[HERO] Re-Recruiting for a HERO based Transformers game here on the forums


We recently lost a player in our Transformers game. It's using the HERO system, and is far enough in that I personally feel it's going well. I need someone to take over the existing character, or submit a new character. I'll take up to 2 players, if there's interest.

The game is here

Previous experience with HERO is not required. If you have played GURPS, the dice rolling will be very similar, all d6. If you've played HERO before, then all the better.

The PC's have recently crash landed on Earth, and have been slowly trying to repair their ship without being noticed by the Humans. However, they have just now gotten into a 3-way battle between US special forces, a Decepticon scoutship, and themselves.

There may be opportunity to bring in new character's relatively soon.


I expressed interest in the interest thread before, though know nothing of HERO but a lot about Transformers. If you're up for teaching me the system I'd be in

That's not a problem, I have a document up that goes through the basics of the system, and myself and one of the other players are doing explanations in the comments of the game.

Would you be interested in taking over an existing NPC or playing a new character? By taking over, you'd mostly just be taking the name and being a flying autobot, you could change the details of the character given how little they posted (and altering vehicle mode isn't that big a deal).

I don't know the rules at all either been a blast so far, very cool combo between Gameplay and Narrative by MDT.

Depends -whats the name? Lol


Dotting, what's the deadline for coming up with something new?

For new characters, next Wednesday. As per the original recruitment thread (see the link above), I'm looking for concepts first.

Player in the game, here. I'm having a good time, and the other characters are all very well portrayed by their players. It's a good mix of narrative and characterization by the players, and so far has had quite a bit of what Megatron might refer to as "such heroic nonsense."

Give it a look!

thanks for the link to the new recruitment post MDT. Been missing myself some Hero System for a long time.

Name : Havoc
Classification : Solider / spy / multichanger
Allegiance : Autobot
Background : Build to be an solider / infiltrator, he was eventually caught. Decepticons thought they could turn him to their side and use his strength through reprogramming. Put in stasis to hold him they never got the chance to finish as an Autobot assault on the complex unknowingly freed him. Confused, disorientated and realizing his increased aggressive nature after destroying sever Decepticon guards he fled on his own to try to sort things out. (Not yet sure how he would have got to earth?)
Personality : Not normally aggressive, he does enjoy getting into fights, but the longer he is forced to fight now the more aggressive he becomes. I can see him developing a taste for human music.
Gendered? : Male
Vehicle Mode(s) : ’67 Shelby Mustang GT500, F-14 Tomcat, Beast (eventually), Human (eventually)
Vehicle Mode Image (If possible) Shelby , F-14D,
Robot Mode Image (If possible)
Special abilities/Weapons/Fighting Style/Role on the team
Special abilities: some kind of mimicking circuit and advanced mass alteration for infiltration, Multichanger, rage mode
Weapons: blasters, missiles, melee blades
Fighting style: fast and precise until entering rage mode, then anything goes brute force
Role: solider and spy

PS I don't have the books for this so I hope we can work this out.

if the other Fellow wants to take over Warhawk then I have a new character build idea.
Name :Sabre
Classification : Warrior
Allegiance : Autobot/Arialbot
Background :A young Autobot out to prove he is just as good as the legends if not more. Originally Forged to perform the role of advanced scout and recon for forward posts. Identifying targets for command. This is fine with him but it's not a glorious job. You dont get recorded in the history records because you accurately scouted a Decipticon Energon storage facility, or weapons depot. So he is waiting for that perfect event to happen. And He'll know it when he sees it.
Personality :Fast Paced, Always in the moment, Tactically Accurate (thats 4 Decipticon Combaticons and 1 Constructicon not 5 Decepticons) because sparks depend on it.
Gendered? : Male
Vehicle Mode(s) : AH-1J Super Cobra
Vehicle Mode Image AH-1J Super Cobra
Robot Mode Image Bot Form
Special abilities/Weapons/Fighting Style/Role on the team: Sabre has a single 1 hand long blade and 2 short blade weapons,(rotor blades) his nose cannon rotates to his right shoulder. 2 single shot launchers 1 per side in heli mode on left forearm in Bot mode. He is equipped with flares and electronic counter measures, and smoke launcher. close combat/support fighter. His weapons are Ballistic types not Energy types as they could interfere with his countermeasures. He is not a toe to toe slugfest fighter but can hold his own if he has to for a bit. Get to the info and get it back to who needs it. He enjoys fooling the enemy into thinking he is not there, instead of trying to be invisible.

spacefurry wrote:

Name : Havoc

Classification : Solider / spy / multichanger
Allegiance : Autobot
Background : Build to be an solider / infiltrator, he was eventually caught. Decepticons thought they could turn him to their side and use his strength through reprogramming. Put in stasis to hold him they never got the chance to finish as an Autobot assault on the complex unknowingly freed him. Confused, disorientated and realizing his increased aggressive nature after destroying sever Decepticon guards he fled on his own to try to sort things out. (Not yet sure how he would have got to earth?)
Personality : Not normally aggressive, he does enjoy getting into fights, but the longer he is forced to fight now the more aggressive he becomes. I can see him developing a taste for human music.
Gendered? : Male
Vehicle Mode(s) : ’67 Shelby Mustang GT500, F-14 Tomcat, Beast (eventually), Human (eventually)
Vehicle Mode Image (If possible) Shelby , F-14D,
Robot Mode Image (If possible)
Special abilities/Weapons/Fighting Style/Role on the team
Special abilities: some kind of mimicking circuit and advanced mass alteration for infiltration, Multichanger, rage mode
Weapons: blasters, missiles, melee blades
Fighting style: fast and precise until entering rage mode, then anything goes brute force
Role: solider and spy

PS I don't have the books for this so I hope we can work this out.

Being a multi-changer is one special freebie, and having mass alteration is another freebie. Only Microbot/Minicons have two freebie abilities. So you couldn't be a soldier with both. You could be a soldier with one alternate form and the ability to disguise that form as a similar form (altered jet forms, or altered helicopter forms, or altered car forms, ie : mimic other Cybertronians robot/plane or robot/car forms, but not both, and shift up to one size category) or the ability to mimic multiple vehicle modes/robot mode but only for Soldiers. Not saying you couldn't pick up an advanced mass alteration circuit in game somehow, but it wouldn't be starting.

JakFalTrades wrote:

if the other Fellow wants to take over Warhawk then I have a new character build idea.

Name :Sabre
Classification : Warrior
Allegiance : Autobot/Arialbot
Background :A young Autobot out to prove he is just as good as the legends if not more. Originally Forged to perform the role of advanced scout and recon for forward posts. Identifying targets for command. This is fine with him but it's not a glorious job. You dont get recorded in the history records because you accurately scouted a Decipticon Energon storage facility, or weapons depot. So he is waiting for that perfect event to happen. And He'll know it when he sees it.
Personality :Fast Paced, Always in the moment, Tactically Accurate (thats 4 Decipticon Combaticons and 1 Constructicon not 5 Decepticons) because sparks depend on it.
Gendered? : Male
Vehicle Mode(s) : AH-1J Super Cobra
Vehicle Mode Image AH-1J Super Cobra
Robot Mode Image Bot Form
Special abilities/Weapons/Fighting Style/Role on the team: Sabre has a single 1 hand long blade and 2 short blade weapons,(rotor blades) his nose cannon rotates to his right shoulder. 2 single shot launchers 1 per side in heli mode on left forearm in Bot mode. He is equipped with flares and electronic counter measures, and smoke launcher. close combat/support fighter. His weapons are Ballistic types not Energy types as they could interfere with his countermeasures. He is not a toe to toe slugfest fighter but can hold his own if he has to for a bit. Get to the info and get it back to who needs it. He enjoys fooling the enemy into thinking he is not there, instead of trying to be invisible.

Looks good so far, what freebie did you want to pick up? If you're not sure, I'd suggest Energon Converter, given none of the others fit your concept.

As to not having books, it's ok. I have them, and an application for creating characters that does all the math, so I'll create your characters based on your desires, and then show you the character sheets, and we'll go back and forth until you like what you got.

energon convertor sounds great

Ok, if no other submissions by tomorrow, we're done.


Liberty's Edge

I expressed interest in this game when it first started, but couldn't quite wrap my head around the HERO system at the time. If you're up for helping put it together, I still have a concept in mind.

Liberty's Edge

Name : Roadrage

Classification : soldier

Role: shock trooper

Allegiance : Unaligned/Autobot leanings

Background : A cold-forged Decepticon experiment intended to be a melee monster, roadrage was set loose in the pits of Kaon and forced to fight for her life. She grew accustomed to the lifestyle but detested her imprisonment; her cold-forged nature made her ill at ease on the best of days. After losing count of the twisted wreckage that used to be her opponents, she began to lose herself to the rush of battle. An Autobot raid gave her her chance at freedom, though she made no effort to discriminate between friend and foe in her escape.

She wandered the wastes of old battlefields for a time, scavenging old energon scraps where she could find them and avoiding Cybertronians for fear of being imprisoned again. Her solitude didn't last. What she thought was a good hiding spot was engulfed in battle between Autobot and Decepticon forces; she was caught in the middle and made no qualms of tearing apart any bot that got too close. It was only when blaster shots, blades and blunt force trauma began to take their toll that she experienced something besides battle: one cybertronian, white with red accents, approached her with an energon cube in his open palm and a repair kit in his other hand. His emblem was clearly not decepticon and for the first time, Roadrage sensed someone didn't mean her harm. He called himself Ratchet. A medic, no friend of the decepticons and no hunter of rogue cybertronians, he patched her up, offered her the energon sample and invited her to join the Autobots. She declined at first, having no interest in the war, but when Decepticon reinforcements arrived to clean up, she accompanied Ratchet to the nearest Autobot base. She has since warmed up the company of other Autobots somewhat, but still hasn't chosen to officially join their war effort.

Gendered: Female

Vehicle Mode(s): big wheeled Corvette

Vehicle Mode Image: Something like this but with a slightly more armored look and some big exhaust pipes, reminiscient of the ones Hot Rod uses for wrist blasters.

Robot Mode Image: Her build would be about as bulky as the average male her size. She'd probably have the wheels outside the knees and shoulders. There's a gash of torn metal on her shoulder where she carved out and removed the decepticon emblem placed on her at her creation. Though she allowed Ratchet to repair her arm's function, she demanded that the scarring be left visible to remind her of her origin and her choice.

Special abilities/Weapons/Fighting Style/Role on the team: Roadrage was created to be a shock trooper and trained in a gladiatorial arena, thus she's learned one skill above all else: how to get her hands on an opponent and reduce him to twisted metal. She shows an almost envious interest in other, less aggressive skills and finds mechanical work particularly engaging, but her origin leaves her sometimes clumsy, with poor spatial awareness, making her, at times, the proverbial bull in a china shop. This, combined with her lack of patience makes mastery of finer skills difficult; thus she often finds herself falling back on brute force even when she'd rather not. She was forged with brutal blunt mace heads in her arms and punishing close range blasters on her wrists.

Free ability: Energon converter

Your description reminded me of this one

And as stated, we have several people who know the system, and several learning. A quick perusal of the thread should have you finding the tutorial document (link at top of game page), and in thread explanations of how the rules work as they come up.

Thanks for the interest all. I've gotten feedback from most of the players. Unfortunately, Spacefurry didn't get back to me on how they wanted to change their concept based on my feedback.

Given the feedback I got, and the lack of response, we're going to be going with Sabre and Roadrage for now.

JacFalTrades, Daynen, can you both make an alt for the game, and then check in on the game threads. I'll help you make your characters as soon as I have a few minutes free. It'll be a bit before you can join in anyway.

Spacefurry, if you wish, I'm happy to keep you on a list to contact should an opening come up in the future.

Bumping this in case the players didn't see it, given the better part of the last two weeks have been dead space on the forums.

alias made and man is their forum maintenance take forever.

Community / Forums / Online Campaigns / Recruitment / [HERO] Re-Recruiting for a HERO based Transformers game here on the forums All Messageboards

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