How do you think the justification for “friendly, playable Kobolds” will go?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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We’ve seen similar takes in-setting with the Goblins, Orcs, Lizardfolk, and Hobgoblins - where will out little scaled buddies be, within the world?

I’d love to see common ground established between the dwarves of the Mwangi Expanse and a few kobold clans, with their worship of dragons. Would be a really fun pairing of sometimes-enemies in more classic lore.

Silver Crusade

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1 word: Plushie

Silver Crusade

Going past that, most Kobolds are content to be left alone, but The Dragon’s Demand shows some that are happy to work with other people, once their not under the sway or evil deities or dragons. I believe there’s a series of Scenarios that have Kobolds like this too, Sewer Dragons of Absalom?

Given the subject material for Age of Ashes we might be seeing something in there.

Outside of that they’re good miners and explorers and defense experts.

(In my setting they run the banks, people are happy with their trap making skills there :3)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Who said anything about friendly kobolds?

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Got Deekin???

James Jacobs wrote:
Who said anything about friendly kobolds?

I mean, they’re playable! And it says they hang out in Kibwe sometimes.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

There was that neutral aligned traveling kobold tribe/merchant group mentioned in I think Return's ap bonus articles?

Strand Gamers Kingmaker podcast featured a Kobold rogue pc he wasn't good aligned but he was lots of fun.

RIP Festerscale

James Jacobs wrote:
Who said anything about friendly kobolds?

So much for my character concept of a Kobold whose day job is customer service . . . on second thought, maybe it actually makes sense.

Kobolds have always been one of the more PC friendly monster races. They mainly come into conflict with humans/dwarfs/whatever over territory or service to an evil dragon. There's nothing in their identity stopping a group from having friendly relations.

Silver Crusade

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James Jacobs wrote:
Who said anything about friendly kobolds?


Don’t dangle plushie awesomeness in front of us only to cruelly snatch it away.


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Well, their CRB description doesn't really mention anything about being "evil" in any capacity.
Doesn't exactly say anything about "friendly", either, but...

The Core Rulebook wrote:

Industrious and fecund, kobolds thrive anywhere they
can, often dwelling in narrow confines and twisting
burrows in the hinterlands of rural regions or spreading
throughout the sewers of urban centers. These small,
reptilian humanoids share many traits with dragons—
but courage, might, and an intimidating presence are
certainly not among them!

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Okay, I had to check, it was Redclover Tribe from Ecology for Roslar's Coffer aka Tyrant's Grasp not Returns.

"The Redclovers’ odd predilection toward diplomacy and trade arose from its current leader, Rasak the Cursed (N female kobold oracleAPG 7), a violet-scaled kobold who came by her epithet honestly."

The tribe does stuff like sending out "scout" kobolds with basic wares to test if settlements are willing to deal with kobolds or attack them on sight to steal their wares :p

Radiant Oath

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

And don't forget the Sootscales in Kingmaker (both the original AP AND the PC game!)! They are smol dragon friends who are doing their best! :3

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
And don't forget the Sootscales in Kingmaker (both the original AP AND the PC game!)! They are smol dragon friends who are doing their best! :3

Best sapper unit any army ever had.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
And don't forget the Sootscales in Kingmaker (both the original AP AND the PC game!)! They are smol dragon friends who are doing their best! :3

That is almost exactly what I was going to post.

Paizo is trying to move away from the ""Always Chaotic Evil" trope with non-supernatural races.

The problem we are seeing is that in a "pre-internet" culture human attitudes don't change as fast as people think they do. And Golarion has a lot of history of hostility against the "monster" humanoid races.

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Cutebolds. These are a thing

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Kobolds discover that metallic dragons are also dragons. Some kobolds come to serve their new metallic overlords (undoubtedly a social engineering experiment by one or more gold dragons). Better living conditions produce healthier (and thus better for being a PC) kobolds.

10 people marked this as a favorite.

now I can't get the picture of a large group of cobolds following a metallic dragon everywhere and wondering than he will start doing "dragon stuff" (meaning the things the evil kind of dragon is usually up to)

And after some time they start to learn by example and discover that not being evil is something that is good for them.

Silver Crusade

I would be firmly for it, because unlike goblins and gnolls as groups, we have seen numerous groups of kobolds working in cooperation with general races. And yes, the core races have a bit of a bias against monstrous races, generally because of what said monsters were getting up to.

Dark Archive

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lowfyr01 wrote:
now I can't get the picture of a large group of cobolds following a metallic dragon everywhere and wondering than he will start doing "dragon stuff" (meaning the things the evil kind of dragon is usually up to)

Similarly, I can see assorted good dragons long-sufferingly 'putting up with them' (after some tribe of kobolds seek them out to try and propitiate them) and trying to keep the kobolds worst instincts in check and find some sort of productive and fulfilling roles for them, even they realize that this is likely to be a generational task, and not an easy one.

The results would vary wildly depending on the dragon and their own personality (and level of patience, some might just drive them away, or even pull up roots and move somewhere the kobolds can't find them, leaving the tribe behind in an abandoned dragon's lair, suffering some sort of existential despair at having been abandoned by their 'god' after questing so long and following signs and portents and whatnot to find them, which could lead to them doing more and more extreme things to try and get the dragon's attention or approval, which, being naturally evil, are likely to be scary...).

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Set wrote:

Similarly, I can see assorted good dragons long-sufferingly 'putting up with them' (after some tribe of kobolds seek them out to try and propitiate them) and trying to keep the kobolds worst instincts in check and find some sort of productive and fulfilling roles for them, even they realize that this is likely to be a generational task, and not an easy one.

The results would vary wildly depending on the dragon and their own personality (and level of patience, some might just drive them away, or even pull up roots and move somewhere the kobolds can't find them, leaving the tribe behind in an abandoned dragon's lair, suffering some sort of existential despair at having been abandoned by their 'god' after questing so long and following signs and portents and whatnot to find them, which could lead to them doing more and more extreme things to try and get the dragon's attention or approval, which, being naturally evil, are likely to be scary...).

That sounds like a fun adventure, especially if the kobolds are good, not evil.

A traveler asks the PCs for help escaping a group of kobolds who are hunting them for 'unknown' reasons. The PCs investigate, only to find a group of jovial, well meaning, good aligned kobolds, who want the adventurer's to help them bring their god back home. Their god keeps wandering off, and it's always such a bother to have to hunt them down to pay them their tribute.

Turns out the traveler was a young dragon who tried to reform a local tribe of kobolds, and succeeded beyond all their expectations... but then really didn't want to keep taking care of them. They keep giving them pyrite and simple hand crafted goods instead of gold. Always bothering them to show up for ceremonies, etc.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

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lowfyr01 wrote:

now I can't get the picture of a large group of cobolds following a metallic dragon everywhere and wondering than he will start doing "dragon stuff" (meaning the things the evil kind of dragon is usually up to)

And after some time they start to learn by example and discover that not being evil is something that is good for them.

That is already Semi-Canon. Kobolds of Golarion, page 19 under "Rare Scale Colors."

Also check out page 15 of the same book.

Lord Fyre wrote:

That is already Semi-Canon. Kobolds of Golarion, page 19 under "Rare Scale Colors."

Also check out page 15 of the same book.

Think I need to reread that book than^^

Thanks for the info.

Shadow Lodge

...Kobolds around the world want to upstage those goblins as the new, cute little anklebiters everyone wants to hate on/play as?

Also, yeah, they don't have to be friendly to be playable. I do admit, I made up a LE yellow kobold as the "adorable little megalomaniac", well-practiced at sucking up to the bigger, stronger, richer people.

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