Interest check: Suicide Squad esque mission based game(tristalt, planar, multi-worlds, and more!)


This is just an interest check, but if there's a solid amount of responses, I'll get up a full, official recruitment.

The general idea is the PCs, of which there will a lot, are all former bad guys, current bad guys, or otherwise 'doesn't play well with others' who have been recruited for missions they might not survive.

The game will be officially based out of Hyraeatan, from the City of the 7 Seraphs setting.

However, as befitting that city, the game will be planar, as well as traveling to multiple worlds(read, campaign settings). As such, PCs can come from anywhere, including Earth(If you want to be a normal true fantasy character from Earth, you can easily come from an alternate reality Earth where magic n such is a reality).

Also, since the premise of the game is mission based, and not every PC would work for each mission, I'm going to have this be an open recruitment, with no real cap on submissions. Players can also submit and play more than one PC.

For PCs not out on a mission, they can roam Hyraeatan, doing side quests, hanging out in the city, etc. Basically, playing among themselves, with little to no GM input, unless needed.

There will be an actual metaplot, but I think I'll save it for the official recruitment :)

This sounds interesting! What character level did you have in mind? Since we would be (ex)villains, would monstrous races be allowed?

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

<-- Interested

Mr. Rattlebones wrote:
This sounds interesting! What character level did you have in mind? Since we would be (ex)villains, would monstrous races be allowed?

8th level tristalt.

And yea, monstrous races will be allowed, but must be humanoid. Fey, monstrous humanoids, weak outsiders, etc.

I think I'll use something similar to what's being used for the Riftwarden recruitment for monsters.

You have my interest, definitely.

based on the fact that the other tristalt recruitment thread currently open had no gm response for a long time, you can expect some good submission of those players very soon.


Very interested. I've always wanted to play a charisma based evil character and haven't had the chance now and a tristalt oracle of the elder gods//seducer witch//something else really sounds like fun


Grand Lodge


Interested as well.

Count me 100% interested. I have a character in mind already!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I have so many character ideas running around in my head.

Actually applied to that Demigod one with a character that is better fit here, actually.

I'm goin to finish Runaways tonight. If I'm done at a reasonable hour, I will get an official recruitment up. Otherwise, look for it tomorrow, hopefully, lol.

Sounds good! Excited to see what you get together.

Your words intrigue me and I wish to know more.

Cool, interested!

Might be interesting

Working on character creation, but had to take several hours break to help my mom outside with some yard work.

Still plugging away at it, but got a lot done already.

Okay kiddies, here's the first, rough draft of the character creation rules.

I will still post an official recruitment with the finale version(either late tonight or tomorrow), but things won't change too much, so feel free to at least begin the creation process.

Character Creation Rules

Starting level 8th level, tristalt. *Debating* using one class for base stats and the other two for just class features, including casting/manifesting/maneuvers/etc

Race Any humanoid, including fey, monstrous and weak outsiders. Probably having the race take up one side of your tristalt on a 1-1 CR to level basis. Also possibly using alt rules for such races.

Class Any Paizo, plus pretty much anything on the PFSRD, or the classes on the Spheres Wiki. You can also use any class beyond these, provided you can either(or both) 1) Tell me what book it’s from, in case I have access to it *or* 2) include all the class features in your submission, and subsequent alias.

**NOTE** I currently have zero knowledge of the Spheres system, however I realize how popular it is, so I won’t disallow them. *If* it seems like a Spheres character is too OP, or is doing too much, or otherwise not working out once game has started, I reserve the right to ask for a rework. (This actually applies to all characters, but I called out Spheres specially because it’s an entire replacement system I lack knowledge of).

Also, in order to A) curb the overall power of the PCs, and 2) to hopefully encourage the taking of at least one martial class(after all, each of you should be at least decently capable in a physical fight), PCs will be limited to one full casting/manifesting class. I’m considering including maneuver classes as well, but unsure on that point.

Ability Scores 38 point buy, no min/no max, but RP your choices please!

Hit points Max, with double at 1st level.

Feats Feat at every level. Fighters get Combat Stamina for free at 1st level, Push the Limits for free at 3rd and Extra Stamina for free at 5th. They are still able to select Extra Stamina twice more via normal feat expenditure.

Also, the feat tax is in use.

Skills Since you guys are elite level operatives, I’m boosting skills:

Fighters will all get a 'free' archetype that expands and boosts their skills. By free I mean, while they still need to trade out class features as normal, they can take a second archetype that trades out some of the same features.

Ie, if your free one trades out bravery and armor training, you could take a second archetype that also trades out both of those class features.

All classes, yes, including Rogue, get bummed up +2 skills. This includes any archetypes that also boost skills, fighter or otherwise.

Skill unlocks and background skills are in use. However, non rogues are limited to Signature Skill at 6th level and again at 12th.

Starting Wealth: 49,500, and Automatic Bonus Progression. Yes, I realize that’s way more than 8th level wealth *and* more than what ABP suggests, but again you’re elite soldiers of fortune. While death is very much a possibility, I don’t want you all to suck.

Also, you get one minor artifact, that you may design, as a signature item for your PC.

This should be something that defines your character, like Bat’s utility belt, a power ring, elemental guns, etc. It should not be something too powerful, but is more a unique item that is also hard to destroy.

Feel free to get creative, and don’t worry about sticking to normal item creation rules. For example, to recreate Batman’s utility belt, you could use the Belt of Many Pockets from 3.5, combined with the Well Prepared and Mythic Well Prepared feats(as in the belt grants these feats.)

I reserve full veto power on these items, so please don’t go too overboard.

Niiiiice. I will get started right away.

Man, this is gonna be one juicy campagin. After a couple of other similar premises have...fizzled, I'm really excited to see one run by someone with a nice repuatation.

I wouldn't worry too much about Spheres of Power. At 8th level Vancian is probably the more powerful spell system. Spheres of Might martials will have an edge over there pure Paizo counterparts, in the same way that Path of War martials have an advantage - they simply have a lot more solutions to problems than 'Full attak, away!'

Plus if you have any questions I know quite a bit about them.

Are the other, non-Spheres classes (other than the City of Seven Seraphs bits) also open for plundering, such as Akashic Mysteries and Strange Magic? I know Akashic Mysteries is part of the setting, but it seems like a good idea to check.

Id absolutely love this. Ive been pouring over the City of Seven Seraphs book since I got it. So many neat, flavorful options in the book. I actually got into a Mythweavers campaign that fell apart literally right after the characters met which broke my heart a bit. Would definitely be interested, Ill start toying with character ideas using those rules.

Ability scores: Check the edit. Sorry, totes forgot about that.

@Jon, yes, all classes on the Spheres wiki are allowed.

If we pick a monstrous character, do we add our ability score point buy to the creature's bestiary stats?

Mr. Rattlebones wrote:
If we pick a monstrous character, do we add our ability score point buy to the creature's bestiary stats?

No. I'm working on how I will handle monster races, but I am leaning towards the rules linked in my second post(The Riftwarden link)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Voice of Awesomeness wrote:
Mr. Rattlebones wrote:
If we pick a monstrous character, do we add our ability score point buy to the creature's bestiary stats?
No. I'm working on how I will handle monster races, but I am leaning towards the rules linked in my second post(The Riftwarden link)

Good to know!

I'm leaning towards making a doppelganger swashbuckler/unchained rogue/oracle (intrigue).

What about custom races based on existing Paizo Starfinder races like Skittermanders?

What level of firearms are available?

Is there a recruitment deadline or cutoff?

Belltrap wrote:

What about custom races based on existing Paizo Starfinder races like Skittermanders?

What level of firearms are available?

Is there a recruitment deadline or cutoff?

I'll answer all of these tomorrow, in the official recruitment thread. I needed to get some advice from a buddy, and he took too long in getting back to me(just did). Tis now 5am and I need sleep.

Hi Monkeygod, nice to see you again. I'll be happy to sail alongside you in this adventure.

If you don't mind, I will be bringing the Solar-descended character I've been trying to play in about 3 or 4 different recent planar game attempts. I'll have a look at the races rules to check what kind of celestial or celestial template would be appropriate in this case.

Voice of Awesomeness wrote:
Also, in order to A) curb the overall power of the PCs, and 2) to hopefully encourage the taking of at least one martial class(after all, each of you should be at least decently capable in a physical fight), PCs will be limited to one full casting/manifesting class. I’m considering including maneuver classes as well, but unsure on that point.

Any chance this could be modified to requiring at least one martial class instead, or only one each of divine and arcane? I already have quite a fun idea for a witch//oracle//antipaladin.

If we decide to use templates for our monster race, but they put our creature over CR 8 (my idea sits at 9 unfortunately), could we be allowed to take from the other two columns?

Or should I go back to the drawing board?

I'm thinking up a few ideas for this, and I already have one solid character in mind. I just need to think up a suitable artifact-style object for them to use.

Am leaning toward a swashbuckler blade bound magus and either a rogue or a weapon adept monk.

I am interested.

My Staff Master Magus/Eldritch Scoundrel U. Rogue/Child of A&A Fighter was needing a little more oomph in the feats department. A free Archetype would do me nicely.

Edit Question: What's your stance on Traits?

So I could play a pyromaniacal Young Magma Dragon (CR 8)? Assuming that takes up on third of the Tristalt, I then get to make him a Gestalt character? Holy heck yes. Obviously, I’m shooting for the El Diablo role in our little suicide squad. Maybe Draconic Sorcerer/Pyrokineticist. Muhahahaha!

Voice of Awesomeness wrote:

I'm glad i took a second look at this. I will have an idea put together as soon as possible. it may change a tad as i have put a similar idea forward in another recruitment, but that one might have died, i dunno.

current idea is a Cable/Nightcrawler mix of a person who warps around and really fits the elite soldier of fortune sort of theme.

Voice of Awesomeness wrote:
Starting level 8th level, tristalt. *Debating* using one class for base stats and the other two for just class features, including casting/manifesting/maneuvers/etc

So, skills, base saves and BAB are determined by the base class and not, as in usual Gestalt, you pick whatever class gives you the best? That means, the best base class is either Ranger (lots of skill points) or Paladin (good will save). Assuming you want full HD and full bab.

I'm considering a Juggernaut style character with an Artifact Boulder Helm.

so far i'm thinking


though i might sub in Sage

my questions are:

1. what do you mean about feat tax?
2. Incanter is definitely a full casting class, in that their CL = level and they get at least one talent per level. Sage, on the other hand, is a bit different. They get CL = their level but they only get 1 talent at 1 plus 1 talent at 2/4/6/8/etc. (like when a normal fighter gets fighter feats). Do you consider Sage a full caster in that regard, or a half caster since they get half as many talents (assuming they spend all talents on magic, they can also choose combat talents in those slots). Or would you count them as non-casters if no magic talents were chosen in their "Style Talent" slots? I could see it going a lot of ways so I am just wondering for my choice here.

the class chosen by deciding the above will mostly determine the way he fights, be it by gun or fist or blade or whatever. the idea is that he will have some time powers like Cable, Warp powers like Nightcrawler (and some more like Dr. Strange). If I go with Technician, he will warp around and set traps and use self-made weapons and grappling hooks and stuff. If I go with Sage he might be more hand-to-hand.


Please direct any and all questions there!

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