Late Night Forum with Vidmaster7

Off-Topic Discussions

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Damn. Nekkid page is over now.

And that was the end.. of revealing our ends.

So I keep hearing and seeing things about how high ranking government officials are saying aliens and UFO's are for sure a thing. anyone actually following this stuff?

I'm waiting for my tin foil hat to come back from the dry cleaner before I do.

I would of assumed you had extra.

Well, what happens when we assume? That's right. Me makes an ass out of you.

I think you said that backwards somehow.

No. The other way never made sense. If you assume something, how does that make me an ass? My way is correct.

are you sure you're not just assuming it's correct?

Nope. I'm right.

I thought we said you are never right?

But I may be correct.

Contrivancecougar wrote:
So I keep hearing and seeing things about how high ranking government officials are saying aliens and UFO's are for sure a thing. anyone actually following this stuff?

I just saw something this week where the Air Force released a video confirming a UFO.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Maybe, I don't follow that stuff. And just because it's an Unidentified Flying Object, doesn't mean it's aliens. It just means that you can't tell from the footage what it is. It could be a Cessna with a funky paint job.

well yeah and life on other planets doesn't have to be like star trek or star wars aliens just little microscopic things. Still cool if they exist.

Please look into the light...

There are four lights?

Oh this one’s good... we should mark him for tag and release...

Fillup and Orangejello met Tatanka.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Maybe, I don't follow that stuff. And just because it's an Unidentified Flying Object, doesn't mean it's aliens. It just means that you can't tell from the footage what it is. It could be a Cessna with a funky paint job.

Or people with backyard catapults.

Who DOESN’T have a backyard catapult?!


Just thought I'd pop in here...

Battery Sgt. Major Longears wrote:


*sneaks around, looking for pastries*

Bear claw?

*starts chewing on bear's claw*

Training new person tonight. completely from scratch. They are the clay and I am the moulder.

The Mulder?

Quiet Skully their is supernatural stuff going on.


Vidmaster7 wrote:
Training new person tonight. completely from scratch. They are the clay and I am the moulder.

Bring in Capt Yesterday. He's good with that stuff.

Scarab Sages

CrystalSeas wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Training new person tonight. completely from scratch. They are the clay and I am the moulder.
Bring in Capt Yesterday. He's good with that stuff.

Crossover episode!

I mean I didn't he would want to make the drive to TN just for that.

Some people will do anything to escape Wisconsin.

But they won't want to escape to TN. They should escape to like anywhere else.

As long as they don't come to me, I don't care where they go.

Yelp now we are all coming to you.. their will be a hotel room party.

There f%#$ing well will not.

I feel like the hotel bit would of went over better on Fawtl

It would go even better at your hotel. Or we could force Freehold to work audit shift, and then see how he likes dealing with that s@%@.

See he would just work it and immediately just sod off and join the party because he doesn't need the job.

Eh I'm surprised with what other employees get away with actually.

He certainly wouldn't have the job if he did join the party.

You know what's annoying? I'm playing Slay the Spire, and I get a Fairy in a Bottle as a reward, but I can't take it because I already have 2 of them. After probably a dozen games without seeing one, I've seen 3 before reaching the first boss.

that is crazy.

What's even more annoying is that I couldn't even reach the 2nd boss despite having two of them.

They are not as helpful as they should be even after they were buffed I've still been killed while still having one before.

New computers at work. so shiny.

We're supposed to get a new server (maybe more?) installed today.

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