quibblemuch |
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So one of the new players to our table is new to Pathfinder, though he's played D&D forever. He's also, for whatever reason, terrified of his character dying. We just hit 5th level.
ME: Don't worry about character death any more, man. Now that I'm a 5th level cleric, I have access to animate dead.
NEW PLAYER: Is that what Pathfinder calls raise dead?
ME: ToMAYto, toMAHto. Different game systems, yada yada yada. Minutiae and details. Point is, if you die, you'll be fine.
ME: --Fine! Anyhoo, moving on...

quibblemuch |
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Hey, if anyone's curious, Amazon now has a preview of my upcoming book. If it sounds interesting, you can pre-order it anywhere you buy books (unless you buy books from an unmarked van in a shady alley somewhere; no judgment, you gotta get books somehow).
Woot woot!
*awkward dancing*

DungeonmasterCal |
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(unless you buy books from an unmarked van in a shady alley somewhere; no judgment, you gotta get books somehow).
Woot woot!
*awkward dancing*
That's terrific!
In college, we didn't have an unmarked van, we had an ancient schoolbus owned by a guy who could undercut the price of textbooks by as much as half of what the university bookstore charged for them. I can't remember the old man's name, but it *His Name's* Book Bus. I caught on early that a lot of professors would have the textbook listed on the syllabus and never use the damned thing at all for instruction. I didn't buy books for those classes and used the copies in the university's library if a reading assignment was given to the class. I saved a ton of college cash by doing that, which I put to good use, of course ("Hey guys! I bought "Oriental Adventures" and BEER! Let's play tonight!").

quibblemuch |
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Ha! Shady textbook schoolbus. That is awesome. I wish I'd had that when I was in school.
When I was teaching college, a lot of times I go the first year classes (as the lowest seniority person). The department mandated a different textbook every year, all of them useless. I would tell the students to return them if they could and if they couldn't to always, for the rest of their college career, wait till the first day of class to see the syllabus before getting the text book.
The one time I got to teach my own class (British poetry), I used only out-of-copyright poems and created my own PDF course pack for free. Textbooks are a damn racket and I wanted to be no part of it.
*summons Tableflip McRagequit*

Drejk |
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Fantasy Monster: Inventor's Devil
A devil that helps inventors. You don't even need to sell your soul (unless you want to)!

DungeonmasterCal |

Drejk |
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Drejk wrote:At one point I tried to steer one of my campaigns into a Fey oriented direction, but the rest of the players didn't seem too interested. King Allfern would've been perfect.King of a forest kingdom, truly one with his land.
You can drop fey references and have a haunted forest where remnants of witches/hags and druids are struggling each other while trying to avoid (or sway to their side) the king.

DungeonmasterCal |
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You can drop fey references and have a haunted forest where remnants of witches/hags and druids are struggling each other while trying to avoid (or sway to their side) the king.
I have done things like that, but only as side adventures of sorts. Plus, I think the first time I did something like that disturbed them so badly they didn't want to face anything else like it. I ran them on an adventure where the Eld (that's the word we use in our homebrew for the Feywild and such) was somehow spreading into their world. They traced the epicenter to a tall white tree. Deciding to cut down the tree, they had to listen to it screaming and begging for its life while blood red sap sprayed onto them from every strike with an axe. They players were seriously freaked out by this and asked me to never do that to them again (these are grown men and women, by the way). It honestly upset them. I gave myself a pat on the back for it.

Drejk |
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Fantasy NPC: Princess Of Fangs And Fur
A wolf-princess. Could be worse, she could be tree, like her father.

DungeonmasterCal |

Fantasy Monster: Invader Tree.
The trees are coming!
I look forward every Sunday for your new creations.

Chief Brody, Lawn Guy |
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Fantasy Monster: Invader Tree.
The trees are coming!
We're gonna need a bigger weed whacker.

quibblemuch |
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So I've been playing the CRPG of Wrath of the Righteous. Today had the following amusing feed scroll in the events pane (during a huge battle sequence):
Kenabres Crusader: We're winning! Praise Iomedae!
Kenabres Crusader dies.
My Brain: And that's why you don't celebrate while still in initiative. Poor bastard was probably simultaneously a rookie and had three days left to retirement...

quibblemuch |
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Also, from the Return of the Runelords game:
"I'm worried she's going to come after us for revenge."
"Look. She's a named NPC who had something we wanted. We now have that thing AND she's still alive. If she has an Int above 7, she's going to realize she's come out as much ahead as she can hope for in this scenario."

Haladir |
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In other news, I'm still alive!
I'm pretty active in indie RPG and story-game circles these days. I was just thinking about the old Paizo forums and thought I'd pop in to say "Hi!"
I've walked away from Twitter, but if anyone is on Mastodon I'm @MikeFerdinando@dice.camp
And I just started posting on BlueSky.
Have a great one!

DungeonmasterCal |

In other news, I'm still alive!
I'm pretty active in indie RPG and story-game circles these days. I was just thinking about the old Paizo forums and thought I'd pop in to say "Hi!"
I've walked away from Twitter, but if anyone is on Mastodon I'm @MikeFerdinando@dice.camp
And I just started posting on BlueSky.
Have a great one!
Good to know!

quibblemuch |

Ed Reppert |
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"marshmallow" noun
1 a soft, chewy confection made with sugar and gelatin: toasting marshmallows over a campfire | [as modifier] : chocolate-covered marshmallow cookies | figurative : a tough-as-nails reporter with a marshmallow center.
2 (also marsh mallow)
a tall pink-flowered European plant that grows in brackish marshes. The roots were formerly used to make marshmallow, and it is sometimes cultivated for medicinal use."

quibblemuch |
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So last gaming session, the newb GM learned a valuable lesson about charming a character with a Wisdom of 6. She'll be helpful to your villain NPC. Real helpful. And then, even tho you suggest she be discreet, she'll go and tell all her friends to be helpful too. And then she'll fail the Sense Motive AND Perception checks to notice her friends readying all their weapons of mass destruction as they follow her straight to said villain to be helpful! Because after all, if someone is a really good person who needs help, might as well have all your friends help them too!
At one point the GM objected: "Hey! You wouldn't just go rogue like that and thwart her plans under the guise of being friendly and having a better idea, you're charmed!"
The entire rest of the table: "His character's friendly to US and she does that all the time!"
GM: "I-I cannot refute that point."
Me: *smiles and hums a quiet little chaos tune*

Drejk |
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Fantasy NPC: The Thrice-Lost Merchant.
Poor guy, tried to escape the capital when the local people started turning into trees but hadn't fled far.

quibblemuch |
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I'm doing pretty good! I have the day off, so I get call my insurance company and convince them to help me explain what this $1,100.00 charge is from a hospital that I never went to! I'm sure it will go swimmingly.
Oh, that's always a delight.
Decades ago I had a similar "mistaken" charge. Complained & it got reversed. However... flash forward six months and I see on the news that entire corporate conglomerate of hospitals is under investigation for widespread Medicare and insurance fraud... *facepalm*

Andostre |
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Well, it was not a mistake. It's just a load of bullshit.
I had a sty removed from my eye-lid at my eye doctor's office. I paid them for the surgery. They sent the sty to a lab to make sure it wasn't cancerous. It turns out that the lab was a local hospital network's lab. I paid that hospital the pathology fee. The $1,100.00 charge is from the same hospital, and it turns out that it's a "facility fee" for the use of the lab.
The pathology fee was for the act of analyzing the sty. The facility fee is for the lab tech using their own work place to analyze the sty.
Also: This $1,100.00, which is after health insurance reductions, is more (many times over) than the surgery fee and the pathology fee combined.

DungeonmasterCal |
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Things are going fairly well for my part of things. My ex-wife had to have two back to back surgeries a few weeks ago and her cancer doctors had a special meeting about her particular case yesterday. Hers and hers alone. They find it "interesting". There are so many other reasons to find something "interesting". Hearing a whole medical department finds you so isn't one of them!

Drejk |
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Fantasy Monster: Captivating Landscape
A picture that will capture you... Forever!

DungeonmasterCal |

Fantasy Monster: Captivating Landscape
A picture that will capture you... Forever!
An absolutely terrific beastie!