What is your favorite small race? And what is your favorite class for small races?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

So, I love small races, My favorite is Goblin followed by Halfling, Ratfolk and Kobold. And I love playing Alchemists, Which fits with small races quite well!

What is your favorite small race? And what classes are your favorite to play as a small character?

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My favorite as a GM to put my players against is mites; one campaign I just added HD and NPC classes to keep mites on the menu for the first 8 levels. The elite fights I liked adding levels of Druid or Cleric with an emphasis on spells that controlled or augmented their vermin or summoned minions to do their fighting for them.

As for as a player, I don't think I have favorites. I don't get to be a player enough. I've had a lot of fun with a halfling Warpriest (Divine Commander)/Hunter combo; his sacred mount/animal companion gets him around the map and finally at upper levels (8-9 total class levels) the Teamwork feats around Broken Wing Gambit start paying off in melee.

One I've always wanted to get going is a grippili. I've got builds for an alchemist but also for a net-and-trident ranger type. I also really want to make a sorcerer with the Agile Tongue, maybe even with an Aberrant Bloodline so I could slap foes with a Touch attack from 15' away at 3rd level. Heck, you could even take Lunge as a feat if you really wanted to push that Reach another 5'.

I don't think Small sized races get enough credit. In a game so often dominated by DPR competitions Kobolds and Gnomes and the like can get overlooked pretty easily. These races have a lot to offer, many times in non-combat or defensive arenas, that make them feel a lot more multi-faceted than their larger, brutish adventuring partners.

Halflings are very powerful. Goblin features are a lot of fun.

I like the Grippli quite a bit, even though I haven't played one.

They have a 30' land speed, despite being Small. They also have a 20' Climb speed.

They have Darkvision.

And you can get the Glider and Jumper alternative racial features that allow you to glide rather than fall, and you are always considered to have a running start to jump, respectively.

I really like the idea of using a Grippli for that Climb speed in a UnChained Vexing Mouser build.

Although, it is definitely worth mentioning the Ranger Favored Class Bonus granting a Swim speed.

Yeah, gripplis are the masters of different movement types. I thought about playing a grippli monk or maybe a fighter with a Spring Attack build. There's even a case to be made for having a grippli magus focused around the Bladed Dash spell. You could shoot 30' into the air, making an attack anywhere in that movement, causing no AoO with that initial movement, then glide back down to earth landing 15' distant from where you started, and since that was your Standard for the round you could THEN jump 5' up a wall and climb another 20' up to end your round well out of reach of whatever you attacked in melee.

Shadow Lodge

Gnomes, though I consider Golarion's giant eyebrow fairy gnomes about as gnomish as the tinker gnomes of Krynn.

I am partial to the vexing dodger rogue archetype from the giant hunter handbook as the climbing on the big folk fighting style is just too funny.

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Entobians. Cute bug-people. There aren't enough of those.

Mark Hoover 330 wrote:
I don't think Small sized races get enough credit. In a game so often dominated by DPR competitions Kobolds and Gnomes and the like can get overlooked pretty easily. These races have a lot to offer, many times in non-combat or defensive arenas, that make them feel a lot more multi-faceted than their larger, brutish adventuring partners.

I once had a vague concept for a world in which Small races were the norm. This has the advantage of opening up a lot more common mount options, as well as allowing for the occasional "giant" race via one with Medium size.

Ratfolk are neat. Build an electricity Kineticist who sometimes fights with a Tailblade, and you’ve got yourself a cool reference.

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Gripplis are my favorite small race. As for classes, I'm a big fan of Monk and Barbarian for small races. Never underestimate someone the perfect height to stab you in the crotch.

Gripplis are my favorite, though if the Kercpa was in Pathfinder, then it would be them instead.

Man, the seeds have been planted for a campaign of all Small Barbarians and Monks... just think of the obvious alignment differences within such a party.

Android. There's a small bit about it in Iron Gods book 1.

Grand Lodge

I rather like the Wayang. The shadow theme fits well with a ton of build options.

Gloom Chymist is particularly fun for them, and they have the perfect stat bonuses for it.

Some other fun options are just about any type of rogue, Kineticist focused on the Void element, Gloomblade Fighter, Illusionist Wizard, etc.

There's no race like gnome. There's no race like gnome. There's no race like gnome.

Thematically, kobolds are my fave small race.
Mechanically, tough choice. So many of them are pretty close to each other being -2 str +2 dex.

Swashbucklers, un-rogues, bomb-focused alchemists, and casters would be my main class picks for small races. If there is a small race that doesn't have a str penalty then I'd love to suit one up as a mounted combatant.

Favorite small race... I'm partial to ratfolk. I also like kobolds, but PF just gimped them way too much to be practical as a PC race (net -4 to stats, nothing significant by way of racial abilities... and this is supposed to be a viable PC race, what was the writer smoking...).

In terms of classes, I'm not sure I have a favorite class, but tactically, I love mounted small characters...

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All small races in Pathfinder.

Monkey Goblin
Vine Leshy

13 out of 50+ is not a lot.

Liberty's Edge

Halfling here!

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