Minigiant |
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I am currently really enjoying my Catfolk Bloodrager so am incredibly biased but, beyond that, I would have to sa the humble Fighter. There is a saying that I have heard 'You are not a good roleplayer until you have played a fighter', while I do not subscribe to the gatekeeping connotations of the saying, I do understand that because the Fighter is so versatile anybody could find something to enjoy about them

Scott Wilhelm |
I usually don't build characters based on class. Rather I usually pick out certain combinations of Feats, Spells and Class Abilities that synergize in ways that make me smile, so I end up dipping here and there, with 20th level character builds that don't have more than 5 levels in anything!
I guess my favorite would be Fighter. I almost always want extra Feats, and those Advanced Trainings are so sweet, I almost want to single-class a vanilla fighter!

Scavion |

There is a saying that I have heard 'You are not a good roleplayer until you have played a fighter', while I do not subscribe to the gatekeeping connotations of the saying, I do understand that because the Fighter is so versatile anybody could find something to enjoy about them
Fighter and versatile are two words I didn't think I'd hear in a sentence complementing each other.
Core would be Barbarian or Paladin for me. Slayer 2nd. If 3PP, I think the Soulknife is rad. The Spheres of Might Armiger is basically everything I've ever wanted from a Fighter that is actually a master of arms and benefits from switching weapons on the fly. It's at the top of my list :)

Ryan Freire |

Minigiant wrote:There is a saying that I have heard 'You are not a good roleplayer until you have played a fighter', while I do not subscribe to the gatekeeping connotations of the saying, I do understand that because the Fighter is so versatile anybody could find something to enjoy about themFighter and versatile are two words I didn't think I'd hear in a sentence complementing each other.
They catch a ton of flack, but realistically, all fighters are is basically a big empty framework of almost every open option save spellcasting.
As of AWT and AAT you can without too much trouble rival a rogue for skill points.
If you go greatweapon, you can have almost completely reached the point of diminishing returns on spending feats on your fighting style by like level 7
Now, people DON'T burn a bunch of feats on skill boosting and out of combat gubbins because most discussion is on optimization, which can kind of tunnel vision raw stats, but pathfinder certainly isn't so difficult in standard module/ap play that you absolutely have to build that way.

Minigiant |
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Scavion wrote:Minigiant wrote:There is a saying that I have heard 'You are not a good roleplayer until you have played a fighter', while I do not subscribe to the gatekeeping connotations of the saying, I do understand that because the Fighter is so versatile anybody could find something to enjoy about themFighter and versatile are two words I didn't think I'd hear in a sentence complementing each other.
They catch a ton of flack, but realistically, all fighters are is basically a big empty framework of almost every open option save spellcasting.
And that is just mechanically, roleplay wise they are wide open. you want a chef that runs people out of his kitchen with a frying ban. Fighter. You want the son of the Duke, trained from birth with a blade. Fighter. You want a Gnome lumberjack. Fighter.
The term Fighter is so broad it can be applied to anything

ErichAD |

Brawler, I like the lighter armor and lighter weapons for ease of non-combat adventuring. The flexibility is nice as well.
I like bloodrager as well, but I wish it had received the unchained barbarian treatment for rage and powers. It's still a great class, but stuck with the outdated rage. Swap in the new rage and it takes brawler's top spot.

MrCharisma |

Paladin was my favourite class since ... like 1999 (I think that's when I started playing), and they got a pretty big buff with Pathfinder. I love the flavour of a martial character - but with a little magic. I also love being the hardest person to kill in the game.
The Paladin only lost the top spot last year when I found the Occultist. It's less of a martial character by default, but it can be played as a martial pretty easily - even without Trappings of the Warrior.
Honestly though, I generally prefer martial characters, they're all great. Some notable clases are:
The Fighter is hugely versatile, but needs some pretty deep system knowledge to get the most out of it.
The brawler takes the Fighter idea and turns it up to 11 (more versatile, more system knoedge needed).
The Cavalier is an interesting way to buff the party.
I tend to prefer classes like the Alchemist and Magus (and the classes mentioned above) because I like a little magic, but there are plenty of great options for more-pure martials.
The only one I haven't gotten into is the Ranger - I just don't like the favoured enemy mechanics. I played a Freebooter for a one-shot game and enjoyed it, but if trading out a class-defining ability is how I enjoy the class it doesn't feel like I can recommend it.