Community-Created Resources?

Doomsday Dawn Game Master Feedback

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Is there now or can there be a sub-forum for Community-Created resources? Some central place where GMs (and players?) can post shareable documents such as form-fillable character sheets, rules cheat sheets, GM Screen material, maps for various tools, or anything else which creative playtesters might cobble together to help streamline game play?

I'd support this.

I know I'm planning to make a fillable character sheet with auto-calculations/toggles using google sheets. Just gotta finish reading the CRB and make a bunch of updates to my pre-release draft.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Agreed. I see a lot of people creating things, but they're scattered all over the place.

Yes please!

I have:

1. Tokens for all the enemies in A Lost Star, including a unique token for each Goblin.

2. Extra tokens to run the game with 5 players.

3. Maps.

4. Handouts!

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