theelcorspectre |

Hi, I'm still a little bit on the new side to Starfinder and I'm loving it so far, but in the Alien Archives there are options for playing races that are Large size. This is a bit new to me as most D20 games that I play avoid Large races like the plague. Is there anything to take into account before choosing a Large race? Any positives or negatives to doing so?

Sauce987654321 |

Lots of ship hallways are 5ft wide, slowing you down.
If you go unconscious, your party might not be able to carry you to safety because you're a 600 pound bear.
Idk about the hallway issue, since I'd imagine Paizo would accommodate larger races by making bigger areas in their APs. Maybe not, though.
The weight problem should be a non-issue. It's not any different then using a combat maneuver to reposition the large character, since it's not weight dependent. I don't know if it would be worth actually enforcing this possible weight problem, unless you can somehow make it interesting.

Ixal |
WatersLethe wrote:Lots of ship hallways are 5ft wide, slowing you down.
If you go unconscious, your party might not be able to carry you to safety because you're a 600 pound bear.
Idk about the hallway issue, since I'd imagine Paizo would accommodate larger races by making bigger areas in their APs. Maybe not, though.
The weight problem should be a non-issue. It's not any different then using a combat maneuver to reposition the large character, since it's not weight dependent. I don't know if it would be worth actually enforcing this possible weight problem, unless you can somehow make it interesting.
The AP Ships all have 10 ft. hallways I believe? Only the doors will be a problem. But some adventures specifically call out areas where large characters have problems.

BigNorseWolf |

You're going to have to add some extra holes to get it on but the ratfolk belt belt is amazing for large creatures.

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In our homebrew, our space goblin in powerarmor was almost killed because he had to squeeze through corridors when an enormous temple we were exploring was about to explode.
He seriously almost got caught, and would have died, had not our solarian used some of his powers to teleport him.

Jason Tondro Starfinder Developer |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

In our homebrew, our space goblin in powerarmor was almost killed because he had to squeeze through corridors when an enormous temple we were exploring was about to explode.
He seriously almost got caught, and would have died, had not our solarian used some of his powers to teleport him.
I love that the space goblin would rather die in his powered armor than climb out of it to escape.

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Yakman wrote:I love that the space goblin would rather die in his powered armor than climb out of it to escape.In our homebrew, our space goblin in powerarmor was almost killed because he had to squeeze through corridors when an enormous temple we were exploring was about to explode.
He seriously almost got caught, and would have died, had not our solarian used some of his powers to teleport him.
Sloog's gonna Sloog.

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Upside you have 10ft reach and cover a lot of squares for spell casting
for touch spells and area of control and if you have Bodyguard feat you cover a lot of people. You can stand behind someone and attack the same target with melee. Downside you are big and in 10ft hallways you provide cover for anyone behind you and not easy to carry if you go down.

Master Han Del of the Web |

A lot of Athletics checks become easier because you can simply grab the top of a barrier and pull yourself up. Be sure to ask if you can reach the top.
My blitz soldier once surprised some very cocky goblins who were up on walkways overhead. One very impressive chin-up later and he was among them with a melee weapon. It was not pretty... for them

Garretmander |
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The Street Rat theme from COM lets you squeeze without reducing speed or becoming Entangled at 6th level, which is great for all those Uplifted Bear street urchins.
I'm trying to imagine a full size bear picking people's pockets and stealing bread.
I imagine their targets notice, but like to keep their arms in their sockets.

Ravingdork |

You'll definitely want to pick up the Tight Fit feat from the Character Operations Manual.
It allows you to ignore the entangled condition while squeezing. What's more, your speed is reduced by 5 feet instead of halved.

kaid |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hi, I'm still a little bit on the new side to Starfinder and I'm loving it so far, but in the Alien Archives there are options for playing races that are Large size. This is a bit new to me as most D20 games that I play avoid Large races like the plague. Is there anything to take into account before choosing a Large race? Any positives or negatives to doing so?
Make sure the bathroom facilities on your ship are large enough to accomodate you. Having to use a litter box in the cargo hold gets embarrassing.