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chokehold seems to be the worst feat for grappling ive seen yet. it allows me to pin a target 1 size over me, which i can do anyway, just to let me stop them from talking? most casters cant handle the 35 concentration check to cast in melee with my guy at bab 6 (or monk 5)in the first place.
so why would i need to choke them? i guess if it stopped biting and breath weapons i would say its better, but they still can do those things.
assuming the npc has a 15 con would get 30 rounds of me choking them before they even got close to suffocation...
now with all that griping up above my rules question is this,
if im punching, kicking, tickeling or dunking there head beneath the water would that effect how many rounds they can hold their breath?
would a dirty trick, or any trick, help my character in shortening those rounds to make the suffocation an actual event in a normal combat?
im not seeing a feasible way to stay on someone for 30 rounds choking them, when most combats end at 10 or fewer rounds. especially when i can just hog-tie them and move on to the next target.

Talonhawke |

Actually assuming they fight back it's only 1 rnd per con before suffocation since any standard or full round actions burn an extra round if air.
Best bet us to combine it with later feats such as stunning pin and neck breaker to force them out sooner.
The real question is why is this a 14th level bonus feat for the tetori. By that time if I wanted it I promise I would already have just taken it.

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huh i didnt think about stunning pin, that would work well. but now im seeing the issue of them making the fort save to often.
** actually i just re re re read stunned, and i dont think this would assist with the suffocation at all.
"A stunned creature drops everything held, can't take actions, takes a –2 penalty to AC, and loses its Dexterity bonus to AC (if any).
Attackers receive a +4 bonus on attack rolls to perform combat maneuvers against a stunned opponent."
i dont think holding your breath would take an action.

Slivan "Sli" Simmeran |

Yeah it doesn't take as long as one might think to choke someone out esp if you have the choke in deep and correct. Also a choke doesn't restrict airflow just blood flow to the brain.
How would you handle a player attempting a triangle choke?
Example, An orc trips and grapples a PC. The orc is on top of the PC but the PC is trained in jiu jitsu so he has the ability to fight off his back and wants to set up a triangle choke.