So... what happens on the 16th?

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Maybe they're going to discontinue starfinder. I remember how my last rpg just for axed instantly and the players told tough xxxx.

James Goodman 960 wrote:
Owen Stephens said on twitter it may very well be the biggest RPG related thing to happen in the past decade....

Yeah, but I don't think any of the current employees said anything like that about this announcement. He might be out of the loop.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Star Wars rpg using the Starfinder ruleset and announced the week of the final movie coming out. Obviously I have no idea and I’m just enjoying all the speculation and theories around something that we as a community may have hyped up more than it needed to be lol

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

My money is on Starfinder for 5E ruleset.

skittermander furbies

NinjaPirateBob wrote:
Star Wars rpg using the Starfinder ruleset and announced the week of the final movie coming out. Obviously I have no idea and I’m just enjoying all the speculation and theories around something that we as a community may have hyped up more than it needed to be lol

I was watching a empire and wondering that...

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well Kingmaker's crowdfunding campaign does imply they are okay with doing 5e content, but I still kinda find idea of company with their own ruleset doing content for another ruleset weird .-.

I've got a friend who is convinced it's the announcement of Starfinder 2e.
It hasn't been around long enough for a second edition or have I time jumped a few years?

A true 2nd edition at this point in the development lifecycle is highly unlikely. I'd be shocked if they've even fully recouped the R&D costs from the initial development of the game, much less those of this years books like COM yet. It'd be like throwing all of that money in the trash to start over. There is a reason why editions generally last for 5 to 15 years between major updates. You might see a 'Starfinder Unchained' kind of thing that allows things like the 3-action economy as optional rules and those rules may eventually become the norm over the next few years. This could be the announcement of the first 'book' in that series (maybe a playtest for it).

I, personally, wouldn't call that remotely close to the 'biggest thing in RPG news in a decade', but some people may be far more excited by that sort of frankenstein gaming than I am.


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Partnership with Harebrained Schemes for a cRPG.

Maybe someday....

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Captain Beyond wrote:

Partnership with Harebrained Schemes for a cRPG.

Maybe someday....

Shadowrun crossover... no one would notice it.

Kraege wrote:
I've got a friend who is convinced it's the announcement of Starfinder 2e.

Tell him to seek help.


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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

it's a star wars PREQUEL setting book for starfinder.

gimme some of that Jar Jar.

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Yakman wrote:

it's a star wars PREQUEL setting book for starfinder.

gimme some of that Jar Jar.

So the lure of the game will be how much players are looking forward to stuffing Jar jar into a UPBLender?

Sovereign Court Creative Director, Starfinder

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If you haven't seen it yet, check out today's blog!

How about a mass effect game using starfinder rules?

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber


Robert G. McCreary wrote:
If you haven't seen it yet, check out today's blog!

Is this what's coming the sixteenth?

Sovereign Court Creative Director, Starfinder

thecursor wrote:
Robert G. McCreary wrote:
If you haven't seen it yet, check out today's blog!
Is this what's coming the sixteenth?


Liberty's Edge

...okay, did not see that coming.

It was a partnership after all.


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Well, I hope it works but being one of those who detests Alexa, it does nothing for me.

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Dang, they weren't kidding about a new way to play RPGs. Less trapping people in VR than I expected, but it's got an authentic Starfinder-esque megacorp!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

This does seem like one of the things that mostly excite people just fascinated about by new technology though .-.

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It's definitely not for me, but I hope some people enjoy it. Not quite sure how something like this would be considered "Biggest News in RPGing" still though.

QuidEst wrote:
Dang, they weren't kidding about a new way to play RPGs. Less trapping people in VR than I expected, but it's got an authentic Starfinder-esque megacorp!

I mean, not entirely a "new" way to rpgs. Voice-controlled Choose Your Own Adventures already exist.

As someone who doesn't use one of those bots like Alexa or Siri, I'm disappointed.

Could have had starfinder mindflayers.

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Yeah I'm underwhelmed.

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Milo v3 wrote:
Not quite sure how something like this would be considered "Biggest News in RPGing" still though.

They posted two images, one with a date, one with a date and a society motto. Can't blame the over-hype on them.

I'd say they even revealed it earlier to kill the exaggerated reactions (and insanity) about a second edition and conversion to D&D.

I'll try it out, but I'm surprised there's no sample available yet, a trailer, someone testing it, etc.

Grand Lodge

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Although I'm not a video gamer, I will likely download the alexa app on to my iPad to just take a look at this thing, if only to hear the voices of the iconics and see mobile shots of Absalom Station. Still, videogaming is huge. It reaches a far more diverse audience than tabletop, judging from the gaming areas at local conventions. It engages a really wide spectrum of people. My spouse and kids loved playing all the way through Fable and Red Dead Redemption.

Amazon is huge. For Amazon to partner with Starfinder over something like this... well, it makes it all the more likely that new people will hear about Starfinder. I would love to GM Starfinder for more people, and see this game spread even more than it already has.

Starfinder is my favorite game -- love the setting, the plots and the crazy imaginative characters. This is a chance to spread Starfinder to new audiences. Just think about what a revival D&D has had since Stranger Things. (Actually, that's the thing that I want next: a Netflix or Amazon prime original mini-series that takes us into the Starfinder Universe. But one thing at a time, right?)


PS The curious can look at this interview about the Alexa Project between Jason "Jake" Tondro and James Sutter. I was intrigued to discover that Amazon approached the Starfinder team, rather than the other way around. Amazon is a savvy sniffer of trends, and always looks to be on the cutting edge. That they chose Starfinder as a vehicle is a very good sign indeed.

PPS Congratulations to the Starfinder team on all of this!

QuidEst wrote:
Dang, they weren't kidding about a new way to play RPGs. Less trapping people in VR than I expected, but it's got an authentic Starfinder-esque megacorp!

I will never be able to unsee the obvious similarity between Amazon and AbadarCorp.

Starfinder Developer

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Thanks for the plug, Hilary!

What excites me about this project is that we can reach people who otherwise will never learn about the game, who don't even know RPGs are a thing. Alexa also provides a way for new players who buy the book or the Beginner Box to play immediately, without having to find a group. Now, it's not the same thing as meeting up with your friends around a table, for sure. It's its own thing, not a tabletop RPG as we usually use the term. It's not going to be for everyone. But it can be cool for a lot of people.

And, honestly, this seems like the future to me. We have been using computers to assist our gaming for pretty much as long as we've had computers. It's only a matter of time before Roll20 and all those other tabletop simulators are supplanted by something with a verbal interface, where the GM has an AI virtual assistant that the GM and players can simply talk to, instead of having to learn an often-clunky-and-counterintuitive interface.

Imagine a setup where Rob McCreary, our Creative Director, writes a Starfinder adventure, and then that adventure is coded into Alexa or some other virtual assistant, and Rob records the GM audio. And now you can all have Rob as your GM. I mean, sure, it's not the same as having a living person there; you have to color inside the lines and participate in the adventure as it is written, unlike your living room where if you want to just ignore the plot, you can.

But that would be pretty cool, and I'm telling you, it's not as far away as you might think.

(And no, I am not telling the world we are working on that project. I just think it'd be cool!)

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thecursor wrote:
QuidEst wrote:
Dang, they weren't kidding about a new way to play RPGs. Less trapping people in VR than I expected, but it's got an authentic Starfinder-esque megacorp!
I will never be able to unsee the obvious similarity between Amazon and AbadarCorp.

"Alexa, Have Quig buy a tier 1 computer with an AI. Then have the AI get a subscription to Abadar Prime" doBoop "Recursion limit: mobius reached"

Jason Tondro wrote:
It's only a matter of time before Roll20 and all those other tabletop simulators are supplanted by something with a verbal interface, where the GM has an AI virtual assistant that the GM and players can simply talk to, instead of having to learn an often-clunky-and-counterintuitive interface.

I think a virtual tabletop might be enhanced by that but not replaced. Virtual tabletops allow you to simultaneously input data by talking and interacting with the tabletop (moving a character, pinging a spot, pressing a button for a skill or attack roll) at the same time. 5 people can also type or press buttons at the same time. Talking, not so much.

I'm trying to imagine the poor DM (virtual or otherwise) trying to understand 5 players simultaneously going "Alexa, roll a perception check for Quig" over each others mics. Trying to describe a route across a map from A1 to B2 to C3 to C4 also sounds kind of cumbersome compared to pressing the space bar and moving your character around. Not to mention keeping track of everyones locations for that.

The thing I love most about RPGs is coming up with solutions and strategies that make a human(oid.ish) dms brain break with "wait what...?" like an I mudd robot. * Something AI's are a while away from doing.

On the other hand, if deep blue wants to keep track of the shields during starship combat welcome to the table...can alexa have an SFS number?

So its a very different way to play than a VTT game but I can't see it as a replacement.

*second favorite thing, having brain broken by same thing.

I an really looking forward to trying this out. For those who missed it, you can download the Alexa App on your smartphone if you don’t have an Alexa at home. I’ve always wanted to try something like this. Let’s see where this takes us.

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I think this is big news for 3 reasons:

1. Support for Starfinder will be continued at a high level. I didn't doubt the game will be supported but a partnership like this usually means enough staff that ancillary projects get supported as well.

2. This is a great way to get new players into the game and grow the playerbase.

3. I get to play more starfinder.

Echo Dots are currently $0.99 plus a subscription to Amazon Music that you can cancel after a month.

The Ragi wrote:

They posted two images, one with a date, one with a date and a society motto. Can't blame the over-hype on them.

I wasn't talking about paizo overhyping. I was referring to Owen K Stephens view on it, which was a very bold claim.

Grand Lodge

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Owen is a very bold guy. That's one of the things I love about him.

So what was it?

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
AduroT wrote:
So what was it?

A Starfinder Alexa app.

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