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![]() I'm looking to create an encounter for my party, and need some assistance making it both challenging and fun. Environment is tropical coastline/river delta. Group will be 5 level 4 characters (with good stats) so a CR 5 or 6 wouldn't be out of the question. So far I've decided on a River Drake with the Giant template, now just need to decide on some mooks or something else to boost it. Was thinking a small tribe of Goblins/Kobolds/Lizardfolk that it commands? Or would there be something else more appropriate? This is going to be just a something to do/help the locals with a pest situation, not tied to a specific story element. ![]()
![]() I interpret the successful swim check as just keeping your balance/moving as you want to, not an actual action. I haven't seen any language that interprets it as an action (no ability to retry the same round, no restrictions on full-round actions etc) The "Action" section under the skill I take as only if you want to move. ![]()
![]() I'm about to start a S&S campaign myself, and I've also heard you're better replacing the botfly swarms with singular creatures. Like the Giant Botfly I'm also worried about lack of player agency in the start, but I'm going to give them a big preface about it so they're aware that it's only for a bit. I'm also running 3/5 brand new players so hopefully being a little "on rails" will give them some time to learn the game ![]()
![]() GotAFarmYet? wrote:
That's clearly wrong, as even if a natural armor enhancement required an natural armor score to begin with (it doesn't) the amulet is made with Barkskin so would follow the same rules. For confirmation, see basically any NPC wearing an AoNA in any published book. Other threads have covered the same question with the same answer. A creature without natural armor has an effective natural armor bonus of +0. ![]()
![]() I'm looking to start up a new group with a handful of my long-time friends, but unsure on what Adventure Path/Module to run and looking for some advice. A few details:
Thanks in advance! ![]()
![]() At the threat of derailing the thread (because everyone hates these feats) and annoying your fellow players (because they're a nightmare to work with), the Arithmancy/Sacred Geometry feats fit this build quite well ![]()
![]() Jurkal wrote:
You're confusing Spellstrike and Spell Combat, for starters. Spellstrike lets you discharge touch attacks via a melee weapon, Spell Combat lets you cast a Standard Action spell and take a full attack as a full round action. Second, yes, if your BAB grants you additional attacks you get these when you Spell Combat: See FAQ. Third, you can't use Spell Combat with a 2 handed weapon. Must be a light or 1-handed weapon ![]()
![]() Hey guys, Playing a Dervish Dance Magus in ROTRL right now, towards the end of the 3rd book. I've got a pretty decent idea of my build up until 15th level, where I'm going to take Spell Perfection (Shocking Grasp). My question is, what Metamagic feats should I grab for Spell Perfection? I've got Intensify already, and was looking at a combination of Maximize/Elemental (Acid)/Quicken for the other two. Quicken/Maximize means I can get off 2 Shocking Grasps a round as 1st level spells, but Elemental means I'm not screwed when fighting a Electricity immune creature. Any suggestions? ![]()
![]() Bahamutkotd wrote: or These are fantastic. Thanks for bringing them to my attention. I love the Dragon Disciple PrC, and this opens it up so much ![]()
![]() Broadhand wrote: Yes. The benefit of being able to heal-at-distance is balanced against the fact that you have to make a successful touch attack at said distance. Except the ability says that "If the spell normally requires a touch attack", which the Cure spells don't when used on an ally. So if you don't roll to touch an ally with a CLW normally, you don't in this case either ![]()
![]() Blakmane wrote:
The only exception to this that I can think of is Elemental Spell, in which case you choose a different element to transform your spells to each time ![]()
![]() Can a character take 10 on an Acrobatics check to make a jump, provided he is not in immediate danger or distracted? I'm aware taking a 20 would be impossible, as this would mean taking a 1 as well (and failing the jump) but nowhere in the take 10 entry is it suggested that taking 10 means taking 1-9 first. ![]()
![]() Alright, so my group and I just hit level 4 in RotRL. As a Magus, that means next level I get my first Bonus Feat. The question is, how useful are item creation feats? I've never actually played a PF campaign for longer than 3 sessions, so I'm unsure.. The way I see it now, I can either grab an average combat feat (like Improved Initiative), a metamagic feat for later levels, or Craft Magical Armor and Weapons/Wonderous Items. I'm the only arcane caster in the group, and likely to be the only one who grabs an item creation feat, so I doubt they'll be any overlap. Suggestions? ![]()
![]() I understand the stagger of Frigid Touch is the main component, but I didn't think stagger was that debilitating? Especially not at this level. Stagger for a minute would hurt, for sure, but until I get a keen weapon I don't know how likely that is EDIT: I said stagger for a round, not minute. Whoops ![]()
![]() Hi guys, So my Magus has just hit level 4 in ROTRL. We've defeated 3 of the encounters so far (including the BIG one), but still a few to go. I am, however, stuck for spell choices. 2nd level spells don't seem as black and white as 1st level. So far, I'm looking at Bulls Strength and Glitterdust. Frigid Touch does the same damage as Shocking Grasp.. Anyway, spells are as follows: 1st: Shield, Frostbite (for the fatigue), Shocking Grasp x2
I have the Spellscars Arcana, so I'm planning on putting a few utility spells as scars to cast later (True Strike and such) Any suggestions? ![]()
![]() They function just as scrolls. So you prepare them ahead of time, costing you gp (as a scroll) and can, at a later time, cast one with a standard action, provoking an AoO. They don't give you increased spells known, as you need to know the spell to make the spell-scar in the first place (like a scroll). A few interesting things: you don't need to see the scar or hold it in your hand to cast it (but you can't use it with Spellstrike or Spell Combat). Also, you can lower the CL of the spell (as low as the minimum level for that spell, at least) as you're writing it, lowering the cost. So for 12.5gp you can scratch down a CL1 True Strike that's as useful as a CL20 one. ![]()
![]() So my group is playing through RotRL, and we've just hit level 3. All great, problem is I'm a newish player and don't know what my next feat should be. Stat block is as follows: Spoiler:
Male Tiefling Magus 3 NG medium humanoid Init +4 Senses Darkvision (60) Listen +1 Spot +1 DEFENSE AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 hp 33 Fort 5 ,Ref 3 ,Will 2 OFFENSE Speed 30 ft Melee +1 Longsword +4 (1d8+4/19-20/x2) or +1 Longsword +6 (1d8+5/19-20/x2) Ranged Shortbow +4 (1d6/x3) Space 5 Reach 5 STATISTICS STR 16 DEX 14 CON 14 INT 18 WIS 8 CHA 8 Base Atk 2 Grp50 Feats Combat Casting Skills Appraise +5, Bluff +2, Climb +5, leatherwork +8, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (history) +6, Knowledge (planes) +8, Perception +1, Sailor +3, Spellcraft +10, Survival +0, Swim +5, Appraise +5, Bluff +2, Climb +5, leatherwork +8, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (history) +6 Languages Common, Infernal, Draconic, Varisian, Kelish, Osiriani Gear Scimitar, Shortbow, Boar spear, +1 Longsword, Iron - Cold Longsword, Arrows (20), Horse - light, Bedroll , Backpack , Waterskin (2), Rope - hemp (50 ft), Flint and Steel, Torch (3), Flask (empty) (4), Saddle (riding), Sunrod (3), Sailor outfit, Leather tricorn hat, Potion of Cure Light Wounds (CL: 1) I was going weapon focus, but my weapon's likely to change a bit. I do seem to be hit a fair bit, so toughness/dodge look good too. I took spell-scars as my Arcana (no group wizard, so I've got to do all the spellcasting). Also, what should my next goal for equipment be? I was looking at magic rings or metamagic rods. |