Seldom seen in Starfinder Society

Starfinder Society

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

What character options (class, race, theme, archetype) are seldom seen in your local area? I love seeing how people from different regions answer these questions. There's always going to be local preferences and trends!

★ --- ★ --- ★ --- ★

In Minnesota, I seldom see kasathas (although my boyfriend plays one) and shirren (though I play one). I have seen a large number of shirrens and kasathas in Play-by-Post, which is fascinating since people have to get really creative with the avatars they use.* Still, they seem less common than androids, lashuntas and the ever popular ysoki.

I've seen every class, though operatives are most common and solarians are the least. Still, the solarians I see are holding their own!

Boon races are all over the place. Dreamers has a whole herd of Nuar (primarily due to many of my players GMing Starfinder Quests at the same convention.) Mostly, I see the entire cantina, though I have yet to see a Ferran or a Woikio. Given that this is the online SFS GM boon, they should be more common in the online region than they are currently.

As for archetypes, I most often see archetypes that have strong tie-ins to the setting: Stewards, Hellknights, Skyfire Legion. I have NEVER seen a phrenic adept. Has anyone?


* We need Starfinder Avatars!

4/5 *

I have not seen any Arcane Assailant soldiers other than mine.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 2/5 5/5 **

I am very protective of my woioko, but he has been in play on the boards. :)

Personal opinion: phrenic adept does not give you anything useful for SFS for what it takes. I've considered it several times but have never been able to justify it.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

Yay, a woioko! This makes me happy to see! Are you a floatborn or a deepborn?

Yeah, I think the problem is that if you really want to be a psychic, you play a Mystic and get awesome psychic flavor. If you want just a splash of psychic, you decide to be a shirren or lashunta. This archetype takes a lot from classes without providing much unique or interesting abilities.


Acquisitives 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

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I considered Arcane Assailant for Magical Mu, but then decided that she would be more magical as a melee technomancer.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/55/5 *

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Fwiw, one of my higher level PCs is a phrenic adept.
(He's a 6th level Detective Operative)

Blaze Nakamura, Psychic Detective.

He's an older ysoki, a priest of Saranrae, modeled heavily off of Shepherd Book.
This confuses the heck out of some people, as they have no clue whether he's a mystic, a mechanic, or whatever - rarely do they discern his inner operativeness until combat starts.

Do I miss some of those sweet, sweet Operative Exploits?

Sure I do, but Blaze still has plenty of flavor for how I want to play him.
And in his most recent adventure, being able to re-roll failed Will saves proved to be extra handy.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Archetypes in general. For non soldiers they soak up so many class abilities (especially at SFS levels) that you're functionally not your class.


Korasha Lashunta The Male/Dwarf like Lashunta. Their stats are good for melee characters but vesk are so much better at being melee characters.

Soldiers other than Blitz

Mystics tend to be pretty rare. . A lot of them tend to be star shamans though.

2/5 5/5 **

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Mystics tend to be pretty rare. . A lot of them tend to be star shamans though.

Funnily enough, I have one of each class but 2 and soon to be 3 of Mystic: Healer, Star Shaman, Xenodruid.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/55/5 *

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Locally, so far as the standard species go, we see a lot of Androids, Vesk, & Ysoki.
We see the occasional Lashunta & Shirren.
I think I've seen 1 Human.
Kasathans are rarer than Unicorns. (I've at least seen 1 unicorn, though as an NPC).

In the realms of the Legacy species, I've seen a ton of half-orcs & a couple dwarves.
No elves (either half or full), no halflings, no gnomes (serious, no gnomes - you'd think having two options would only make them MORE popular).

We get a fair number of the boon races - Nu'ar, Haan, Witchwyrd, & the like - & rumors of Skittermanders may prove to be true soon.

On the class front, Soldiers & Operatives are frequent party members.
Mechanics, Solarians, & Technomancers rank next.
Least seen are the Envoys & the Mystics.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

@Joe Gnomes, Elves, and half-elves are not currently available outside the Legacy Race Boon that is gone.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/55/5 *

Glen Parnell wrote:
@Joe Gnomes, Elves, and half-elves are not currently available outside the Legacy Race Boon that is gone.

Understood - we had a few local folks make use of that boon - & the Retail Support GM Incentive boon also allowed for a Legacy access.

It seems like most of those were used as boosters for the races that had Admittance boons found on various chronicle sheets (that +2 is awfully tempting).

Perhaps I'll see more of those races locally once the Legacy race barrier is lifted.


Joe Jungers wrote:

Perhaps I'll see more of those races locally once the Legacy race barrier is lifted.

(i.e. NOW!)

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

Kasathas are very rare - we have more Half-Orcs than Kasathas - followed by Ysoki.

Mechanics are by far the rarest class, then technomancer and mystic.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Korasha Lashunta The Male/Dwarf like Lashunta. Their stats are good for melee characters but vesk are so much better at being melee characters.

I think they're actually very good at it, because they don't pigeonhole you into being a dumb brute. Korasha are the only core race with a strength bonus and no intelligence penalty. On top of that, you get the sweet +2/+2 floating skill bonus. This enables you to play in the skill game too, which is very important.


Apart from that, kasatha are indeed super-rare. I really want to make them work but they're just a bit awkwardly statted. The four arms are only useful if you carry big guns or swords, but the intelligence penalty is very painful if you play a class with few skill points. For classes with many skill points, the four arms and strength bonus don't do much.

Dataphiles 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Netherlands

Nils Janson wrote:


Kasathas are very rare - we have more Half-Orcs than Kasathas - followed by Ysoki.

Mechanics are by far the rarest class, then technomancer and mystic.

Yeah we have almost no Kasathas, but then we have loads of Technomancers...we did a 4 table special with 16 players...6 or 7 technomancers.

I rarely see Mechanics or Solarians in the Netherlands. Lots of unique races which is awesome, we've had a table with only 1 core race before (out of 5) that was super cool!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

I think Solarians are starting to show up more now. They got bad press in the beginning but the thought is emerging that the level 5 ability bump makes MAD classes more doable.

In general we have waves. At first it was all operatives, then all technomancers, sometimes all soldiers, yesterday all mystics...

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

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I agree about the waves phenomena. Because our Dreamers Starfinder crowd are such hard core regulars, I wound up putting Cosmo -- my shirren Star Shaman mystic -- effectively on ice because there were two other regular mystics playing (two very different builds, though) and I thought that having a third mystic at a table was BAD idea.

Now both the others have graduated out of Tier 1-4 and I can start playing Cosmo again! Last week I even cosplayed him with his antennae and his many, many, terrible disguises. It was fun.

Wayfinders 1/5 5/5

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Around here we see plenty of Envoys and Mystics, as well as Soldiers. My team seems to be happy with me being a battlefield medic Envoy, since it can really help keep them in the battle.

We have several halflings in the mix, though androids also seem to be popular.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

Starfinder in general is rare where I am, as much as I try to promote it. I'm thinking of doing some of it online instead.

Outside of pregens... we don't tend to see Kasathas either. Or Shirren really.

For a home game I ran, we did have a Phrenic Adept, though the player wasn't able to come due to a health emergency. It was a level 10 build of Nausicaa as a Soldier with some psychic abilities.

But otherwise the only Archetype I've seen is my own Starknight Soldier.

Grand Lodge 3/5

as far as a i know, i have the only Wrickreechee in my area at least, as it came with the Alien Archive boon.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

I would say Kasathas are the rarest around here of the core races.
Classes I see all of them.

Acquisitives 5/5

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Selvaxri wrote:

as far as a i know, i have the only Wrickreechee in my area at least, as it came with the Alien Archive boon.

I very nearly played my recent Envoy as a Wrikreechee, but then I traded for a Witchwyrd boon at SkalCon, which worked better for the particular circumstances.

I would really like to play a Wrikreechee with Barricade, Antagonize, and Not in the Face! though. Just hide behind stuff and say mean things, then apologize profusely when they come over to confront you about it.

the funny thing is I also play the only arcane assailant since real alchemy stopped playing in my area.

not a lot of people have started their AA characters it seems I know a bunch of those sheets got done but I dont see a lot. Making my Mollusk even more unique

I also dont see a lot of Kasatha anything (I have seen more wytchwierds than Kasatha)

and yes almost all the mystics I see are star shaman.

However around here unlike Nils we have far more mechanics than technomancers

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Doctor Zorkfeld wrote:
Selvaxri wrote:

as far as a i know, i have the only Wrickreechee in my area at least, as it came with the Alien Archive boon.

I very nearly played my recent Envoy as a Wrikreechee, but then I traded for a Witchwyrd boon at SkalCon, which worked better for the particular circumstances.

I would really like to play a Wrikreechee with Barricade, Antagonize, and Not in the Face! though. Just hide behind stuff and say mean things, then apologize profusely when they come over to confront you about it.

My Wrikree uses barricade so I might just find a way to add antagonize

5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Netherlands—Utrecht

CptJames wrote:
I rarely see Mechanics or Solarians in the Netherlands. Lots of unique races which is awesome, we've had a table with only 1 core race before (out of 5) that was super cool!

I have a Mechanic statted up, if we did more tier 1-4 scenarios he'd finally be able to come out and play... :P

Wayfinders 1/5 5/5

Kingbrendarr wrote:

the funny thing is I also play the only arcane assailant since real alchemy stopped playing in my area.

not a lot of people have started their AA characters it seems I know a bunch of those sheets got done but I dont see a lot. Making my Mollusk even more unique

I also dont see a lot of Kasatha anything (I have seen more wytchwierds than Kasatha)

and yes almost all the mystics I see are star shaman.

However around here unlike Nils we have far more mechanics than technomancers

My Ryphorian is ready, as soon as certain other changes to allowed races occurr.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Spellcasters seem to be the rarity in my area.

Dataphiles 5/55/55/5

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

At my store, Gaming Goat, we have only seen Kasathas when new players use the premade Solarian, and even then that's a bit of a rarity in it's own right. Admittedly, it is a smaller crowd at the Goat so I feel like the results are skewed since it's mostly my regulars that play. I've seen more Barathu action then I've seen Kasatha, if that's telling.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

the game i played in yesterday had:

half-orc operative (me)
shirren mystic
android solarian
halfling solarian

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

Two solarians? AWESOME!


Exo-Guardians 1/5 5/5

Two Solarians can really have a big effect in certain situations. Especially with two tech types.

Ratrod found that out the hard way.

And judging by the posts here, the Kasatha aren't really popular anywhere that someone has posted from.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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I think its the let down

"YEs! finally! four arms! two great swords here I come...."

"Erm. No. Not how that works "

"awww.. that species BITES then"

Scarab Sages 2/5 5/55/55/55/5

I've definitely played at a few tables with a Kasatha or two. They don't seem as popular as some of the other options though. I wonder how much of that is a dearth of good pawns?

5/5 5/55/55/5

Belabras wrote:
I've definitely played at a few tables with a Kasatha or two. They don't seem as popular as some of the other options though. I wonder how much of that is a dearth of good pawns?



Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

Two solarians? AWESOME!


one was armor, the other weapon.

although, it was odd playing starfinder where the best computer skill score amongst the 4 characters was '2'


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Belabras wrote:
I've definitely played at a few tables with a Kasatha or two. They don't seem as popular as some of the other options though. I wonder how much of that is a dearth of good pawns?

A dearth of good prawns is why I haven't played my wrikreechee yet.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

As primarily a GM, I was not able to earn my Barathu in time.

4/5 *

Lau Bannenberg wrote:

I think Solarians are starting to show up more now. They got bad press in the beginning but the thought is emerging that the level 5 ability bump makes MAD classes more doable.

In general we have waves. At first it was all operatives, then all technomancers, sometimes all soldiers, yesterday all mystics...

My solarian has been on hold for a while, partly because I play more Pathfinder than Starfinder, but Stavian IX will appear again at some point, trying to restore the Glory of Lost Taldor with his glowy blue falcata.

Dataphiles 5/55/55/5

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Dracomicron wrote:
Belabras wrote:
I've definitely played at a few tables with a Kasatha or two. They don't seem as popular as some of the other options though. I wonder how much of that is a dearth of good pawns?
A dearth of good prawns is why I haven't played my wrikreechee yet.

Dracomicron... Roll for damage the next time I see you lol


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Andrew Wells wrote:
Dracomicron wrote:
Belabras wrote:
I've definitely played at a few tables with a Kasatha or two. They don't seem as popular as some of the other options though. I wonder how much of that is a dearth of good pawns?
A dearth of good prawns is why I haven't played my wrikreechee yet.
Dracomicron... Roll for damage the next time I see you lol

I think my work here is done anyway *brushes off hands*

Dark Archive 2/5 5/55/5

How does one get the Ferran and Woioko boon? I had not heard of these races till this post. haha

Acquisitives 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

1 person marked this as a favorite.

"Any other Elebrians out there?"
Zo! Jr. asks.

2/5 5/5 **

meepothegreat wrote:
How does one get the Ferran and Woioko boon? I had not heard of these races till this post. haha

Online Megaregion Convention GM Boon.

Dark Archive 2/5 5/55/5

Blake's Tiger wrote:
meepothegreat wrote:
How does one get the Ferran and Woioko boon? I had not heard of these races till this post. haha
Online Megaregion Convention GM Boon.

Weird, so you have to GM for an online convention? Another thing I never realized existed.

Dark Archive 2/5 5/55/5

Zo! Jr. wrote:

"Any other Elebrians out there?"

Zo! Jr. asks.

I have one! But they rarely come out to play...I still need to share my boon sheet with someone too.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

Zo! Jr. wrote:

"Any other Elebrians out there?"

Zo! Jr. asks.

I have one but he/she/they still exist in a quantum uncertainity state.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

Zo! Jr. wrote:

"Any other Elebrians out there?"

Zo! Jr. asks.

"My boy! He's the spitting image of me!" The most famous vidstar in the Pact Worlds poses with his 'son'. "Looking good and dressed to the nines!"

Acquisitives 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Zo! wrote:
Zo! Jr. wrote:

"Any other Elebrians out there?"

Zo! Jr. asks.

"My boy! He's the spitting image of me!" The most famous vidstar in the Pact Worlds poses with his 'son'. "Looking good and dressed to the nines!"

"Dad! How is it going? This resort trips sucks."

As he was played in Signal of screams

Acquisitives 5/55/55/5

Zo! Jr. wrote:

"Any other Elebrians out there?"

Zo! Jr. asks.

Uncle? That you?

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