Let me be the first to second First World. :)

That setting allows for large range of flavors, enemy types, & sub-genres like horror, faerie tales, & court drama. And it would highlight the fey which I'm not sure we've seen much of other than guest roles. Plus one wouldn't have to launch immediately there since Golarion has fey-relevant/First-World-relevant sites and lore that could be explored while at lower levels.
And there's so much real world lore to draw upon too!

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Does anyone else like my idea about the Daemons? I'm kind of surprised they didn't get one in 1e.

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Something that I`ve always enjoyed as a concept is "following in the footsteps of greatness and fixing the mistakes they made." Setting can be anything really, but I like having this idea of established heroes being presented to players as ultimate forces of good in a local land/country/world, but as they get involved in smaller plots it leads them through those heroes journeys and to the truth: those heroes were mortal as well, had their share of follies, and perhaps made mistakes that the players have to deal with more completely.

I love the concept of going from "Wow, we really look up to these people," to "I can't believe what they've unleashed/how this was covered up/what we accepted."

I suppose it's less of a concept (hero worship?) and more of a story beat, but I'd still like to see that.

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Not sure if this has been done (am not an expert on all the AP's that have been done), but here's one I would like:

An AP focusing on the Mana Wastes and the dwarves of Alkenstar. Maybe a situation where the conflict between Geb and Nex is flaring up again, threatening another war in the Mana Wastes, while the party works with Alkenstar to try to keep the city-state from being overrun by the two significantly larger armies.

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This may be apocryphal, but I believe someone at Paizo (?) said they will never, ever involve That One Everyone Hates in any content ever again.

I think a lot of the more esoteric harbingers rule, though. Especially the... the one who's got guns, the f%!&in' lightning skeleton. Cixyron. I feel there's been enough things mentioned in 2E about the First Horseman (formerly the Oinodaemon) to be seeds for such a thing.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'm very interested in a 'city-scale kingmaker' style thing. But it would probably need to be a couple years down the road from Agents of Edgewatch (just to avoid two very city/non-travel focused APs in close proximity). Age of Ashes had hints of it, if the GM does a lot of extra work around breachill between chapters, but it didn't quite scratch the itch for me.

Definitely down for a Geb/Nex AP.

I'd enjoy another one in/around the Sarkoris scar, working with/learning more about the God Callers. Though I wouldn't want it to be WotR part 2, The Clean-up. So not sure what the story would be....

Likewise almost anything in the Mwangi Expanse or south of it. I've felt that PFS is really starting to push the lore/expose world building there that I would love to have a deeper look at.

Otherwise, my main thing is just wanting more 'classical/epic fantasy' and less horror/lovecraftian themes, that I felt started to be overly common the last few years of PF1 APs.

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Grankless wrote:
This may be apocryphal, but I believe someone at Paizo (?) said they will never, ever involve That One Everyone Hates in any content ever again.


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Grankless wrote:

This may be apocryphal, but I believe someone at Paizo (?) said they will never, ever involve That One Everyone Hates in any content ever again.

I think a lot of the more esoteric harbingers rule, though. Especially the... the one who's got guns, the f#~@in' lightning skeleton. Cixyron. I feel there's been enough things mentioned in 2E about the First Horseman (formerly the Oinodaemon) to be seeds for such a thing.

Good, that one is awful.

I hope it's stricken from record of existence and never mentioned again.

Lightning skeletons and gun daemon harbingers are way better and I would love content about those at least.

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Phaedre wrote:
Grankless wrote:
This may be apocryphal, but I believe someone at Paizo (?) said they will never, ever involve That One Everyone Hates in any content ever again.

Folca, because some edgy writer on the Book of the Damned thought it would be a good idea to bring something as awful as that in to player-facing rules.


The nature of Abaddon as, roughly speaking, an eternal hunt with mortal souls as the victims is soooo cool and I could totally see like, the last 2-3 books of an AP going down there. God knows there's enough weird locales to put in. (Maybe some Xibalba too for good measure.)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Phaedre wrote:
Grankless wrote:
This may be apocryphal, but I believe someone at Paizo (?) said they will never, ever involve That One Everyone Hates in any content ever again.

Folca aka daemonic harbinger of abduction, strangers and sweets.

Liberty's Edge

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CorvusMask wrote:
Phaedre wrote:
Grankless wrote:
This may be apocryphal, but I believe someone at Paizo (?) said they will never, ever involve That One Everyone Hates in any content ever again.
Folca aka daemonic harbinger of abduction, strangers and sweets.

Also, this is not apocryphal. People at Paizo have indeed said as much.

Thank god.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Never having mythic or epic content makes me sad.
But at least it looks like the math would work out for taking characters to 23rd or 24th level if people wanted to do it themselves.

Liberty's Edge

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Ched Greyfell wrote:
Never having mythic or epic content makes me sad.

That's not what he actually said. He said there wasn't Mythic yet and they might go a different direction with it in PF2, but I'd be shocked if there wasn't eventually some way to fight level 30 things and hit the power level of level 25 or so in PF2. That's probably a long time from now, though.

I didn't know about Stygidvod until now, but I agree he's cool. I figure he would have some ability that makes a person immortal (in the sense of not aging), but also forces them to make a save to avoid turning Neutral Evil on the spot.

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Grankless wrote:
Phaedre wrote:
Grankless wrote:
This may be apocryphal, but I believe someone at Paizo (?) said they will never, ever involve That One Everyone Hates in any content ever again.
The nature of Abaddon as, roughly speaking, an eternal hunt with mortal souls as the victims is soooo cool and I could totally see like, the last 2-3 books of an AP going down there. God knows there's enough weird locales to put in. (Maybe some Xibalba too for good measure.)

Maybe the PCs could become Hunted (they would have the same stats, but have the petitioner subtype and fast healing 5 like normal Hunted) regardless of their alignments and have to escape.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Deadmanwalking wrote:
Ched Greyfell wrote:
Never having mythic or epic content makes me sad.
That's not what he actually said. He said there wasn't Mythic yet and they might go a different direction with it in PF2, but I'd be shocked if there wasn't eventually some way to fight level 30 things and hit the power level of level 25 or so in PF2. That's probably a long time from now, though.

Yeah, I think the actual point was that mythic adventures was released when 1e was four years old(even older if you consider PF1e to be part of same edition as D&D 3.5) while 2e is too young to consider "extending the game" already without having few years under its belt to have better understanding of how game currently works at high levels and what it looks like post release.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Deadmanwalking wrote:
Ched Greyfell wrote:
Never having mythic or epic content makes me sad.
That's not what he actually said. He said there wasn't Mythic yet and they might go a different direction with it in PF2, but I'd be shocked if there wasn't eventually some way to fight level 30 things and hit the power level of level 25 or so in PF2. That's probably a long time from now, though.

I really hope there's something for it, I want to make sure we can fight true demon Lord's and such eventually. Ditto for Kaiju, I'd like for PCs to be able to fight them, but I would want some form of epic levels for it.

Honestly, a 'mythic archetype' you pick at 20 that then offers you additional levels of feats, and maybe a +10 mythic proficiency category you can only get to when using the system would cover it. So long as the features are flavored accordingly it would work just fine, and that way we wouldn't need distinct mythic options for every class either.

Incidentally I would love an adventure designed to let you use mythic-tier to hunt Kaiju ala Monster Hunter.

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There are a few technical difficulties, but none insurmountable.

First, general progression. It is specific to each class: the levels where you gain class feats, skill feats and skill increases have got some differences.
You could make everyone equal past level 20: class feats will be fine, but you probably have to make exceptions for Rogues and Alchemists (so far) about skills feats and skill increases, and that makes the rules less clean.

Second, proficiencies. Skills are in the best spot, as you can add a mythic tier that you can achieve at level 21, and opportune skill feats requiring mythic proficiency.
Weapons, armors, spellcasting and such are more complicated: they have to be tied to classes, unless you just give a flat +2 to everyone at some point.

Third, class feats. It would be cool to have higher level feats, and they could also be used for 'buying' the missing proficiency increases (that's an option, if probably not the best). This means that every class should get its own mythic feats, and it's a problems because you can't easily handle future classes.

Fourth, spellcasting. Spell levels go up to 10, but level 10 is already handled quite differently. You could do something similar, giving casters a single higher level slot and let them buy an extra one with feats, but I guess that having just one or two will fall short of giving the character enough chances to be relevant against mythic-tier enemies. Level 10 is ok because at least you can fill the slot with a new, powerful spell.

Fifth, multiclassing. It will take some effort to balance the various multiclass dedications past level 20, expecially considering proficiencies and spellcasting; also, you have the problem again of classes that haven't been published yet.

You could ditch class-specific stuff and make paths instead, but I don't think it would be as straightforward as in PF1. If you make a 'combat' path, for example, are you giving it mythic proficiency with weapons? That would help every non-Fighter a lot more.

It turns out, IMO, that even with the modular nature of PF2, it's not that easy to extend the game past level 20. I'm also pretty confident that some good ideas will eventually come out.

Megistone wrote:

You could ditch class-specific stuff and make paths instead, but I don't think it would be as straightforward as in PF1. If you make a 'combat' path, for example, are you giving it mythic proficiency with weapons? That would help every non-Fighter a lot more.

Sounds like adding a Mythic bonus would work better.

At 21 and 23 you’d get a non stackable +2 to something, be it AC, spells save/attack rolls, weapons, 2 saves, 2 skills, etc.. Oh heck, make it +3. I could also see the printing of several mythic paths that add mythic feats to your pool of class feats instead of making level 22 and 24 feats for every class.

As a bonus of this method, instead of something that starts at level 21, you could have it apply to level 1 characters too without changing the current proficiency progression.

Still problems of course, but off the cuff, I can see something like this. Or doing both this AND introducing a Mythic proficiency tier that you need to be legendary to access (or the ability just gives you legendary instead).

If they do meet a Daemon Harbinger, I think Pavnuri would be my choice, as his title "Lord Of Nothing" and is in charge cacodaemons, which seems to imply he's the weakest. I also like the idea of him being some sort of "god" of losers and weaklings.

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The whole thing about "the one we're not going to use ever again" is that the whole "Baseline" concept in the rulebook exists to establish something like "there are as many horrific things in the evil planes as you can imagine, but we're not going to talk about the worst stuff."

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For me the best ones are ones that can be run separately. Things like Skulls and Shackles, Reign of Winter, Mummy's Mask, Iron Gods. Ones built around a theme like that ate the ones I will always have interest in running (My first one i run for PF2 will be Extinction Curse for sure)

Scarab Sages

Deadmanwalking wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
Phaedre wrote:
Grankless wrote:
This may be apocryphal, but I believe someone at Paizo (?) said they will never, ever involve That One Everyone Hates in any content ever again.
Folca aka daemonic harbinger of abduction, strangers and sweets.
Also, this is not apocryphal. People at Paizo have indeed said as much.

Dang, that's a shame

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