
Sunny Simar's page

47 posts. Organized Play character for thistledown.

Full Name

Sunny Simar


|SP 24/24 HP 25/25 |RP 6 |EAC 18 KAC 19|Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +5 |Init +5 |Per +5


Speed 30


NG Female Human Solarion 2 / Soldier 1

About Sunny Simar

Female human solar disciple solarian 2/soldier 1
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5
Defense SP 24 HP 25 RP 6
EAC 18; KAC 19
Fort +6; Ref +6; Will +5
Defensive Abilities solar manifestation (solar armor); Resist electricity 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee longsword +4 (1d8+1 S; analog)
Ranged azimuth artillery laser +9 (1d10+3 F; critical burn 1d6; penetrating) or
. . light reaction cannon +9 (1d10+3 P; penetrating)
Offensive Abilities black hole, primary fighting style (sharpshooter), sniper’s aim, supernova
Str 12 (+1); Dex 20 (+5); Con 12 (+1); Int 10 (+0); Wis 11 (+0); Cha 10 (+0)
Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +4, Computers +4 (1 ranks), Culture +5, Diplomacy +4, Intimidate +4, Mysticism +5, Perception +5, Piloting +10 (2 ranks), Profession (video Personality) +9 (+10 to earn a living), Sense Motive +4
(reduce the DC of Physical Science checks by 5 when recalling knowledge about scientific questions concerning the sun and light by 5; reduce the DC of Mysticism checks by 5 when recalling knowledge about sun-focused religions, the Elemental Plane of Fire, and the Positive Energy Plane)
Feats Divine Blessing, Weapon Focus (heavy weapons), Weapon Specialization (heavy weapons)

Divine Blessing (Sarenrae): First hit each round, half the Fire damage I deal is instead Holy damage

Weapon Specialization is a Taken feat instead of free, because Solarions aren't inherently proficient in Heavy Weapons.

Languages Celestial, Common, Eoxian, Ignan
Other Abilities constructive interference, known quality, publicist, stellar mode

Constructive Interference: When Solar Armor active (always) gain resist electricity 5 or resist sonic 5. When attuned, doubled. Typically pick Electricity.
Stellar mode: Attune for +1 ref or +1 damage
Sniper's Aim: Reduce cover penalties by 2

Combat Gear mk I serum of healing; Other Gear graphite carbon skin (upgrade: infrared sensors), azimuth artillery laser with 2 batteries (20 charges each), light reaction cannon with 6 heavy rounds, 10 heavy rounds, longsword, beacon, ceremonial clothing, computer (tier 1, artificial personality, miniaturization), fire extinguisher, flashlight, holy text book, hygiene kit, industrial backpack, lighter, mk 1 ring of resistance, party clothing, professional's tools, reconfigurable clothing (zero-G, high-G, radiation, professional, & simar uniform) , religious symbol, starstone compass, titanium alloy cable (10 ft.), credstick (3,677 credits); Augmentations mk 1 ability crystal (dexterity)

Faction Acquisitives Champion
Ally Publicist: +1 to profession
Social Known Quality: Multiply Total Earnings on Day Jobs by Acq Tier (2)
Promotional Promotional Reroll (Shirt)
Personal ...
Starship Hero of the Stars
Slotless Starfinder Insignia, Marked Field Agent, Star Sugar Heartlove!!!,

Available For Ally I could instead use Basic Hireling for Computer, Engineering, & Physical Science.

Theme Song
Updated art!

Bot Me!:

Solar Attunes for +1 damage (not included in stats)
Mainly stays at range and uses the Artillery Laser, switching to cannon in smoke or things much more susceptible to kinetic damage.
[dice=Artillery Laser]d20+9[/dice]. Ignore 2 cover
[dice=holy/fire]d10+3[/dice]. Ignore 1 hardness.
[dice=critical burn]d6[/dice]

[dice=Reaction Cannon]d20+9[/dice]. Ignore 2 cover
[dice=piercing]d10+3[/dice]. Ignore 1 hardness.

Prefers to disengage from melee and keep shooting, but will use longsword if pressed.

Her supernova is easy to dodge, so she doesn't use it much.
[dice=Supernova holy/fire]3d6[/dice] {Reflex 11 half}