What's something weird that annoys you?

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Pouncing and poo slingin'!

That was my country album!

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

"It's pronounced tree-BOO-kay*." - Hyacinth Bucket

* Yes, I know it's actually pronounced tre-BOO-shay.

I like to tell people:

"Actually, it's 'PRO-nunce'."

Also, my MA advisor used to say "Don't you hate it when you're speaking Classical Latin and suddenly realize you're pronouncing everything like Church Latin?" People thought he was really stuffy. I was the first person who laughed at the joke in 20 years. We got along good.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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If you see a newspaper or video article with the headline "Quaker tears person's arm off and beats them with it for repeatedly jabbing elevator buttons," that will have been me.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Truefax. It was Penn who said, "A true friend unbosoms freely, advises justly, assists readily, adventures boldly, takes all patiently, defends courageously, and never F!*@ING PRESSES A BUTTON ON AN ELEVATOR MORE THAN ONCE, for the LOVE OF GOD, George, STOP IT!!"

EDIT: Did quibblemuch's post disappear or am I going crazy and there never was one? I was replying to him. And now the first paragraph makes no sense but I'm afraid to delete it in case I create a deeper time paradox.

When I listen to a live recording of a favorite song and the artist/band slips in snippets of other songs before coming back to the original song. I want to hear ALL of the songs, not just bits.

When someone (Dad) repeatedly puts the wrong stuff in the compost bin or the recyclables can so I have to fish it out. After I have politely, calmly explained it for each more than four times, I have to now consider it deliberate.

If nothing else, just do it as an easy little thing to make me happy?

I have to do this, too. My son and his roommate who live with me, FOR NOW, don't pay attention to what goes where. Nor do half of my gaming group. Every weekend we game I have to dig through what they leave behind.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

When someone (Dad) repeatedly puts the wrong stuff in the compost bin or the recyclables can so I have to fish it out. After I have politely, calmly explained it for each more than four times, I have to now consider it deliberate.

If nothing else, just do it as an easy little thing to make me happy?

Someone does this at work. In a greening initiative, our trash cans were replaced by compost and recycling bins (trash cans are in the hall nearby for actual waste). He resents having his waste basket taken so he just throws all trash into all bins. I have tried to explain that this "protest" reaches no one and only makes the EVS staff's job harder, but to no avail. At least in my case it doesn't make my own job harder, but still. (And mind, I wish we also just had trash cans--I like the concept they're trying but the execution is lacking.)

DeathQuaker wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

When someone (Dad) repeatedly puts the wrong stuff in the compost bin or the recyclables can so I have to fish it out. After I have politely, calmly explained it for each more than four times, I have to now consider it deliberate.

If nothing else, just do it as an easy little thing to make me happy?

Someone does this at work. In a greening initiative, our trash cans were replaced by compost and recycling bins (trash cans are in the hall nearby for actual waste). He resents having his waste basket taken so he just throws all trash into all bins. I have tried to explain that this "protest" reaches no one and only makes the EVS staff's job harder, but to no avail. At least in my case it doesn't make my own job harder, but still. (And mind, I wish we also just had trash cans--I like the concept they're trying but the execution is lacking.)

I've met a fair few people like this. Almost universally they seem to be personally opposed to any sort of "green"/"environmental" procedures and this may be just as much a personal protest against that as it is annoyance over losing the general trash container.

I am NOT starting a religious discussion, but just passing along an anecdote. One of my players lives with her elderly mom and stepdad and steadfastly refuses to recycle because, and this is an actual quote, "The Rapture will be here soon so who cares?"

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I am NOT starting a religious discussion, but just passing along an anecdote. One of my players lives with her elderly mom and stepdad and steadfastly refuses to recycle because, and this is an actual quote, "The Rapture will be here soon so who cares?"

Define "soon" for me...

Like, tomorrow? Or are we talking "soon" on the cosmic scale? Perhaps only one or two eons away? Are we talking before or after the sun goes supernova on us? Do you have a calendar you can provide to the rest of us?

Monkey Santa...I think we need a ruling on this one.

I'm not sure what the right "soon" is. But she believes every day it could happen that day. But that's enough on that. I don't want this to go down an ecclesiastical rabbit hole and get the thread locked.

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Too keep the religion/politics down, let's just say this is far from a new argument.

Possibly too religious/political:
I've seen that argument used for everything from "don't bother recycling" to "who cares about global warming" to "I'm not only going to pull my kids out of public school, but refuse to actually teach them in homeschool, because they're not going to live long enough for it to matter before the Rapture hits".

That last one was actually the source of a lawsuit, it got so common that the Board of Education had to take the parents to court over failing to see to their children's education in any way.

Wow! That's pretty incredible.

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Hey, I'm just trying to plan my weekend here. I don't want to get someone's hopes up if I'm not actually going to show up at all. Or if I do show up and they're not there...I mean...maybe they're just at the store?

Seriously, not trying to cause an argument. Just trying to figure out the logistics one would use if one truly believed the rapture was coming on an "any day now" basis. I think I'd probably be homeless in that case.

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From almost every theology I'm aware of on the subject, if the Rapture were to happen, everyone - literally everyone on the entire planet - would know. Loud trumpets, heavenly phenomena, the works.

I've never been a part of a church whose theology included the Rapture (in the sense of "God/Jesus will come back, take away only his faithful worshipers, and leave the rest of humanity to suffer for a few years before coming back a second time") but I have been extensively around those with the mindset of "the Second Coming (and ensuing End of the World) could happen at literally any moment, or it could be eons away, we'll never know until it happens". The basic logic that followed was "live every moment as if eternity could begin in the next".

For a small exception that did mean "never make any long-term plans beyond maybe the next day or two" but for most it didn't seem to change their behavior (though they often objected to forethought-based ideas like recycling and climate change prevention on other grounds).

Dark Archive

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I'm not sure what the right "soon" is. But she believes every day it could happen that day. But that's enough on that. I don't want this to go down an ecclesiastical rabbit hole and get the thread locked.

A couple thousand years ago the Rapture was going to happen 'within the lifetime of some here today.' I'm not gonna hold my breath...

At some point, one has to stop looking out towards Avalon and waiting for Arthur to come back and fix everything for us, and start doing some things for ourselves.

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Set wrote:
At some point, one has to stop looking out towards Avalon and waiting for Arthur to come back and fix everything for us, and start doing some things for ourselves.


*Patrick Stewart yells this in Excalibur. Sir Patrick also played Gurney Halleck in Dune, another great movie about messianic yelling. The more you know**.

**Not actually affiliated with NBC's The More You Know campaign.

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Orthos wrote:
"live every moment as if eternity could begin in the next".

Good words to live by.

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When you're hanging out with friends, laughing and joking, having great conversations while getting to know everyone better...

And someone brings out their acoustic guitar, expecting all conversation to stop so everyone can start singing to whatever tunes they know. It sounds very hippy, but I feel like it's a pretty common occurrence.

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And there’s only one proper response.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Tableflip McRagequit wrote:
And there’s only one proper response.

Without clicking that link... it's Bluto in Animal House, isn't it?

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I see you’ve been classically trained...

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Andostre wrote:

When you're hanging out with friends, laughing and joking, having great conversations while getting to know everyone better...

And someone brings out their acoustic guitar, expecting all conversation to stop so everyone can start singing to whatever tunes they know. It sounds very hippy, but I feel like it's a pretty common occurrence.

Fortunately, none of my close friends do this as no one knows how to play. My son is a musician but he rarely does this sort of thing, and even then it's just to talk techniques with another musician. The whole "Koom Bay Ya" thing doesn't happen.

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Killer_GM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
"live every moment as if eternity could begin in the next".
Good words to live by.

It loses a lot of its luster after the fifth or sixth time your preacher ends his sermon or the service by randomly shouting "Look, it's the Lord!" or something similar, then following that heart-attack-inducing interruption with questions and such along the lines of "If that had been true where would you be now?" or similar comments.

I could go another thirty years not having to deal with that again.

Also I imagine that phrase means something a lot different to me and members of the churches I grew up in and similar denominations. I'm sure there's many who would translate that as something akin to "make every moment of your life meaningful or memorable", or "don't waste time on pointless or unpleasant things because that's time you're never going to get back".

What it actually meant for us was "Be on your best behavior always, every second of every day, so you don't die unexpectedly and end up in Hell."

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Conversion by terror. Good plan.

It's how the fundamentals do.

I'm aware. I've never seen it happen in the church I used to attend, thankfully.

People who use “methodology” as a synonym for “method.”

ConanTheGrammarian wrote:
People who use “methodology” as a synonym for “method.”

My understanding is that there's only a difference if you're referring to professional/academic research or philosophy, where "methodology" has a distinct separate meaning than "method." But in more general usage outside of those fields... there's hardly any difference between the two words.

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I don't know if it's a weird thing, but I just read a post from someone on FB trying to politicize the latest gun violence tragedy. This goes beyond annoyance.

Cal....do I really want to know...because if you really want to tell me I'd suggest a PM.

Sovereign Court

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Andostre wrote:

When you're hanging out with friends, laughing and joking, having great conversations while getting to know everyone better...

And someone brings out their acoustic guitar, expecting all conversation to stop so everyone can start singing to whatever tunes they know. It sounds very hippy, but I feel like it's a pretty common occurrence.

Fortunately, none of my close friends do this as no one knows how to play. My son is a musician but he rarely does this sort of thing, and even then it's just to talk techniques with another musician. The whole "Koom Bay Ya" thing doesn't happen.

That is not fortunate at all. I long for the times that music was common place in homes and taught in schools. Music is really good for the soul and everyone should participate, IMO. To me, it's weird and annoying that people shun impromptu performances and find them annoying...

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I actually don't mind when people do impromptu musical bits in my house or if I'm at a friend's. It's when they look and stare directly at me while they play like they expect some acknowledgment of their playing. It kinda creeps me out.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

People who talk crap about karaoke performers. I have a friend that is a professional musician that does this. He states that people that aren't good singers shouldn't be doing karaoke. When people like him talk crap about karaoke performers it's like a professional basketball player going down to the local park and talking crap about the people playing hoops there. If you don't want to hear it, don't go to places where karaoke is performed. Karaoke isn't for you; it's for the rest of us.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Andostre wrote:

When you're hanging out with friends, laughing and joking, having great conversations while getting to know everyone better...

And someone brings out their acoustic guitar, expecting all conversation to stop so everyone can start singing to whatever tunes they know. It sounds very hippy, but I feel like it's a pretty common occurrence.

I run in/have run in some hippie circles where spontaneous guitars happen, but I've never... okay, /seldom/ encountered someone expecting everyone to drop everything to listen to them. That's weird. Sometimes people will pick up a guitar to strum but it's not like "everybody sing now or die!" usually it's just noodling around and strumming in the background. There is stuff like at a party someone in one room picks up an instrument and starts singing but people who don't want to get involved just don't stay in that room (and it's not like they're dominating the one nice room to be in or something). The only time everybody is watching/singing/expected to when it's a planned jam session.

Yeah, there's occasionally been that narcissistic dude who sort of acts like they're doing a command performance, but on the rare occasion usually everybody just leaves. I've not encountered chronic guitar a&%+~&*s on a regular basis.

I remember when I was in college (long long ago) I liked to sit around and play my mandolin (like starting off by myself, but sitting under a tree or whatever so it is possible someone else might pass by), and someone would ask me to sing something... and so then, upon request would start singing something... and then I'd get, "No, not that, sing THIS THING..." and it became sing-on-demand. And then I couldn't play at all without providing a whole slew of stuff I didn't really want to play/sing. Or I'd say, "Okay, but let me play this for you first," and they'd be all pissy about my wanting to pick my own songs to sing and act bored; and/or just be super pushy about what song they wanted to hear. In the mid-90s, I started developing a semi-violent reaction to anyone requesting "Closer to Fine" by the Indigo Girls in particular (great song, got really sick of it/being asked to play it). That would get frustrating. Yes of course I could leave and of course I could tell people no, but it was hard to do. And admittedly flattering when people asked you to play, but after awhile you felt like someone's karaoke machine (such folk usually sang along and loudly and out of tune) rather than a performer they individually saw value in.

As for karaoke, as a singer--f++@ the dude who talks crap about them. Karaoke is fun.

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Pan wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Andostre wrote:

When you're hanging out with friends, laughing and joking, having great conversations while getting to know everyone better...

And someone brings out their acoustic guitar, expecting all conversation to stop so everyone can start singing to whatever tunes they know. It sounds very hippy, but I feel like it's a pretty common occurrence.

Fortunately, none of my close friends do this as no one knows how to play. My son is a musician but he rarely does this sort of thing, and even then it's just to talk techniques with another musician. The whole "Koom Bay Ya" thing doesn't happen.
That is not fortunate at all. I long for the times that music was common place in homes and taught in schools. Music is really good for the soul and everyone should participate, IMO. To me, it's weird and annoying that people shun impromptu performances and find them annoying...

At the risk of being cruelly blunt, most people who do those kinds of impromptu performances suck at it. It's usually like listening to tortured cats.

Nothing quicker to get me to vacate a room or go looking for my headphones.

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Vanykrye wrote:

I don't care if it's an acoustic or an electric, I'm not down with spontaneous musical avocado performances.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
I don't care if it's an acoustic or an electric, I'm not down with spontaneous musical avocado performances.

What about mangos?

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I remember the Weebles video for Trevor the Wizard. It was on a loop that would play for over an hour and my son, when he was much younger, absolutely loved it.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Everyone loves Magical Trevor!

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I've heard that the tricks that he does are ever so clever!

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Look at him now, he's disappearing a cow.

Where is that cow? Hidden right now.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
I don't care if it's an acoustic or an electric, I'm not down with spontaneous musical avocado performances.


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Orthos wrote:
Pan wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Andostre wrote:

When you're hanging out with friends, laughing and joking, having great conversations while getting to know everyone better...

And someone brings out their acoustic guitar, expecting all conversation to stop so everyone can start singing to whatever tunes they know. It sounds very hippy, but I feel like it's a pretty common occurrence.

Fortunately, none of my close friends do this as no one knows how to play. My son is a musician but he rarely does this sort of thing, and even then it's just to talk techniques with another musician. The whole "Koom Bay Ya" thing doesn't happen.
That is not fortunate at all. I long for the times that music was common place in homes and taught in schools. Music is really good for the soul and everyone should participate, IMO. To me, it's weird and annoying that people shun impromptu performances and find them annoying...

At the risk of being cruelly blunt, most people who do those kinds of impromptu performances suck at it. It's usually like listening to tortured cats.

Nothing quicker to get me to vacate a room or go looking for my headphones.

The best way to make someone sound better is to join them. I'm dead serious.

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World's most interesting Pan wrote:
The best way to make someone sound better is to join them. I'm dead serious.

Oh my sweet summer child, you've never heard me sing. It's even more terrible than my dancing.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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I hear she avocados great, though.

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