DungeonmasterCal's House of Respite

Off-Topic Discussions

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Well, for reasons unknown to me The Monkey's Treefort thread has been shut down. This really saddens me because there are some great people there. So, in hopes of keeping the camaraderie alive, I cordially invite ALL of the Tree Forters to come to my place of rest and relaxation, where good times and good conversation can carry on. But just as with the Tree Fort no politics, no religion. These topics are OFF LIMITS.

We should all give Patrick Curtin a huge shout out for creating the Tree Fort for it brought many of us together, forging friendships across the country and internationally. Thanks, Patrick. I've had a great time!

Here is Sara Marie's post about shutting down the Tree Fort thread:

"19,930 in a bit less than three years is impressive folks. At this time I'm going to retire this thread. If you'd like to create a new chat thread, please feel free."

So come one come all! Let's party!

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Thanks for the shout out Cal. Just for the record, I asked that the Treefort be shuttered. Just time for me to close up shop in the OTD and concentrate on other matters. Good to see you have an alternative already set up, best of luck and happy holidays!

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You'll be missed, monkey. Take care.

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Sorry to hear. Take care of yourself!

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Thanks, Patrick. I'll do everything I can to ensure the spirit of the Tree Fort lives on! Happy Holidays!

In that vein:

Patrick Curtin wrote:

Just a thread for a few friends to hang out. Nothing important going on here, just gaming stuff and idle chatter.

The golden rule:

Feel free to post, if you wish. We are rolling with OG FAWTL rules here. No politics or subjects that stray into that realm. You will be warned if you post something in that nature. Refusal to stop will result in flagging.

Solid advice, sir!

Also, shout-out to John Napier who did similar, but, as Patrick has subsequently requested otherwise, now to go to this one!

Grand Lodge

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At least it ain't the House of Spite!

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
At least it ain't the House of Spite!

But it could be, in spite of your...eh, nevermind.

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Hi, everyone.


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What's up!?

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I changed the title. It's now John's Madhouse.

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But it got deleted anyway. Just as well.

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It’s always fascinated me how some threads can become societies unto themselves. I guess I’ll try and jump in early on this one. :)

Tacticslion wrote:


AC 60

+20 BAB +13 ability +5 enhancement + 2 greater focus; ???

d20+40 caaaaaaaaaaan hit that AC on a natural 20... but it could do that anyway. Hrmmmm.

In know there are other bonuses in non-epic 3.5 games, and I’m probably forgetting something basic and obvious, but I’m curious if anyone can list them “readily enough.” Like, not obscure - a fourth-man PH/DMG1 party of 20th level could have access to it without special crafting - sort of thing.

I mean, dude’s already gotta get a hyper-focused... wait!

+20 BAB +13 ability +7 enhancement + 2 greater focus -> +42 (noice) so 18-20.

So crit-fishing with a +5 cold iron bane (chaotic outsider) holy falchion, I guess. Still seems like there should be more.

Anyone? I’m asking for a... friend.

18 base +2 racial +5 inherent +5 level +6 enhancement = 36 (+13)

Shopping around for 3.5 (not PF) rules. Thanks in advance!

EDIT: the above presupposes a pretty basic half-orc fighter by-the-by...

Made a thread for my query.

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Asmodeus' Advocate wrote:
It’s always fascinated me how some threads can become societies unto themselves. I guess I’ll try and jump in early on this one. :)

Welcome! Come in and kick your shoes off! I didn't join the Monkey's Tree Fort until it was well into the 9 or 10 thousand range. I regret not joining it sooner.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
But it got deleted anyway. Just as well.

It was deleted? By who?

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
But it got deleted anyway. Just as well.
It was deleted? By who?

Sara Marie, because I asked her to.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
But it got deleted anyway. Just as well.
It was deleted? By who?
Sara Marie, because I asked her to.


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So what's on everyone's Christmas wish lists? I asked for a new desktop PC and a new printer. I'm pretty sure I won't be getting the former as I found out I'll be getting Iron Maiden tickets for next summer in Nashville. And I don't recall if I mentioned it or not, but the folks in my gaming group and other friends chipped in on a GoFundMe to commission a portrait of my first original AD&D character, an Anti-Paladin. I'd played someone else's character for my very first game, but Schwartz the Lawless was the first one I created. Many happy years of playing that character. This was a totally unexpected gift and I got a bit emotional at our holiday gaming retreat and Christmas party. It was done by Peter Bradley, who's done work for Troll Lord Games and others. I love it.

Anyway, what are the Elves building for you guys?

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My Christmas Wish:
Peace on Earth would be nice.

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My wish: The Infinity Gauntlet and Infinity Gems. Barring that, I'll settle for more gaming.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

I think I have a better chance of getting that tower unit PC and I'm pretty sure that ain't gonna be in my stocking this year.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
** spoiler omitted **
I think I have a better chance of getting that tower unit PC and I'm pretty sure that ain't gonna be in my stocking this year.

There's always hope for that.

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Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Hi, everyone!

My Christmas wish is for another year. :-)

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I do that on my birthdays... LOL

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:

So what's on everyone's Christmas wish lists? I asked for a new desktop PC and a new printer. I'm pretty sure I won't be getting the former as I found out I'll be getting Iron Maiden tickets for next summer in Nashville. And I don't recall if I mentioned it or not, but the folks in my gaming group and other friends chipped in on a GoFundMe to commission a portrait of my first original AD&D character, an Anti-Paladin. I'd played someone else's character for my very first game, but Schwartz the Lawless was the first one I created. Many happy years of playing that character. This was a totally unexpected gift and I got a bit emotional at our holiday gaming retreat and Christmas party. It was done by Peter Bradley, who's done work for Troll Lord Games and others. I love it.

Anyway, what are the Elves building for you guys?

The one thing I asked for was a new bag/pack/satchel to carry around all my assorted stuff - meds, Kindle, pens and notepads, coupons, etc. - in. The one I have currently is on its last legs.

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I've got a really nice one from a job I had. It's got a bazillion pockets of varying sizes, expandable main pocket, wheels and a pull along handle. It's sturdy. Really sturdy. I used to carry 5 to 7 PF books in it along with dice, notepads, pencils, etc in it. It's made by a company called Western Pack.

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I would like a protector for my iPad that fits (planned obsolescence, dang it), a battery for my phone (one that hopefully doesn't die when I turn on Pokemon Go), a clean bill of health for myself and my family (including my father) and a clean house.

I am likely to maybe get one of these. It isn't the one I want the most.

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I heard a lot of good things about the book, The Outline of History by HG Wells, so I wanted to get that.

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I would love for someone to come help me clean house. My 25 year old son and his friend are staying with me temporarily and they do nothing to help with upkeep. I'm about to lose my patience, and I'm a VERY easy going person. But my rope is almost to the end.

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Beddy Bye meds and a wonky BP that has made me dizzy all day have decided this is as late as I can make it tonight. Good night, all!

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Good night, Cal.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
So what's on everyone's Christmas wish lists?

Every year my wife says I'm impossible to buy for. If I want something, I either get it, save up until I can get it, or (if it's out of reach for the reasonable future) I stop wanting it. And most of the things I want aren't things anyway--at least not things one can buy.

I finally figured out that what I want is something that I didn't know that I wanted but would have wanted, had I given it thought or known it existed. And, surprisingly, nearly every year she finds something that fits that bill.

I'm looking forward to what she's come up with this year. Mysterious...

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
So what's on everyone's Christmas wish lists?

I’ve often dreamed about an RPG product like this.

I would have preferred it for War for the Crown, but I’m hoping the concept works out for Wizards of the Coast and that Paizo try something similar. It’s not going to make it to me by Christmas, but I haven’t been so excited for a Christmas present in aaaaages. I can’t wait until January/February. :)

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That's pretty dang sweet!

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I don't do Christmas lists, or any lists, that way I won't get disappointed when I don't get anything from my list.

Just something I picked up growing up in extreme poverty.

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quibblemuch wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
So what's on everyone's Christmas wish lists?
Every year my wife says I'm impossible to buy for. If I want something, I either get it, save up until I can get it, or (if it's out of reach for the reasonable future) I stop wanting it. And most of the things I want aren't things anyway--at least not things one can buy.

Are you me? Except the wife bit.

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Last (half) day of the semester! My grades are all caught up, so I'm basically babysitting and duncing around on the internet all morning.

I need to get more games for these half-day situations. My selection is pretty barebones.

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I want an NS Stick. I tell this to my wife every year, and yet somehow it just never seems to happen. (Maybe because it's a $2600 8-string bass, you nitwit.)

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This year I had to ask my family to NOT get me Fallout 76.

I blame Bethesda.

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Scintillae wrote:
quibblemuch wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
So what's on everyone's Christmas wish lists?
Every year my wife says I'm impossible to buy for. If I want something, I either get it, save up until I can get it, or (if it's out of reach for the reasonable future) I stop wanting it. And most of the things I want aren't things anyway--at least not things one can buy.
Are you me? Except the wife bit.

Or me, also except the wife bit.

I actually had that exact conversation with my father three days ago.

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Honestly wishing for another year to me is kind of pointless because either it will happen or it won't.

But wishing for Peace on Earth...I can get behind that.

Also on my wish list: A full time Maid. :p

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I'm like a 10 year old child. Every year I'm asked what I want for Christmas by friends and family so I still make lists. I'm not one of the ones who are fortunate enough to be able to afford the goodies I want all the time so it's the once a year chance I have to get things like a new printer.

Grand Lodge

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Honestly, I don't think there is anything I want anymore. There are things that I would find useful to have (like the pirate flipmat rerelease this month) but for the most part anything like that, I pick up myself. I have some wishlists for people to browse if they need ideas, but they're mostly leftovers.

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For most of my online and same-age friends yeah, I tend to point them to my Steam or Paizo wish lists. With parents that's less of an option. >.>

Mostly cause I'd like to not have my parents interact with my online presence. The fall out would be unpleasant.

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Honestly I keep my online presence a secret in terms of I keep it to Facebook and they don't need to know I'm here... ;)

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We can call it Fall out 76.

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